@eaglejarl and
@Cariyaga for the feedback. I've updated the plan. Key edits:
1. Made basic signaling system for explosive seals
2. Put in a single explosive seal reinforced warning for spotting someone taking hostile action
3. Clarified that I want Hazou to take the sealing level, but I don't want to update to end just because his sealing training finished, so he's got a list of things to work on after finishing that.
4. Added specifics on how to attempt to stop Kagome from attacking
5. Modified combat contingency, de-emphasized lethality, emphasized retreat and reassessing
6. Modified escort: Akane's babysitting Kagome while the rest of the team escorts Keiko.
Things I did not change:
1. Kouta crippling contingency. I added clarification that if we see him again there will be consequences though.
2. Inoue not attempting to renegotiate --> Keiko made the contract, it'll DEFINITELY hurt our position if we try to go back on it. We want to be trustworthy.
3. Akane punishment. We legit didn't do anything wrong, Kouta's legit a dick, if elders want to try to escalate this into a war let them. They'll lose more than we will. If the elders want to make this their hill to die on, they can die on it. I could probably be convinced to specify what types of punishment Akane may and may not receive, but honestly, I don't really know enough about the village to say things. I definitely am not ok with her being separated from our team.
Here's the new updated plan: