True, but we won't get +1 Stability from that. And we won't be emotionally prepared in case the comet actually comes.
Which my gut says it does, hence my vote.
Except it pretty much ensures the worst outcome.
-Believe + Prepare
--No Comet next turn: Superstition primed. If anything goes wrong in the next 2 turns, belief is validated.
--Comet next turn: Superstition locked in.
-Believe + Not Prepare(i.e. crazy)
--No Comet next turn: Superstition primed. If anything goes wrong in the next 2 turns, belief is validated AND riots.
--Comet next turn: Superstition locked in AND riots.
-Not Believe + Prepare
--No Comet next turn: Superstition evaded.
--Comet next turn: Superstition primed, but we have the resources to deal with any comet induced trouble.
-Not Believe + Not Prepare
--No Comet next turn: Superstition evaded.
--No Comet next turn: Superstition locked in AND riots.
With Prepare being:
-Main Expand Economy to create a stockpile
-Secondary Survey to check the land for issues
-Secondary Study Stars to look for comets before they become obvious
Even if it was supernatural, it would be more useful to independently validate the threat. Because anyone can play at being a raving prophet once the idea goes out there. Whether it's from mercury fumes, suspicious herbs, trauma brain damage, or political brain damage, they can now be believed.
This is what we did with metal. We got the samples, studied how they worked, figured out containment, then acted on it.
This is what we did with disease. We got the samples, studied how they worked, figured out containment, then acted on it.
This is what we didn't do with taxes. We got an idea and implemented it immediately.