[X] [Recruit] Mass recruitment (+6 Martial, -2 Econ, -2 Econ Expansion, -2 Centralization, additional effects)
[X] [Strategy] Drive them south-east
[X] [Library] Evolve a random value other than Love of Wisdom
[X] [Boats] Increase size while maintaining portability

Mass recruitment will give us the citizen soldiery and the manpower to drive them southeast.

Metal will give us even more iron.

The boats will allow us to deploy the boats deeply into nomad land while also pushing trade further.

I'm worried about centralization, though. We need to spam trails next turn, I think. But in the interim we are vulnerable to ambitious chiefs and natural disasters.

Edit: Changed Library vote because our MatSci is already fantastic for this era. We gain more from social advances.
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[X] [Recruit] Smaller recruitment (+3 Martial, potential additional effects)
[X] [Strategy] Drive them south-east
[X] [Library] Evolve a random value other than Love of Wisdom
[X] [Boats] New design: Emphasize size

Guys how big do you think boats can get when they need to be portable too. Not that big, any increase in size would be margina at best.

We need a new design that can carry huge number of soldiers to the steppes like our Heroic King was musing in the update.
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Social Values (3/3)
Divine Stewards
Through the blessings of the spirits and the efforts of the People, the land is reshaped, and its management and protection is a good above all others. No effort is to great when it comes to the stewardship of the land.
Pros: Bonuses to all actions relating to land management, bonuses when fighting on own terrain, additional Econ and Stability whenever completing a land management type Megaproject, may spend Stability to double the effort of megaprojects and in defensive wars
Cons: Additional strife caused by deliberate environmental disruption unless it is for the long term betterment of the land, or loss of territory to others

Greater Justice
Justice exists for the good of all, protecting the community from the depravity of those who would do it damage.
Pros: Justice is a community objective that can be served through the careful application of punishment
Cons: The needs of the many can outweigh the needs of the few

Cosmopolitan Acceptance
The People see not outsiders but fellow humans in need of assistance, and are always willing to offer aid, knowing that even when friendship is uncertain the act of offering is a cleansing one.
Pros: Enhanced absorption of new ideas, +1 social value from current or historical neighbours, whenever a neighbour suffers a stability drop have the option to also suffer a stability drop in exchange for a large boost to Econ and technological and social advancement by absorbing especially large numbers of people, the first Econ boost a turn only has a chance of causing a stability drop rather than a guaranteed drop
Cons: Many think you weak, no longer have the option to turn away the needy, sometimes you get values you didn't expect

Centre of Trade (CA Linked)
By controlling access to resources you can get other people to come to you with their resources, enriching you.
Pros: Gain bonus Diplomacy a turn for dominating certain forms of trade, early access to more advanced mechanics
Cons: Others entering your markets prompts anger and strife

Spiritual Values (3/3)
All have their part to play in this world, be it their interaction with each other or with the spirits. When all the parts of a group are moving in accord, the result is greater than the sum of the parts.
Pros: Bonus to collective action, spiritually and ecologically harmonious actions, and to concerted efforts
Cons: Disharmony is to be corrected, require casus belli to declare war

Honourable Death (Spiritual/Honour)
Death in service to the People and the spirits is the best death of all, removing the fear of death from the truly honourable.
Pros: Warriors fight harder, losses in battle are less disruptive
Cons: Seeking a good death, and the means to achieve it, becomes desirable

Love of Wisdom (Maxed development)
The People have learned not just to be aware of the world around them and to follow the patterns they see, but to also carefully test the patterns to see if they are actual patterns or just coincidence.
Pros: Significantly improved use of study actions and innovation rolls
Cons: Can question social foundations

Honour Code (3/3)
Quality of It's Own
The People are well served by having a large contingent of warriors, although these warriors are also drawn in part from the labouring classes, such that losses can negatively affect productivity
Pros: Gain +1/3 of Econ as bonus Martial
Cons: Damage to Martial can carry over to Econ (additional damage from Honour of Elites does not count)

Honour of Elites
The perfection of a skill in service to others, particularly martial skill, is among the highest achievements a person can have. Of course, who can afford to achieve perfection is not always even...
Pros: Increase Martial gain from raising elite units
Cons: Increased potential Martial loss in fighting, increased social stratification

Lord's Loyalty
The ties between the People bind tight, and while this increases the obligations of the superior, it also makes the subordinate more likely to listen.
Pros: +1 Subordinate States, subordinate states less likely to break away
Cons: Minimum force commitment in defence of subordinates and allies increased one step, worse consequences for failure to assist

Divine Stewards -> Ultimate Mega Turtle Plus Infinity ^ Infinity!!!!!!! Maybe adds a study aspect to this, cus I don't see how the losing/harming land aspects can be lost while retaining environmentalism. But studying/knowing the land matches the library and shaping the land.
Greater Justice -> Proactive Justice or something. Well, it's a library so it will emphasize more systematic justice. Maybe Common Justice? Idk.
Cosmopolitan Acceptance -> Cosmopolitan XXXXXXX Will increase desire for/intake of foreign knowledge.
Symphony -> Orchestra Possibly moves to providing bonuses to collective action over time, rather than limited to being on the same turn.
Honourable Death -> Idk, Great Death? Honourable Life? Whatever knowing someone might write a biography about you results in.
Quality of it's Own ->
Honour of Elites -> Arete, hopefully. Expands to an intellectual conception that moves away from the Homeric-era conception of excellence as martial prowess.
Lord's Loyalty -> Noblesse Oblige? Chivalry? Whatever extends duty from the King -> Lords -> Subjects.
I dislike lowering centralization, as doesn't that stat also determine your cohesiveness in large actions, such as military campaigns and fighting a war? Centralization also limits the impact of disease, which we're also suffering from right now and with a poor administration king too.
I dislike lowering centralization, as doesn't that stat also determine your cohesiveness in large actions, such as military campaigns and fighting a war? Centralization also limits the impact of disease, which we're also suffering from right now and with a poor administration king too.

Centralization increases disease/disaster resistance, ability to do large-scale actions, and fights government corruption.

Note that we still have snakes, that we've already suffered from low centralization when warriors went off and attacked the HK, etc. etc. Bringing us down to 1 centralization while (probably) overloading Martial is the worst of plans.
[X] [Recruit] Smaller recruitment (+3 Martial, potential additional effects)
[X] [Strategy] Drive them south-east
[X] [Library] Free Study Metal (Guaranteed breakthrough)
[X] [Boats] Increase size while maintaining portability
[X] [Recruit] Mass recruitment (+6 Martial, -2 Econ, -2 Econ Expansion, -2 Centralization, additional effects)
[X] [Strategy] Drive them south-east
[X] [Library] Evolve a random value other than Love of Wisdom
[X] [Boats] New design: Emphasize size
[X] [Recruit] Mass recruitment (+6 Martial, -2 Econ, -2 Econ Expansion, -2 Centralization, additional effects)
[X] [Strategy] Drive them south-east
[X] [Library] Evolve a random value other than Love of Wisdom
[X] [Boats] Increase size while maintaining portability

Okay, first one is actually a boon to us, because we can use Enforce Justice/spam trails like no tomorrow while on low Centralisation.
Seriously, we lack ways to spend Centralisation, so venting it is a feature.

South-east is, basically, a way to just create more chaos in lowlands. Xoh are a bit too stable and big for my tastes with the last PU they've acquired.

Any Trait evolved by Library (!!!) is going to be evolving in a direction we'd prefer it to, so I want to grab it.
Bonus points if it evolved our Honour of Elites or any other Honour value (and I mean it as 'AN has no idea what could it possibly mean', lol).

And I've ranted enough on size to be clear long ago. Separate design could be interesting too, though...
[X] [Recruit] Smaller recruitment (+3 Martial, potential additional effects)
[X] [Strategy] Drive them south-east
[X] [Library] Evolve a random value other than Love of Wisdom
[X] [Boats] New design: Emphasize size

Guys how big do you think boats can get when they need to be portable too. We need a new design that can carry huge number of soldiers to the steppes.
Non-portable boats can't carry huge numbers of soldiers to the steppes because they're not portable.
[X] [Recruit] Mass recruitment (+6 Martial, -2 Econ, -2 Centralization, additional effects)
[X] [Strategy] Relieve the west

We need more dudes. Let's just build roads or whatever.
[X] [Recruit] Mass recruitment (+6 Martial, -2 Econ, -2 Econ Expansion, -2 Centralization, additional effects)
[X] [Strategy] Drive them south-east
[X] [Library] Free Study Metal (Guaranteed breakthrough)
[X] [Boats] Increase size while maintaining portability
Last time we settled Nomads in the Lowlands it worked pretty well in the end, it saw the Dead Priests beaten down for centuries and the Lowlands destabilised for centuries as well. We need that now, the Xoh are close to victory, if the Highlanders get caught in a two front war with a Heroic Martial character whilst they are this weakened (only stalemating at the moment despite a Heroic Martial Leader) we may see the Lowlands united behind the Baby eaters
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Mass recruitment will possibly evolve our Honour traits, this is not a opportunity we should waste.
[X] [Recruit] Mass recruitment (+6 Martial, -2 Econ, -2 Econ Expansion, -2 Centralization, additional effects)
We are going to need use double main new trails and another turn of main new trails and main enforce justice.
[X] [Strategy] Drive them south-east
I see no reason to change our foreign policy yet.
[X] [Library] Free Study Metal (Guaranteed breakthrough)
Another father-son horde as we are on the verge of another metal break through...possibly steel?
[X] [Boats] Increase size while maintaining portability
This will let us move around more warriors throughout our civ and the Haythn.
[X] [Recruit] Mass recruitment (+6 Martial, -2 Econ, -2 Econ Expansion, -2 Centralization, additional effects)
[X] [Strategy] Relieve the west
[X] [Library] Free Study Forests (Guaranteed breakthrough)
[X] [Boats] Increase size while maintaining portability
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Just a thought but if we don't relieve the Metal Workers won't the nomads then attack our trade post which will be hard to defend without a meat shield meaning we may lose it. Which will proc the downside of Lord's Loyalty and lead to bad times all around. @Academia Nut does this sound right or am I missing something?
And I've ranted enough on size to be clear long ago. Separate design could be interesting too, though...

Please consider the new design.

Guys how big do you think boats can get when they need to be portable too. Not that big, any increase in size would be margina at best.

We need a new design that can carry huge number of soldiers to the steppes like our Heroic King was musing in the update.
Mass recruiting will fuck up our economic recovery and leave us with dangerously low centralisation for a good decade (when we already have centralisation issues) whilst also doing nothing aside give us citizen soldiers, who will not be roman style as they focus on the bow, making a completely different army.

We already are capable of throwing them back, we've been winning, we don't need to hurt ourselves by lowering our ability to tank disasters during a plague
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Note that we still have snakes, that we've already suffered from low centralization when warriors went off and attacked the HK, etc. etc. Bringing us down to 1 centralization while (probably) overloading Martial is the worst of plans.

Look on the bright side, the overloaded martial will be counteracted by the hilarious casualties we're going to take between three heroes taking swings at each other.
[X] [Library] Free Study Forests (Guaranteed breakthrough)

[X] [Boats] Increase size while maintaining portability

Awaken the old forests! Ship the ent to north!
[X] [Recruit] Mass recruitment (+6 Martial, -2 Econ, -2 Econ Expansion, -2 Centralization, additional effects)
[X] [Strategy] Drive them south-east
[X] [Library] Evolve a random value other than Love of Wisdom
[X] [Boats] Increase size while maintaining portability
[X] [Recruit] Smaller recruitment (+3 Martial, potential additional effects)
Mass recruitment just seems too dangerous.
[X] [Strategy] Drive them south-east
Ambitious, but if this works it would help us alot.
[X] [Library] Evolve a random value other than Love of Wisdom
Not sure about this one yet. If someone finds a good study action I am willing to switch.
[X] [Boats] New design: Emphasize size
This would start us down a new boat design. We need the portable boats on the various rivers throughout our lands. But, we need bigger boats to connect our holdings around the NotBlackSea.
Look on the bright side, the overloaded martial will be counteracted by the hilarious casualties we're going to take between three heroes taking swings at each other.
Which will be unlikely to hurt us due to our massive superiority in everything but mobility, which is why the nomads are attacking the MW and TS rather than us.