True Cities
[5/13 City Level Limit (#Provinces + #LandedNonFreeCitySubordinates)/2]
[0 Non-Supported True Cites : -0 High Cent Tolerance]
[Cities activate when EE is at or below Threshold/2]
[Total Upkeep: 0 (True Cities) + 6 (Free Cities) - 6 (City Support) = 0]
-Valleyhome (-2 Econ Upkeep) <Level 1> [38 EE Threshold]
---[Capital, Palace, Aqueduct, Baths, Market {x2}, Sig. Walls]
-Blackmouth (-3 Econ Upkeep) <Level 2> [33 EE Threshold]
---[Governor's Palace, Aqueduct, Baths, Market {x2}, Sig. Walls] <Block Housing 1>
-Sacred Forest (-2 Econ Upkeep) <Level 1> [31 EE Threshold]
---[Aqueduct, Baths, Sig. Walls]
-Stallion Pen (-2 Econ Upkeep) <Level 1> [27 EE Threshold]
---[Aqueduct, Mass. Walls]
-Lower Valleyhome (-2 Econ Upkeep) <Level 1> [22 EE Threshold]
---[Aqueduct, Sig. Walls]
-Redshore (-4 Econ/Turn Upkeep) <Level 3>
---[Governor's Palace, Block Housing x2, Aqueduct x2, Baths x2, Market x2 {x3}, Ironworks x3, Sig. Walls]
-Redhills (-1 Econ/Turn Upkeep) <Level 1>
---[Aqueduct, Baths, Sig. Walls] {Colossal Walls 5/9 Progress}
-Valleyguard (-1 Econ/Turn Upkeep) <Level 1>
---[Aqueduct, Sig. Walls] {Colossal Walls 3/9 Progress}
Greenshore - Capital [Aqueduct, Sig. Walls?] (In Subordinate)
-Greenshore - Unknown City [Aqueduct, Sig. Walls?] (In Subordinate)
-Western Wall - Capital [Aqueduct, Governor's Palace, Sig. Walls?] (In Subordinate)
-Heaven's Hawk - Phygriftwyn [Aqueduct, Sig. Walls?] (In Subordinate)
[Total effect: 3 Mysticism Refund]
-Sacred Forest (Temple, Megaproject, +1 Refund by itself)
-Valleyhome (True City)
-Valleyhome (Palace Annex x2 = 1 National Library)
-Stallion Pen (Temple)
-Redshore (True City)
-Amber Road (Temple) (In Subordinate)
[7 {8} Total Temple Levels, 1 Natural Wonder]:
-Sacred Forest in Sacred Shore (Lv 2)
-Dragon Graveyard in Stallion Province (Lv 2 + Natural Wonder)
-Horse Valley in Stonepen (Lv 2 + Lv 1 Observatory)
-Holy Sea in Redshore (Lv 1)
-Amber Road (Lv 1) (Subordinate)
Salt/Gold Production
[Total Effect: +5 Wealth/turn]
-Southshore (Lv 2 Saltern) [+1.0]
-Northshore (Lv 2 Saltern) [+1.0]
-Gulshore (Lv 1 Saltern) [+0.5}
-Hatvalley (Gold Mine) [+0.5]
-Heaven's Hawk (Lv 1 Salt Mine) (In Subordinate, Applies to Core Anyway) [+0.5]
-Heaven's Hawk (Gold Mine) (In Subordinate, Applies to Core Anyway) [+0.5]
-Trade Post (Amber Road) (Support) [+0.5]
-Grand Docks (Redshore) (Support) [+0.5]
[Total Level Count: 4 | Bonus to Mass Levy: +{8} Martial]
[Tier 1 (X3) Effects: Expand Econ Secondary: +3 Econ, -3 EE, -3 Tech]
[Tier 2 (X2) Effects: City Support/Agriculture Passive Policies: +4 Econ, -4 EE, -2 Tech]
[Tier 3 (X1) Effects: +1 Tech/turn, Actions with wealth costs changed by +2 Wealth, -1 Tech]
-Redhills (Megaproject) [Functions as Lv 1 for total Ironwork level count]
-Redshore (Lv 3)
Governor's Palace:
[All numbers are totals]
[-1 Min Cent Tolerance, -2 Max Cent Tolerance, +0 True City Admin Support]
[+2 Max Interconnectivity, +2 Temp Econ Damage Resistance]
[+2 Max Safe Martial, +2 RA Tolerance]
[+1.5 Tech Refund, including main Palace]
-Sacred Shore
-Western Wall (In Subordinate)
-Greenshore (In Subordinate)
[{Current} Total: {5} 9 Wealth/Turn, {1.25} 1.25 Culture/Turn]
-Redshore (Level 2, 5 Wealth/Turn, 1.25 Culture/Turn) <Active>
-Valleyhome (Level 1, 2 Wealth/Turn) <Inactive>
-{Blackmouth Level 1, 2 Wealth/Turn} <Inactive>
Colossal Walls:
-{Redhills 5/9 Progress}
-{Valleyguard 3/9 Progress}
Interconnectivity (20/55)
[Can gain Cent from roads up to half of max IC value (27/55), any past that will be banked]
[+6 Max Centralization Tolerance (IC/3, round down). 0 Banked Centralization]
[Max IC Formula: 2 + 3*Full_Provinces + Governor's_Palaces]
[17 Full Provinces - 3 Extra Sec King Actions (6 Total), 6 Sec Province Actions, 2 Main + 1 Sec Guild Actions]
[Next Action increases: +1 Sec Guild Action at 18 Provinces | +1 Sec Province Action at 19 Provinces | No Gain at 20 Provinces]
[New King Actions at every (9+4n) Province]
[New Province Actions at every (11+4n) Province]
[New Guild Actions at every (3n) Province]
[In Progress Provinces]
-Northern Blackriver [2/6]
[Subordinate Provinces]
<Just ignore this section for now, it's out of date, was only ever my (Abby Normal) guesses, and with the plague and unknown subordinate status, is likely even more wrong than I know>
-Western Wall - 2-3? Provinces (0? Ready to Integrate)
-Greenshore - 3-4? Provinces (0 Ready to Integrate)
-Heaven's Hawk - 1 Province (1 Ready to Integrate) [March]
-Txolla - 3-4? Provinces (2? Ready to Integrate) <AN says probably 5 actually, will figure out what that means for provinces based on actions later>
-Tinriver - 2-3? Provinces (0 Ready to Integrate)
-Thunder Horse - 3-4? Provinces (0 Ready to Integrate)
-Amber Road - 1 Province (0 Ready to Integrate) [Immature Trading Post, cannot expand]
Stat Caps
[Base Cap - 27]
[Base is 10 + #Provinces]
[Wealth Cap - 25]
-Base Value (+10)
-17 Provinces (+17)
-8 Guild Faction Power (+4)
-12 RA Mylathadysm (-6)
[Safe Martial Limit - 37 {39}]
[Number in {} is safe "non-primary" martial, which refers to the extra martial we gain from econ, listed in {} on the civ sheet]
-Base Value (+10)
-17 Provinces (+17)
-2 Governor's Palaces (+2)
-Palace Arsenal Annexes (+1)
-Iron Age Census (+2)
-International Games (+5)
-Gymnasiums {+2}
[Note: Being at a tolerance cap triggers penalties]
[Low Centralization Tolerance: - 2]
-Government Base "Neutral" (0)
-Legacies (-1)
-2 Governor's Palaces (-1) [-0.5 per GP]
[High Centralization Tolerance: 10]
-Government Base "High" (7)
-21 Interconnectivity (+6) [+1 per 3 IC]
-Legacies (+2)
-17 Provinces (-3) [-1 per 2 provinces over 12]
-0 Unsupported True Cities (-0) [-1 per Unsupported City. Free Cities and Capital are supported. Governor's Palaces can support 1 city per 3 GPs.]
-2 Governor's Palaces (-2) [-1 per GP]
[Hierarchy Tolerance: 10]
-8? Base (+8)
-Legacies (+2)
[Religious Authority Tolerance: 13]
-9? Base (+9)
-1? Quest Reward (+1)
-3 Capital/Governor's Palaces (+3) [+1 Per Palace]
[All Refunds are limited on a per action basis]
[Econ Refund - 5]
[Refunds spent Econ as EE. Gained from True/Free Cities]
-2 Level 1 Cities (+2)
-0 Level 2 City (+0)
-1 Level 3 City (+3)
[Tech - 1.5 {1}]
[Refunds spent Tech at end of turn. Gained from Arsenal annexes and GPs]
-Capital Palace (+0.5)
-2 Governor's Palaces (+1)
{Rounds Down}
[Mysticism - 3]
[Refunds spent Mysticism at end of turn. Gained from Libraries]
-Library Megaproject (+1)
-4 Libraries (+2)
-3 Secondary Gymnasium: +6 to Games Rolls, +3 Safe Non-Primary Martial
-Annex Limit: 15/19 [2 (Base) + 8.5 {8} (#Provinces/2) + 9 (#LandedNonFCSubordinates)]
-Current Reformers Legacy Strength: 1/4 Refund
-Temp Econ Damage Resistance: 11.66 {11} [-1 (Gov Base) + 2.66 (Gov + 8 Cent) + 1 (Storehouse Annex) + 2 (2 Governor's Palaces) + 1 (Iron Age Census) + 6 (Mylathadysm + 12 RA)]