Plus they are expanding...
We need to bring them into our fold soon.

In the new update we clearly see a divide between the central/southern provinces, and the northern ones, these being Northshore, Stonepen and, of course, March.

I think if left alone, this divide will lead to a crisis pretty soon.
And I think getting new provinces is actually a good idea.
A smaller/dilluted influence of the north is an advantage for us.

This said, we need try to integrate them diplomatically, asap.

Yeah no, blowing our load on the damn- stability or no is not going to make the North feel any less neglected. Because to an extent they're right. We've only really invested in the North to protect it from nomads whereas we've expanded dye production, made a canal, have built a saltern- etc. We've been funneling Northern resources into wonderhoring it up in our capital region and core provinces and the one real benefit the North got from us (besides some internal trade) has been foisted off onto the Stallions. The Dam can fucking wait, it's time to give the North some TLC.

Seriously Magwyna is hands down the best possible hero for reproachment with the North. Admin, diplo, and she's been strawmanned into representing everything they think is wrong with the establishment already. By breaking that expectation and breaking bread with the North we can truly start on the path to creating a unified national spirit.

Just one thing - the Saltern was built in Northshore, so they cannot claim preferential behavior towards another provinces this easily.
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I think March was a mistake and we should purge them, possibly with the help of nomads. Fighting those was not as painful as dealing with March.

I'm planning to purge them by diluting them.

Break their powerbase by not leaving their leaders there. Install other Chief into March
Transfer their leaders into other provinces so that they'll learn to deal with governing our normal people (if they even get voted in).
Make the semi-nomads minority spread out, so that they have to adapt to our normal people.

This ought to be able to eliminate their culture pretty fast.

We can also drive it along by taboo'ing their usual practices.
Being sexist? Off to the Black soil duties.
Too aggressive? Time out with the Shamans.

EDIT: IMO, our main problem with the March is... with all those Nomads, we never did let them integrate with our normal population. So... they're mainly practicing their ways. We need to break them up, the way we do with refugees.
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I'm planning to purge them by diluting them.

Break their powerbase by not leaving their leaders there. Install other Chief into March
Transfer their leaders into other provinces so that they'll learn to deal with governing our normal people (if they even get voted in).
Make the semi-nomads minority spread out, so that they have to adapt to our normal people.

This ought to be able to eliminate their culture pretty fast.

We can also drive it along by taboo'ing their usual practices.
Being sexist? Off to the Black soil duties.
Too aggressive? Time out with the Shamans.

EDIT: IMO, our main problem with the March is... with all those Nomads, we never did let them integrate with our normal population. So... they're mainly practicing their ways. We need to break them up, the way we do with refugees.

How do we even do that?

Anyway, an extended project in one of the northern province should provide a reason for people all over our polity to come together and assist in building an aqueduct.
[X] Magwyna (-1 Stability, other effects, [Poor Martial, Heroic Admin and Diplo])

[X] Study Health (-1 Econ, greater chance of new discoveries)

[X] Reassure the People of their safety and prosperity (+1 Stability)[/QUOTE]

[X] Let it be known that you have room (-1 Stability, chance of further loss, +4-5 Econ)
How do we even do that?

Anyway, an extended project in one of the northern province should provide a reason for people all over our polity to come together and assist in building an aqueduct.

Well... 1st, we do need them to submit to us...

But IMO, maybe we can do a major transmigration and "ask" to them to be part of it.

Say, cycle our Valleyhome folks into other provinces, and so on with other provinces etc.
Part of it, send a bunch of our people from various provinces INTO March, and ask them to send back a bunch into our other provinces.
Cycle a few times, we might get enough that we can cycle even their Chief family.

This does have an issue, we're not gonna get a Vote option to do this.

Maybe major New Settlements after enough trails & boats? We saw that our future Queen here was thrown around a few provinces due to that. We need to make that happen to March too.
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[X] Random Admin tech upgrade
Choose the next heir

[X] Magwyna (-1 Stability, other effects, [Poor Martial, Heroic Admin and Diplo])

Choose a midturn project
[X] Grand Sacrifice (-3 Econ, +2 Stability)

Refugee policy
[X] Take in some (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)
Well... 1st, we do need them to submit to us...

But IMO, maybe we can do a major transmigration and "ask" to them to be part of it.

Say, cycle our Valleyhome folks into other provinces, and so on with other provinces etc.
Part of it, send a bunch of our people from various provinces INTO March, and ask them to send back a bunch into our other provinces.
Cycle a few times, we might get enough that we can cycle even their Chief family.

This does have an issue, we're not gonna get a Vote option to do this.

Maybe major New Settlements after enough trails & boats? We saw that our future Queen here was thrown around a few provinces due to that. We need to make that happen to March too.

Good news: since our people don't own land, they are not tied to the land as others might be. Migration would be seen as less of a big deal.

Transportation would need to be good enough to facilitate that though.
[X] Reassure the People of their safety and prosperity (+1 Stability)
[X] Magwyna (-1 Stability, other effects, [Poor Martial, Heroic Admin and Diplo])
[X] Grand Sacrifice (-3 Econ, +2 Stability)
[X] Everyone can come on in! (-4 Stability, chance of further loss, +11-15 Econ, further effects, chance of over crowding, Upper Valleyhome attains True City status)

Taking the maximal amount of refugees sounds fun and the new hero should be able to fix the negative consequences.
Good news: since our people don't own land, they are not tied to the land as others might be. Migration would be seen as less of a big deal.

Transportation would need to be good enough to facilitate that though.

:D Yup.

Best is... if we can make part of our culture:
In their entire life, everyone would have stayed in 3 different provinces at least.
Kinda like Nomads? :p
Encourage dabbling also.
Admins must farm a year out of every 10 years. Farmers must make artwork now and then. Potter must become traders. Traders need to fish. Fishers must become admin.
For a kind of Jack-of-all-Trades thing.

Hmm, Ritual Migration and Learning other trades?
patriarchy :o
you do remember they had a lesbian warrior queen
as a legend
A: Gwygoytha was no lesbian, given the long list of male conquests she left behind.
B: Her legend has been split into several pieces by now. The "woman who married and impregnated another girl" part has mainly been turned into Gwy and Goya, the hermaphroditic spirits from which all other non-Crow spirits descend. We do not know much about the human Gwygoytha, Gygowyn, but since all humans are her descendants I assume she didn't bang them.
Though GygowynXBytahOTP is still a distinct possibility
A: Gwygoytha was no lesbian, given the long list of male conquests she left behind.
B: Her legend has been split into several pieces by now. The "woman who married and impregnated another girl" part has mainly been turned into Gwy and Goya, the hermaphroditic spirits from which all other non-Crow spirits descend. We do not know much about the human Gwygoytha, Gygowyn, but since all humans are her descendants I assume she didn't bang them.
Though GygowynXBytahOTP is still a distinct possibility

I thought she banged them all, that's why all humans are her descendants :p
That's solved via not doing either of them. Human endurance is more than enough given we're the best species in the world at it; and a mix of Chinese wheelbarrows for bulk transportation of goods, bicycles for personal transportation needs, and rickshaws for transportation of others or faster delivery of smaller goods solve things incredibly well.

Horses aren't needed, as humans are more efficient and don't require all the needs that animal handling does to make the animal cooperate.

That's a long time in the future.

I suspect we'll have congestion soon enough, and there will be proposals to ban animals or carts during the daytime like the Roman tried. It could be alleviated somewhat by turning the roof into streets though.
[X] Random Admin tech upgrade
[X] Magwyna (-1 Stability, other effects, [Poor Martial, Heroic Admin and Diplo])
[X] New Trails (-1 Econ, +1 Diplo, +1 Centralization, other effects)
[X] Take in some (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)
If we're going to spend effort on building aqueducts, I propose Northshore, which borders the March.

Also, I suspect building an aqueduct for the March is going to be challenging, since the March is much farther away from any spring or reservoir.
[X] Random Admin tech upgrade
[X] Magwyna (-1 Stability, other effects, [Poor Martial, Heroic Admin and Diplo])
[X] New Trails (-1 Econ, +1 Diplo, +1 Centralization, other effects)
[X] Take in some (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)
Hmm, I wonder....

For the CA proc... is it already calculated in?

So, Take in some, is chance fail, another roll fail, before we get a Stab lost?

Cosmopolitan Acceptance
the first Econ boost a turn only has a chance of causing a stability drop rather than a guaranteed drop

Shouldn't we try taking a bit more -Stab?
[X] Random Admin tech upgrade
[X] Magwyna (-1 Stability, other effects, [Poor Martial, Heroic Admin and Diplo])
[X] New Trails (-1 Econ, +1 Diplo, +1 Centralization, other effects)
[X] Take in some (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)
Hmm, I wonder....

For the CA proc... is it already calculated in?

So, Take in some, is chance fail, another roll fail, before we get a Stab lost?

Cosmopolitan Acceptance
the first Econ boost a turn only has a chance of causing a stability drop rather than a guaranteed drop

Shouldn't we try taking a bit more -Stab?
I think it's only the first point that that works on; that's why all the refugee policy options except the first have 'chance of further loss'. Incidentally I remember AN saying about one of the earlier -3 stability options that Greater Good would have a chance to fire 3 times(ie one for every point of stability lost) if we chose that option.
To those who mention our ongoing struggle for gender equality. What you folks desire is flat out impossible until you invent home appliances and modern rifles . So long as taking care of the house requires slave like levels of labour, and the constant making of babies is of utmost importance, and war and most forms of work require lots of muscle and endurance; women will never have the same amount of direct influence and power that men do.
The issue here is going from Practical, to Traditional, to Legal, then Social loss of rights.
Gender balance was never the consideration, but it's not a very long distance to go from "Women usually don't become chiefs" to "Women cannot become chiefs", then to justify "Women are deficient due to X".

That's what having a memorable woman as King(and not someone who got there by doing all the things women don't do either) helps with.
So, do we know anything about the southern hill people?
Or is this our first, official contact?
Also, I would like to find out what True City status is.
We've met them before. List of qualities known:
-They are metalworkers with Copper, Lead and Silver. We got our copper smelting tech from their refugees.
-They have boats of similar quality, higher availability and were the source of the pirates from before when they suffered a social breakdown.

Are we going to do two main study metal actions next turn?
No. That's more likely at present to reinforce the "Metal is cursed" idea, until we have the plague in remission, because you cannot prove that metal isn't cursed when people working with metal get sick from unrelated reasons.

To break the superstition, start by waiting out the plague, then make sure there are no other false positive curse sources when you open a Mine or Study Metal. This will over time build evidence that "look, we did this evil thing and nothing bad happened", whereas doing it now would go like "look, we did this evil thing and some of them got disease"
@Academia Nut have we ever had a king from the Stallions? I know we haven't had a hero king, but what about one of our anonymous standard ones? Also, do they have a bonus to hero generation or something?
I'd note that they probably have some the cultural traits from Nomads, of which one increases hero unit spawn rate.
@veekie , fair point on Stability. However, I still do not share your optimism with regards to it being the last strife caused by female artisan chief.
Sure, I believe the strife is based on the Stallion Tribes being disconnected from the rest of their culture.

Look at the arguments he used:
While the chiefs of Valleyhome and Southshore personally knew and liked her from before her appointment as Artisan Chief, the chiefs of Northshore, Stonepen, and the Stallion Tribes seemed to have a grudge out for her, probably because Attrikwyn, the chief of the Stallion Tribes seemed to have a bug up his ass about her. He liked to cast her ways of being charming, personable, and persuasive as being 'seductive' and challenged the legitimacy of her advice and achievements.

-Valleyhome - She's a great organizer who helped the mine go smoothly.
-Southshore - She helped defused the conflict with the locals.
-Redshore - We don't know her, but Valleyhome speaks well of her.
-Sacred Forest - We don't know her, but Valleyhome speaks well of her..
-Stonepen - We don't know her, but she does not appeal to our values
-Northshore - We don't know her, but she does not appeal to our values
-Stallion Tribes - Screw you Valleyhome people for turning down our great chiefs from the kingship. We're going to make your day hell.

The root problem lies with the sexism in the Stallion Tribes, where remember, Crwiid had twelve wives and everyone carried on the tradition, where women were overwhelmingly from subjugated tribes and held no positions of importance.

It's possible he legitimately does not believe a woman could be useful like she does.

Yeah no, blowing our load on the damn- stability or no is not going to make the North feel any less neglected. Because to an extent they're right. We've only really invested in the North to protect it from nomads whereas we've expanded dye production, made a canal, have built a saltern- etc. We've been funneling Northern resources into wonderhoring it up in our capital region and core provinces and the one real benefit the North got from us (besides some internal trade) has been foisted off onto the Stallions. The Dam can fucking wait, it's time to give the North some TLC.

Seriously Magwyna is hands down the best possible hero for reproachment with the North. Admin, diplo, and she's been strawmanned into representing everything they think is wrong with the establishment already. By breaking that expectation and breaking bread with the North we can truly start on the path to creating a unified national spirit.
Legitimate concern true enough.
So, what about this build?
[Main] New Trails(unless we already built it)/New Settlement - Eastern Hills(if we already built Trails)
[Secondary] Aqueduct - Stonepen
[Secondary] Policy - Trade

This means that we:
-Give the Northern provinces value from being part of our number
-Make use of our Heroic Diplomacy to conduct outreach and increase art production(which translates to giving the Northern provinces greater access to luxuries)
Something to think about. The great manure crisis of the 19th century. There were too much horses in the cities, only to be solved by the automobiles, which only give us another set of problem or never really solved the problems of old such as gridlock, noise, and traffic fatality.
Won't happen with us. We already have our half exiles scooping up all the horse poop for Black Soil usage.
You are making a good point. Do you think Trails will calm them down enough to not make a fuss about her being woman and 'seductive' aka more diplomatic than them?
Trails won't inherently calm them down, but greater connectivity means they would get greater exposure to our culture, rather than slowly evolving into farmer nomads.

I'm planning to purge them by diluting them.

Break their powerbase by not leaving their leaders there. Install other Chief into March
Transfer their leaders into other provinces so that they'll learn to deal with governing our normal people (if they even get voted in).
Make the semi-nomads minority spread out, so that they have to adapt to our normal people.

This ought to be able to eliminate their culture pretty fast.

We can also drive it along by taboo'ing their usual practices.
Being sexist? Off to the Black soil duties.
Too aggressive? Time out with the Shamans.

EDIT: IMO, our main problem with the March is... with all those Nomads, we never did let them integrate with our normal population. So... they're mainly practicing their ways. We need to break them up, the way we do with refugees.
Bolded is the description of a Restore Order action.

:D Yup.

Best is... if we can make part of our culture:
In their entire life, everyone would have stayed in 3 different provinces at least.
Kinda like Nomads? :p
Encourage dabbling also.
Admins must farm a year out of every 10 years. Farmers must make artwork now and then. Potter must become traders. Traders need to fish. Fishers must become admin.
For a kind of Jack-of-all-Trades thing.

Hmm, Ritual Migration and Learning other trades?
Not nearly practical. Moving people around is expensive, you need justification for breaking up families and spreading people out.

Unfortunately we can't do that for just being Disharmonious anymore.
[X] Random Admin tech upgrade
[X] Magwyna (-1 Stability, other effects, [Poor Martial, Heroic Admin and Diplo])
[X] New Trails (-1 Econ, +1 Diplo, +1 Centralization, other effects)
[X] Encourage people to come to a safe place (-3 Stability, chance of further loss, +8-11 Econ, further effects)
I think we'll need more Econ that people realize. We've gotten used to the Baby Boom. We have the opportunity to get a guaranteed CA event (LoO events were overall positive; I expect this would be as well.) We also have 4 opportunities to proc GG, which would be nice.

We can restore order next turn, and come out of this glowing.
[X] Random Admin tech upgrade
[X] Magwyna (-1 Stability, other effects, [Poor Martial, Heroic Admin and Diplo])
[X] New Trails (-1 Econ, +1 Diplo, +1 Centralization, other effects)

I'm torn between these two:
[] Take in some (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)
[] Let it be known that you have room (-1 Stability, chance of further loss, +4-5 Econ)
Our CA trait means that we have a chance of not taking the stability drop. So for the 1st, that means we'll probably be at:
2 -1 (-1?) = 1/0
For the 2nd:
2 -1 (-1?)(-1?) = 1/0/-1

If we're going to Restore Order next turn, isn't the +2/3 Econ worth the chance of a -1 Stability drop? Especially now that the Baby Boom is over?