No, it'd be the Holy Septet. Basically the holy quintet with us replacing Madoka plus O and K
This made me start thinking about how murderous a glare Homura would send us if we actually proposed that... but then left me thinking about how we need to have some SRZ BZNS talk with her.

Homura doesn't get why Sabrina cares... about her, about Madoka, Sayaka, about Oriko, of all people... why Sabrina cares in general, really.

I think we could stand to have a serious chat with Homura today, at lunch time? Try to explain ourselves a bit, how we're trying to tackle something bigger than each individual 'guca. Maybe ask for help, too; we're trying to be somewhere in between Mado-brain-damage (SAVE EVERYONE!) and Homu-brain-damage (SAVE MADOKA!), and though we have made sure to spend enough time with our friends, just spreading the happy feels... we could use some Homu bringing us back down to Earth, some times. She'd think we're naive; she herself 'grew' by ditching 'bigger' goals, and focusing on less and less... (even if she couldn't, not really).

I think we need to give her an idea of why we're going so out of our way to help Oriko, at least. Homu would rather get rid of the Oriko problem altogether; we'd rather tackle what makes Oriko... malfunction, the loneliness, the wrong assumptions... I don't think Homura can, at this point in time, accept that Oriko could be a damn nice girl if she understood herself a little better and had friends.

But it would be nice if we could plant a seed of the idea in Homura's head. The excuses we've given her, 'I help all teh meguca', 'they're my responsability', etc., aren't really helping. Those just make Homura think it's useless to try and understand us.

So... TL;DR: Wanna SRZ BSNZ TALK with Homu. Try to get her to understand Sabrina a little better, even if she'd think we're naive; try and start on getting her to accept megucas, specially Oriko, are more than problems to shoot away.


Also, Madoka's totally Zordon.

Can i get tally please ? And the options of the bandwagons, to see what to vote for.
Tally said:
Vote Tally : Puella Magi Adfligo Systema | Page 3137 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.5.10

[X] That's it. Leave coobs.
[X] Fly to down town Mitakihara. Investigate the accident. Sweep for witches, magical girls etc.
[x] Continue with previous vote.
-[x] Borrow some grief from Elsa Maria if you don't have enough to deploy the privacy bubble in regards to consulting Homura's witch book.
--[x] On that note, observe Elsa Maria's seed for any irregularities.
No. of Votes: 16
Agent Whiskers
Redshirt Army

[X] "You say that different magic girls experience different effects. How do you know that this is the cause of Oriko's condition then?"
-[X] "Will this kill Oriko if it continues?"
-[X] If Kyubey gives a non-committal response like "I don't know" or "anything could happen", ask its opinion and about the likelihood of it happening instead.
[X] Thank Kyubey and leave.
[X] Fly to down town Mitakihara. Investigate the accident. Sweep for witches, magical girls etc.
[x] Continue with previous vote.
-[x] Borrow some grief from Elsa Maria if you don't have enough to deploy the privacy bubble in regards to consulting Homura's witch book.
--[x] On that note, observe Elsa Maria's seed for any irregularities.
No. of Votes: 7
Rei of Sunshine

[x] Actually, Kyuubey, I'm curious. what are the basic tenets of your morality?
No. of Votes: 2
Tam Lin

[X] To be clear, the distortion is referring to the one-sided magical manifold within her soul, and the pain is in particular the unceasing headaches she has been feeling, yes?
[X] Have you cloaked our Soul Gems from scrying? How much do you know about souls, anyway?
[X] How much do you know about how magic works?
No. of Votes: 1

[x] Thank Kyubey for confirming your primary hypothesis, state that that will be all, and move on with your day.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] "You say that different magic girls experience different effects. How do you know that this is the cause of Oriko's condition then?"
-[X] "Will this kill Oriko if it continues?"
-[X] If Kyubey gives a non-committal response like "I don't know" or "anything could happen", ask its opinion and about the likelihood of it happening instead.
[X] Thank Kyubey and leave.
[X] Continue with previous vote.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] "You say that different magic girls experience different effects. How do you know that this is the cause of Oriko's condition then?"
-[X] "Will this kill Oriko if it continues?"
-[X] If Kyubey gives a non-committal response like "I don't know" or "anything could happen", ask its opinion and about the likelihood of it happening instead.
[X] Thank Kyubey and leave.
[X] Fly to down town Mitakihara. Investigate the accident. Sweep for witches, magical girls etc.
[x] Continue with previous vote.
-[x] Borrow some grief from Elsa Maria if you don't have enough to deploy the privacy bubble in regards to consulting Homura's witch book.
--[x] On that note, observe Elsa Maria's seed for any irregularities.
-[x]Do Incubators have curiosity as humans would recognize it? Is there some divergent yet similar Incubator drive that enabled you to reach the stars? Would you explain it?
No. of Votes: 1
Conjured Blade

[x] Hat of the System
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 30

*pushes the rubble off of himself*


Let's see...





Yes, I think the Incubator Debate is over... for now.

War never changes.
*nods sagely as he shamelessy rips off the statement*

*looks around at the wreckage*

Fucking collateral damage.

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On the other hand, there are trillions upon trillions of years for something to come up with a new solution to entropy. I'm not normally one for putting off problems for someone else to fix, but with this one we shouldn't worry at all if we can't find a solution ourselves and still accomplish the rest of our goals.
If the laws of physics are the same, then yes, we do know "how far along" the process of entropy is: it won't be anyone's problem for a stupidly long time.
Trying to plan on that time scale is pretty much a fool's errand for anything with an even vaguely human mentality.

It's true that entropy shouldn't really be humanity's problem yet, but that decision has already been made for us.

The name of this quest is Afligo Systema - "System Breaker". Entropy is the reason the magical girl system exists. We cannot permanently change the system if we ignore its root cause.
It's true that entropy shouldn't really be humanity's problem yet, but that decision has already been made for us.

The name of this quest is Afligo Systema - "System Breaker". Entropy is the reason the magical girl system exists. We cannot permanently change the system if we ignore its root cause.

What, exactly, the "system" we're supposed to be breaking is is very much up for debate.

Frankly, given that magic explicitly does not obey thermodynamics, entropy is already a solved issue - while the Incubator's execution may be horribly morally lacking, it's probably not impossible to come out with a net positive on energy through widespread harnessing of magic without committing horrific crimes against humanity.

Other candidates for the "system" include Incubator control over Earth, the Incubator civilization in general, or the laws of Karmic Destiny themselves.
I need to catch up, but has any testing(or plans to do so) been done with positive emotions? Granted, a Impossibly hard thing to setup. There are lots of reason why they use negative emotions. From positive ones don't generate enough to counter entropy to "We're just dicks and lying."

It's a shame the wish didn't have to do with controlling/understanding magic, rather then grief.
Frankly, given that magic explicitly does not obey thermodynamics, entropy is already a solved issue - while the Incubator's execution may be horribly morally lacking, it's probably not impossible to come out with a net positive on energy through widespread harnessing of magic without committing horrific crimes against humanity.
I agree. The trick is that we'll have to make sure it happens.

Other candidates for the "system" include Incubator control over Earth, the Incubator civilization in general, or the laws of Karmic Destiny themselves.
The first two are equivalent to the magical girl system for our purposes. I actually hadn't considered the idea that the "system" is Karmic Destiny, but then again I've never believed that karmic destiny was real in PMMM. The idea that despair must cover up the hope created by magical girls seemed to me to be a product of despair itself, not a universal law.

It could be reasonable to interpret the series as having Madokami overwrite the rules of karmic destiny, though. If we really aren't post-Godoka, I suppose the duty could fall to us... but it doesn't really feel right to me. Sabrina has always been focused on the magical girl system and the girls in it, rather than destiny. Destiny is Oriko's obsession, and it's consistently betrayed her.
What, exactly, the "system" we're supposed to be breaking is is very much up for debate.

Frankly, given that magic explicitly does not obey thermodynamics, entropy is already a solved issue
Not exactly sure entropy is solved yet. KB hasn't really given us a spreadsheet of our negtropy output in comparison to normal Megucas. I'm assuming we have to make something that is equally valuable as a Madoka Contract before the KBs would even consider backing off. Since we're us, we don't have to be a one use thing, either.

And there's still the Feathers and Oriko thing.

And maybe figure out a way to make Meguca'ing not a one way path.
Who knows, maybe we can fulfill Kyuubey's quota and it'll leave.

We're no Gretchen, and we're no Dedolere, but we can figure something out.

We just need SCIENCE!-gucas... maybe we could use our powers to create some sort of stable enchantment that would generate energy perpetually.

Would have to meet some conditions:

1 - Generates Grief. Exponentially?
1a - Grief is purified into non-malevolent Magic.
1b - In case of exponential growth, Purification should be able to scale just as well as Generation.
2 - Grief doesn't cause harm to the surroundings, nor does it form into a monster.
3 - The Enchantment must be stable: It should generate enough Grief/Magic to sustain itself, to purify the Grief, and to still release important amounts of Magic out.
4 - It should easily reproducible by us; if we need to litter the whole World with Magical Generators in order to make KB leave, we should be able to.

Of course, Incubator greed means we can't trust this to work, but KB does have a quota to meet. What if it does? Would it be possible that it would leave if it met it?
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Valid questions, all that few people would dare ask without the acquisition of considerable leverage.
To be honest, even if we could create a sufficiently strong perpetual magic generator... maybe we shouldn't.

That could be one way to get kidnapped by the Incubators.

If we could meet the quota for one World, we could meet the quota for other Worlds...
To be honest, even if we could create a sufficiently strong perpetual magic generator... maybe we shouldn't.

That could be one way to get kidnapped by the Incubators.

If we could meet the quota for one World, we could meet the quota for other Worlds...
So ... we basically have to take over the entire KB species in order to get them to stop hounding us, isn't it?
open a portal to TTGL.
In all seriousness I've been wondering about this. If we somehow make spiral power a thing wouldn't the incubators freak out when they realize the implications truly limitless energy would have for the health of the universe? We'd have essentially traded one universe ending problem for another more imminent one. I'd really like spiral power to exist as it would prompt Coobs to promote more positive emotion in the universe but without heavy regulation it would be just as damning as entropy. And we know what "heavy regulation" looks like.
I do have an issue.


It would really, really hard.
1) Breaking a tens of thousands year system was never going to be easy
2) Breaking any other system doesn't stop KB's from kidnapping you.
3) We get to follow Mom and Mom's footsteps and become Goddess of Incuba-.... wow, that's pretty lame. Or would it be of Intelligent Wishing?
Getting people to figure out useful wishes/wish limits (like, pretty sure wishing away the Incubators isn't possible) instead of KBs ambushing people to wish on despair causing things?
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Or would it be [Goddess of] of Intelligent Wishing?
Step 1: Wish good.

Most would-be megucas are usually obsessed with some problem or another, which causes them to waste their wish on something that could be resolved in many others, cheaper ways.


This is your one shot at unlimited power. Or your only chance to troll the system. Either way, you shouldn't waste it.
Or would it be [Goddess of] Wishing Good.

yeah, well, so will winning the quest, so, y'know... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Yeah, I'll settle for System Break that makes everything Sufficiently better and doesn't require Sabrina to keep going, without necessarily challenging the super advanced aliens to a fight.