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- Mists of Albion
I've never actually watched it, I just like that one particular sound bite. Would you prefer I used Gilgamesh unleashing Ea on Alexander?

That sir is where you are wrong!!!

We need to get sillier *Inception noises*
I've never actually watched it, I just like that one particular sound bite. Would you prefer I used Gilgamesh unleashing Ea on Alexander?
That sir is where you are wrong!!!
Great Temple done this turn. Don't need an action there. Unless you meant Library?Next turn:
[Main] Great Temple
[Secondary] Support March - Stallion Tribes
[Secondary] Support March - Stallion Tribes x2
Edit: If we're already at war, swap a secondary for the war mission.
I edited it in. Observe the King of Heroes being his usual awesome/arrogant self.![]()
That sir is where you are wrong!!!
We need to get sillier *Inception noises*
Yes, copy paste on phone errors...Great Temple done this turn. Don't need an action there. Unless you meant Library?
We've already started the Library Megaproject so I think he does
Question. Why Defense?[X] [Library] Sacred Forest
[X] [Temple] See to the spread of the techniques that went into making this place (+3 art, tech advance)
[X] [Corruption] Deploy force
[X] [Diplo] Send aid to the Metal Workers (-2 Diplo, -2 Econ, -2 Art, -2 Mysticism)
[X] [Policy] Defense
You know how I think justice shall be done. Sacrifice being good for justice! No matter the damage it can cause, root out the rot, now! Deploy the force and slaughter them!
One must always brace ones butt. Lest one be taken from behind.
Okay.One must always brace ones butt. Lest one be taken from behind.
I'm not sure people really think that any more. I certainly hadn't. Didn't have a particular Not!Someone in mind for them actually.So, why do people still refer to or seem to think the MW are Not!Greeks?
You make it sound like Expand Forest doesn't exist.Okay.
Did you know that we will have 9 Expansion and 1 Econ at the start of next turn if we send aid and due to True City?
Somewhere in the middle of the turn Baby Boom will trigger +4 Expand Econ/turn, giving 4 Econ for -4 Expansion. Taking us to 5 Econ and 5 Expansion.
The provinces ignore Econ Expansions taken in the turn so they will all take Secondary Expand Econ, they have done similar in the past. This will give us 9 Econ for -8 Expansion taking us to -3 Expansion.
Baby Boom ends as we overcrowd. Probable Stability drop as murder rate in Valleyhome skyrockets. Other issues. Also the defense policy will not effect the Marches much, since they are basically fully walled and towered.
Oh it does. Problem is that they can't take it on Defense policy. Just Build Walls, Build Towers and Expand Economy. This is on top of the fact that they need econ to do it first. Which they won't think they have.
Main Wall costs 2 now so...[X] [Library] Sacred Forest
[X] [Temple] See to the spread of the techniques that went into making this place (+3 art, tech advance)
[X] [Corruption] Deploy force
[X] [Diplo] Send aid to the Metal Workers (-2 Diplo, -2 Econ, -2 Art, -2 Mysticism)
[X] [Policy] No change
I believe the provinces will take New Province actions instead of taking ALL of our Econ slots. But nonetheless defensive policy is utterly wasted this turn - the provinces won't spend any Econ! With true city, they'll see that we'll only have 1 Econ to spend, and thus won't spend any.
Although that's better then the alternative, which is if they don't consider true city. Then they'll do a secondary build walls, which the law will turn into a main, and we'll be at 0 Econ for a bit - very bad with war coming, and true city yet to take away one Econ. If that happens before baby boom kicks in, well...
Anyway, no change also gives us more leeway to decide what we need to do, as it frees up a main action next turn. No need to take the megaproject in our actions, the provinces will automatically finish it after all.
Flinch reaction. Probably.I still don't get why everyone wants to swich to defensive policy considering the fact that our provinces arnt going to get hit....
I know it does. I don't know when True City tax kicks in. If it kicks in before the provinces do anything, they'll do only Econ actions, wasting the law action. If it kicks in after, they'll see 2 Econ, spend 1 on towers or walls, which will immediately be put to a main by the law, leaving us with 0 or 1 Econ BEFORE true city tax kicks in.Oh it does. Problem is that they can't take it on Defense policy. Just Build Walls, Build Towers and Expand Economy. This is on top of the fact that they need econ to do it first. Which they won't think they have.
We can get out of it with Forest and Black Soil, but that's for getting out of the hole once we are in it. I'd prefer not being in it.
Main Wall costs 2 now so...
...I'm still somewhat confounded how they convinced the Thunder Horse that Moloch Calls was a desirable belief system.