This is the more risky plan because if the DPs don't have the axe we've basically wasted an action.
While it might have a lower chance of success, I think it's actually the less risky plan. The worst thing that can happen is that the DPs have the axe, so reducing the chance that they'll have it lowers the overall risk we face next turn.

Getting those boats would be immensely helpful.
No it wouldn't. Helpful, yes, but not immensely so. They wouldn't help at all with building the canal or dealing with lowland crap.
[X] Get the intercession of the shamans to attempt to heal him (Wildcard)
[X] Plan Little Hand
-[X] Retrieve war cart (Stops youngest son from hitting the Western Confederacy, boosts legitimacy and strength of a potential heir)
-[X] Support favourable heir (Boosts legitimacy of an heir, increases the odds of attacking the Dead Priests for the axe rather than negotiating)
No it wouldn't. Helpful, yes, but not immensely so. They wouldn't help at all with building the canal or dealing with lowland crap.

All I know is that as soon as we get boats, I will spend Main actions on trade missions through the sea. At least because Metalworkers are described as living somewhere 'on the far side of the sea' - ergo, if we get boats, we can get a direct trade route. And what is more uniquely important to us, we may be able to get their traits, or overall explore what traits are out there, beyond local cesspool of warmongers.
The thing here is the axe has legitimacy this generation and the next, most likely. If we unite the Thunder Horse under a favorable heir, the Dead Priests can offer any other heir the axe to immediately produce a rival strong claimant, which means the Thunder Horse will either unify under the axe(bad for us), or go into succession war(good for the DPs).

Because the nomads are not a unified bloc. The cart currently has a "significant" following despite the rider being far from favored in succession. Throw the axe in on someone with a strong claim and they'd back that guy to a large extent.

Remember, this is exactly the sort of deal they offer to their client states.

I do not think anyone disagrees that the DPs having the axe is a bad thing. The issue is the DPs possession of the axe is one of four possibilities and we do not know which it is. If they don't have it, this is a waste. Another problem is retrieving the axe is harder than the cart. We only benefit if we have two successful rolls (DP have axe, we steal axe)

Acting to support a candidate works no matter where the axe is. It disadvantages us only if we roll bad twice(DPs have axe, we fail to unify Nomads) all other cases are good to acceptable for us.

It appears that we are gambling on wildcard healing Chief rather than the far safer option of leaving him to pass on his own.

Another even bigger gamble is a bad idea.
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Something else to consider is that if we steal the cart and keep it we might be able to copy it and then we'd be the only faction with the new and improved design.
So we just supported the invasion of an unstable region, only to have the whole thing blow up in our face with the region in an even bigger mess than before?

Oh my spirits, we really are the America of the stone age!
By the way guys whats the plan for the next turn and why?
[Main] Grand Canal
[Secondary] New Settlement - Coast
[Secondary] (Depends on how the mini turn actions work out.)

The main action is locked in.
Coastal settlement to increase economy options, boat tech, and potential future access to the metal workers.
Economy action if everything goes well, defensive action if it doesn't
So we just supported the invasion of an unstable region, only to have the whole thing blow up in our face with the region in an even bigger mess than before?

Oh my spirits, we really are the America of the stone age!

We did not waste a significant budget doing it, we did it via hands of other people. And we know how to leverage our Land of Opportunity. And we are actually doing infrastructure. So...we are better America, probably.

But do they have oil? If they do, we need to go down there and give them democracy ASAP.

Eh, no. We have purple and now blue dye, we have food, we have terraces everywhere (cue Nomads seeing this shit and going 'well, they are rich, but fuck this terrain'), we need to finally get damn ships and we'll be fine.
I'd like to do more surveying too, we have a lot of unexplored land, but that can wait until we get another coastal settlement and probably channel done.
To be fair unlike the americans we wanted the whole region to blow up, the only reason we sent the nomads was so that the DPs who looked like they were winning were inconvenienced and this happened just like we planned. The fact that it didn't cost us any troops or even more importantly valuable actions only makes this better. The only downside to the situation is that the DPs MAY have the axe with which they could cause problems.
We'd have to trade them something and it would probably cost an action I honestly don't think its worth it yet, maybe if one side starts winning again we can try it.
So, assuming we aren't forced into a war again, I figure we try rolling the dice on better boats with a coastal settlement again.

If we have to go to war again, we probably want to build a wall in the lower valley while sending our troops to the WC to defend them from the horde. Ideally we would build walls for the WC, but this seems unlikely to happen.

As for the blue stone, that's another trade good we could use to trade with the metal workers, especially if we can't find any significant metal deposit in our area.
[X] Get the intercession of the shamans to attempt to heal him (Wildcard)
[X] Plan Little Hand
-[X] Retrieve war cart (Stops youngest son from hitting the Western Confederacy, boosts legitimacy and strength of a potential heir)
-[X] Support favourable heir (Boosts legitimacy of an heir, increases the odds of attacking the Dead Priests for the axe rather than negotiating)
Yeah next turn I suggest we use our secondary actions to build another coastal settlement and then either try to expand fishing or study the forrest.
Yeah next turn I suggest we use our secondary actions to build another coastal settlement and then either try to expand fishing or study the forrest.
Next turn we're either doing something related to the lowlands or going all-in on the canal. We've learned from the blight that you absolutely do not want that main action unavailable for anything but the minimum amount of time.
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