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The world is out of order. No one knows why, what spirits or ancestors have been angered, but...
The world is out of order. No one knows why, what spirits or ancestors have been angered, but the land is shifting in ways that bring tremendous hardship to the people. Landmarks known for generations are no longer corresponding to what they should be. The elders remember the course of rivers and the boundaries of forests and being different, and speak of their elders worrying over these shifts as well. Every season the hunting grows harder and the plants that feed your people grow increasingly scarce. The future feels dangerous and uncertain, and as the tribe gathers for the summer meet there is a palpable feeling that something must change, that life will go on, but perhaps not as before.

After the initial round of standard calls to the spirits and ancestors to watch over them and initial airing of grievances among the tribe, one of the younger men takes up the speaking stick and says, "Brothers, elders, and young mothers, I come before you to speak of the people of the river valley. Tales tell of how poor the region is and has been, and yet my clan peers down on them from our lands and sees that their numbers grow greater each year even as I see fewer young mothers inducted in place of passing elders each time we meet like this. I have watched them, and how they scatter seeds to the mud left by spring flooding and then collect a tremendous bounty of food come the autumn chills. I and members of my clan have gone seeking food in hard times, and they dare to call us lazy and greedy and only begrudgingly share their plenty when we are hungry, or even refuse to altogether."

At this there is general harrumphing from the council, and the young man says, "These people, they refuse to help, and so they will slowly strangle us. As of yet their numbers are small, but they grow quickly, and worse yet they have started to attack game not because they are hungry or to honour the ancestors, but because the animals are eating the plants they grow. They are a wicked lot, and must be dealt with quickly and decisively, lest they drive away all the game and leave us to starve while gorging themselves."

"You propose to attack as one, to drive these people off?" One of the elders asks with skepticism and the faint air of disgust.

"Yes. As one the tribe is still greater than them, we have the numbers to put an end to their wickedness before they grow too numerous and we grow too weak," the man explains, his face hardening at that.

"Pfah! No wonder your neighbours do not wish to extend charity to you!" The elder proclaims, waving at him dismissively. One of the other elders gestures to have the speaking stick, and the bellicose man hands it to her.

"I too have seen these people, and while I agree with my nephew's assessment in part, that we cannot simply let the situation continue without action, I disagree on what that action should be. The people of the river valley do not simply sit back and amass food at little effort, they put considerable work caring to the grasses they grow, watching over them as a mother tends to a child. Of course they do not wish to simply share their efforts with anyone who asks. However, I remember stories of older times, of when things were better, of men who would walk long paths across the seasons, gathering little themselves but carrying with them fine items from distant lands that they could exchange for food. They no longer walk the paths to our lands, there being little here for them anymore, but perhaps if we had things that the people of the rivers wanted we could simply exchange for food," the old woman explained, to general vocal disagreement until by holding up the speaking stick long enough she managed to shame them back into general decorum.

She said, "If nothing else, we will need to travel further with the seasons as the valley people disrupt the herds with their habits. We may as well find ways to bring in more food for our efforts."

Handing the stick over to an older man not quite to the full greyness of a proper elder, he says, "I hear the others speak and know from my own experiences, and I know that only uncertainty lies before us. Fundamentally though, I think we are confronted with the question of 'do we move, or do we move the valley people'? Any other answer is unacceptable, we cannot continue like this. Posed in such a way, we must consider a simpler and yet perhaps more disquieting way of addressing the issue: we leave these lands for ones where prospects are better."

At that there is another explosion of shouting and protest, but the most white haired elders had already anticipated it this time and formed up a unified front of disapproving faces to glare down the more red faced members of the tribe, despite their own obvious displeasure with the proposal. Some things were sacred, including allowing the one with the speaking stick to give his or her peace, even if the words flirted with the profane. Waiting for silence to die down properly again, the man said, "I know it would be abandoning the lands of our ancestors, but if there is not enough food here, do we have any choice but to seek out better elsewhere, if we are not to stain these lands with the murder of our neighbours?"

At this, one of the younger men raises a hand to have a turn to speak, and the man who proposed the tribe move to better grounds gave it over to him. "Older brother of the tribe, I think that your proposal has merit, but surely the best hunting grounds are guarded by other tribes who feel threatened? If the people of this valley can learn to turn mud and grass to a bounty of food, can we not do the same? Could we not find another valley shunned for its floods that we might spread seed as our neighbours do? Would not the numbers that could let us take the land of our neighbours today protect us even as we reverse our fortunes?"

This of course kicks off an even bigger argument at the proposal of abandoning not just land but ways as well. It is at this point that those overseeing the argument simply give up on simple one-at-a-time measures and call for organized debate and organization.

Choose a path for the people...
[] Path of War
[] Path of Trade
[] Path of Wanderers
[] Path of Settlers

AN: A curious idea, I wanted to do a civilization type game, but move away from a lot of the micromanaging type details and more towards something a bit more general. This is not about optimizing minutiae, but about choosing the structures and ideals of a people, culture, and civilization over time as various challenges rear their head.
Civilization Sheet
Ymaryn "The People"

Civilization Stats

Diplomacy 27/27 [+4]
-Intrigue 4 [+1]
Economy 34 (+5)/41 [-1+4]
-Sustainable Forests 34{41}/34.5 [+5]
-Econ Expansion 4 [-5] [Overcrowding Min: -5]
Martial 8 /37 {38/40}
-Light Cavalry 6
Naval 1
Wealth 12/25 [+7]

Culture 9/27 [+7]
Mysticism 8/27 (+6)[+3]
Tech 20/27 (+4) [-5]
Prestige 122

Stability 2/3 (optimistic)
Legitimacy 3/4 (regular max)

Centralization 6/9
Hierarchy 8/10
Religious Authority 9 {12}/13

Diplo Per Turn [+4]
+1 King of the Hill
+3 Games
-2 Skullduggery
+1 Amber Road
+1 Palace

Intrigue Per Turn [+1]
+1 Skullduggery

Economy Per Turn [-1+4]
+5 Vassal Tax
+8 Baby Boom
-4 Forestry Repeat
+4 Trailing Forestry Repeat
-(20-3-6) =-11 City Consumption

Forests Per Turn [+5]
Forestry Passive +3
Forestry Repeat +2

EE Per Turn [-5]
-5 Vassal Tax
+4 Forestry Repeat Refund
-4 Forestry Repeat
-3 Forestry Passives
-8 Baby Boom
+11 City Consumption

Wealth Per Turn [+9]
+5 Salt&Gold
+3 = 3 Strategic
+4.5 = 4.5 Luxury
+10 Markets
-0 Units
-11 Maintenance
-2 Subsidy
-2 Pirates

Culture Per Turn [+7]
+5 City Levels
+4 Games
+1.25 Redshore Market
-3 Maintenance

Mysticism Per Turn [+3]
+1 Central Temple
+2 Dragon Graveyard

Tech Per Turn [-5]
+1 Arsenal
+1 Ironworks
-2 City Support
-3 Forestry Passives
-1 Forestry Repeat
-1 Maintenance

King of the Hill: You are the most prestigious polity around, gaining you +1 Diplomacy a turn, but all other groups gain the 'Take the Crown' casus belli
Efficient Economy:
+1 Wealth/turn while above Econ 10
Panem: All True Cities and Free Cities cost an additional -1 Econ each per turn as additional food is distributed to the urban poor. Urban Poor faction adds faction power to Urban challenge rolls
Baby Boom: Converting 8 EE to Econ each turn
Moderate Pirate Presence: Losing 2 Wealth a turn due to Saffron Island Pirates spilling out of the Trelli strait. Can be hunted through Sailing Mission but their home bases are currently outside your reach.

Trade Status
Resource Status Rivals
Food Minimal Khem?
Common Pottery Competing (Khem+SI)?, HK, Harm, SY, Freehills
Common Textiles Little traded Khem? , Harm, SY, FH
Lumber Hoarding  
Charcoal Hoarding  
Amber Minor trading Far Northern Tribes
Fine Pottery Leading Khem?, Harmurri, SY
Fine Dye Dominating FH, SY
Fine Textiles Leading Harm, Khem?
Furs Minor trading Far Northern Tribes
Gems Dominating Tin Tribes, Khem (in)?, FH, Storm Ymaryn
Glass Dominating Khem, SY, FH
Gold Considerable + minor trading (in) SY, Khem?, FH
Incense None Khem? SI?
Mercury Some FH
Poppies Dominating Khem, SY, FH, Harm
Silver Considerable SY, Khem (in)
Salt Dominating Trelli, Salt Sea
Spices Significant (SI+Khem)?
Wine Dominating FH, SY, Harm, FH
Copper Dominating Highlanders, SY, Khem (n/c)
Bronze Significant Khem (n/c), SY
Slaves Forbidden SY, TT, Khem
Tin Minor + Significant Trading SY, HK, Tin Tribes, Khem
Iron Ore Significant SY, HK, Khem
Iron Goods Dominating SY, FH
Pilgrimage Dominating Khem (n/c), Salt Sea

Periphery States (16/15+6) (Loyalty [L], Dependence [D], Effectiveness [E])
Heaven's Hawks (March) - Eliminates raids from the north-east, can provide military advances and supports the Memory of Spirits (L:5/5, D: 5/5)
Memory of Spirits (March) - Eliminates raids from the north-east, can provide military advances and supports Heaven's Hawk and Txolla (L:5/5, D: 5/5)
Highlands Cap (Vassal-March) - Protects against incursion from the Highlanders in the east, can provide military advances and supports Txolla (L: 4/5, D: 3/5)

Western Wall (Colony) - Expands to produce new provinces and find new resources, and can take be brought into wars to the north and west (L: 3/5, D: 1/5)
Greenshore Colony (Colony) - Settles the territory on the west coast of the sea (L: 3/5, D: 2/5)
Tinriver Colony (Colony) - Settles the territory on the south-west coast of the sea (L: 3/5, D: 2/5)

Txolla (Vassal-Colony) - Foreign territory under your control, follows you in war but has own agenda, restricted to expansion through settlement (L: 5/5, D: 2/5)
Thunder Horse (Vassal) - Foreign territory under your control, follows you in war but has own agenda (L: 5/5, D: 5/5)
Forhuch (Vassal-March) - Foreign territory under your control, follows you in war but has own agenda (L: 5/5, D: 4/5)

Amber Road (Trading Post) [Mature] - Increases trade power for all Far Northern Tribe products, provides a market for an extra saltern (L: 5/5, D: 2/4)

Redshore (Free City) - Eliminates True City admin and reduces Econ upkeep penalties (Trouble: 0/5)
Redhills (Free City) - Eliminates True City admin and reduces Econ upkeep penalties (Trouble: 1/5)
Valleyguard (Free City) - Eliminates True City admin and reduces Econ upkeep penalties (Trouble: 1/5)

Red Banner Company (Mercenary Company) - Can be hired to other kingdoms for wealth, or maintained to boost Martial capacity (L: 3/5, E: 8/10)
Dragon Banner (Mercenary Company) - Can be hired to other kingdoms for wealth, or maintained to boost Martial capacity (L: 5/5, E: 4/10)
Blood Rain Banner Company (Mercenary Company) - Can be hired to other kingdoms for wealth, or maintained to boost Martial capacity (L: 3/5, E: 4/10)

Social Values (3/3)
Personal Stewards of Nature
Through the blessings of the spirits and the efforts of the People in individual and whole, the land is reshaped, and its management and protection is a good above all others. No effort is to great when it comes to the stewardship of the land, and many pursue their own little projects where it does not conflict with the symphony of the whole
Pros: Bonuses to all actions relating to land management, bonuses when fighting on own terrain, additional Econ and Stability whenever completing a land management type Megaproject, may spend Stability to double the effort of megaprojects and in defensive wars, certain projects may receive additional actions at the midturn at the cost of Centralization
Cons: Additional strife caused by deliberate environmental disruption unless it is for the long term betterment of the land, or loss of territory to others

Greater Justice
Justice exists for the good of all, protecting the community from the depravity of those who would do it damage.
Pros: Justice is a community objective that can be served through the careful application of punishment
Cons: The needs of the many can outweigh the needs of the few

Pride in Acceptance
The People see not outsiders but fellow humans in need of assistance, and are always willing to offer aid, knowing that even when friendship is uncertain the act of offering is a cleansing one.
Pros: Enhanced absorption of new ideas, +1 social value from current or historical neighbours, whenever a neighbour suffers a stability drop have the option to also suffer a stability drop in exchange for a large boost to Econ and technological and social advancement by absorbing especially large numbers of people, the first Econ boost a turn is free and the second only has a chance of causing a stability drop rather than a guaranteed drop, massively increased inward tech spread, new CBs
Cons: Many think you weak, no longer have the option to turn away the first two boosts, sometimes you get values you didn't expect, increased outward tech spread

Division of Power (PiA Linked)
By preventing the accumulation of power into any single person or faction, the damage of someone throwing a tantrum is mitigated... although it also makes breaking up widespread support harder.
Pros: Faction quest failures have a free negation, requiring two completed quests or Support Faction actions to reset. Unsuppressible failure states become Suppressible
Cons: Addition -1 Stability when suppressing factions

Spiritual Values (4/4)
Joyous Symphony
All have their part to play in this world, be it their interaction with each other, their neighbours, or with the spirits. When all the parts of a group are moving in peaceful accord, the result is greater than the sum of the parts, and transcendental to behold.
Pros: Bonus to collective action, spiritually and ecologically harmonious actions, and to concerted efforts. Gain +1 Stability every time a defensive war non-destructively ends.
Cons: Disharmony is to be corrected, require casus belli to declare war

Honourable Death (Spiritual/Honour)
Death in service to the People and the spirits is the best death of all, removing the fear of death from the truly honourable.
Pros: Warriors fight harder, losses in battle are less disruptive
Cons: Seeking a good death, and the means to achieve it, becomes desirable

Philosopher Kings (Maxed Development)
Through intellect and careful testing of the world, the People have developed a love of knowledge and learning, and expect their leaders to follow suit.
Pros: Majorly improved use of study actions and innovation rolls, improved leader skill sets
Cons: Question social foundations, -1 Wealth per turn

Only through physical purity can spiritual purity be attained. There can however be no mercy for those who would contaminate the pure.
Pros: Bonuses to resisting disease and foreign influences
Cons: The impure and unclean must be eliminated

Honour Code (3/3)
Swords and Ploughshares
Farmers can fight in wars, the marching of armies can pound out roads, and axes are good for splitting wood and skulls.
Pros: Gain +1/3 of Econ as bonus Martial, chance of negating Martial (and thus Econ) damage dependent upon Econ strength, increased power of Raise Army and Retraining
Cons: Damage to Martial can carry over to Econ (additional damage from Honour of Elites does not count)

Divinely Glorious Elites (Maxed Development)
A well lead life is one of excellence in all things at all levels, from the stitch of cloth to prowess on the battlefield to skill in oration. The best and finest is thus demanded of and by all to show their virtue and honour, in the knowledge that those that rise to the top will be supported by excellence below.
Pros: Increase Martial gain from raising elite units; bonus Culture, Tech and/or Mysticism for certain actions; effect of criticals and doubles greatly increased; ruling faction gains an additional faction power
Cons: Increased potential Martial loss in fighting, increased social stratification, increased costs, dominant faction can no longer be suppressed, -3 Culture/ turn (need more academies)

Lord's Loyalty
The ties between the People bind tight, and while this increases the obligations of the superior, it also makes the subordinate more likely to listen.
Pros: +1 Subordinate States, subordinate states less likely to break away
Cons: Minimum force commitment in defence of subordinates and allies increased one step, worse consequences for failure to assist


Mylathadysm - "Seekers of Truth"
Virtues: Humility, Contemplation, Community
Values: Syncretic (Increased Spread, Increased Schisms), Charity (+RA/2 temp Econ damage resistance, -RA/2 Max Wealth), Independent Priesthood (Independent Infrastructure)

+3 Upper Centralization Limit
-1 Lower Centralization Limit
+2 Hierarchy Tolerance
Reformers: Gain Culture based on total cost whenever completing a Social type megaproject
Rush Builders: Extended projects cost more per turn but complete faster
Rage Against the Steppes - Always have a casus belli with Subdue Tribe or Humiliate War Goal against steppe nomads
Early Empire: +1 Vassal slot
Early Iron Bringers: Materials advancement always a possibility during Golden Ages, regardless of available excesses
Steel Blooded: Expand Econ actions produce an extra +2 Econ
Protected Core: +1 March slot
One of Each (Five): +1 Periphery State, +1 Subordinate State
Vassal Lords (Five): Subordinates states less likely to break away
City Killers: Gain access to the Terrify diplomatic action against urban civilizations
The King Still Stands: Whenever someone uses the Take the Crown CB on you or you are engaged in a struggle for King of the Hill, every full turn they fail to knock you out they lose 1 Stability
Kings Do Not Kneel (Three): Gain +1 Martial every phase during a Take the Crown or Great Power war
Star Callers: Gain a Conquest CB for use against any neighbour during and one turn after a major astrological event
Hollowed Gold: Gilded Ages accessible early
Pure Gold: Prestige Golden Age bonuses possible whenever roll
Golden Wonders: Megaprojects and Wonder construction tracks always possible during Golden Ages
Mercenary Leader: +1 Mercenary Company Slot
Urbanizers: +1 Free City Slot
Four Horsemen Survivor: +1 Prestige/turn whenever facing at least two Horsemen of the Apocalypse at the same time
City on the Hill: You always have a successor culture that inherits some of what you were, even if they were your killers

Debilitating Belief
Government Type
Late Classical Parliamentary Monarchy (Elective)
A king holds chief executive power, but significant power is held by a legislative body of elite families, representing various factions for their own ends.
Upper Centralization Limit: Medium (5)
Lower Centralization Limit: Neutral-Low (-3)
Admin Strain Free Provinces: 16
Penalty Accumulation: -1 Centralization Tolerance/2 Provinces
Possible Economic Systems: Mandala, Manorial, Classical Mercantile, Guild Mercantile
Heroic King: Rare
Idiot King: Very Rare
Regency: N/A
Player Actions: 4 Secondary +1 Secondary/Non-Free True City
Province Actions: (Provinces+Governor's Palaces)/2 Secondary, Half to King's Policy, Half to Faction Control (Rounds to King)
Admin-Free True Cities: Capital +1/3 Governor's Palace
Subordinates: 2 + Prestige/10
Special: Every Free City Level produces +1 Culture/turn

Guild Mercantile
The artisans supply the warriors and nobility with all the things they need to do their jobs, so the rest of the economy should be geared to supply them with what they need to produce those goods.
Extra Actions: +1 Guild/Free City
Temp Econ Damage: Event + 1 - Centralization/3
Wealth Generation: Leading/2
Passive Policies: 1 + 2/3 Provinces (Half to king, half to factions, rounds to king)
Special: Penalties for over-centralization doubled
Special: Low Wealth can generate Stability loss

Patricians (14) – Actions: Level 2 GP/2 = 0
Guild (16) – Actions: Level 2 IW/2 + 3 Econ = 3-1
Traders (8) – Actions: Level 2 Harb/2 = 0
Yeomen (6{20}) – Actions: Provinces/3 – Cities = 2
Priests (6) – Actions: Level 2 Temple/2 + 1 Religion = 2
Urban Poor (6) – Actions: Level 2 BH/2 = 0
4 Province Actions: 2 Patricians, 1 Trader, 1 Urban Poor
7 Province Policies: 2 Patricians, 1 Trader, 1 Urban Poor, 2 Yeomen, 1 Guild

Faction Policies: Admin Infrastructure x2, Trader Infrastructure x2, City Support x1, Forestry x2
Player Policies: Hygiene Infrastructure x4, Skullduggery x1, Forestry x1, Vassal Support x1
Player Repeat: Expand Forests
Administrative Math
Horse Couriers
Writing (Mixed Logo-/Phonographic)
Non-Local Authority
Early Indexing
Written Laws
Crude ragpaper

Mercury amalgams

City Walls

Early currency

Energy Production
Muscle Power
Animal Power
Water Power
Wind Power
Classical charcoal kiln

Food Production
Mollusc Cultivation
Ox-pulled plough
Step Farming
Terra Preta

Well Dressed Stone
Glazed pottery
Coloured glazes
Blown glass
Aqua glass

Classical human anatomy
Empirical primitive sanitary theory
Hospice care
Oral rehydration therapy
Primitive insect repellents
Ritual cowpox inoculation
Professional doctors

Iron bloomeries
Early blast furnaces
Trip hammers
Case hardening
Pattern welding
Bronze casting
Wire drawing
Crude crucible steel

Formal geometry
Early algebra
Early alchemy
Ancestral Heroes
Organized Religion
Predictive Astrology
Tested Observation
Philosophical Cynicism

Animal Husbandry
Gravel Roads
Spoked Wheel Vehicles

Major docks
Lateen sails
Comedy & Drama
Epic Poetry
Political Art
Sacred Art

Directed Political Violence
Law Itself
Non-familial Patronage
Occupational Association
Urban Councils

Primarily hereditary elites
Specialist advisors

Amateur group activity


Hereditary elites

Hereditary family

Metal Working
Lined tailings pits
Specialist miners
Specialist smelters

Communal land
Association equipment

Hereditary elites
Semi-hereditary specialist
Spiritually trained elites
Urban conscripts
Iron Scale
Riveted maille
Quilted cloth
Bronze plate

Chariot Archers
Spoked chariots
Horse archers
Sacred light cavalry
Steppe recruit light cavalry
Light barding

Short swords
Curved cavalry swords
Light Shields
Long spears
Two-Handed Clubs

Composite Bows
Light crossbows
Massed fire

Siege Weapons
Battering Ram

Shield wall
Tactical Phases
Supply caravans
Formal lieutenants

Naval rams
Greater Sacred Forest
The People live in harmony with the forest, and understand its needs and wants. When the weather shifts, the People are able to rapidly adapt so long as they have access to their forests. In addition to automatically managing forests and being able to plant more, the People are now immune to short term moderate climate fluctuations, and when experiencing longer term climate change only suffer damage once to account for adjusting their environmental balance. Against more catastrophic environmental fluctuations take reduced damage and have the ability to fight the damage where others can only suffer. Additionally, the Expand Forest and Study Forest actions are now merged. WARNING: Requires a minimum of two temples or two libraries to remain functional. Failure to maintain this requirement can result in the loss of critical knowledge and the breakdown of the system, degrading the wonder

Stone Age Canal
The People cut an artificial river in the hills without the use of metal. Not only does this improve the internal economy and trade, but as long as its memory remains it will be a source of pride in collective labour. Whenever the People complete a major engineering project, they also gain Culture, Tech, and Mysticism.

Sacred Warding
While the sacred herds exist and are cared for by the People, the herds in turn shall offer their strength and protection to the People. The effects of epidemic smallpox are severely blunted, and pandemic smallpox is entirely prevented. While this does not extend to other epidemic diseases, the actions do help, providing a bonus to all disease challenges and Study Health actions. Additionally, any time a new settlement is founded with a Main action, a new holy site is produced for free, granting +1 Mysticism.

Written Code of Laws (Copper Age) -> Written Code of Laws (Iron Age)
With a code stretching back to the Copper Age, the Laws of the People have a truly ancient pedigree, but have been updated to better deal with the changes brought by an increasingly urbanized and monetized world. With the guiding principles of justice being the health of the community, the crown finds itself compelled to spend upon the community, but that efforts to improve the community are improved. Carry over of prior effects improving Enforce Authority to Enforce Justice, the doubling of one policy action, the 'Megaproject support' policy. New effects: player chosen Infrastructure policies doubled (one action only for active policies), one additional passive infrastructure policy always active (effect not doubled), -1 Wealth each turn.

Ancient Saltern
Upon developing currency, pays out an initial boost to Wealth and Prestige, and acts as a standard saltern from then on

The Garden
Through the careful channeling of water, the People have created a garden within a city, a well watered domain of pleasant shade and efficient sewage disposal. Unlocks the aqueduct extended project, provides an aqueduct for the city (increasing available living space). Opens up the True City status

Grand Temple
A place for universal praise and worship of gods and spirits, the grand temple acts as a centre for the faithful and a training place for priests and shamans. Opens up new social concepts, alters actions, and provides +1 Mysticism a turn until either destroyed or rendered obsolete by more sophisticated theology

The Library
A fantastical collection of scrolls and tablets, this preserves the wisdom of the ages and ensures that not all things must be relearned by each new generation. Whenever spending mysticism, gain +1 mysticism the next turn. Can now build libraries as extended actions.

Capital Palace
A grand center of government, the palace seats the king and all the necessary organs of governance, as well as being aesthetically attractive and imposing, so as to show off the wealth and power of the People. Required capstone project to move beyond Bronze Age models. Grants access to the Governor's Palace extended project.
Annexes (16/19):
  • Grand Hall x6 (+1 Diplo/turn, Governor's Palaces give +1 Prestige when built, +1 Sec action/2 palaces)
  • Shrine x2
  • Library x2 (+1 National Library count)
  • Storehouse x2 (-1 Temp Econ damage for all palace levels)
  • Garden
  • Arsenal x3 (+1 Safe Martial, +1 Tech/turn)
Synergies: +1 EE before Valleyhome loses TC status, +1 Tech Refund/2 palace levels, palaces grant +1 RA tolerance/level

Iron Age Census
The king and crown have some idea how many people live in the kingdom, how much they eat, and how much they earn. This makes assessing taxes and calling up conscripts much easier, as well as being able to buffer against disaster. Increases max safe Martial by +2, reduces temporary Econ damage by 1, gives +1 Wealth/turn whenever Econ is at 10 or greater, and gives access to the Retraining action. Extra: +1 Passive Policy

International Games - An organized series of athletic events and mock battles to maintain fighting trim and vent the aggression of less composed warriors, this also helps foster friendly rather than destructive rivalry between major settlements and kingdoms, bringing significant glory to all. Increases Martial Tolerance by 3 for participants and by an additional 2 for the host, gives +1 Culture for every 2 True Cities within a kingdom, gives +1 Diplomacy a turn for the host for every other participant, gives a pool of Prestige equal to the number of participants that is divided among the participants each turn depending on their performance, and the host kingdom gains Culture whenever another kingdom in contact with them completes The Games megaproject. Participants: Khemetri, Trelli, Metal Workers, Harmurri, Storm Ymaryn, Freehills

Grand Docks
Extending out far into the water to provide deep berths in a protected, partially artificial bay and places to house ships away from the weather, this set of massive docks serves as a Trading Post for the purpose of supporting wealth generators such as salterns and gold mines, gives access to the Bulk Goods market (or gives bonus trade power in that market), and provides a free Boat innovation roll every turn for Classical or earlier sailing technologies.

Astrological Observatory
A great place to study the stars, record their motions, and record the importance of astrological alignments, the observatory provides an astrological prediction at the start of every turn and modifies the Study Stars action. It also allows the construction of observatories at certain locations.

Artisan Games
By encouraging competition and excellence in "practical" crafts an abundance of goods are made simply to practice or to train, increasing access and honing skills on a social level. Every "innovation" type roll costs an additional 1 Wealth but provides two rolls, and innovations of all sort spread more quickly.

This facility full of water wheel operated hammers, bellows, and grindstones concentrates ironworking potential into the first proto-industrial fashion. Completion grants additional Econ, metalworking techs, increases iron trade power, doubles income from iron trading, and opens up new opportunities.

All kings not suffering from hereditary disorders have their skills improved one level (cannot make non-heroic skills to heroic level) and increases the possibility of hero unit generation. Also provides the Build Academy action. Costs 1 Wealth/turn to maintain as an effective institution.

Grand Bazaar
This overlarge example of a market serves as the cultural archetype of what a market is, forcing all others in the kingdom to step up their game. All markets have their effects increased as if they were one level higher, and can build markets one level higher than city level would normally allow, at double cost.
Dragon Graveyard - Gives +1 Mysticism/turn for every level of temple at the site

True Cities
[5/13 City Level Limit (#Provinces + #LandedNonFreeCitySubordinates)/2]
[0 Non-Supported True Cites : -0 High Cent Tolerance]
[Cities activate when EE is at or below Threshold/2]
[Total Upkeep: 0 (True Cities) + 6 (Free Cities) - 6 (City Support) = 0]​
-Valleyhome (-2 Econ Upkeep) <Level 1> [38 EE Threshold]
---[Capital, Palace, Aqueduct, Baths, Market {x2}, Sig. Walls]
-Blackmouth (-3 Econ Upkeep) <Level 2> [33 EE Threshold]
---[Governor's Palace, Aqueduct, Baths, Market {x2}, Sig. Walls] <Block Housing 1>
-Sacred Forest (-2 Econ Upkeep) <Level 1> [31 EE Threshold]
---[Aqueduct, Baths, Sig. Walls]
-Stallion Pen (-2 Econ Upkeep) <Level 1> [27 EE Threshold]
---[Aqueduct, Mass. Walls]
-Lower Valleyhome (-2 Econ Upkeep) <Level 1> [22 EE Threshold]
---[Aqueduct, Sig. Walls]

-Redshore (-4 Econ/Turn Upkeep) <Level 3>
---[Governor's Palace, Block Housing x2, Aqueduct x2, Baths x2, Market x2 {x3}, Ironworks x3, Sig. Walls]
-Redhills (-1 Econ/Turn Upkeep) <Level 1>
---[Aqueduct, Baths, Sig. Walls] {Colossal Walls 5/9 Progress}
-Valleyguard (-1 Econ/Turn Upkeep) <Level 1>
---[Aqueduct, Sig. Walls] {Colossal Walls 3/9 Progress}

-Greenshore - Capital [Aqueduct, Sig. Walls?] (In Subordinate)
-Greenshore - Unknown City [Aqueduct, Sig. Walls?] (In Subordinate)
-Western Wall - Capital [Aqueduct, Governor's Palace, Sig. Walls?] (In Subordinate)
-Heaven's Hawk - Phygriftwyn [Aqueduct, Sig. Walls?] (In Subordinate)

[Total effect: 3 Mysticism Refund]​
-Sacred Forest (Temple, Megaproject, +1 Refund by itself)
-Valleyhome (True City)
-Valleyhome (Palace Annex x2 = 1 National Library)
-Stallion Pen (Temple)
-Redshore (True City)
-Amber Road (Temple) (In Subordinate)

[7 {8} Total Temple Levels, 1 Natural Wonder]:​
-Sacred Forest in Sacred Shore (Lv 2)
-Dragon Graveyard in Stallion Province (Lv 2 + Natural Wonder)
-Horse Valley in Stonepen (Lv 2 + Lv 1 Observatory)
-Holy Sea in Redshore (Lv 1)
-Amber Road (Lv 1) (Subordinate)

Salt/Gold Production
[Total Effect: +5 Wealth/turn]​
-Southshore (Lv 2 Saltern) [+1.0]
-Northshore (Lv 2 Saltern) [+1.0]
-Gulshore (Lv 1 Saltern) [+0.5}
-Hatvalley (Gold Mine) [+0.5]

-Heaven's Hawk (Lv 1 Salt Mine) (In Subordinate, Applies to Core Anyway) [+0.5]
-Heaven's Hawk (Gold Mine) (In Subordinate, Applies to Core Anyway) [+0.5]

-Trade Post (Amber Road) (Support) [+0.5]
-Grand Docks (Redshore) (Support) [+0.5]

[Total Level Count: 4 | Bonus to Mass Levy: +{8} Martial]
[Tier 1 (X3) Effects: Expand Econ Secondary: +3 Econ, -3 EE, -3 Tech]
[Tier 2 (X2) Effects: City Support/Agriculture Passive Policies: +4 Econ, -4 EE, -2 Tech]
[Tier 3 (X1) Effects: +1 Tech/turn, Actions with wealth costs changed by +2 Wealth, -1 Tech]​
-Redhills (Megaproject) [Functions as Lv 1 for total Ironwork level count]
-Redshore (Lv 3)

Governor's Palace:
[All numbers are totals]
[-1 Min Cent Tolerance, -2 Max Cent Tolerance, +0 True City Admin Support]
[+2 Max Interconnectivity, +2 Temp Econ Damage Resistance]
[+2 Max Safe Martial, +2 RA Tolerance]
[+1.5 Tech Refund, including main Palace]​
-Sacred Shore

-Western Wall (In Subordinate)
-Greenshore (In Subordinate)

[{Current} Total: {5} 9 Wealth/Turn, {1.25} 1.25 Culture/Turn]​
-Redshore (Level 2, 5 Wealth/Turn, 1.25 Culture/Turn) <Active>

-Valleyhome (Level 1, 2 Wealth/Turn) <Inactive>
-{Blackmouth Level 1, 2 Wealth/Turn} <Inactive>

Colossal Walls:​
-{Redhills 5/9 Progress}
-{Valleyguard 3/9 Progress}

Interconnectivity (20/55)
[Can gain Cent from roads up to half of max IC value (27/55), any past that will be banked]
[+6 Max Centralization Tolerance (IC/3, round down). 0 Banked Centralization]
[Max IC Formula: 2 + 3*Full_Provinces + Governor's_Palaces]​

[17 Full Provinces - 3 Extra Sec King Actions (6 Total), 6 Sec Province Actions, 2 Main + 1 Sec Guild Actions]
[Next Action increases: +1 Sec Guild Action at 18 Provinces | +1 Sec Province Action at 19 Provinces | No Gain at 20 Provinces]
[New King Actions at every (9+4n) Province]
[New Province Actions at every (11+4n) Province]
[New Guild Actions at every (3n) Province]

[In Progress Provinces]​
-Northern Blackriver [2/6]
[Subordinate Provinces]
<Just ignore this section for now, it's out of date, was only ever my (Abby Normal) guesses, and with the plague and unknown subordinate status, is likely even more wrong than I know>​
-Western Wall - 2-3? Provinces (0? Ready to Integrate)
-Greenshore - 3-4? Provinces (0 Ready to Integrate)
-Heaven's Hawk - 1 Province (1 Ready to Integrate) [March]
-Txolla - 3-4? Provinces (2? Ready to Integrate) <AN says probably 5 actually, will figure out what that means for provinces based on actions later>
-Tinriver - 2-3? Provinces (0 Ready to Integrate)
-Thunder Horse - 3-4? Provinces (0 Ready to Integrate)
-Amber Road - 1 Province (0 Ready to Integrate) [Immature Trading Post, cannot expand]

Stat Caps
[Base Cap - 27]
[Base is 10 + #Provinces]

[Wealth Cap - 25]​
-Base Value (+10)
-17 Provinces (+17)
-8 Guild Faction Power (+4)
-12 RA Mylathadysm (-6)

[Safe Martial Limit - 37 {39}]
[Number in {} is safe "non-primary" martial, which refers to the extra martial we gain from econ, listed in {} on the civ sheet]​
-Base Value (+10)
-17 Provinces (+17)
-2 Governor's Palaces (+2)
-Palace Arsenal Annexes (+1)
-Iron Age Census (+2)
-International Games (+5)
-Gymnasiums {+2}

[Note: Being at a tolerance cap triggers penalties]
[Low Centralization Tolerance: - 2]​
-Government Base "Neutral" (0)
-Legacies (-1)
-2 Governor's Palaces (-1) [-0.5 per GP]
[High Centralization Tolerance: 10]​
-Government Base "High" (7)
-21 Interconnectivity (+6) [+1 per 3 IC]
-Legacies (+2)
-17 Provinces (-3) [-1 per 2 provinces over 12]
-0 Unsupported True Cities (-0) [-1 per Unsupported City. Free Cities and Capital are supported. Governor's Palaces can support 1 city per 3 GPs.]
-2 Governor's Palaces (-2) [-1 per GP]
[Hierarchy Tolerance: 10]​
-8? Base (+8)
-Legacies (+2)
[Religious Authority Tolerance: 13]​
-9? Base (+9)
-1? Quest Reward (+1)
-3 Capital/Governor's Palaces (+3) [+1 Per Palace]

[All Refunds are limited on a per action basis]

[Econ Refund - 5]
[Refunds spent Econ as EE. Gained from True/Free Cities]​

-2 Level 1 Cities (+2)
-0 Level 2 City (+0)
-1 Level 3 City (+3)
[Tech - 1.5 {1}]
[Refunds spent Tech at end of turn. Gained from Arsenal annexes and GPs]​
-Capital Palace (+0.5)
-2 Governor's Palaces (+1)
{Rounds Down}
[Mysticism - 3]
[Refunds spent Mysticism at end of turn. Gained from Libraries]​
-Library Megaproject (+1)
-4 Libraries (+2)

-3 Secondary Gymnasium: +6 to Games Rolls, +3 Safe Non-Primary Martial
-Annex Limit: 15/19 [2 (Base) + 8.5 {8} (#Provinces/2) + 9 (#LandedNonFCSubordinates)]
-Current Reformers Legacy Strength: 1/4 Refund
-Temp Econ Damage Resistance: 11.66 {11} [-1 (Gov Base) + 2.66 (Gov + 8 Cent) + 1 (Storehouse Annex) + 2 (2 Governor's Palaces) + 1 (Iron Age Census) + 6 (Mylathadysm + 12 RA)]

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I think an analysis of the most successful or interesting ancient polities of the world is in order. Lemme do some research before casting my vote.

Anyhow, I adore the idea.
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[X] Path of Settlers

What? You're related to them? How bout them? THEM TOO? And those people? WHAT THEY'RE YOUR THIRD COUSINS? And that country? WHAT THAT'S YOUR NIECE THAT'S QUEEN?!
[X] Path of Trade

Going path of war and murdering out neighbors will only close doors into future profit, wandering nomads always get repressed by more established cultures, and literally everyone else is doing the settle thing. This gives us the best options for growth and profit.
Path of War is self evident. Here, we have the foundation of a warrior culture. Not my cup of tea, and tends towards alienation and waste of manpower. Could work, maybe lead to something like the Iroquois or Japan.

Path of Trade is a mixed one. Wealthy nations can merc spam like no other, and wealth is nice, but we're easily crippled if trade doesn't come in for any reason. Could arguably lead to an Arab or Viking like culture. Certainly most successful.

Path of Wanderers is icky to me. Nomads aren't likely to survive as a culture, much less a civilization. There were some significant developments from that though, such as the Mongols and the immigration from Siberia to America.

Path of Settlers? Not... speaking to me, but high pop is sweet. Kind of on the less interesting side, though. Practically guarantees our survival.

All of these could lead somewhere good... I'll keep digging. No Wanderer though.
Leaning towards Settlers, but Traders looks alright. Still debating with myself.

Greeks were quite territorially prolific, Egypt had their lifeblood in the Nile, India had their fertile lands, China had pop...

[X] Path of War

If my study of human history has taught me anything it is that victory generally goes to the civilization most capable of killing.
Victory, but not survival.
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We need to expand, and in least we magic it hard, probably take slaves like all successful societies. So for that we must go far and wide, Manifest Destiny. Taking land is our right, taking wealth is our duty, and taking lives is our necessity! :p