Get rid of the witchy stuff. :eyeroll:

Mami will feel better with it gone.

[X] Dismiss Privacy Stand.
[X] Stay.
-[X] Thank Mami for accepting you.
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[X] Dismiss the Privacy Stand.
[X] Stay with Mami.
-[X] Thank her for hearing you out... and accepting you.
-[X] Hug, comfort and reassure her.
--[X]Microwave some tea while you are reassuring Mami
[X] Stay.

There's a million things we could do this vote, but there's only one thing we've been asked to do.

I'm also slightly worried that eliminating the privacy stand will invite an unwanted message or visitor. And if Mami does ask anything further, we'll have to recreate it - removing it ends any substantive metabomb discussion, no?
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[Q] Hey Mami, who would win in a fight: Iron Man or Green Lantern?
-[Q] Sorry, but I can only be Total Drama Island for, like, an hour max before my ADD acts up.

I think we forgot to tell her we kinda sorta know the future.

We know the past - Homura's past, to be specific. PMAS is set after PMMM's canonical events, with Madoka having made a different wish. As such, it can be said to be roughly concurrent with the wraith arc, with only Rebellion being true knowledge of an alternate future.
Sabrina and timelines don't get along- ask Oriko.
We know the past - Homura's past, to be specific. PMAS is set after PMMM's canonical events, with Madoka having made a different wish. As such, it can be said to be roughly concurrent with the wraith arc, with only Rebellion being true knowledge of an alternate future.
kinda sorta.

Don't care. Mumi wants brinahugs: Mumi gets brinahugs.
As it must be, it shall be done.