Oh no, she's getting blood in her tea!
[X] Godwinson
This seems kinda pointless. Walpurgisnacht doesn't really require more than what we already have access to. If infinite Tiro Finales and railgun shots and whatever other grief shenanigans aren't enough to grind it into a fine, grief-y paste, then the dissoluzione bianca will be. Feathers is the actual threat, and we have no idea what that'll require or what it'll even be capable of.
I'd like to note that this isn't the only reason for selling things. medicine doesn't cost money as a collateral, or really even for production costs; it costs money so the company can research more drugs. Since there are more Meguca than clear seeds (currently), we'd be helping the same amount of people with a price tag included, and saving time from gaining money which means we can spend time on grief seeds.We're not fucking selling Clear Seeds. We don't NEED to, we can literally kill any witch we want in seconds, and Sabrina's already established as not wanting to hold grief-cleansing or Clear Seeds as exchange or collateral.
What are you talking about, Kai? Free means you don't pay. If I'm giving cupcakes out on my birthday they don't suddenly stop being free because I don't give one to this random person. The same kind of thing applies all over, from "one-per-person" free samples to "free games if you watch adds" to "free breakfast at hotels."-_-
And then you're accused of lying. Because it's not free, it's "questions asked."
What are you talking about, Kai? Free means you don't pay. If I'm giving cupcakes out on my birthday they don't suddenly stop being free because I don't give one to this random person. The same kind of thing applies all over, from "one-per-person" free samples to "free games if you watch adds" to "free breakfast at hotels."
Yeah, this entire debate can be easily resolved just by throwing away that second half entirely. Firn asked us what questions we wanted to ask, and let's just give him that. If we need to say anything else, we can see what Bennouna is thinking when we're done and apply whatever impetus is necessary. Autopilot flies quests into the ground.
"How did you know I just asked [SOULGUCA] to come here?"-[X] Ask about magical girls whose magic allows them to manipulate the soul. You have a source who indicated one would be coming here soon, and you want to know more about them, if possible.
*Points at Mami*--[X] A much greater natural aptitude for enchanting than normal.
And silicon is a very common element, so it would pay back on the investment on par with the carbon → diamond thing.Still, ultra high purity silicon is ridiculously valuable, expensive to produce, and will make us a boatload of cash if we can supply it in quantity, or even in small lab-scale amounts.
We can warn Nadia about keeping Clear Seeds away from Grief Seeds when we make one for her. We can even discuss it with her in her native language if you're that concerned what she might blurt out.No, but Nadia doesn't, and if Nadia knows the witchbomb, she'll likely react to the idea of grief seeds taking grief from clear seeds the same way that we did: "HOLY SHIT SOL GEM???"
Mami doesn't have the witchbomb to make the connection with.
Will she want one? Of course she'll want one. Hell, I'm wondering if she might cry when she gets it. After years of starving and scraping and striving for every Seed she can get to survive, she'll never have to worry or want again.This should still be a question, we're not sure if she wants one or not, though, well, probably does
That's why I said that we should have multiple fake IDs and at least one should say that we're a legal adult, so we can own property and start businesses.But more seriously, we're going to have to assume a low-budget economy until we have girls that are old enough to become entrepreneurs. Which means about 4 years for the money to start coming in.
We could use a girl with memory or mind control powers...Basically, those silicon wafers, while expensive and valuable, are bought and sold through channels that we're basically incapable of breaking into. Commodity markets and exchanges, futures, lots of negotiation and contracts. People aren't going to buy from us at all without being able to, for example, visit our factory and get a sales pitch.
Shouldn't Mami know that?Would you consider adding a question about proper etiquette for meetings between Magi (and groups of Magi)?
Maybe? Mami's policy towards guests is...abnormal, as Magi go, and I don't get the impression she leaves Mitakihara much.
-[x] Ask if she knows anything about a magical girl named Tsubaki Mikoto.
I still think these are questions worth asking.-[x] Is there anything we can do to help her out, besides keeping her gem clean?
If we're setting up a society, we'll need some sort of economy.
We can go full communist, but remember the risks with that. I don't think one infinite source quite constitutes the level of post-scarcity required...
Roughly equivalent, yes. It's not quite as big a shitstorm as Kazumi Magica was, but I seem to recall that it turned one girl evil and she got about a half-dozen others killed.So saving her from death is like saving Michiru Kazusa from witching?
We'll probably need a internal economy, is what I'm saying. Some way of rewarding Meguca who go out and do well at their job within the Meguca community, whether that be hunting witches for Clear Seed production, enchanting items for others, magical transportation & Tourism, Magical Law Enforcement duties, diplomatic setting and maintenance with the other Meguca "nations" that will be set up once Clear Seeds spread out of our control, Muggle Disaster Relief, Spiritual Services, Psychological Counselling, Potential Identification & Appraisement, Incubator Relations...I don't think an economy is something that's on us to create. It may be on us to police the economy, depending on our choices and policies as players, and on the issues that crop up (magical financial crime?), but people will be trading goods and services with or without our helpful input.
The marginal utility of Clear Seeds diminishes dramatically beyond the first unit owned; there's no special incentive for Magical Girls to hoard them (beyond either extreme paranoia or simply being an asshole). As Clear Seeds are sufficiently distributed , and Magical Girls are able to escape the poverty/death trap of Grief Seed dependence, they'll simply be able to integrate into and piggyback off of the muggle economies (using mundane currencies, banks, etc) the same way that normal girls and women would be able to do.
Longer-term goals might involve finding ways for Magical Girls to make money with magic (break the masquerade peacefully enough, and this can happen spontaneously) rather than from mundane work, and rehabilitating Magical Girls who can't re-integrate after self-segregating or being segregated into the fringes of society. But that's not so much part of creating an economy, as much as it is creating institutions within the economy.