Personal Log, Patricia Chen
If that war hadn't ended when it did I would have been well on the way to a complete breakdown trying to juggle commitments. As it is I think I'm on first name basis with every Betazoid in San Francisco.
Computer, End Log
Yeah, Chen would prefer to broaden her experiences. I just haven't been as on the ball as I'd like about forcing some churn between senior positions.
And since I accidentally made Chen OP I've been leery of the inevitable salt when I take her away
Right, I've been playing Devil's Advocate on Chen for a while, but I do like the idea of grooming Chen for the top job. This just tips me over. I'm also curious to see what OP ability Chen will display in her new job
@OneirosTheWriter, we still need to know exactly how Chen's parallel build bonus will work once Chen's no longer in SYO - for our build planning, if nothing else. We need to know if the Ambassadors prototypes (assuming build time of 29 quarters) will take 22 or 28 or the full 29 build quarters if Chen transfers in Q3.
I'll do a variation on the Q3 transfer vote.
I have mixed feelings on promoting Eaton to Vice Admiral. I'm not convinced by the age argument, and agree with SWB that's it a mixture of career ambitions, time in rank, time in current job, and overall career length that determines retirement age. Plus medical technology advancements will make 70 the new 60, etc. I also like the idea that was floated about the prestigious yet quiet Sol sector command.
I also am uncomfortable with leaving ch'Tharvasse hanging (sorry, "on sabbatical"). He may not have had as much screen time as Sousa, but he reminds me of her in some ways, and is remains useful behind the scenes. I have some doubts he's Commander Starfleet material, but I do think his additional experience would help Sulu a lot.
So, I'm going to vote ch'Tharvasse for the SDB billet instead of Eaton. Now that may not seem like the greatest fit, but we honestly don't know what his prior experience is - for all we know, his stint at Starfleet Intelligence and foreign analysis could've been just as useful as Chen's Explorer Corps experience is to Operations.
Finally, I'm going to abstain on SYO vote, because: a) excluding Chen, I'm ambivalent on it; and b) it would be funny if Chen won both OPS and SYO votes
[X][TAC] Rear Admiral Pathe Lathriss
[X][SDB] Rear Admiral Shey ch'Tharvasse
[X][OPS] Vice Admiral Patricia Chen (in Q3 if permitted)
[X][COS] Vice Admiral Nyota Uhura (in Q3 if permitted)