Though it'd be useful to have a task-separated tally. Size/Portability is really the only one in the running at this point. There were a couple strange [infra] votes but nothing too bad.
Your vote has a random QUOTE tag in it. Please fix.
Your vote is... weird. I have no idea what [CA] CLEAR is supposed to mean.
Vote Tally : Original - Paths of Civilization | Page 1869 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 46730-47190]
##### NetTally 1.9.4
Task: CA
[66][CA] Attempt to take control of adjacent villages (-2 Stability, chance of further loss, -2 Diplomacy, unknowable chance of war with the Hathatyn, +8-10 Econ, +4 Econ Expansion)
[12][CA] Accept those who come to the People (Chance of Stability loss, +2 Econ)
[1][CA] Encourage people to flee the conflicts (-1 Stability, chance of further loss, +4-5 Econ)
Task: Boats
[39][Boats] Size
[29][Boats] Portability
[12][Boats] Speed
[2][Boats] Keep working with current designs (+1 Econ, +1 Econ Expansion)
Task: Infra
[60][Infra] Main Saltern Construction
[10][Infra] Main Expand Snail Cultivation
[10][Infra] Main Salt Gift
[1][Infra] Main Expand Economy
Task: Law
[44][Law] Attempt to close off both practices
[14][Law] Have the law favour lumping
[10][Law] Have the law favour splitting
[5][Law] Leave things be
[1][Law] Heroic Diplo-Admin geographic administration reform
Total No. of Voters: 85
No worries. Note how I continued voting for my plan anyway (Snails). Approval Voting is nice like that, though I'd vastly prefer Plan Voting anyway, we're not getting it.