"She manipulates the Soul, as you say," Nadia notes. "She is very powerful against other magical girls and Witches. I have not heard she is travelling, but it would have been within the last week?"
"About there," you agree.
Magical healing can repair things that are normally irreparable, which probably includes the effects of aging.Part of aging is accumalating of damage that does not properly heal over time, and while Meguca have better healing they also take more damage than non-augmented humans can sustain and live, so it wouldn't be surprising if an old Meguca actually looks old.
Also probably quite useful for making money, as per our previous discussions.Just on an aside, we've just been informed of a magical girl that can create things from nothing. I know I've had ideas on how to create new bodies for those that have been de-witched, but that sounds way less messy; presuming what she creates is permanent, of course.
Magical healing can repair things that are normally irreparable, which probably includes the effects of aging.
Also probably quite useful for making money, as per our previous discussions.
[x] Smile enigmatically and say that's a long story. You'll tell her about it later.
[x] Ask why Nadia thinks that Riona might be coming here. It seems odd that she'd risk leaving her territory undefended to chase an unconfirmed rumor of a griefbender.
[x] When she says that Riona is feared, what exactly does she mean? Obviously Riona is dangerous, but is she evil or unstable?
[X] Continue asking the remaining questions from the previous vote.
[X]Ask about Old Lady Catherine. What are her powers, when did she most likely contract, does she have any relatives or friends.
-[X] If asked why, say that it'd be good to get some information on a Puella Magi that has managed to live so long.
[X] After that, open the floor to questions from the others.
[x] When that's done, ask if there's anything that we can do for Nadia, beside keeping her gem clean.
[x] Ask Nadia if she'd be interested in having a Clear Seed.
-[x] If she asks what it will cost her, tell her that she should consider it a gift... but you would like her to consider joining the team. You could use someone with her skills and knowledge to travel around for us. You can pay her in cash or gold.
Aging is the accumalition of damage. The damage which non-meguca accumulate can be magically healed, but Meguca sustain more damage than non-meguca could survive.
What I am saying is that there is not much difference between an arthritic limb and one that was twisted off and couldn't be fully healed due to not enough magic.
Meguca who've lived a long time may stave off the normal damage that accumulates, but active Meguca should make up for it with abnormal damage that magcal healing doesn't fully compensate for.
Momu healed us too, though.Mami was able to heal our leg back without even having the lichbomb to help her psychologically.
Alternatively, if you survive in this business long enough for aging to actually be relevant, you've probably practiced healing yourself enough that you've figured out how to control your own aging process. So at that point, you only age if you want to, and can subtly adjust HOW you age (like making yourself gain more or less height than you would as a normal human).I doubt they'll even have scars or missing bits, unless they choose to keep them. Mami was able to heal our leg back without even having the lichbomb to help her psychologically. The more likely outcome is that lichbombed girls don't age at all and un-lichbombed girls think they're going to grow older and their apparent age tracks their self-image.
Riona Mag Aoidh seems like she will be an interesting meguca to talk to. She might not be the one coming here though. I doubt Nadia knows every single one.
"Lady Riona Mag Aoidh, Lady Protector of the City of Edinburgh, Holder of the Boroughs, Mistress of the Metaphilosophical Sciences!"a 60 year old magical lady
Madokami O. O
If the soulguca does show up shall we refer to her as "Riona Mag Aoidh, Lady Holder of Edinburgh" : P
That's longer than the world record. Just 1 mile away should suffice.... and Homura 2 miles away with an enchanted South African 20mm anti-material rifle.
"Lady Riona Mag Aoidh, Lady Protector of the City of Edinburgh, Holder of the Boroughs, Mistress of the Metaphilosophical Sciences!"
"Please stop announcing me every time I enter a room. I'm not nobility."
"Such a humble Lady!"
Recipent of the Firedust Ribbon, Victoriam Ribbon, White Ribbon, Metaheroism Ribbon, The Sakura Medal, and Lady High Paladin of the Mitakiharan Order of Justice and Civility.You single handling hold a one of, if not the, largest cities in Scotland! In lesser ages thats enough to be self claimed royalty!
Mami is Lady Mami Tomoe, Lady Steward of Mitakihara Town, Governess of the approaches, Member of Homura Akemi 's Most Honourable Privy Council, Mistress of superior firepower!
I see what you did there.