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I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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Hmm, rough spit balling, Skaud wings/heart will take a turn, anoqeyan and esp pt2 will take 2 turns total. Assuming we get the odd mats to finish on their own at some point in turn finishing akazit pt3, we'd be around T64. At that point we'd send a letter to Alric around T63. It should still take him some time to call the conclave to discuss windsight but even if he rushed it to around T65 that gives us 2 turns of prep.

A full 6ap send on akazit would get us 12 progress which might finish pt 4 and 5 if they're around 5-6 actions each which I doubt. If it did, we'd start T65 likely still needing akazit pt6 and rune metal. Even if we did finish both on that turn, we'd basically be walking in to the conclave with a shiny bar. Likely we need at least 2 more turns on top of that to get it done and that's assuming we laser focus it. Wouldn't count on it unless akazit pt4 and 5 very clearly tell us it'll give us essence.

Edit: Really, it means we're going to have an even wilder story to tell when we finally do get that bar. It does sound like the alchemy parts of akazit have been pushed farther into the tree in favor of getting essence faster which will help reduce the time it takes.
YEah, which makes sense from Snorri's logic - and honestly the shifting around might have not happened. This structure where essence is focused first may have been the original intent.
Why Brynbar for Karstah's use? I thought that was going to be for Snorri.
Because the plan has changed - make it for her, compress the combo on it into the Master Rune of Deep Gate. Use Deep Gate and two other runes to make a anti-magic item for Snorri.

Tbh Karstah also needs a potent antimagic item of her own and brynbar fits neatly.
The Dwarf who was complaining about our stuff being wastes of energy does have a point, but I don't think "how to use the stuff we have better" is in any of our available trees (or at least is quite deep in them), so there's not much we can do about it?

If he was willing to trade for research ideas we might be able to do something about it, but that seems pretty unlikely.
Nah the storm is too much power that's there's now way to use it efficiently. Just how much power you can get from it.

It's why we went all in on gronti while Stormforging to get as much of the storm to power out dragon up.
Not using the storm power at all would be infinitely more inefficient. Why not slurge on power that would elsewise be thrown away to mutate some poor goat. It is our duty to use as much as possible to spare the rest of the world.

But for dawi efficiency is a goal in and of itself. And Snorri is fantastically indulgent when it comes to the efficiency of materials. All our works uses heaps of Legendary materials which, according to the last update, is an unnecessary aid, or a crutch. It would be interesting to see if we could make the same quality of items using only (relatively) mundane materials like wutroth, gold, and gromril.
Not using the storm power at all would be infinitely more inefficient. Why not slurge on power that would elsewise be thrown away to mutate some poor goat. It is our duty to use as much as possible to spare the rest of the world.

But for dawi efficiency is a goal in and of itself. And Snorri is fantastically indulgent when it comes to the efficiency of materials. All our works uses heaps of Legendary materials which, according to the last update, is an unnecessary aid, or a crutch. It would be interesting to see if we could make the same quality of items using only (relatively) mundane materials like wutroth, gold, and gromril.

On the other hand where are we getting those materials form? Partly from gold, but most of it from favor. If we did not spend the gold or the favor what would the situation be. Gold heaped in the dark, of use to no one and favors owed never to be paid bending the backs of younger dwarfs. Screw efficiency.
If we did not spend the gold or the favor what would the situation be.
I get what you are going for, but we just had an in-update saying that the monster population seems to be drying up due to excessive (?) hunting, so that is a valid concern, if not one pointed out by that Dwarf?

If we had the research trees thereof I would be down towards trying to work with relatively mundane options to improve in skill after we finish our current stuff?
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I get what you are going for, but we just had an in-update saying that the monster population seems to be drying up due to excessive (?) hunting, so that is a valid concern, if not one pointed out by that Dwarf?

The world might run out of horrifically dangerous monsters doesn't strike me as that much of a problem. If at some point we manage to hunt down all the Ancient Greedy Trolls that is a good thing, means fewer dwarfs are getting eaten by them.
Yep, it would be good for Dwarves, but this would be bad from the preservation perspective (as in, preservation of ability for Runesmiths/Lords that need those reagents to make the Rune) of Runelore?

Unless you say that Dwarves can find replacement reagents, which, perhaps?
Yes, worrying about the ecosystem and nature conservation is a luxury afforded only to those at the top of the food chain.

Check your privileges!
Yep, it would be good for Dwarves, but this would be bad from the preservation perspective (as in, preservation of ability for Runesmiths/Lords that need those reagents to make the Rune) of Runelore?

Unless you say that Dwarves can find replacement reagents, which, perhaps?

I think most dwarfs would prefer the problem of finding replacement reagents to the problem of monsters eating their kin yes.
In an age where the legendary monsters are all dead, Vragni has more of a point. It's a pity that it coincided with the Time of Woes, so that even the Rule of Pride became a noose.
Not using the storm power at all would be infinitely more inefficient. Why not slurge on power that would elsewise be thrown away to mutate some poor goat. It is our duty to use as much as possible to spare the rest of the world.

But for dawi efficiency is a goal in and of itself. And Snorri is fantastically indulgent when it comes to the efficiency of materials. All our works uses heaps of Legendary materials which, according to the last update, is an unnecessary aid, or a crutch. It would be interesting to see if we could make the same quality of items using only (relatively) mundane materials like wutroth, gold, and gromril.
Yeah, we could make a T4 with wutroth gold and gromril, if we had a decent set of runes on it. No real point using Gromril though when our Adamant supply is as ridiculous as it is.
Mat science is our specialty too so really using the hardware we mad to make better works is us giving our best and being efficient
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Yeah, we could make a T4 with wutroth gold and gromril, if we had a decent set of runes on it. No real point using Gromril though when our Adamant supply is as ridiculous as it is.
That raises an interesting conundrum.
Is the material tier reflective of the power and magical capacity of the material, or is it a grade of rarity? If we produce enough adamant for it to be just [Very Rare], will it degrade the Material Tier away from [Legandary]?
Is there a [Common] material laying around that is extremely magically potent?
The road to sustainably making high power reagents is open: it's Akazit.

That or we open a monster farm, I suppose 🤔

Yer Ancestors damned right it is,



[X] Plan: Knock Knock Monoliths and Learning. (Turn 59)

[X] Whitebeard's Letter: Through elvish contacts, we know that some elves of Tor Vernath are asking for Bel'Shannar's assistance, putting Malekith and his allies under time pressure. The Mages Malekith visited were suppressed by Bel'Shannar, since he could not ally with them and do not have much incentive to care about magical backlash to the people living here - only that their patron succeeds and spites Bel'Shannar and that the Waystone network in the Far North is not totally destroyed. Prince Gimli is friends with Prince Laequalys of Tor Vernath and the elf and his own mages may have a useful additional perspective.

[X] [Social:] Izgrom, putting another rock by Karstah's door.

[X] [Social:] Dolgi Skarrisson and Kemma Brunasdottir's Nauvsdeg.

[X] [Letters:] Knowledge about current Izril Politics [Extensive, Evolving]
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The road to sustainably making high power reagents is open: it's Akazit.
That makes a surprising amount of sense:
While at its current projected capabilities it definitely will require a bunch of sacrifices, I could see this going down if we keep banging our way down the tree (and similarly the Gronti tree, although that will not be easy in the slightest).

But if we want this alternative to continue working in a low-Magic environment or even the End-Times, we'd need to spread it and have it catch on sometime, which hm...
Spreading it would be a perfect fit for Vragni too: The trial and error of creating a reagent replacement and maybe getting out of the Rule of Pride this way would be right up his alley, especially when he can get Windsight to contextualize his findings so far if we release it and he doesn't refuse out of Pride.
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Spa-Type deal anyway, where they pay to get lose scales carefully taken out, or their claws manicured and the clipping are used as reagents :V

Bingo bango bongo!

erect a new guild even!

Get em to post up on waystones and every once in a while come down the Karaks for some pedicure or a tasty adamant treat.

Also, very valuable and very explosive flammable dragon farts!

Those are important too!
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That raises an interesting conundrum.
Is the material tier reflective of the power and magical capacity of the material, or is it a grade of rarity? If we produce enough adamant for it to be just [Very Rare], will it degrade the Material Tier away from [Legandary]?
Is there a [Common] material laying around that is extremely magically potent?
Its mostly a measure of Rarity iirc.

Ordering supplies! Orders thankfully are pretty straightforward. If it's a material specific to a strong Rune you need for a request or Rune you're experimenting with I will note it in the cost, and it will consequently appear in the orders section of the turn/whenever you realize you'll need it.

Now you may ask, can we get it ourselves? Yes! You can totally go get it yourself, should you know a source for the stuff nearby. As the elder ice wyrm Kraka Drakk was named after is long dead and its materials long since used to make other shiny cool things, you can't find any natively in such a remote hold. Or well, YOU don't know of any Drakki lurking about. If you DO know where you can get some nearby, you can spend an action (unless its right outside the hold relatively speaking) to get it yourself. Note that this will Lockout the order option and vice versa. So it's a trade-off between costly expediency or free but delayed. High enough standing with an individual will allow you to spend favours you may have with that person to order higher tier material quickly.
  • Order length: is determined by two main things. Your circumstances, and the rarity of the item. In my master chart I've got a few things listed down as guidelines, but for your sake know there are only 4 tiers of rarity when ordering.
  • Rarity:
    Tier 1: Mundane:
    bog-standard materials, stuff you don't have to worry about specifically getting at your age and level of wealth. Really you won't ever see these materials barring truly exceptional circumstances, but it's good to have a baseline.
    Tier 2: Uncommon: This is specialist stuff, and the majority of orders will be this tier most likely, dragon's blood counts here and so does Gromril, but as you'll note. You rolled well and got a natural seam of the stuff so you don't worry about it. Will otherwise take 1-2 turns to arrive depending on the circumstances of your hold. Before you ask, yes I would've waived the dragon blood fee if you had chosen that other deed at the beginning.
    Tier 3: Rare Stuff: Often refined uncommon materials or hard to come by stuff. Pure Gromril, for instance, requires a master black/Runesmith with a very specific set of gear. This will take 2- 4 turns to arrive. Less time if you're near a place like Karak Azul or immediately(within the turn, even though it would take years in-game time) if you have the native production here. Brightstone, Silverite or Ithilmar and stuff at that level of scarcity would count in this territory.
    Tier 4: Truly Rare: This is rare material taken up 10 notches. Things like the blood of an Elder Wyrm (Star or Moon Dragon), The Claw of a Dragon Ogre Shaggoth, Carnosaur's Bilesac, stuff like that. It's gonna be 3 turns minimum for this stuff. Getting some examples this material immediately would require burning favours.
    Tier 5: One of a Kind: Things that are so unique and powerful they lie in a rarity of their own. Trying to scale beyond this is ridiculous, but the strength of these ingredients while very powerful can vary greatly within this tier. A tip top tier example would be The Blood of Aenerion (as in the individual, not his descendants) or the finger bone of Nagash. A lower example would be the body part of an apex specimen of its species. You won't get to order things like this, almost guaranteed to be from you getting it yourself.

There is an element of the material's inherent power too.

Item/creation tier though is a measure of that item's quality and power - tis why Karaz-Kazak-Rune is a T5 Wonder using only Gromril and Wutroth.
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That raises an interesting conundrum.
Is the material tier reflective of the power and magical capacity of the material, or is it a grade of rarity? If we produce enough adamant for it to be just [Very Rare], will it degrade the Material Tier away from [Legandary]?
Is there a [Common] material laying around that is extremely magically potent?
You're over thinking it.
We're making a larger Adamant Gronti than any Gromril Gronti we know of.
If Adamant was going to reduce in tier it would have already happened.