@Necratoid Its still useful but its not what we thought
This still sounds to me like you are saying "First War in forever + Golden Age will create Stupid", basic logic which translates to me as "The Golden Age is worthless because it is being corrupted by the War."
What I'm saying is that when people think Golden Age they think of the war that started it. History losses the fine details. Writing and such will help with that... but when you have a sample size of one associations are known.
The Golden Age almost can't be worthless unless it requires constant do nothing actions on Mysticism and Art. What I'm worried about is it becoming a long term poison pill.
Which concerns folks who are voting that the big drop in Mysticism will drop us out of the Golden Age.
If the primary point of a Golden Age is to do nothing with some stats so it can't end its a baby boom with a one time bonus to gains on a roll.
That for me makes it a one shot weapon. Sitting on it is just limiting our actions. For an economy boost of +1 that is kind of a straight jacket.
Honestly, the association of warfare with this Golden Age will be much less 'glorious conquest' and more institutionalizing the mindset of 'Don't tread on me'. That any perceived violation of our sovereignty deserves confrontation- and if need be warfare to ensure it stops.
Depends how far we take things. A slap on the wrist means we have to do this kind of war every time they got bored youth. That is a waste of our actions. A humiliate proves we can stomp them if the make us, but if we don't have to we won't bother with war. This sends a stay off our law message. An invasion means either The People win and become the sleeping dragon... unlikely with the nearest target being so stupid far away for the time... or The People lose and The People become a mad dog to be put down.
I mean, keep in mind what this looks like to outsiders- the TS's kids are just being kids ( I'm pretty sure most borders in the lowlands are a lot less impermeable than ours so this has to happen)
That only matters if we respond with the slap on the wrist approach, that approach will make the raiding sporadic, but always a thing. not something to encourage.
The response The People send is a message. If the response is a slap on the wrist, the message is light raid us and stop when we tell you to... its all in good fun and The People will not respond in kind. Humiliate them and the message is that The People aren't playing your games. Invade and its that don't make us come over there and that you should bring more troops next time. Invade and shatter that empire (somehow with crits every where) and the message is The People don't war as its too much effort to deal with you losers.
Basically, I agree that their cultures are fundamentally different from The People's culture.
Necratoid Its still useful but its not what we thought
Okay, so its not 5x study metal. However studying metal and arranging demonstrations that metal is not cursed will involve at least 1x(probably more) study metal action(s) and upgrading the trait 'Observance' to include
actually proving things before believing them.
I have to issue with upgrading the science trait with brute force. I have no problem studying metal... which may include the second ore.
2x-3x study metal and unstupiding people of The People about metal and plague. If they manage to create better smelting fuels or find iron ore is a thing to have I'm not going to complain. About the only thing I can see going wrong is a moronic subculture popping up among the shamans, a new exciting war brought plague, or a Star Fall in the wrong place taking out the science teams.
However this is versus the ever hypnotic mystery box. Sometimes you fet a very nice red snapper and sometimes you get...