Have you forgotten the first encounter with the Thunder Horses already? They have contacts which bind their grandchildren.

Dramatically more expensive as well, especially with opportunity costs accounted for.

Again, honor matters. We ended up with ponies and an accidental marriage over their battle rules. There idea that an opponent might decide it's easier to pay tribute, but would be blind by principle to and aided by the spirits in righting such a profound dishonor if he resorted to perfidy is not an alien concept to him. That's to say nothing about how people tend to react differently to a probe to an extremity and his alternative goal of ravaging the heartland.

They aren't going to settle the march. They don't like it because it's in the way of things they want to raid and burn.

Read it again. I said nothing about his having a grudge. I said that the first thing that will occur to him isn't that tribute is part of a multigenerational vengeance campaign of irrational focus and intensity.

False retreat is classic nomad.
They HAD contracts that bound their grandchildren. Literal centuries ago. Assuming the grandchild in question felt like honoring said promise.
@Academia Nut just to confirm, are the Bleeding Cliffs the only confirmed iron deposit we know of, where we can just make a settlement then mine without surveying? Because the bit about how "red rocks are everywhere" a couple updates ago made me think we knew of iron ore in redhills to one extent or another?
[X] [Main] Expand Forests
[X] [Secondary] Support Subordinate - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
Mmm. The thing about forests is a) it's econ positive and b) it's a statement, given the turn we just had. This land is ours.

Also, it's the closest thing we have to a long-term solution to northern nomads.
Basically yeah. Forests take time to grow, but even without constant supervision, 20 years is plenty of time for some solid things to come up.
*laughs* Yeah, do you know what really feels neglected and unloved?
I could go for that.

[X] [Main] Expand Forests
[X] [Secondary] Study Forests
[X] [Secondary] Proclaim Glory
[X] [Main] Expand Forests
[X] [Secondary] Proclaim Glory
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
[X] [Main] Expand Forests
[X] [Secondary] Support Subordinate - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs

Ah you know what I'm in love with March-kun right now and AN said they were at 3 Econ and 1 Martial here.
Adhoc vote count started by BungieONI on May 17, 2017 at 12:19 AM, finished with 35764 posts and 29 votes.
[X] [Main] Expand Forests
[X] [Secondary] Support Subordinate - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs

This plan seems like it'll be a good start on building back up.
[X] [Main] Expand Forests
[X] [Secondary] Support Subordinate - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
[X] [Main] Expand Forests
[X] [Secondary] Support Subordinate - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs

I'm not really sold on the Forests- there's absolutely no way they'll be ready in time if that particular horde comes back.
Mmm. The thing about forests is a) it's econ positive and b) it's a statement, given the turn we just had. This land is ours.

Also, it's the closest thing we have to a long-term solution to northern nomads.
If we do a main support action for the Marches along with proclaim glory, that would likely be a really good narrative.

Which is why this is the best time to do so.

The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago, the second best time is now.

They are very likely to take Chariots themselves, thus raising their own Martial
And if they come back next turn? The newly planted forests will be too young to be useful...and in the end it would just be an economy action. We just don't know how much time we have.
What happens if both Art and Economy are maxed out?

Art overflows to Mysticism.

Econ -> Diplo
Diplo -> Art
Art -> Mysticism -> Diplo
Mysticism -> Art -> Diplo

Diplo if both Art and Mysticism full -> Econ
Econ if everything else full -> Martial

just to confirm, are the Bleeding Cliffs the only confirmed iron deposit we know of, where we can just make a settlement then mine without surveying? Because the bit about how "red rocks are everywhere" a couple updates ago made me think we knew of iron ore in redhills to one extent or another?

Yes, you would have to survey to find another site.
[X] [Main] Expand Forests
[X] [Secondary] Support Subordinate - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs

I'm not really sold on the Forests- there's absolutely no way they'll be ready in time if that particular horde comes back.
Sure. But the sooner we plant the trees the sooner they can grow and impede raids. We've put it off for too long.
Basically yeah. Forests take time to grow, but even without constant supervision, 20 years is plenty of time for some solid things to come up.

I could go for that.

[X] [Main] Expand Forests
[X] [Secondary] Study Forests
[X] [Secondary] Proclaim Glory
That doesnt advance iron, and we kinda need that online when ETH gets its shit together.
[X] [Main] Expand Forests
[X] [Secondary] Support Subordinate - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
subject to change if people convince me
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[X] [Main] Expand Forests
[X] [Secondary] Proclaim Glory
[X] [Secondary] Support Subordinate - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Main] Expand Forests
[X] [Secondary] Support Subordinate - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs

I'm not really sold on the Forests- there's absolutely no way they'll be ready in time if that particular horde comes back.
The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago, the second best time is now.

Also, what action do you think the Stallion Tribes is going to take with their Econ 3 Martial 1? I'm betting on Main Chariots, which puts them at Martial 5. I think they are fine.
And if they come back next turn? The newly planted forests will be too young to be useful...and in the end it would just be an economy action. We just don't know how much time we have.
We have to start sometime. Better to plant them now, then wait until later and have to wait until even later again.
Oh also awesome folks of the thread. Have a map of our lands. Does anyone know the specific location of Sacred Forest?

Land of the Ymaryn. Hey @Eri? Can you translate that into Old Ymaryn?
Support Subordinate- this is an inherently inefficient action. It just transfers the stats directly and does nothing else. It just uses an action for no real benefit. Rebuild our warrior base so that we can fight them off more effectively, we're running low on all our stats save Diplomacy. Helping them directly is a better idea since it doesn't waste the action to transfer it before they can use it in the fighting.
Unless we're getting some major penalties due to distance, but it doesn't seem like we are since we control the whole land between the two of us (unlike when we fought in the lowlands against the DP).

However, building the settlement at the Bleeding Cliff is the only thing that we absolutely 100% must do this turn. Doing so as a main means that we get the Econ for the mid-turn and have a little spare Mysticism that can fund more of our elites. (edit: and it might even unlock starting the mine as a mid-turn action if we get lucky)

Remember narrative>/=stats right now trust in the king is dented and the only reason the nobles has not been capitalizing on that is because of the nomads we need to ensure that people have full trust and respect for the king
Making sure we have the Econ available for the mid-turn and Mysticism available for Carrion Eaters/Blackbirds/further study is more important in my mind than boosting a stat that doesn't help us much. Stability is more important, but we want to get Restore Order's efficiency first.

Oh right, I thought you used Main Proclaim Glory with its extra cost.


Not changing.
Ok then. It was a major factor in why we chose not to [Main] Proclaim Glory, but yeah, too late to change now.
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[X] [Main] Expand Forests
[X] [Secondary] Support Subordinate - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
@Academia Nut Where will an unspecified expand forests likely focus on?
We need an econ reserve so or provinces don't go burn our martial on the steppe.