Yes... specifically, construction organizational knowledge, that can then be transferred into the field of scientific study. Direct access to the researching means a good chance at a legacy bonus that upgrades the current science trait.

Subcontracting the plague research lowers the chance of a useful trait upgrade.

A double or triple Main Study Health action is clearly far more effective than a single Main, even assisted by a Hero, could ever be. It also frees the construction-oriented Hero to do other things.

A legacy bonus does not depend on a Hero, nor does a trait upgrade.

@BlueFlamingWings She's married to a single man and has kids, he probably is married to like 2+ women.
Welp so much for the 4 turn plan someone had...
Didn't even last through the mid turn lawl
Incidentally, nothing on my planned 2 turn schedule actually got derailed, except for the happy coincidence of potentially being able to get the New Trails done now instead of later.

It seems likely, so one would have to clearly demonstrate to the people that there is in fact no link.
...we have to prove a negative.
Okay, this is NOT attainable by knee jerk here.

-We went from "Stone" to "Well Dressed Stone" and "Imported Copper" to "copper" in Materials tech.

Good catch on the materials. Now that we have copper tools we use actual stone blocks instead of stone lumps. Much better constructions.
Also, has it occured to somebody that we might not even have to do anything at all about the situation with the metal,
I mean all we need to do is to wait for next sickness to roll around and off everybody again and then study metals afterwards hope that with us doing metal stuff no sickness breaks out due bad mid term roll, to show them via the proof of observation that these two are not related
Actually, to prove a negative, what you want to do is:
-Wait for disease to be over.
-Start a major metal project while there is no disease and Stability is high.
-Pray for no bad event rolls
-Observance says "No curses happen when you work with metal"

Remember how artisans usually don't get chosen to be leaders because all they did was make pot and whatnot? Now we got an artisan hero AND a woman.

Pretty much perfect yeah.

Apologies for previous, callous response. Actual response, post research:
"Whole-cell pertussis vaccines were developed first and are suspensions of the entire B. pertussis organism that has been inactivated, usually with formalin." Aka yeah, we could just scrape mucus from the back of sick peoples throats, heat it up, and stab other people with needles. Heat might denature some of the antigens/etc., but is unlikely to do so enough to matter - we still use heating up cultures as a standard way of inactivating the pathogen. We could also probably try alcohol if we could get enough to matter. Formalin could maybe be made by heating up methane in an iron oxide-esque bowl but... idk where we'd get methane and it would probably be really impure.

We couldn't give it to super young infants, but giving it to our whole population is more likely to protect these infants from catching it than just letting it run around freely would. If breastfeeding helped, it wouldn't have been a major problem for children who were breastfed by their mothers, who presumably had suffered the widespread and epidemic disease.

The problem is that unlike the Sacred Warding, we have no means of maintaining a living culture of this disease. It grows only in humans, while mucus works for generating a vaccine from an already sick person it cannot be retained over years.

For that, we need refrigeration.

The problem with the disease is threefold:
-The Superstition - Studying health right now will not help, Word of AN. When you have false positive confirmation going on, it is more likely to spread the false belief that even using metal might be affected, because everyone is getting infected.
--This is best resolved after the disease dies down naturally.

-The Disease - No permanent solution for this. We need antibiotics, of which the majority are poisonous or currently unable to isolate. Particularly when almost all major antibiotics originate from fungi and mold, which our people associate with impurity.
--Our best solution at present is to maintain high availability of nutrition and hygiene to prevent secondary infections from killing you. Our rehydrating solutions help with those facing difficulties eating.

-The Refugees - These guys will be bringing more disease in. Whooping cough and tuberclosis have long incubation periods, and infected adults can sometimes be completely non-symptomatic.
--Don't take too many. Quarantine won't stop it unless we close borders entirely.

Why is everyone going for an administrative tech instead of construction upgrade? If we get a construction upgrade, we might get arc, or road construction ability, both of which could help us with Stallion Tribes.

Administrative difficulty is one of the major reasons why we cannot assimilate the Stallion Tribes. We don't have the administrative technology to handle long distance decisionmaking effectively, which leaves them dissatisfied because the central administration is not responsive to their needs.

What a bipolar set of rolls. Literally a potentially run ending belief if we can't stomp it out.
Bit of an exaggeration. It's annoying, but we have the tools to deal with it if we increase imports and trade.

There are two pathways for future actions:

1) Let Margyn achieves a legacy. The bigger her construction projects and the bigger her diplomatic victory, the more we achieve in our fight against patriarchy.

2) Fight back the deliberating belief now. Do not let it cement into the population. Not really efficient since she isn't a shaman.
A legacy is definitely a good one. Salt Gift leverages her high Diplomacy very well I think, as does Trade Missions.

Her Administration would be Dam, Aqueducts and Roads at present.
Due to the disease I'm actually leaning slightly towards going onto the Dam, which costs a maximum of Econ 7, and would further help with the disease by ensuring more stable water supply.

Adjusted since there is a demand, but study health is unlikely to help with any of the immediate problems.
Well, we already know this.
We've maxed out our study health for this tech level after all, barring another Mystic Hero there's nothing to get here.
Given that the mine paid out Art and Mysticism, what do you think?
@Academia Nut
Question: How does this Art and Mysticism boost work IC? Is it that major construction projects will train new artisans and shamans to study how they work, and then release them into general population when done, or something else?

So studying metal removes the superstition, while the health study would be focused on developing a vaccine/cure/treatment for the disease.

I guess a double main study seems like a good idea. :)
...It's not going to do anything about the disease at present. We have to ride it out before disproving the cursed metal is possible.

Scenario 1:
-Everyone already has the disease
-You study metal.
-Someone studying the metal get sick
-People nod sagely, as expected, powerful cursed metals.

Scenario 2:
-Nobody has the disease
-You study metal
-Nothing happens
-People are confused, where's the curse?

Which is more likely to disprove the superstition?
[X] Random Admin tech upgrade
[X] Magwyna (-1 Stability, other effects, [Poor Martial, Heroic Admin and Diplo])
[X] Grand Sacrifice (-3 Econ, +2 Stability)
[X] Take in some (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)
While I really want to take in everyone as per usual, I do want to keep up actually having a Stability score.
Apologies for previous, callous response. Actual response, post research:
"Whole-cell pertussis vaccines were developed first and are suspensions of the entire B. pertussis organism that has been inactivated, usually with formalin." Aka yeah, we could just scrape mucus from the back of sick peoples throats, heat it up, and stab other people with needles. Heat might denature some of the antigens/etc., but is unlikely to do so enough to matter - we still use heating up cultures as a standard way of inactivating the pathogen. We could also probably try alcohol if we could get enough to matter. Formalin could maybe be made by heating up methane in an iron oxide-esque bowl but... idk where we'd get methane and it would probably be really impure.

We couldn't give it to super young infants, but giving it to our whole population is more likely to protect these infants from catching it than just letting it run around freely would. If breastfeeding helped, it wouldn't have been a major problem for children who were breastfed by their mothers, who presumably had suffered the widespread and epidemic disease.

My point there was that it isn't a terribly linear thought process to get to a heat killed immunization product, let alone one for alcohol or formalin, from the procedures we have now. I would be less surprised to see our people find a plant or fungal antibiotic first. Not that it would be seen as an antibiotic. Just a cure-ish.
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[X] Random Admin tech upgrade
[X] Magwyna (-1 Stability, other effects, [Poor Martial, Heroic Admin and Diplo])
[X] Grand Sacrifice (-3 Econ, +2 Stability)
[X] Take in some (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)

I like the combo of the Admin tech upgrade and having a heroic Admin.
[X] Random Admin tech upgrade
[X] Magwyna (-1 Stability, other effects, [Poor Martial, Heroic Admin and Diplo])
[X] New Trails (-1 Econ, +1 Diplo, +1 Centralization, other effects)
[X] Take in some (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)

Changing to trails
Adhoc vote count started by Killer_Whale on May 10, 2017 at 2:52 AM, finished with 30762 posts and 52 votes.
[X] Random Admin tech upgrade
[X] Magwyna (-1 Stability, other effects, [Poor Martial, Heroic Admin and Diplo])
[X] Grand Sacrifice (-3 Econ, +2 Stability)
[X] Take in some (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)
Going to sleep, final post is something like this:
Assuming we take minimum # of refugees and pick the female Hero.

Vote for GS:
Econ: 6 + 1 - 3 + 2 = 6.
Stability: 2 - 1 (certain) - 1 (possible) = 1/0 + 2 = 3/2.

Possible actions:
[Main] The Dam
[Secondary] Eastern Hills
[Secondary] Eastern Hillsx2

Gives us the Dam and likely finishes it in a single turn. Kicker dependent on stability level: if 3, yes. If 2, no. Ends up w/ our Econ at ~2-3 at the end. Centralization goes to 3, setting up for a double-Main New Trails afterward + policy actions that boost econ leading to a free switch.

[Main] New Trails
[Secondary] Expansion/Progress
[Secondary] Extended Project - Aqueduct

Trails counteracts centralization loss, so we stay at 4. It connects the Southshore province better, allowing it to grow faster, and ideally extends roads from Stonepen to the Stallions. The Aqueduct improves our cities and will likely finish very quickly.

Expansion uses Hero's admin/diplo skills and focus on construction. Expansion gives us the Province as well as settlements in the North (connecting w/ Stallions) and likely to the South (aka beat out the SHP in growth in that area).

Progress will result in 2 Main Study Health actions minimum, possibly going up to 3 if the new Province's +1 action kicks in immediately.

If we go New Trails:
Econ: 6 + 1 - 1 + 2 = 8.
Stability: 2 - 1 (certain) -1 (possible) = 1/0.
Centralization: 4+1 = 5.

Low stability risks negative perception of female Hero. Econ is extremely strong, letting us do Dam or GS + Festival. Restore Order impossible unless a new catastrophe hits.

[Main] The Dam
[Main] Eastern Hills/GS
Starts the Dam, gets a prov action, centralization goes down to 4. Stability might go up to 3 if the Dam finishes in a single turn.

[Main] Eastern Hills
[Secondary] Change Policy - Expansion/Progress
[Secondary] Aqueduct?
Basically the same as above tbh. Note that we can't do a double main trails, tho.

[Main] New Trails
[Main] New Trails x2
Brings us to Centralization 6. Econ = 8 + province actions.

[Main] GS
[Main] Festival
Stability hits 3; Econ hits like... 3? Goes back up cus of provinces just doing Expand Econ tho.

[Main] GS
[Secondary] Policy -> Expansion/Progress
[Secondary] Salt Gift/Trade Mission @ SHP
Mostly the same as above, Econ = 5, Stability = 2. Salt Gift @ SHP might encourage them to raid us but might do the opposite, who knows.

The problem is that unlike the Sacred Warding, we have no means of maintaining a living culture of this disease. It grows only in humans, while mucus works for generating a vaccine from an already sick person it cannot be retained over years.
Same applies 2 cow disease, thx. Note that we have a bunch of sick people now and are likely to in the future.
We might actually be able to maintain a culture of the disease but I'm not going to argue that point.

Assuming follow up comments @ other people. Seem fairly general, already known.

The best solution to any disease is herd immunity, not antibiotics.

Edit: NB it's "
immediate problems.​
and not "Study Health won't help at all if done within 2 turns." I.e. Study Health won't end the problems we're facing in this midturn but might help our future and will help if done in the future. But that's just my reading on it
My point there was that it isn't a terribly linear thought process to get to a heat killed immunization product, let alone one for alcohol or formalin, from the procedures we have now. I would be less surprised to see our people find a plant or fungal antibiotic first. Not that it would be seen as an antibiotic. Just a cure-ish.
*shrug* the heat killing part I guess is difficult. We already have immunization through mucus/gunk w/ the cows.

Considering that we sterilize needles IIRC, we could probably hit upon the heat-killing. Alcohol and formalin are rather quite a bit less likely than heat.
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[X] Random Admin tech upgrade
[X] Magwyna (-1 Stability, other effects, [Poor Martial, Heroic Admin and Diplo])
[X] Grand Sacrifice (-3 Econ, +2 Stability)
[X] Take in some (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)
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[Main] Province - Eastern Hills
[Secondary] Change Policy - Progress
[Secondary] Extended Project - Aqueduct

Has provinces gain +1 action, for a total of 4, i.e. 2 main actions, one of which will be doubled by The Law. Thus gives us 2 main Study Health actions rather than 1.
Explicit from AN that Study Health will NOT help here. It's more of a knee jerk reaction to events.
Again, for all of you Trails voters: female ruler will cause more societal dusturbance and we will have to spend more Stability to fight patriarchy. If you do not go for Sacrifice, take +Stability from Garden or do explain how do you plan to weather upheaval with no Stability to spend.
Restore Order is an Administration roll.

Heroic Administrator.
As we have seen throughout our play history, Stability at -1 is not a problem in itself. Many of our Heroes started out at -1 or ended at -1.

So in this case it's actually desirable to drop to -1, break out the Main Restore Order and root out the problems with someone who has the perfect skill set(Admin to get the right people, Diplo to handle the spin) to do so effectively.

Furthermore, getting Stability hits from Female chief is frankly bullshit. We've had female chiefs in Gwygotha's era when all prior chiefs were male. No Stability hits.
The problem is Stallion Tribes, which is solved by New Trails to bring them closer to the administration.

Noting that New Trails is an Administration roll to build.
- Superstitious people are gonna be superstitious. Could we fix this by reducing our Mysticism? Or have I gotten the cause and effect all mixed up or something?
Wrong way round. Our Mysticism is our Science score.
Art: 5 > 7 (The perks of completing a Mega Project)

Mysticism: 8 > 10 (Lets start spending this soon, yeah?)
Megaproject and the Mine contributed to both. All hail Canals.

So, this talk of the metal having "waste" and "poison" probably means that there is Arsenic there, so we can make Bronze (if we have Tin).

But given the new belief our People won't want to Study Metal further. I think we need to Study Health to ensure them "No this wasn't do to the mine",
False on both.
-Our copper mining tailings tastes sour. The water contains sulfuric acid. Arsenic would have different and more dramatic reactions.

-Academia Nut had explicitly stated the Study Health will not do anything to solve the current problems, and that we've maxed out pretty much all the health techs for our tech level.
A double or triple Main Study Health action is clearly far more effective than a single Main, even assisted by a Hero, could ever be. It also frees the construction-oriented Hero to do other things.
The main issue here is that an antimetal legend popped as an expansion of the Star Plague Legends.
Weapons of the Gods
Metal and things that come from the heavens are cursed! While the People will use that which is already present or trade, metal mining and open study now costs Stability.
This needs to be excised as soon as possible... or the copper mine bonus of making megaprojects cheaper will be nerfed by stupid. This idiot belief came from:
Through careful study of the world, the will and workings of gods and spirits can be determined and understood.
Pros: Improved use of study actions
Cons: I know it worked this one time...
Its that Con at work. 'Star Fall=Star Plague' triggered only no Star Fall happened. So they decided it was the mine at fault as that was what changed. This can happen again. New plague... no Star Fall... no metal... what other new thing gets the blame. Logically a new plague could get blamed on a Wonder next. Wouldn't that be fun?
A legacy bonus does not depend on a Hero, nor does a trait upgrade.
True, but with her stated desire to kill the antimetal Legend as nonsensical from simple logic... it makes a fine use of a Hero Unit.
Same applies 2 cow disease, thx. Note that we have a bunch of sick people now and are likely to in the future.
We might actually be able to maintain a culture of the disease but I'm not going to argue that point.

Cow warding used the cows as a safe disease reservoir, leading to unsustainable cow counts. Using people the same way would not be acceptable or feasible.
The main issue here is that an antimetal legend popped as an expansion of the Star Plague Legends.

This needs to be excised as soon as possible... or the copper mine bonus of making megaprojects cheaper will be nerfed by stupid. This idiot belief came from:

Its that Con at work. 'Star Fall=Star Plague' triggered only no Star Fall happened. So they decided it was the mine at fault as that was what changed. This can happen again. New plague... no Star Fall... no metal... what other new thing gets the blame. Logically a new plague could get blamed on a Wonder next. Wouldn't that be fun?

True, but with her stated desire to kill the antimetal Legend as nonsensical from simple logic... it makes a fine use of a Hero Unit.
Nice switch, lel.

Cow warding used the cows as a safe disease reservoir, leading to unsustainable cow counts. Using people the same way would not be acceptable or feasible.
Alrdy considered in the fact that we a) have a lot of people sick rn and b) can expect a lot of people to be sick in the future. The proportion of sick people is likely to match or outshadow the demand in the form of not-yet-immunized people, because that's p much how diseases work. Sure, there will be periods w/ less sick people so less people will be immunized, but then we'll have more sick people to immunize others with.

How many people exist per female, much less not-yet-infected cows? > 20 imo.

Kk, ciao.

Edit: btw reread AN's actual quote and think on what the phrase "immediate problems" might actually mean.
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The main issue here is that an antimetal legend popped as an expansion of the Star Plague Legends.

This needs to be excised as soon as possible... or the copper mine bonus of making megaprojects cheaper will be nerfed by stupid. This idiot belief came from:

At the expense of fighting gender inequality, which is a much more insidious and hard to dig out problem. We also have potential hostiles at our border with the SHP.
Furthermore, getting Stability hits from Female chief is frankly bullshit. We've had female chiefs in Gwygotha's era when all prior chiefs were male. No Stability hits.
But we just got a Stability hit because of her being female. Times of Gwygotha have passed. AN has more tham clearly stated that we do have unofficial patriarchy going on, and we will have to fight it...heck, a choice to choose her already costs Stability.
False on both.
-Our copper mining tailings tastes sour. The water contains sulfuric acid. Arsenic would have different and more dramatic reactions.

-Academia Nut had explicitly stated the Study Health will not do anything to solve the current problems, and that we've maxed out pretty much all the health techs for our tech level.

Even if Study Health won't help I still think that we need to get rid of that belief ASAP so we can Study Metal. Study Health was the only thing that came to mind.

As for the second point, I have to disagree there. It's not just it having a bitter taste - the waste was explicitly called "poisonous". I can hunt for quotes in the morning. It's late and I need to head to bed. Night.
But we just got a Stability hit because of her being female. Times of Gwygotha have passed. AN has more tham clearly stated that we do have unofficial patriarchy going on, and we will have to fight it...heck, a choice to choose her already costs Stability.
Yes, so we got an up front Stability cost on a leader who has Heroic level roll on the most efficient Stability recovery action here.

You think the Stallions wouldn't have raised hell over ANY Hero being elected? Her gender is the excuse. They're pissy over having two Heroes rejected for Kingship in recent history
Even if Study Health won't help I still think that we need to get rid of that belief ASAP so we can Study Metal. Study Health was the only thing that came to mind.

As for the second point, I have to disagree there. It's not just it having a bitter taste - the waste was explicitly called "poisonous". I can hunt for quotes in the morning. It's late and I need to head to bed. Night.

We have a woman on the throne for hopefully 2 turns. This is a rare opportunity to cement her legacy and fight gender inequality. Meanwhile, we can fight the stupid belief on our own term.
Looks like we've got the usual fucky rolls. The Garden turned out swimmingly but now we've got some gdi cough going around along with an asshole. Who I don't think anyone is going to be voting for lol rip.

Lowlands are cursed indeed.
Even if Study Health won't help I still think that we need to get rid of that belief ASAP so we can Study Metal. Study Health was the only thing that came to mind.
And its' already been outlined how to prove the superstition false:
1) Wait for the disease to fade to normal levels.
2) Study Metal or Build Mine
3) Demonstrate the lack of disasters happening.
4) Repeat until Observance has been convinced.