Anyways yeah, Karugus is completely right that time is catching up to us and if we don't get involved more proactively we are going to be fucked.
To take an example from History, specifically Chinese History there is a really relevant example that parallels our situation.
In China we have the Guanzhong and Guandong regions in Central China basically China's Lowlands. And much like the Lowlands here, the region tended to be a clusterfuck of warlords because it was a huge region with fertile plains and strategically vital locations/trade routes. Whenever central authority/China broke up, the region immediately breaks into a dumpster fire that becomes a pain in the ass to unite.
The territory of the Ymaryn can be compared to the Sichuan Basin region. A territory of hills, forests and mountains filled with fertile and prosperous Valleys. Because of it's geographical advantages Sichuan is often one of the most prosperous region, and paradoxically both the first region to break away from Imperial Rule, yet also often becoming the last bastion of the Previous Dynasty.
While on the face of it Central China is a dick blender that no one would ever want to stick their dicks into, and the Sichuan Basin is a great and peaceful spot to settle, much like our plains vs the lowlands, Chinese History shows us a very important lesson.
No power in the Ancient China that made it's base in the Sichuan Basin has ever been able to take control of China. At best it has been able to hold on to it's independence for a brief time before it gets conquered again and become the breadbasket of it's conqueror. Those who brave the fires of the Central regions almost always end up being the ones who form the new Dynasty. Thanks to both having extremely Veteran Armies born out of the conflicts, strong cities, important trade routes and most important the depth to leverage massive amount of resources and manpower to overpower anyone else in their way. Against such advantages, the natural advantages offered by the mountain ranges and hills of the Sichuan Basin were never sufficient, as Zhuge Liang and the Kingdom of Shu discovered to their chagrin.
The Eastern Thunder Horse are well in the process of repeating the Successes of Cao Cao and the children of Sima Yi. If they are allowed to complete the unification then our only option is to make like Liu Shan and become their loyal vassals.