Please. Stop. Acting. Like. Takahashi. Is. Going. To. Teach. Kei. Summoning.

He has no reason to and every reason not to.

We disagree greatly on this issue. I am not acting, stop saying that I am, this is my own best guess on what's going on. I am going to trust Keiko on her decision, grab our only real opportunity on gaining a Summoner, and trust that Takahashi values the lives of his village sufficiently to not want half or more of them killed when he tricks and murders Keiko. Inoue is about to be informed of the whole thing, and she is perfectly capable to making sure Takahashi knows exactly what duplicity will bring to the village.
I still think we should have called for backup, plus hosted a giant tournament as a way of finding out the creaks in the political makeup of the village for us to capitalize on. Nothing make people bear their true colors than a nice big sporting event where you have to decide on who you want to win.
Also, guys. We're thinking about this like civilians. We are gorram ninja. I'm sure we can think of a way to spy on Keiko's training without being noticed. Though it'd be easier with a recon group rather than a combat group, it still should be do-able.
(Canon does also have souls and an apparent afterlife, but oddly ghosts don't really seem to interact with either)
Hm. That cosmology sounds a bit familiar.
(looks at attributes)
[joke] Look for rumors of non-ninja developing strange abilities after a dream involving writing on some kind of tower.
[X] Action Plan: Summon Seekers

Unsurprisingly, I am all up in the "be good people, not genocidal monsters" plan. There are a couple of issues with it that I'd like to point out, though.

Have Hazou spend time training Sealing

  • Have Hazou finish research on storage seals

You can't research seals and train sealing in the same update.

  • If someone begins to take hostile action, immediately go lethal -- Roki, explosive seals, chakra boost, all of it. Summon scroll training is not worth our lives.

  • Maintain basic contingency that an explosive seal going off means we need to escape the village, meeting place for within 5 minutes of explosive seal going off is fort, meeting place for after 5 minutes is forest fallback point.

I don't usually suggest things but I'll make an exception since these are things that you would know in-character:

1) If you want to take a 'kill anything that challenges us' policy, you should really tell people that this is your policy. MAD only works if the other side knows about it.

2) Don't use 'any seal goes off', use 'two or three seals in a specific pattern'. Fewer false positives that way.

Okay, lunch break is over. Time for me to get off the forums and go be productive again.
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Ignore the numbering issues, I'm bad at this.
[X] Action Plan: Summon Seekers
We've maneuvered ourselves into having some pseudo-allies with the elders, and it's resulted in the offer Takahashi gave us. Let's take it (and investigate it) and settle down, do some research, have Keiko train the summon technique, and stop all our overt attempts at politics. This achieves our primary objectives of interaction with the village. We just need to deal with our final problem, specifically, Kouta. Let's de-escalate and go from there.

  1. Survive
  2. Prevent hostilities from breaking out
  3. Learn Summoning
  4. Perform Seal and Jutsu Research.
  1. De-escalate situation with Kouta
    1. Stop Kagome from murdering people right now
    2. Let Kouta and the others run away, we're not going to go after them
    3. If someone asks, insist that it was not our fault, they'll need to wait to talk to our sensei once she and us have rejoined to sort things out. Tell them to check to see if the cut is lethal or not.
How to get Kagome's attention? I suggest either simply kawarimi-ing with him. Any other suggestions? Otherwise agree with this portion of the plan. We can let Takahashi deal with the aftermath of this.

  1. When Inoue gets back, abide by Takahashi's ruling on the Kouta situation, so long as it doesn't involve punishing Akane. Insist that Akane didn't do anything wrong.
    1. Suggest that Kouta is a hotblooded idiot trying to stir up trouble. If Takahashi doesn't care what we do with Kouta,
    2. Relinquish Kouta from our care. We want nothing to do with him. Warn him not to approach us again or else there will be consequences.
I'd be fine with punishing Akane as long as it was nothing too severe, and she was made aware that it was NOT her fault (besides not being socially aware enough to realize what's going on), in private. Although ideally, I'd agree.

  1. When Yoshida or Gasai eventually seeks us out, have Inoue talk with her about it. Work with her and Takahashi to de-escalate tensions. Don't break our word to Takahashi. Don't split the party.
  2. The next day, have Inout talk with Takahashi sensei to sensei
    1. Don't try to renegotiate the deal, just try to make sure Takahashi is legit.
    2. Thoroughly vet Takahashi and his family. We're ok stepping out of politics, but we need reassurance he's not going to backstab us, and that we're getting what we came for.
Mostly agreed, although I think Mari should be willing to do a LITTLE negotiation -- just see how much wiggle room we have with him.
  1. Assuming Takahashi is legit, have Keiko go for lessons with Takahashi. It's literally what we came here to do. We can take the leap of faith that this deal is also in Takahashi's interests.
    1. Encourage her when she's back, congratulate her on successfully completing the mission and being super brave.
    2. Give her an escort there and back in the mornings and evenings. Everybody sticks together.
The escort should be Hazou and Noburi, with Mari following in stealth. Akane should... probably stay out of the limelight for a while.

  1. While Keiko is with Takahashi, have a chat with Inoue about how to check for and combat persuasion, brainwashing, replacement, or possible mistraining
  2. Training and research!
    1. Have Hazou spend time training Sealing
      1. Gain one more sealing level
    2. Have Hazou finish research on storage seals
    3. Have Hazou begin PMYF research
    4. Have Noburi spend time researching Vampiric Dew --> try to make a sensory jutsu out of it.
    5. Have Kagome investigate the summon technique skill scroll. Look for suspicious things. He's clearly mildly knowledgeable about summons (knew they popped when killed), have him make sure Keiko's not screwing herself.
  3. Have Akane lay low and not leave the fort, the village hates her. Don't let her go places alone.
Seems good. To Eaglejarl, I'm pretty sure he meant that if we spend enough time in the village to do more than one training rotation, we do research.

  1. If anyone talks to us, before we meet up with Noburi Inoue and Keiko, Hazou is point-person. Placate, don't promise anything, get back to the fort.
  2. If someone begins to take hostile action, immediately go lethal -- Roki, explosive seals, chakra boost, all of it. Summon scroll training is not worth our lives.
  3. Aside from Keiko going to Takahashi, don't have the group split up - even if Takahashi requests it for some reason.
  4. If combat breaks out, hold nothing back, use lethal force, retreat into the forest, rig fort to explode as we leave.
  5. Maintain basic contingency that an explosive seal going off means we need to escape the village, meeting place for within 5 minutes of explosive seal going off is fort, meeting place for after 5 minutes is forest fallback point.
  6. If someone comes to our fort for healing or talking, indulge them, be courteous, don't wander away from the fort. Otherwise, keep to ourselves (unless Takahashi asks us to do something else)
  7. If Kouta approaches us again, cripple him permanently. Killing him is ok, but preferably not done.

1: agreed
2: I cannot agree with IMMEDIATELY going lethal. I think we should retreat if someone attempts hostile action. Try to get to Inoue without harming anyone.
3: agreed
4: Depends on what kind of combat. It's possible they could attempt to capture us instead of kill us -- we have, as of yet, not killed a single one of them, so we have that going for us.
5: Eaglejarl's suggestion here.
6: Perhaps we should have an intermediary building that isn't trapped to hell?
7: Don't necessarily agree. Definitely HURT him, but crippling him might be going a bit far with our position in the village precarious as it is.
In a little bit, maybe possibly later tonight, I'm gonna think as hard as I can for suggestions for Summon Seekers, and maybe a new escape plan. Leaving now and telling Jiraiya might lose us the scroll, it probably will, but we can get the credit for the discovery and this is information that Jiraiya would be extremely interested in. I would much rather have that than start an extermination campaign. I don't want to shatter our moralities that much, that we would slaughter over one hundred people if they had something we wanted.
One of the reasons I don't want to go Murder-Death-Kill is because it will be bad for the team's mental state. Beyond that.. I'm not happy with our options and I'm not sure what to propose to make it better. Frustrating :\
I just read the update. GDI village we're trying so hard not to just kill you.

Also, I think we should get everyone social levels now, because Kei basically got socially mugged.


Alright, fuck it. Let's use stealth and deception. Have Inoue and Hazou sneak in and steal the scroll, replacing it with a copy made by hazou.
One of the reasons I don't want to go Murder-Death-Kill is because it will be bad for the team's mental state. Beyond that.. I'm not happy with our options and I'm not sure what to propose to make it better. Frustrating :\
Our best options keep getting removed by Kota. Specifically Kota.
I think everyone will be happy to see the back of him... or his corpse. Either/or.

As it is, our best bet is to keep trying to play nicey-nice, and hope.
Well, I find that I sliding towards 'giving up' in regards to turning this village into a safezone for us.

We've given the carrot by this point, what say we show them the stick?
Our best options keep getting removed by Kota. Specifically Kota.

It's likely that he told by one of our enemy Elders to frame Akane for attacking him. In which case the authority figures would back up his testimony and he would get into trouble. He doesn't have the deception to fool any Elder interrogating him. He could be even more vengeful and foolish than we thought, however, and actually did try to pull this off.
Well, I find that I sliding towards 'giving up' in regards to turning this village into a safezone for us.

We've given the carrot by this point, what say we show them the stick?
There's always the explosive genocidal fire option.
[X] Action Plan: Fireworks
Village hidden in the mountain was fun while it lasted. Now it's time to watch it all burn and take what we want from the wreckage. At the very least, we've now got a scroll to help us learn summoning technique, and got a bunch of XP. Let's do this cleanly and intelligently.

  1. Survive
  2. Destroy the Village Hidden in the Mountain
  3. Get loot from the wreckage
  1. De-escalate with Kouta
    1. Prevent Kagome from attacking anyone
    2. If someone asks, insist that it was not our fault, they'll need to wait to talk to our sensei to sort things out. Tell them to check to see if the cut is lethal or not.
    3. Insist on our team returning home to our mini-fort.
    4. When Inoue gets back, if someone approaches to discuss things, attempt to satisfy them --> impress that we no longer wish to have Kouta train with us and will release him back to the village for discipline for his actions.
      1. Do not leave the fort for any meetings, say we want the excitement to settle down before we leave again.
  2. Return to base
    1. Return to our fort, begin siege preparations.
      1. Talk with Kagome about long-distance delivery methods for explosive seals
        1. Suggest MEW cannons powered by explosive seals
        2. Suggest throwing Kunai
        3. Ask about his suggestions --> we'd like to be able to hit the village from distance, while moving from place to place.
    2. Wait for Inoue, Noburi, and Keiko to return from their negotiations with Takahashi.
      1. They should be able to take care of themselves, Noburi's got Inoue with him and Keiko's under Takahashi's protection now.
    3. Pack whatever things we have, prepare to leave.
  3. At night, after we're all back in the fort destroy the village
    1. Take out our guard contingent
      1. If it's just ninja, put them in a genjutsu and have Keiko murder them from range
      2. If it's ninja and tapirs, put the ninja in genjutsu, have Keiko and Kagome take out tapirs (use explosive seals if necessary), then ninja
    2. If guard contingent was killed without noise, make a fallback point in the forest (not our fort) then attempt to infiltrate the village and kill some people
      1. Fallback point should be rigged with explosives and traps --> make sure we're all there and memorize where the traps are so we can avoid them.
      2. When infiltrating the village, have Inoue take point, put people in genjutsu and have Keiko or Kagome kill them if they're at range (assuming Kagome's got a weapons score similar to Keiko's), Hazou kill them if they're nearby. Be silent, be aware, stay together.
      3. If discovered, unleash explosive hell and retreat to the forest fallback point we've made. unleashe a village bombardment (if possible) from there, then retreat into the forest.
    3. If the guard contingent was killed with noise, immediately bombard the village and disappear into the forest.
      1. If we've got an easy bombardment method, bombard the village a couple times then move locations
  4. Defensive plan
    1. After each bombardment, retreat to another location
    2. If we bombard from fort, when leaving, rig fort to explode on remote command if possible (if not, just put proximity mines on the entrance we normally use as we leave).
    3. In the forest, set explosive traps, and repeat bombardment (using whatever method we used in the fort)
    4. Repeat bombardment for a total of three times, from three different locations, refill on chakra from streams we pass to keep going.
      1. Stop and re-evaluate when we're either down to about 100 explosive seals, have completed 3 bombardments, or meet serious resistance (ninjas using more than just Taijutsu, a group of ninjas it doesn't look like we can take, etc.)
  1. If people approach us diplomatically before we rejoin with Inoue, stall, insist we won't make decisions without our sensei there. Under no circumstances go with people places.
  2. If people approach us with hostile intent at any point, pull out all the stops and destroy them.
  3. Maintain basic contingency that an explosive seal going off means we need to escape and destroy the village, meeting place for within 5 minutes of explosive seal going off is fort, meeting place for after 5 minutes is forest fallback point.
  4. Have someone keep watch from the fort wall when we get back --> keep an eye out for shenanigans.
  5. Leave no survivors.
  6. Once reunited, do not separate for any reason.
  7. Withhold nothing at any point once combat begins. We'll be fighting for our lives. Always use lethal methods. Take no prisoners.
  8. Use reroll if there's a roll which results in one of us dying.
It's likely that he told by one of our enemy Elders to frame Akane for attacking him. In which case the authority figures would back up his testimony and he would get into trouble. He doesn't have the deception to fool any Elder interrogating him. He could be even more vengeful and foolish than we thought, however, and actually did try to pull this off.

Pretty sure whoever set him off was hoping we'd kill him and thus escalate the conflict. Or if we play smart and don't create a rallying point for the village, they still get to spread toxic messages about us, with Kouta as a heroic survivor of an attempt on his life.
Diplomacy does not happen over night, and you have to keep working on it.
Outright slaughter should be our last resort here; something we fall back on when every other option has been exhausted.

3 points in favor of not resorting to violence so easily in this situation:
1: We don't need the kind of attention killing an entire village will bring. And something like that -will- get attention.
2: There's alot we can gain beyond just the summoning scroll if we show patience and work at being friends. (Ninjutsu and Seal secrets especially.)
3: Keiko and Kagome are already emotionally unhinged (Remember: Keiko's literally been brainwashed by our Jounin sensei to be sane.); we don't need the kind of trauma a full-scale war with the village will bring.
Instead of slaughter, I suggest that we merely have Mari infiltrate the Takahashi compound, assassinate Takahashi, leave, Infiltrate the shrine (with Kagome's help?), steal the contract, and GTFO the village.
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Thanks @eaglejarl and @Cariyaga for the feedback. I've updated the plan. Key edits:
1. Made basic signaling system for explosive seals
2. Put in a single explosive seal reinforced warning for spotting someone taking hostile action
3. Clarified that I want Hazou to take the sealing level, but I don't want to update to end just because his sealing training finished, so he's got a list of things to work on after finishing that.
4. Added specifics on how to attempt to stop Kagome from attacking
5. Modified combat contingency, de-emphasized lethality, emphasized retreat and reassessing
6. Modified escort: Akane's babysitting Kagome while the rest of the team escorts Keiko.

Things I did not change:
1. Kouta crippling contingency. I added clarification that if we see him again there will be consequences though.
2. Inoue not attempting to renegotiate --> Keiko made the contract, it'll DEFINITELY hurt our position if we try to go back on it. We want to be trustworthy.
3. Akane punishment. We legit didn't do anything wrong, Kouta's legit a dick, if elders want to try to escalate this into a war let them. They'll lose more than we will. If the elders want to make this their hill to die on, they can die on it. I could probably be convinced to specify what types of punishment Akane may and may not receive, but honestly, I don't really know enough about the village to say things. I definitely am not ok with her being separated from our team.

Here's the new updated plan:
[X] Action Plan: Summon Seekers
We've maneuvered ourselves into having some pseudo-allies with the elders, and it's resulted in the offer Takahashi gave us. Let's take it (and investigate it) and settle down, do some research, have Keiko train the summon technique, and stop all our overt attempts at politics. This achieves our primary objectives of interaction with the village. We just need to deal with our final problem, specifically, Kouta. Let's de-escalate and go from there.

  1. Survive
  2. Prevent hostilities from breaking out
  3. Learn Summoning
  4. Perform Seal and Jutsu Research.
  1. De-escalate situation with Kouta
    1. Stop Kagome from murdering people right now
      1. Call out to him saying this doesn't warrant a hostile (explosive) response
      2. If he doesn't immediately respond, kawarimi with him and tell him to calm down, we're all fine.
    2. Let Kouta and the others run away, we're not going to go after them
    3. If someone asks, insist that it was not our fault, they'll need to wait to talk to our sensei once she and us have rejoined to sort things out. Tell them to check to see if the cut is lethal or not.
  2. When Inoue gets back, abide by Takahashi's ruling on the Kouta situation, so long as it doesn't involve punishing Akane. Insist that Akane didn't do anything wrong.
    1. Suggest that Kouta is a hotblooded idiot trying to stir up trouble. If Takahashi doesn't care what we do with Kouta,
    2. Relinquish Kouta from our care. We want nothing to do with him. Warn him and others that he is not to approach us again or else there will be consequences.
  3. When Yoshida or Gasai eventually seeks us out, have Inoue talk with her about it. Work with her and Takahashi to de-escalate tensions. Don't break our word to Takahashi. Leave Akane and Kagome at the fort --> ask Akane to keep Kagome from murdering people while we're gone.
  4. The next day, have Inoue talk with Takahashi sensei to sensei
    1. Don't try to renegotiate the deal, just try to make sure Takahashi is legit.
    2. Thoroughly vet Takahashi and his family. We're ok stepping out of politics, but we need reassurance he's not going to backstab us, and that we're getting what we came for.
  5. Assuming Takahashi is legit, have Keiko go for lessons with Takahashi. It's literally what we came here to do. We can take the leap of faith that this deal is also in Takahashi's interests.
    1. Encourage her when she's back, congratulate her on successfully completing the mission and being super brave.
    2. Give her an escort there and back in the mornings and evenings. Everybody sticks together.
  6. While Keiko is with Takahashi, have a chat with Inoue about how to check for and combat persuasion, brainwashing, replacement, or possible mistraining
  7. Training and research!
    1. Have Hazou spend time training Sealing
      1. Gain one more sealing level (2 if we earn the XP for it)
    2. If there's time left after Hazou trains sealing:
      1. Have Hazou finish research on storage seals
      2. Have Hazou begin PMYF research
    3. Have Noburi spend time researching Vampiric Dew --> try to make a sensory jutsu out of it.
    4. Have Kagome investigate the summon technique skill scroll. Look for suspicious things. He's clearly mildly knowledgeable about summons (knew they popped when killed), have him make sure Keiko's not screwing herself.
  8. Have Akane lay low and not leave the fort, the village hates her. Don't let her go places alone.
  1. If anyone talks to us, before we meet up with Noburi Inoue and Keiko, Hazou is point-person. Placate, don't promise anything, get back to the fort.
  2. Have a single warning policy. If someone begins to take hostile action, throw an explosive seal near them, but not in damaging range of them and tell them that's their only warning. If hostilities continue immediately go lethal -- Roki, explosive seals, chakra boost, all of it. Summon scroll training is not worth our lives.
  3. Aside from Keiko going to Takahashi, don't have the group split up - even if Takahashi requests it for some reason.
  4. If combat breaks out, hold nothing back, win. Reassess at that point, but be prepared to retreat into the forest and rig the fort to explode as we leave.
  5. Maintain basic explosive communication system:
    1. Two quick explosives followed by one later means meet at fort at earliest convenience
    2. Two quick explosives followed by two quick explosives means meet at fort immediately
    3. Three quick explosives followed by one later means meet at forest fallback at earliest convenience
    4. Three quick explosives followed by two quick explosives mean meet at forest fallback immediately
    5. Single explosive is used as warning
    6. Any other use of explosives means battle is engaged: disengage and support
  6. If someone comes to our fort for healing or talking, indulge them, be courteous, don't wander away from the fort, make a less-trapped building near the fort if it becomes common. Otherwise, keep to ourselves (unless Takahashi asks us to do something else)
  7. If Kouta approaches us again, cripple him permanently. Killing him is ok, but preferably not done.
I'm not sure this should go in the plan, but I really kind of want to see Hazou inform Kouta as to what became of the last people to threaten Akane.
My attempt at an almost entirely non-violent plan:

[X] Action Plan: Playing Along For Now

Akane Side:

1) Hazou swoops in and painfully but non-maimingly disables Kouta, yelling words to the effect of "How dare you try to frame my teammate?!". Kagome prevents the crowd from interfering or dispersing while Hazou puts those Deception dice to good work trying to trip Kouta up into admitting he faked it. Hopefully he won't be able to think straight through the pain and he'll get some penalty dice.
2) Hazou works the crowd, making sure that there is no doubt in anyone's mind that Kouta tried to frame the outsiders for murder right after being forgiven for trying to murder one of them. Ruin him.
3) Refuse to talk to elders without Mari present.
4) Hazou gives Akane a hug.

Kei Side:

1) Mari barges down Takahashi's door and threatens him, letting him know that if even one whisper of Kei's secrets are unveiled he will die of auto-erotic asphyxiation that very evening.
2) Takahashi laughs, Mari storms off in a huff, Takahashi thinks he won the encounter and no longer has to fear Mari's revenge.
3) We wait to see whether we're getting a blue moon and Takahashi really is teaching Kei summoning.
4a) He isn't. Mari assassinates him. Mari and Kagome infiltrate the shrine, steal the contract, and leave behind a fake made by Hazou using the seals he saw as inspiration. We run back to Jiraiya and make our report.
4b) He is. Once Kei is allowed to sign the contract we leave peacefully and report to Jiraiya.
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1) Hazou swoops in and dislocates Kouta's arms, yelling words to the effect of "How dare you try to frame my teammate?!". Noburi prevents the crowd from interfering or dispersing while Hazou puts those Deception dice to good work trying to trip Kouta up into admitting he faked it. Hopefully he won't be able to think straight through the pain and he'll get some penalty dice.
Noburi's with Keiko's group.
Thanks @eaglejarl and @Cariyaga for the feedback. I've updated the plan. Key edits:
1. Made basic signaling system for explosive seals
2. Put in a single explosive seal reinforced warning for spotting someone taking hostile action
3. Clarified that I want Hazou to take the sealing level, but I don't want to update to end just because his sealing training finished, so he's got a list of things to work on after finishing that.
4. Added specifics on how to attempt to stop Kagome from attacking
5. Modified combat contingency, de-emphasized lethality, emphasized retreat and reassessing
6. Modified escort: Akane's babysitting Kagome while the rest of the team escorts Keiko.

Things I did not change:
1. Kouta crippling contingency. I added clarification that if we see him again there will be consequences though.
2. Inoue not attempting to renegotiate --> Keiko made the contract, it'll DEFINITELY hurt our position if we try to go back on it. We want to be trustworthy.
3. Akane punishment. We legit didn't do anything wrong, Kouta's legit a dick, if elders want to try to escalate this into a war let them. They'll lose more than we will. If the elders want to make this their hill to die on, they can die on it. I could probably be convinced to specify what types of punishment Akane may and may not receive, but honestly, I don't really know enough about the village to say things. I definitely am not ok with her being separated from our team.

Here's the new updated plan:

The only thing that's seriously missing from this, and the most important part of it, is how to stop the entire village from immediately converging on us without waiting for us to speak in our defense. My immediate thought is for Hazou, after he stops Kagome from escalating, shout in fury after Kouta about him being a treacherous worm that was betraying all honor to strike at them for the second time. Loud enough for all of the fleeing people to hear him. It might plant enough doubt that the "Let's Kill Those Treacherous Outsiders" train will be halted long enough for Gasai/Yoshida to interrogate Kouta and maybe Akane as well to ascertain what really happened. But this immediate first step is the most important one. We'd have to travel through the village to alert Inoue of the situation, and no good ways of communicating.