[X] Highland Kingdom
[X] Expand Carrion Eaters (-1 Econ, -1 Mysticism, +1 Martial, many more Carrion Eaters, additional effects)
*gently strokes our hoarded stability*
One or Two?

If one, def The Garden. Two is kinda iffy... do you think that our new trait/legacy will make both finish in a single turn?

[X] Expand Carrion Eaters (-1 Econ, -1 Mysticism, +1 Martial, many more Carrion Eaters, additional effects)
[X] Xohyssiri
Yep. And that very much annoys me. Which is why I try to push for clear, concise, unambiguous record keeping whenever I see an opportunity.

Even then, that may not solve things. Conspiracists can just taken the records and put their own spin on it.

They can easily turn something like this into "This Crow character is clearly extraterrestrial in nature, this 'Dark Beyond Dark' place confirms it. It's talking about the blackness of space, of course. I mean it even says 'He came in'. Came in from where?"
[X] Expand Carrion Eaters (-1 Econ, -1 Mysticism, +1 Martial, many more Carrion Eaters, additional effects)
[X] Metal Workers
Again people rumors don't start from something inconsequential and the metalworkers are more likely than anyone to discover something important.
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[X] Expand Carrion Eaters (-1 Econ, -1 Mysticism, +1 Martial, many more Carrion Eaters, additional effects)
[X] Xohyssiri
Only TWO kicks? What halfhearted cowardice is this?! With the megaproject support policy in place, we can do FOUR!

That's 8 megaproject main actions.
That's almost certainly TWO megaprojects. In one turn.
I get you... though tbh a part of me wonders if you're being sarcastic or not.
I will have my double megaproject hypersynergy nonsense. Dam/Garden at the same time would have some unusual synergy if it happened with intent like that.
Only TWO kicks? What halfhearted cowardice is this?! With the megaproject support policy in place, we can do FOUR!

That's 8 megaproject main actions.
That's almost certainly TWO megaprojects. In one turn.
Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure we can't kick stuff unless it's the hypothetical 'time to push the button' vote AN could present to us.
It seemed that the Ymrri still haven't moved beyond the "spirit" stage?
do you want us to just have straight up gods? Bro, gods are boring. So is atheism. A 40k-esque mix of animism and science is the best approach.

Only TWO kicks? What halfhearted cowardice is this?! With the megaproject support policy in place, we can do FOUR!

That's 8 megaproject main actions.
That's almost certainly TWO megaprojects. In one turn.
ingenious, but do we have enough $?

And wouldn't our new legacy make that unnecessary? It already doubles the cost and halves the duration.

I will have my double megaproject hypersynergy nonsense. Dam/Garden at the same time would have some unusual synergy if it happened with intent like that.
I agree that it would have some unusual synergy, though that depends on if we calculate the changes in water flow appropriately. The temporary cessation of flow provided by the dam would let us do some serious work on the garden w/ less effort tho.
[X] Begin work on the Garden (-1 Econ, +1 Stability, starts megaproject)
[X] Xohyssiri

With this we can guarantee that The Garden finishes next turn by kicking it while still going to +3 stability.
Seems to be the only difference in stats...which i think means either the baby boom is over, or we had some other expense we didn't expect? We had 7 Econ, spent 5, gained at least 2 from divine stewards + the "instant econ gain" of the saltern, and if we still have baby boom, then thats +3 still, right? ...unless "per province action" means "per separately listed province action", so 2 mains only gives +2, which would be weird since that shouldn't change how much our people grow the way having more provinces would? Also, not sure how that + the 1 stability thing is important enough for a vote reset...am i missing something AN?
Major Spirits of the Xohyssiri/Dead Priests
Thunderbird - A rainbow winged eagle who brings rain and destruction, Thunderbird shaped the world with the beating of his wings, bringing forth all things good and evil. He requires blood both so that he will not hunt on his own and thus bring ruinous weather with his flight, and to strengthen him when he battles more destructive demons and gods
Choxosyn - Head of a lion, body of a man, and legs of a bull, Choxosyn is the demon god of conquest who requires a steady supply of virgin maidens sent to him to keep him preoccupied with fulfilling his immediate lusts, so that he will not head out into the world to shake the ground with his passage or draw Thunderbird's ire. Enemy warriors can instead be sacrificed to him in order to gain his favour when on conquest
Tuultox - Serpentine goddess of disease and healing, her venoms can bring both death and life, depending upon her whims. Invoked by both prostitutes and pregnant mothers for protection, with the deaths of either considered to be her feast of blood
Teossoxyn - A demon who dwells within the north star, he is entirely random and destructive, and can only be satiated with the blood of loyal warriors, although not necessarily their deaths
...Yeah, this sounds like the religion of nice people who we merely have inaccurate rumors and myths about, and that we want to befriend...On that note, AN, have the People completely forgotten our war with the DP, and think we've never had any war other than defending against nomads, or did we just forget who we were fighting or decide that those dead priests werent the same dead priests, or something?
Arxyn - An important ancestor/spirit, considered the first man and first king, who brought forth demons with foolishness and greed. Important for a form of negative invocation
I am pretty pleased that our Eve-equivalent is a guy, and that our spirits in general are pretty egalitarian for early religion...makes me more hopeful that those solidifying gender norms can be fought
Patir Torm - The current king of the gods, who gained the position by lashing the cosmic equine children of the Thunder Horse to pull the Sun Chariot and who reworked the sparks from Thunder Horse's hooves to create lightning bolts that he hurls to smite his enemies
Gasania - Mother goddess of the earth and deep places, noted for her jealousy for the attention of Patir Torm and rages when his attentions wander to other women. Considered the matron of good harvests, women in childbirth, and the deeps of the earth
Firlco - Peregrine messenger and deadly archer in his father's service, the only thing faster than Firlco are his arrows of sunlight and disease
Lots of RL-Greek influences in your worldbuilding here, i see =3
[X] Begin work on the Garden (-1 Econ, +1 Stability, starts megaproject)
[X] Xohyssiri

Fuck it. Let's get +3 stability and 2 megaprojects in as many turns. That's not bullshit at all.
[X] Begin work on the Garden (-1 Econ, +1 Stability, starts megaproject)
[X] Xohyssiri

With this we can guarantee that The Garden finishes next turn by kicking it while still going to +3 stability.
I feel like I'm in some weird totalitarian novel. Not only are senators opposed to effective health care, ppl are opposing it for imaginary peasants in a created world. :(

Lots of RL-Greek influences in your worldbuilding here, i see =3
proto indo european

Also, Lilith is the one who brought forth demons, theoretically.

Eve just ate an apple cus Adam didn't actually tell her not to/why idr which.
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[X] Begin work on the Garden (-1 Econ, +1 Stability, starts megaproject)
[X] Highland Kingdom

So the Dead Priests are still the same sacrificial nuts as always. Not interested any more. What I am interested in is getting to 3 Stability. I'm curious if that alone is enough to get us Legacy. The free progress is also good and nigh-guaranteed to ensure we complete it next turn.