[] "Please explain what you mean Hitomi. I believe you may have jumped to a wrong conclusion."
-[] break back to voting after her explanation.

Hell yes. Vote bloat without even knowing what is she talking about is really pointless.

EDIT: Changed vote to Sereg's, which does basically the same thing, but with telling Mami and Sayaka to wait for a bit while you sort Hitomi's misunderstanding (?) out.
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Catgirl here. Supershort voting is never a bad idea, but it makes it hard to get things done -- it makes it slow to get things done. In total emergencies it's completely legitimate, but I don't think this qualifies yet.
Catgirl here. Supershort voting is never a bad idea, but it makes it hard to get things done -- it makes it slow to get things done. In total emergencies it's completely legitimate, but I don't think this qualifies yet.

IMO, risk of fucking up relationship with two of our friends qualifies as one, more so than majority of situations in this quest.
Sabrina does not lack firepower, so this is more of an emergency than most, if not all, of the fights in the quest.
[Q] Timeskip until after this situation's all resolved.
-[Q] Have a short mental monologue about how difficult it was, but how ingenious you were to find the perfect solution for everyone.
--[Q] Have tea and cakes with Mami.
An emergency was the metabomb fuckup. This is nowhere near.

Only because Mami is closer to us than S&H.
Hitomi is calm and reasonable individual; what she did in a previous update is quite high on the fuck-up-o-meter.
Sayaka is just livid and only holds herself back because of...gratitude?
Yeah, it is not as bad as some of more outstanding fuck-ups; it is still precarious situation which can cost us a lot if we mess up. I don't think an ultra-short vote or two are bad idea.
[] "Please explain what you mean Hitomi. I believe you may have jumped to a wrong conclusion."
-[] break back to voting after her explanation.

This is super simple and gives us the clarification we need. We can take the conversation forward when we're sure what Hitomi means.

So pretty much without any of rkyeun's suggestions at all. Then I might as well modify my previous vote.

[X] to Mami: "Thanks, Mami."
-[X] to Sayaka: "Please give me a moment, in order to hear Hitomi out."
--[X] to Hitomi: "Please explain what you mean with 'pronounce judgement'. I believe you may have jumped to a wrong conclusion."
---[X] After Hitomi's explains, break back to voting.
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...you know, maybe we're trying to do this the wrong way. If she and Sayaka want to judge our actions, they need to know what happened.

[X] *heavy sigh* "You want to know why I made the choices I did? Why I spared Oriko? Just...sit down for a sec, you two. Nothing I say will get the point across...so I'll have to show you. This'll take a minute, and I'll probably be zoned out while doing it, but it should make things clearer."
[X] Create some Grief VR Goggles (Witchiness is fine) pre-loaded with our memories of the fire, getting blown up, the important parts of the Time Stop Hunt, the battle with OriKiri, qnd the aftermath of the battle. Time Lapse the Healing scenes. Edit the "footage" to skip anything we need to keep secret (the Witchbomb, anything Homura discussed with us in confidance, etcetera). Include audio. No pain, of course.
-[x] Give them to Sayaka and Hitomi.
-[x] "Here. If you want to understand, then watching this will help. We'll talk more after."

Sayaks needs to know what Meguca life is like. I'd leave Hitomi sheltered, but she's chosen to involve herself.

Just a shame it's too late to stop Sayaka's Contract.
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...you know, maybe we're trying to do this the wrong way. If she and Sayaka want to judge our actions, they need to know what happened.

[ ] *heavy sigh* "You want to know why I made the choices I did? Why I spared Oriko? Just...sit down for a sec, you too. Nothing I say will get the point across...so I'll have to show you. This'll take a minute."
[ ] Create some Grief VR Goggles (Witchiness is fine) pre-loaded with our memories of the fire, getting blown up, the important parts of the Time Stop Hunt, the battle with OriKiri, qnd the aftermath of the battle. Time Lapse the Healing scenes. Edit the "footage" to skip anything we need to keep secret (the Witchbomb, anything Homura discussed with us in confidance, etcetera). Include audio. No pain, of course.
-[ ] Give them to Sayaka and Hitomi.
-[ ] "Here. If you want to understand, then watching this will help. We'll talk more after."

Do we know that it will work?
Given that Sabrina needs time in "trance" to create stuff and they are possibly too agitated to wait while we are doing magick (which smells Witch to boot), maybe better to just confirm what exactly Hitomi meant and not over-engineer the solution?
Do we know that it will work?
Given that Sabrina needs time in "trance" to create stuff and they are possibly too agitated to wait while we are doing magick (which smells Witch to boot), maybe better to just confirm what exactly Hitomi meant and not over-engineer the solution?
Nothing we can verbally say will get the point across. Even this can't fully convey the situation. It's far better than trying to explain with words. Not to mention that this eliminates any chance of misunderstanding what happened.

We have every reason to believe this will work. Our magic is really bloody flexible, and this is incredibly simple stuff.

If they can't be patient long enough for us to get this done, they can bloody well leave. They deserve answers, but a minimum of civility isn't that much to ask.
[X] "Please explain what you mean Hitomi. I believe you may have jumped to a wrong conclusion."
-[X] break back to voting after her explanation.

Hell yes. Vote bloat without even knowing what is she talking about is really pointless.

I agree on hearing Hitomi's explanation before crafting a response. Other's pointed out that Sayaka may not wait for that answer without being addressed first when I first made my own short vote proposal.
Ehhhh by the time we've calmed them enough to let us zone out without storming out we could just explain it to them.
Inadequately, perhaps. We could try to verbally explain an incredibly intense situation and everything we went through...and hope they're willing to actually consider our words.

By showing it to them directly and letting them experience it, we firmly and inescapably cure them of their ignorance. We also allow them to grasp the nuances that can't be conveyed through words alone.

As for storming out, I can say from experience that people are more willing to wait in order to get what they want than they are willing to obey when you try to calm things down without providing a suitable incentive.
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Increasingly feeling like you guys should just let them know what actually happening before really doing anything else. Because this is all feeling like the beginning of an utter trainwreck, imo.
Let's not give them fucking VR goggles because showing them our memories as an explanation tactic is a time-waster, manipulative, definitely will traumatize them more than is necessary, and doesn't even address their complaints.

It is quite literally shoving our point of view down their throats. It's one big fancy overblown excuse when we could just explain things and appeal to their trust in us, which is more organic, healthy, and conductive to reconciliation and the changing of minds. They can't even verify that it's really our memories and not something more self-serving, and our choice to use it as opposed to talking it out sets a really bad example.
Yeah, it's overcomplicated solution to miscommunication, which is far easier served just by asking Hitomi to clarify.
As a programmer, I find such urges familiar, understandable and painful. Let's keep it simple, okay?
Then people may need to be accepting of small, dynamic votes, because the gigantic votes that many seem to favor are not going to work as hoped.

For now, the best vote, it seems, is: tell Mami to free Hitomi, ask Sayaka to please wait a minute while you clarify to Hitomi, clarify what Hitomi wants. We can't really plan farther without knowing what exactly pissed Miss Self-Control And Voice Of Reason so much, and assumptions are dangerous.
[X] to Mami: "Thanks, Mami."
-[X] to Sayaka: "Please give me a moment, in order to hear Hitomi out."
--[X] to Hitomi: "Please explain what you mean by 'pronounce judgement'. I believe we're misunderstanding each other. I'm happy to address all your concerns once I understand them. If you want, I am even willing to show you what happened, though you might not want to see it."
---[X] After Hitomi explains, break back to voting.

There's a reason I was voting for Eva earlier. Yes, we need to know what Hitomi means, because it can be almost anything, which requires completely different approaches.
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[X] Sereg

Yes, sounds good. Also, seems like I'd probably side with Sereg's opinion in this vote anyway, so might as well.

Do I have to remove X from previous vote or will Tally program use only latest vote?