Starfleet Design Bureau

Yes, you .. have ships for defense. Or you deploy satellites. You know, how we've handled things since time immemorial?
Most of our existing/surviving ships have extremely outdated weapons and won't be able to contribute much to a defense scenario in the modern era. Same with the defense satellites, though deploying them in bulk may partially account for their individual inadequacies.
[X] Spectral Analysis (+2 Science)

Vain attempt to support a losing vote. Can the QM stop making obviously going to win options and replace it with something interesting for once?

For fuck's sake, this is the bloody third time already
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When I'm imagining cargo I figure we have a split like this.

Low DangerHigh Danger
Low UrgencyArcherMiranda
High UrgencyMirandaFederation

If it's very high danger but low urgency starfleet can set up a convoy or route a Federation but it's flexible so whenever the Federation comes back works. If it's super large cargo then you've got the Archer or Federation. Everything else doesn't need the massive size or could benefit from more frequent visits. Have the Federation sub in every so often to keep enemies guessing about what they'd be likely to face if they try for ambushes.

Sending a Federation out on a year long lap makes them more predictable and if their destinations don't actually need the huge cargo capability seems to only really save flight hours on our Mirandas. Since they're cheaper, more numerous, and have enough teeth to handle most lightly congested situations in the next 5ish years that's not a trade that adds a ton of value to this ship for me.

Edit: If they're also out on a yearlong lap then having them capable of responding to rush shipping is also really a crapshoot as opposed to if we're cycling one through our hub every 3-4 months.
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Yep, but shouldn't we have one within like 50 LY?

So a Federation and Excalibur go from there out, they get 150ish LY away from the Pharos before the Federation has to turn around. That puts them 100LY beyond the border they refuel and the Excalibur gets another what 75 LY of range added. So now it can get another 60LY deep. 160LY from the border, that's most of a federation (political entity).

If you expand the Federation class range it can go out 314 LY before refueling the Excalibur but can it carry 300 LY of fuel for the Excalibur in a bladder? Even if it could how or why did we pick a fight where the most meaningful strategic targets are such distances away from us.

Additional flexibility is nice but wouldn't starfleet planners make sure that the ship they're sending way the hell out there is in perfect shape with tons of supplies and a rested crew.

With scanners all that data can be dumped and compared any time this ship hits a starbase or fleet intelligence hub. Then starfleet can use scientists and spooks anywhere to sift and find good follow up targets. If something is super interesting and the captain prioritizes it then that's alright. That's why we give them command of the ships in the first place.
Sure, there is a refuel not TOO far away, but it's not right where you are unless you are lucky and even the Federation can't cover 50 light years like nothing. It still takes days of flying to reach a gas station and the less you need to do that the more days you spend actually being useful.
That was specifically to address deep strike capability that the extra range was supposed to help with. Being able to fly a distance equal to a massive chunk of the Federation into enemy space was already enough.

The Federation class already has the distance to refuel another ship deep in hostile territory. If we're saying the areas it'll deliver supplies to are urgent or extremely dangerous then having it on a year long loop also doesn't seem optimal. You'd want a supplies frequently otherwise you risk making a colony pirate bait after their yearly drop-off.

I'm sure there are plenty of cases where having extra fuel to burn is useful but being able to have unpredictable roving cutting edge sensor platforms popping up near your borders seems more useful. Especially when you'd be able to dump the data from them to leverage some planetary computer resources and populations. Your core planets and military can help process the data for anomalies, opportunities, and enemy action. You passively build up a catalog of likely spots for pirates or hostiles to be hiding even if you don't detect signs directly. Plus whatever dilithium scanning synergy we could get.
How is spectral analysis supposed to help detect enemy action? Are we dealing with star eaters?

It should help our science, but it's probably not going to have tactical benefits. Sayle has been pretty outspoken about not giving us tactical for sensors.
If the Federation is spending so much time on the border with this range maybe it'd be a good idea to have the Federation with 2 crews like SSBNs
Sure, there is a refuel not TOO far away, but it's not right where you are unless you are lucky and even the Federation can't cover 50 light years like nothing. It still takes days of flying to reach a gas station and the less you need to do that the more days you spend actually being useful.
But that's kind of my point. If it's so far away aren't there other ships closer for responding? If they're not planning a strategic strike then why would ships need to get so close to empty it matters? Don't all our ships have the capability to get to a hub on less than half a tank (if they're in our borders)?

The Federation could be using the better sensors all day every day to get information so our scientists and spooks have a better handle on the neighborhood? That's useful. If you're hauling antimatter that you don't need 360 days a year then those 5 days you need it have to be really damn useful to make it worth having.

I've yet to see a use case to me that makes sense in an operational framework. Deep strike sounds good but the ship already offers the capability for striking tremendously deep into enemy territory. Fewer trips to a hub sounds good but that doesn't align great with us wanting to be able to use this for emergency cargo hauling. If we want a border presence to deter enemies we don't want a long predictable route and we do want ships frequently visiting. Is the Federation class a mobile strongbox where we drop off some cargo on an out route and then drop off the rest on our way back? It could work and support some trade between colonies I suppose but I'm not sure how much trade between them makes sense.

If the area is dangerous or contested and we're using a federation economy most of a colony's efforts should be directed to building themselves up right? If that's the case and they don't need a massive cargo a Miranda can do it. Then focus your Federation on only hauling massive cargos (which seems like a hub/core to colony route IMO).
To enable ships like the Miranda and the Archer, and to massively increase the range of civilian craft while also manufacturing parts that can be delivered to border regions more easily.

The Federation needs to pick it's gas somewhere
You have a point with the Archer, but the Miranda has an operational range greater than 200 LY and is intended for interior duties anyway, and civilian ships don't use antimatter - which is the Pharos' main logistical link. The Pharos stations also only have basic fabrication facilities so their ability to produce critical parts for outlying colonies is limited.
The Pharos stations also only have basic fabrication facilities so their ability to produce critical parts for outlying colonies is limited.
As I see it, assuming there's still room for expansion out that way/they're not constrained by the border the Pharos makes a good midway point. Have the Archers haul stuff out there and then let the Federation run about with oversized/time critical stuff and let the Miranda handle the less time critical/smaller stuff.

Uses the Archers in a way that makes up for their speed issues, and allows faster and more durable ships to pick up the slack after the Pharos belt.
I'm looking forward to doing another station. And this time - either a Pharos 2 with much better weapons, or a border defence & fleet logistics with all the guns
How is spectral analysis supposed to help detect enemy action? Are we dealing with star eaters?

It should help our science, but it's probably not going to have tactical benefits. Sayle has been pretty outspoken about not giving us tactical for sensors.
Not really sure if we could see a military base singularity or Antimatter core go online or if we'd see signs of asteroid mining, target practice, fleet exercises, etc. They'd likely have to be pretty large but if pirates or enemies stumble across an anomaly who can say what sorts of results our ship would get. If we're flying by and can gather data from 180* or have our computers look for long term differences that indicate subtle shifts it's much harder for an enemy to do something substantial than if there's only a telescope in a known system a huge distance away.

Do gravitics and subspace sensors operate on spectrums?

Worst case we get a list of systems that have resources an enemy might use for staging so we know where we need to keep an eye on or start the search if there's an increase in activity nearby.
You have a point with the Archer, but the Miranda has an operational range greater than 200 LY and is intended for interior duties anyway, and civilian ships don't use antimatter - which is the Pharos' main logistical link. The Pharos stations also only have basic fabrication facilities so their ability to produce critical parts for outlying colonies is limited.
Yeah, basic parts which are the bread and butter of those civilian craft. It's not about them using antimatter, it's about keeping the flow of goods running beneath the level of abstraction for Starfleet itself. Critical stuff speed shipped from the interior is what the Federation will be for.

As for the Miranda, they also need to refuel and stock up on spare parts, and as interior intended ships they can just naturally swing over to pick them up. While this isn't an obvious issue for them individually, if we assume the Miranda gets ordered at scale or even in bulk, the need becomes a bit more obvious. Since it won't be one Miranda a year or something like that, but likely closer to a Miranda stopping by a Pharos for resupply on a much more regular basis.
Fun fact: we've taken Antimatter Storage every time it's come up in the last three times.
Not counting the Pharos starbase, (because it's not a starship,) by my count we've been given the option for extra antimatter five times so far, and have chosen it only the last two times. This would bump that up to three times out of six total, and show a trend where starting with the Archer we valued extended range more than we used to.

Personally I hope for our next station we get to design Spacedock(s).

It'd be cool to make a SB74 sized base years early, rather than have to deal with the ESD and it becoming outdated.
Let me ask you something: are you expecting a Fed to stay out in the sticks for its entire fuel lifetime at a time (i.e. six months or a year) without coming back for a resupply of, say, cargo? Or even just for shore leave? Y'know, places where it's likely they can get a fuel top-off as well? A year's supply of antimatter is excessive if the ship is nearly always within 1 month or less of a refuelling site. Having the ability to sprint clear across our territory twice is great, but how often is that going to be useful? If the ship would be required to run across the whole Federation to deal with a crisis, then clearly A) it's not that time-sensitive, or B) there's almost certainly another ship closer - and if there isn't, that's a failure of Command to properly allocate responders, not a failure of the ship itself.
I expect a Mission of a Federation to go something like this:
1. Leave Erath/Andor/Tellar/Vulcan fully loaded with atmospheric purifyers, large water filters, fusion reactors, industrial tooling, drilling/Mining equipment and any other high value large industrial goods in her cargo hold. (Things new colonies always need more off to get off the ground and can't make themself) Then she flies out of the industrialized core to flag planting colonies at the border or right beyond it.

2. Start a series of short stops at the various colonies, delivering needed equimpment for said colonies while perhaps taking bulk cargo of ores/food/products and deliver them between said colonies while also acting as Piracy patrol.

3. Starfleet calls, a Miranda(Or other vessel) needs fuel on a mission and can't divert to the next pharos, so captain goes full on throttle and Federation races at 7.4 out to meet said ship and delivers fuel. Then goes back to giving off their high value large scale stuff until all of it has been delivered.

4: Depending on Feddy Fuel status you now can go exploring the near border systems/patrol said systems for pirates or if fuel is getting low head back into the interior for refueling restocking stuff.
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