[X] Random Admin tech upgrade
[X] Magwyna (-1 Stability, other effects, [Poor Martial, Heroic Admin and Diplo])
[X] Grand Sacrifice (-3 Econ, +2 Stability)
[X] Take in some (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)
Looks like we've got the usual fucky rolls. The Garden turned out swimmingly but now we've got some gdi cough going around along with an asshole. Who I don't think anyone is going to be voting for lol rip.

Lowlands are cursed indeed.

Warlike civilizations fight, causing them to be even more warlike, trapping them in a vicious cycle of war until one of them come up on top.

Also, the highlanders might be in a civil war again. We could send in a trade expedition to help with their Law megaproject if it look safe enough.
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[X] Random Admin tech upgrade
[X] Magwyna (-1 Stability, other effects, [Poor Martial, Heroic Admin and Diplo])
[X] Grand Sacrifice (-3 Econ, +2 Stability)
[X] Take in some (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)
[X] Random Admin tech upgrade
[X] Magwyna (-1 Stability, other effects, [Poor Martial, Heroic Admin and Diplo])
[X] New Trails (-1 Econ, +1 Diplo, +1 Centralization, other effects)
[X] Take in some (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)

Communication is still an issue, and trails should help with that. I kind of am tempted by construction though...
[X] Random Admin tech upgrade
[X] Magwyna (-1 Stability, other effects, [Poor Martial, Heroic Admin and Diplo])
[X] Grand Sacrifice (-3 Econ, +2 Stability)
[X] Take in some (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)

Every time we think we're finally getting somewhere shitty rolls screw us over, this is getting really annoying.
[X] Random Admin tech upgrade
[X] Magwyna (-1 Stability, other effects, [Poor Martial, Heroic Admin and Diplo])
[X] New Trails (-1 Econ, +1 Diplo, +1 Centralization, other effects)
[X] Take in some (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)

Communication is still an issue, and trails should help with that. I kind of am tempted by construction though...

Construction might be nice, but most of our problems come from the administration shortfalls.

I hope that better administration tech will raise our hierarchy and/or centralization cap, this would help us a lot.
Construction might be nice, but most of our problems come from the administration shortfalls.

I hope that better administration tech will raise our hierarchy and/or centralization cap, this would help us a lot.
True enough! Civ games and city builders have not prepared me for the face of historically accurate government handling.

They lied to me =c
And its' already been outlined how to prove the superstition false:
1) Wait for the disease to fade to normal levels.
2) Study Metal or Build Mine
3) Demonstrate the lack of disasters happening.
4) Repeat until Observance has been convinced.

While i agree with the method, we can't be sure the dice wouldn't screw with us. Like if someone decides to drink from a copper container, mentioned it tasted funny then died for any reason; our belief will be even more ingrained.

So maybe hold off on that till we rolled a good shaman king? None hero version as it's too much to hope for.
True enough! Civ games and city builders have not prepared me for the face of historically accurate government handling.

They lied to me =c

Well, I do remember how in Civ 3 or 4 in the beginning, corruption made playing with more than 4 cities unplayable, due to happiness and corruption problems.

Players ran amok, and it was mostly patched away. Now we see that they simply tried to be realistic, given that a city in Civ is more like a province here.
While i agree with the method, we can't be sure the dice wouldn't screw with us. Like if someone decides to drink from a copper container, mentioned it tasted funny then died for any reason; our belief will be even more ingrained.

So maybe hold off on that till we rolled a good shaman king? None hero version as it's too much to hope for.

We shouldn't wait too long.
An ingrained belief is near impossible to root out.

If I didn't think that trying to study metal now would have great chances to cement the false beliefs, I would be campaigning for it this turn.

But as soon as the epidemic is over, we absolutely need to address this superstition.

And given our only shaman hero or king in many turns of play...
We cannot rely on that.
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We shouldn't wait too long.
An ingrained belief is near impossible to root out.

If I didn't think that trying to study metal now would have great chances to cement the false beliefs, I would be campaigning for it this turn.

But as soon as the epidemic is over, we absolutely need to address this superstition.

And given our only shaman hero or king in many turns of play...
We cannot rely on that.

Can you wait two turns while we cement our hero as Magwyna the Great.
Yes, so we got an up front Stability cost on a leader who has Heroic level roll on the most efficient Stability recovery action here.

You think the Stallions wouldn't have raised hell over ANY Hero being elected? Her gender is the excuse. They're pissy over having two Heroes rejected for Kingship in recent history
I think they would not and that this fuss is specifically because of her being:
1. Artisan
2. Female
because of all the times AN told us we have some issues along those cultural lines. Thinking that mere -1 stability will cause them to fuck off is naive, and RO may well not work within March.
I think they would not and that this fuss is specifically because of her being:
1. Artisan
2. Female
because of all the times AN told us we have some issues along those cultural lines. Thinking that mere -1 stability will cause them to fuck off is naive, and RO may well not work within March.

I am loath to start her rule with a possible 0 stability.
While not too bad, the contrast between 3 and 0 would be something the young Stallions would try to leverage against her, and I want to try and avoid multiple turns of handling internal strife again.

Can you wait two turns while we cement our hero as Magwyna the Great.

We will see.
One possibility would be to go all mega projects with her, but given that baby boom is over, thus we cannot go all in, and we just finished two mega projects without her, would it really be distinguishing enough?
Every time we think we're finally getting somewhere shitty rolls screw us over, this is getting really annoying.
Just saying, this is actually pretty much average for us now. Assuming the current bandwagon, this event means we're losing a grand total of... 1 econ and a chance pf 1 stability. We were pretty sure Baby Boom was ending soon anyway, which will sadly put our efforts way back, but that was a loss we were expecting to happen a few turns ago.

We definitely need a new province next turn, it gives us +1 actions. Either that or switch to Policy: Expansion and let the provinces expand and provide us with the stats we need to spend on everything we want.

After mathing things out a little (And because AN fixed our econ stat and gave us 1 more to 6(+1)), as long as the copper price reduction is above "tiny" (~10%), I'll be going for [Main] New Settlement- Eastern Hills and [Main] Grand Dam. We'll be at 6 econ at the start of next turn, which is high enough that the provinces are willing to spend up to 5 econ. Thanks to the copper decreasing econ costs we should be able to safely do the Dam next turn, and with the heroic+symphony bonuses it's got a strong chance of finishing that turn as well. It drops our econ a bit low (to 2 worst case, likely 3 due to Stewards) but that's not a problem for Policy:Expansion. Expansion is good for more than just making provinces- it's the fastest at growing econ and it makes more forests.

It costs us an action every time we switch policy (unless we are on a very resource-hungry policy and run out or get attacked) so we might as well get what we can out of this one. I'm a little worried about the 3x megaprojects making megaprojects a new standard, but switching away from them while at a relatively low econ shouldn't cause many problems, and with a heroic admin we should be able to make it back up fairly quickly.

It's noted that our hero is young, so there's a chance that she'll last 3 turns which would be really nice. We can dedicate her first turn to the megaproject and guarantee that she leaves behind a legacy (the Dam is a project which modifies the landscape to a much more obvious degree than any other besides Sacred Forest) and then we can use her heroic diplomacy to good effect with a Salt Gift and some trade missions.
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[X] Random Admin tech upgrade
[X] Magwyna (-1 Stability, other effects, [Poor Martial, Heroic Admin and Diplo])
[X] Grand Sacrifice (-3 Econ, +2 Stability)
[X] Take in some (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)
...and let's just imagine how "fun" our decision making would have been, had we gone into this turn with 0 stability.

We basically would have had just one viable course of action.

I really like high stability because it gives us room for maneuver.
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[X] Random Admin tech upgrade
[X] Magwyna (-1 Stability, other effects, [Poor Martial, Heroic Admin and Diplo])
[X] Grand Sacrifice (-3 Econ, +2 Stability)
[X] Take in some (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)
Adhoc vote count started by Killer_Whale on May 10, 2017 at 4:23 AM, finished with 30800 posts and 60 votes.
[X] Random Construction tech upgrade
[X] Magwyna (-1 Stability, other effects, [Poor Martial, Heroic Admin and Diplo])
[X] New Trails (-1 Econ, +1 Diplo, +1 Centralization, other effects)
[X] Take in some (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)
[X] Random Admin tech upgrade
[X] Magwyna (-1 Stability, other effects, [Poor Martial, Heroic Admin and Diplo])
[X] Grand Sacrifice (-3 Econ, +2 Stability)
[X] Take in some (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)

Administrative upgrade as we have several more provinces on the way hopefully, and some of the ones we already have are getting rowdy due to the Stallion Tribes. This tech should also ease our administrative heroes managing of the situation given the initial opposition she'll face.

Marwyna due to her heroic stats, and because she herself doesn't believe in the correlation between coughing and metal. So there's a chance she could aim to resolve on her own own, with her heroic administrative skill enabling her to see the connection doesn't exist (metal miners/workers deaths due to coughing in comparison to general population) and her heroic diplomacy enabling her to convince others.

The Grand Sacrifice vs New Trails for me comes down to Marywyna only being elected heir. If we take New Trails when she's Queen then it's likely to be superior due to her skill, where as her taking Grand Sacrifice is unlikely to be improved.

Only take in some as there is a chance our hero will take some more stability losses from the Stallion Tribes, or from her revoking the Weapons of the Gods belief herself but requiring us to take a stability hit to do so.

I am honestly really looking forward to next turn though, as I am excited for Salt Gift to win given we'll have a diplomacy hero for it to further proc off. The results from that could be incredible given the size of the gift, and the social status that would result in such a thing. Further more, it would be procing off the Xohyssiri's social values due to it being both a gift and due to it help to heal which is even more valuable. Our other neighbors are likely to have similar benefits, and perhaps there is a chance we could assimilate some of the Southern Hill People.

Our prestige would go up yet again, and combined with the new Valleyhome, should awe visitors who come.
[X] Random Admin tech upgrade

[X] Attrikwyn ([Good Admin, Diplo, and Martial]

[X] New Trails (-1 Econ, +1 Diplo, +1 Centralization, other effects)

[X] Everyone can come on in! (-4 Stability, chance of further loss, +11-15 Econ, further effects, chance of over crowding, Upper Valleyhome attains True City status)
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[X] Random Admin tech upgrade
[X] Magwyna (-1 Stability, other effects, [Poor Martial, Heroic Admin and Diplo])
[X] New Trails (-1 Econ, +1 Diplo, +1 Centralization, other effects)
[X] Take in some (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)
[X] Random Construction tech upgrade
[X] Magwyna (-1 Stability, other effects, [Poor Martial, Heroic Admin and Diplo])
[X] Grand Sacrifice (-3 Econ, +2 Stability)
[X] Let it be known that you have room (-1 Stability, chance of further loss, +4-5 Econ)

It was brief, but we can proudly say we had +3 stability. Also, if people stop sticking a rod up their backside that would be great. Stop arguing against a hero!

They argued against heros plenty of time before. Hell they denied two heros the chance of kingship, why nota third ?
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