Alternative analysis of options (mostly agrees with other ones, but I felt like posting something)

[] Speed his trip to the ancestors (Stability loss if plot unsuccessful)

Terrible precedent to assassinate a chief. High risk (stability) low gain (lose malus slightly earlier)

[] Hope the spirits intervene quickly (Malus to actions until the retirement/passing of the High Chief)

Best option. Remember he is a brilliant peace High Chief, suffering this malus reduce admin to good (all war actions would heavily suffer).
If he gets worse he will retire, the speed it appears to be progressing means a short wait.

[] Get the intercession of the shamans to attempt to heal him (Wildcard)

Unknown results (probably highly roll dependant). It is far to risky, gambling on a good roll. A crit success on this roll would be amazing (we start medicine) but an average roll would be no result and a poor result could be disastrous(High Chief thinks the Shamans are trying to kill him).

[] Retrieve war cart (Stops youngest son from hitting the Western Confederacy, boosts legitimacy and strength of a potential heir)

Preserves the Western Confederacy. Increase the chance of a good result for us. Possibly worthwhile

[] Attempt to retrieve star axe - Dead Priests (If the Dead Priests have the axe, attempts to get it away from them)

Very risky, the current malus from High Chief means it is unlikely to succeed. Acting to prevent the horrible situation of the Dead Priests having the axe. The Dead Priests are more likely to use the Nomads to complete the take over of the lowlands so even if the DPs have the axe(and ally with Nomads{worst case}) we will have a turn to build lowland settlement+walls.

[] Attempt to retrieve star axe - Spirit Talkers (If the Spirit Talkers have the axe, attempts to get it away from them, multiple points of failure can trigger war with the Spirit Talkers)

Extremely high risk(war with Spirit Talkers) for the possibility of choosing the next chief. Worst option.

[] Support favourable heir (Boosts legitimacy of an heir, increases the odds of attacking the Dead Priests for the axe rather than negotiating)

Best option. Should result in the Nomads continuing to attack anyone but the People.

Plan Safest Vote:
Hope the spirits intervene quickly (Malus to actions until the retirement/passing of the High Chief)
Support favourable heir (Boosts legitimacy of an heir, increases the odds of attacking the Dead Priests for the axe rather than negotiating)

Only selecting one Nomad option significantly increases chance of success.

I would recommend Plan Little Hand with Hope the spirits intervene quickly
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Alternative analysis of options (mostly agrees with other ones, but I felt like posting something)

[] Speed his trip to the ancestors (Stability loss if plot unsuccessful)

Terrible precedent to assassinate a chief. High risk (stability) low gain (lose malus slightly earlier)

[] Hope the spirits intervene quickly (Malus to actions until the retirement/passing of the High Chief)

Best option. Remember he is a brilliant peace High Chief, suffering this malus reduce admin to good (all war actions would heavily suffer).
If he gets worse he will retire, the speed it appears to be progressing means a short wait.

[] Get the intercession of the shamans to attempt to heal him (Wildcard)

Unknown results (probably highly roll dependant). It is far to risky, gambling on a good roll. A crit success on this roll would be amazing (we start medicine) but an average roll would be no result and a poor result could be disastrous(High Chief thinks the Shamans are trying to kill him).

[] Retrieve war cart (Stops youngest son from hitting the Western Confederacy, boosts legitimacy and strength of a potential heir)

Preserves the Western Confederacy. Increase the chance of a good result for us. Possibly worthwhile

[] Attempt to retrieve star axe - Dead Priests (If the Dead Priests have the axe, attempts to get it away from them)

Very risky, the current malus from High Chief means it is unlikely to succeed. Acting to prevent the horrible situation of the Dead Priests having the axe. The Dead Priests are more likely to use the Nomads to complete the take over of the lowlands so even if the DPs have the axe we will have a turn to build lowland settlement+walls.

[] Attempt to retrieve star axe - Spirit Talkers (If the Spirit Talkers have the axe, attempts to get it away from them, multiple points of failure can trigger war with the Spirit Talkers)

Extremely high risk(war with Spirit Talkers) for the possibility of choosing the next chief. Worst option.

[] Support favourable heir (Boosts legitimacy of an heir, increases the odds of attacking the Dead Priests for the axe rather than negotiating)

Best option. Should result in the Nomads continuing to attack anyone but the People.

Plan Safest Vote:
Hope the spirits intervene quickly (Malus to actions until the retirement/passing of the High Chief)
Support favourable heir (Boosts legitimacy of an heir, increases the odds of attacking the Dead Priests for the axe rather than negotiating)

Only selecting one Nomad option significantly increases chance of success.

I would recommend Plan Little Hand with Hope the spirits intervene quickly
We don't have a retirement option for chiefs, they all die and then someone inherits.
A solid way of splitting it. It assumes that choosing not to support an heir now means we'll eventually be given the option to support an heir, though. I furthermore don't recognize any difficulties that supporting the heir with the cart would offer. If the cart was enough to give an unfavored younger son a significant following, it will surely give great legitimacy to the heir. This means that the work that providing support to the heir would involve will be very little, if we give him the cart, and of a different nature than that required to retrieve either the cart or the axe.

Well, way I see it is:
[] Retrieve war cart (Stops youngest son from hitting the Western Confederacy, boosts legitimacy and strength of a potential heir)

Primary purpose:
-Remove the worst heir from the selection.
-Prevents raids on WC.

Secondary purpose:
-Boosts legitimacy of another heir if we choose it.

[] Attempt to retrieve star axe - Dead Priests (If the Dead Priests have the axe, attempts to get it away from them)

Primary purpose:
-Verify that the Dead Priests don't have the axe

Secondary purpose:
-Boosts legitimacy of another heir if we get it

[] Attempt to retrieve star axe - Spirit Talkers (If the Spirit Talkers have the axe, attempts to get it away from them, multiple points of failure can trigger war with the Spirit Talkers)

Primary purpose:
-Boost legitimacy of another heir if we get it.

[] Support favourable heir (Boosts legitimacy of an heir, increases the odds of attacking the Dead Priests for the axe rather than negotiating)

Primary purpose:
-Boost the difficulty of Dead Priests using the axe to control the Thunder Horse

Secondary purpose:
-Unify the the Thunder Horse under a favorable heir to us.

The problem here is that we take penalties for each action taken, and it's far more important to get the axe out of the Dead Priest hands than anything else.

Even if we unify the Thunder Horse under a favorable heir with the cart, the Dead Priests will continue to be able to bribe THEIR heir with the axe in the future, and so forth.
We don't have a retirement option for chiefs, they all die and then someone inherits.
It seems we have something;

Thus it was that the council found itself in a bind. Their High Chief was old and fading, but not yet sufficiently incapacitated that they could honourably retire him without issue, especially since his moments of forgetfulness were sporadic and uneven in intensity.

Best case the High Chief realises he is forgetting things and retires asap.
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Well, way I see it is:
[] Retrieve war cart (Stops youngest son from hitting the Western Confederacy, boosts legitimacy and strength of a potential heir)

Primary purpose:
-Remove the worst heir from the selection.
-Prevents raids on WC.

Secondary purpose:
-Boosts legitimacy of another heir if we choose it.

[] Attempt to retrieve star axe - Dead Priests (If the Dead Priests have the axe, attempts to get it away from them)

Primary purpose:
-Verify that the Dead Priests don't have the axe

Secondary purpose:
-Boosts legitimacy of another heir if we get it

[] Attempt to retrieve star axe - Spirit Talkers (If the Spirit Talkers have the axe, attempts to get it away from them, multiple points of failure can trigger war with the Spirit Talkers)

Primary purpose:
-Boost legitimacy of another heir if we get it.

[] Support favourable heir (Boosts legitimacy of an heir, increases the odds of attacking the Dead Priests for the axe rather than negotiating)

Primary purpose:
-Boost the difficulty of Dead Priests using the axe to control the Thunder Horse

Secondary purpose:
-Unify the the Thunder Horse under a favorable heir to us.

The problem here is that we take penalties for each action taken, and it's far more important to get the axe out of the Dead Priest hands than anything else.

Even if we unify the Thunder Horse under a favorable heir with the cart, the Dead Priests will continue to be able to bribe THEIR heir with the axe in the future, and so forth.
Hmm. I just read the actual text that it lowers the success rate of all actions, and the text made it seem more certain that it lowered them regardless of how synergetic the different actions are. Before I was just going off of how different the resources dedicated to the different projects are, which is far more discriminatory in regards to the lowered success rate of different actions.

That assumes that there will be a different heir who goes off and does his own thing rather then challenging the most favored heir for dominance of all the tribes, and idk how likely that is. If we get one heir elected w/o the axe it's likely that later heirs will care about it less, though possible that there'll be a rogue heir in the future who decides that having the axe will provide him legitimacy, though I rly dk if anyone would actually care by that generation about an axe owned by a guy whose major achievement was migrating. Basically, I don't think the DP will successfully use the axe in the future, and I don't know/think it will be sufficient to counter the favored heir in the present if people have already united behind him firmly enough and dislike the DP.

@Academia Nut How many heirs are there?
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It seems we have something;

Best case the High Chief realises he is forgetting things and retires asap.
Wow, I really do not read closely enough. I assumed that since killing him was the listed option retirement isn't one. If we can retire him without issue why don't we do that rather than kill him? Who cares about honorable retirement when there's a chance that he'll forget something in a critical moment?

I feel like the shamans will either come up with better writing to make up for his retirement or just assign someone as a personal assistant to cover for his lapses.
The problem here is that we take penalties for each action taken, and it's far more important to get the axe out of the Dead Priest hands than anything else.

Even if we unify the Thunder Horse under a favorable heir with the cart, the Dead Priests will continue to be able to bribe THEIR heir with the axe in the future, and so forth.

If the Dead Priests have the axe, if we succeed in taking it. It is a good option only if certain circumstances occur.
However if we unify the Thunder Horse under a favorable heir with the cart then they will continue to attack the Dead Priests even if the Dead Priests have the axe (remember they do not like the Dead Priests). It is a good option no matter who has the axe (Nomad non-heir, Spirit Talkers, Dead Priests, axe lost/buried in battlefield), I think it is more likely to succeed.


[X] Get the intercession of the shamans to attempt to heal him (Wildcard)

[X] Plan STs are good enough
-[X] Retrieve war cart (Stops youngest son from hitting the Western Confederacy, boosts legitimacy and strength of a potential heir)
-[X] Attempt to retrieve star axe - Dead Priests (If the Dead Priests have the axe, attempts to get it away from them)
Wow, I really do not read closely enough. I assumed that since killing him was the listed option retirement isn't one. If we can retire him without issue why don't we do that rather than kill him? Who cares about honorable retirement when there's a chance that he'll forget something in a critical moment?
It appears we can only retire him for being obviously ill/failing his duties. Doing a good job but having the occasional memory lapse(making a few mistakes) is not something he can be retired for.
We do have some blue stone, though I'm not actually sure what it is. Has anyone else identified it yet?
Lapis Lazuli. A valuable blue pigment and semiprecious gem.
Also, "Little Misty" and "Snake River". Nice names, but which is which on the map?
Little Misty - Small river, lots of mist(meaning lots of rapids and falls)- Should be the one running horizontally across the map.

Snake River - Long winding river. Should be the one running down to the sea
This plan is basically playing it as safe as possible. If the STs have the axe, these are the actions that can help stabilize the nomads better. However, if the DPs have the axe, this at least increases that chance that the nomads decide to fight them instead of negotiating
Basically it depends on your chosen point of failure.

Bet on the chief you put in power and his heirs fighting the Dead Priests for the axe, or bet on the Blackbirds' skills to recover it, or at least prove that this whole panic is wasted because the axe isn't with the DPs.

...would be funny if it just fell into mud somewhere though.
As far as I can tell there are basically 3 possibilities if we try to get the shamans to heal the high chief:
1.It works and our genius is back in form, we may also gain medicine this is obviously the best result.
2.It doesn't work and nothing happens.
3. They accidentally kill him.

Honestly there seems to be little downside to this choice, even if they kill him then no precedent is set and we can replace him.
You know. I want all the shiny shit. Nobody else gets anything. Fuck everyone and everything.
I haven't empathized with a viewpoint more in quite a long while.

Oh wait, weren't we supposed to be peaceful communist hippies? Uh.

We're repossessing your shiny things so it won't hurt your eyes, bro!

[X] Get the intercession of the shamans to attempt to heal him (Wildcard)

[X] Plan STs are good enough
-[X] Retrieve war cart (Stops youngest son from hitting the Western Confederacy, boosts legitimacy and strength of a potential heir)
-[X] Attempt to retrieve star axe - Dead Priests (If the Dead Priests have the axe, attempts to get it away from them)
Wow, I really do not read closely enough. I assumed that since killing him was the listed option retirement isn't one. If we can retire him without issue why don't we do that rather than kill him? Who cares about honorable retirement when there's a chance that he'll forget something in a critical moment?

I feel like the shamans will either come up with better writing to make up for his retirement or just assign someone as a personal assistant to cover for his lapses.
The issue is remember, we have a workaholic culture. Early retirement is shameful and dishonorable, while an ideal death is to work until the moment you drop dead. Preferably from overwork.

Now, if he was old enough, he could be retired under being too old, but he isn't. If he was completely senile, he could be retired under the incompetence clasue, but he's not.

If the Dead Priests have the axe, if we succeed in taking it. It is a good option only if certain circumstances occur.
However if we unify the Thunder Horse under a favorable heir with the cart then they will continue to attack the Dead Priests even if the Dead Priests have the axe (remember they do not like the Dead Priests). It is a good option no matter who has the axe (Nomad non-heir, Spirit Talkers, Dead Priests, axe lost/buried in battlefield), I think it is more likely to succeed.

The thing here is the axe has legitimacy this generation and the next, most likely. If we unite the Thunder Horse under a favorable heir, the Dead Priests can offer any other heir the axe to immediately produce a rival strong claimant, which means the Thunder Horse will either unify under the axe(bad for us), or go into succession war(good for the DPs).

Because the nomads are not a unified bloc. The cart currently has a "significant" following despite the rider being far from favored in succession. Throw the axe in on someone with a strong claim and they'd back that guy to a large extent.

Remember, this is exactly the sort of deal they offer to their client states.
[X] Hope the spirits intervene quickly (Malus to actions until the retirement/passing of the High Chief)

[X] Plan Little Hand
Lapis lazuli is nice but I really would have like metal.

We only explored the land which could be a good place for the channel; I have hopes for the mountains to our north and south.
Plus, having another rare colour source is going to bump up our diplomacy, which is good seeing as it is shite now - not that we did not deserve people hating us, what with nomads, but Diplo 3 is not that good.
It will be of great use when we finally (uugh) get sailing and can start proper long-range trading and exploration. Fucking dice blocking us from boats.