I kinda feel like we should include more details about, like. Precautions regarding Parro.

Both specific actions we might take like "Send a grief clone to talk", as well as just more generally spelling out Sabrina's beliefs.

Something like:

[ ] Parro is almost certainly doing this meeting in bad faith, aiming to exploit your "naivite". It seems very unlikely that she's had any kind of genuine change of heart so quickly.
-[ ] Nonetheless, you'll meet with her - more to establish a precedent for prisoner's rights than for her own sake.
-[ ] Take precautions - create a grief body to pilot for the conversation, leave your soul gem out of Parro's vicinity.

[ ] During the talk:
-[ ] You're trying to set things up to a point where a semi-functioning legal system can exist.
--[ ] Once it does, her and her colleagues will go through it. You're aiming for rehabilitative justice.
-[ ] We are hearing her out as a courtesy, and she should not waste our time.
--[ ] Anything she wants to say to us any time soon, should be said now, because she likely won't get another chance before her trial. You are busy.

It seems very unlikely to me that the next update will go past the talk with Parro - we're probably going to be given a decision point to respond to what she says.
I kinda feel like we should include more details about, like. Precautions regarding Parro.

Both specific actions we might take like "Send a grief clone to talk", as well as just more generally spelling out Sabrina's beliefs.

Something like:
I like it.

[X] Parro is almost certainly doing this meeting in bad faith, aiming to exploit your "naivite". It seems very unlikely that she's had any kind of genuine change of heart so quickly.
-[X] Nonetheless, you'll meet with her - more to establish a precedent for prisoner's rights than for her own sake.
-[X] Take precautions - create a grief body to pilot for the conversation, leave your soul gem out of Parro's vicinity.

[X] During the talk:
-[X] You're trying to set things up to a point where a semi-functioning legal system can exist.
--[X] Once it does, her and her colleagues will go through it. You're aiming for rehabilitative justice.
-[X] We are hearing her out as a courtesy, and she should not waste our time.
--[X] Anything she wants to say to us any time soon, should be said now, because she likely won't get another chance before her trial. You are busy.

It seems very unlikely to me that the next update will go past the talk with Parro - we're probably going to be given a decision point to respond to what she says.
I agree that's the most likely outcome. If only as a statement of intent, I'd like to make sure we don't forget to visit Anri while we're in the neighborhood, but there is no need for as much word count as I was using for a statement of intent for after talking to Paro.

Something more like this would probably be more appropriate:

[X] Don't leave without talking to Yuki about setting up the Warehouse-kun science lab and stopping by to talk to Anri.
-[X] Subjects for Anri: De-witching progress, Yuuri's Grief Seed, Body Manufacture, Evil Nuts Asunaro Almonds.
I like it.

[X] Parro is almost certainly doing this meeting in bad faith, aiming to exploit your "naivite". It seems very unlikely that she's had any kind of genuine change of heart so quickly.
-[X] Nonetheless, you'll meet with her - more to establish a precedent for prisoner's rights than for her own sake.
-[X] Take precautions - create a grief body to pilot for the conversation, leave your soul gem out of Parro's vicinity.

[X] During the talk:
-[X] You're trying to set things up to a point where a semi-functioning legal system can exist.
--[X] Once it does, her and her colleagues will go through it. You're aiming for rehabilitative justice.
-[X] We are hearing her out as a courtesy, and she should not waste our time.
--[X] Anything she wants to say to us any time soon, should be said now, because she likely won't get another chance before her trial. You are busy.

I agree that's the most likely outcome. If only as a statement of intent, I'd like to make sure we don't forget to visit Anri while we're in the neighborhood, but there is no need for as much word count as I was using for a statement of intent for after talking to Paro.

Something more like this would probably be more appropriate:

[X] Don't leave without talking to Yuki about setting up the Warehouse-kun science lab and stopping by to talk to Anri.
-[X] Subjects for Anri: De-witching progress, Yuuri's Grief Seed, Body Manufacture, Evil Nuts Asunaro Almonds.

Maybe we should use that weird scanner thing we have used a few times and see if we can make sense of it?

For example use it on a soulgem, then in a grief seed, then on a clear seed and finally on the... Hope seed? Whatever.

See if we can see any patterns or if the hope seed starts to look similar to a soul gem.
Maybe we should use that weird scanner thing we have used a few times and see if we can make sense of it?

For example use it on a soulgem, then in a grief seed, then on a clear seed and finally on the... Hope seed? Whatever.

See if we can see any patterns or if the hope seed starts to look similar to a soul gem.
The problem with the tricorder is it was a tricorder and none of us has any clue how to read the display on a tricorder. There's nothing stopping us from making a sensor that has a display that makes sense.

I've actually suggested getting one that prints out the physical properties of an object for scanning Soul Gems, Grief Seeds, etc. on. Giving things like hardness, brittleness, mass, volume, density, etc. I'm particularly interested in determining how durable they actually are so we know how fast they can be moved safely, both for our gemsnatch tricks and for our space program plans. And a non-destructive scanner putting out those in normal like the mohs hardness scale would be really useful for that.

We might well learn other things about them in the process, but that alone would be worth the time of making such a scanner.
The problem with the tricorder is it was a tricorder and none of us has any clue how to read the display on a tricorder. There's nothing stopping us from making a sensor that has a display that makes sense.

I've actually suggested getting one that prints out the physical properties of an object for scanning Soul Gems, Grief Seeds, etc. on. Giving things like hardness, brittleness, mass, volume, density, etc. I'm particularly interested in determining how durable they actually are so we know how fast they can be moved safely, both for our gemsnatch tricks and for our space program plans. And a non-destructive scanner putting out those in normal like the mohs hardness scale would be really useful for that.

We might well learn other things about them in the process, but that alone would be worth the time of making such a scanner.

I meant the other scanner we have been using, one I think we used on Oriko before.

The simple images it showed might help a bit if we see a patter with em, but your scanner idea is good aswell.
If we're going to be talking to Anri about Science!, we should discuss converting Warehouse-kun into a place we, Niko, and Anri can work together. I know I bring this up frequently, but it's something I'd really like to see happen, and it is actually convenient timing to discuss it.
Anri is under arrest. She will not be working in Warehouse-kun. I also don't expect her to be willing to reallocate time away from trying to dewitch her crush towards whatever other science we might want her doing.
Yeah, Anri is kind of like a more angry Homura who doesn't like or trust us. Asking her to help with anything not directly related to saving her girlfriend is probably just going to piss her off.
Yeah, Anri is kind of like a more angry Homura who doesn't like or trust us. Asking her to help with anything not directly related to saving her girlfriend is probably just going to piss her off.
True. But like a more angry Homura, we want the same outcome she does.

And if nothing else, I want to update her on the project that is of interest to her. And find out how far along her experiment has come.

The expectation was that she'd need to dump a full Clear Seed's worth of hope magic into Yuuri's Clear Seed, which would, definitionally mean that the Clear Seed she's using to make that possible would be filled up by the time she accomplishes it, so we ought to check on how far it's come, empty the Clear Seed she's using, find out if she's run into any road blocks, check if there are unforeseen efficiency issues with producing that hope flavored magic, verify if Anri herself is experiencing side effects like potentially dimming her own Soul Gem, and things like that.

I do think the Asunaro Almonds have potential as both a potential prototype for removing the need for Grief Seeds, but also as a potential means of studying the Witch Out itself as another angle to pursue de-Witching from. In the manga, Evil Nuts caused normal humans to convert into pseudo-witches that reverted to normal humans after being defeated. Observing this happen, with informed volunteers, could provide insights into the mechanisms involved in a Magical Girl's Witch Out and allow us to try to replicate the "revert to normal humans when defeated" part with proper Witches.

It could be that something about what Kyubey does in the process of making a Soul Gem makes the "revert when defeated" stop happening on its own, but could be encouraged to happen with external help. Perhaps he is removing something that normal humans have that lets them bleed off Grief that both makes Witch-outs more likely and as a side effect makes them irreversible, and some form of spiritual prosthetic could be designed that would both let Witches revert and make Grief Seeds unnecessary for mere survival at the same time, and instead a luxury allowing for more magic use in a shorter period of time.

This avenue of research would also offer a potential path to giving humans magical abilities without Kyubey's help. Sure, pseudo-witches aren't the most useful way of giving people magical powers, but what we learn about the process might let us try similar experiments with energies other than Grief.

I expect Anri to only really be interested in the de-witching angle, but there is a de-witching angle to be pursued.

And perhaps more importantly for the decision to check in on her, she should be reminded this is still a project we care about. She deserves to know she hasn't just been forgotten.

From a rehabilitative angle, I think she could benefit from interacting with other members of the science team working toward the same goal she is. More social activity in an environment that encourages her to see working with others as a positive thing, and to see the benefits of peaceful cooperation.
I'd forgotten who Anri was when I wanted to talk to her about Warehouse-kun, but she could still be helpful for certain research projects, as Nerevar points out, and we'll be positioned to talk to Yuki on the matter One advantage to using a claimed building as our lab is that we don't have to give Anri any chances to escape in order to get her help. Achieving real progress with us would likely go a long way towards rehabilitating her, too.

This avenue of research would also offer a potential path to giving humans magical abilities without Kyubey's help. Sure, pseudo-witches aren't the most useful way of giving people magical powers, but what we learn about the process might let us try similar experiments with energies other than Grief.

Something I noticed while reading a RWBY fanfic was how much it resembled PMMM minus the rats. The ability to unlock 'aura' in that setting could be the same 'potential' incubators look for, with the Grimm being what happens when you don't have a way to deal with the Grief generated by people using their semblances. Something similar that grants less power and no wish but without the risk of Witching could make aura users a major industry in the centuries to come, as combining science with magic improves them both, or at least widens what you can accomplish.
I'd forgotten who Anri was when I wanted to talk to her about Warehouse-kun, but she could still be helpful for certain research projects, as Nerevar points out, and we'll be positioned to talk to Yuki on the matter One advantage to using a claimed building as our lab is that we don't have to give Anri any chances to escape in order to get her help. Achieving real progress with us would likely go a long way towards rehabilitating her, too.

Something I noticed while reading a RWBY fanfic was how much it resembled PMMM minus the rats. The ability to unlock 'aura' in that setting could be the same 'potential' incubators look for, with the Grimm being what happens when you don't have a way to deal with the Grief generated by people using their semblances. Something similar that grants less power and no wish but without the risk of Witching could make aura users a major industry in the centuries to come, as combining science with magic improves them both, or at least widens what you can accomplish.

I... Dont really see it.

Like rwby and pmmm feel too different for me.
I... Dont really see it.

Like rwby and pmmm feel too different for me.

Consider the Grimm Salem's familiars, Salem's corrupted form her Witch, and the puddles of darkness from which she crafts the Grimm as Grief. Rather than magic being the Brother of Darkness's gift, directly, he was instead dealing with the byproduct of using it. This is the fic I was reading, https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12863738/1/Relic-of-the-Future . Just taking a darker interpretation of the setting made the resemblance crystallize for me, as I hadn't ever thought of RWBY in those terms.
Adhoc vote count started by StellarMonarch on Jun 7, 2024 at 10:37 PM, finished with 81 posts and 16 votes.

  • [x] gib dino
    [X] Parro is almost certainly doing this meeting in bad faith, aiming to exploit your "naivite". It seems very unlikely that she's had any kind of genuine change of heart so quickly.
    -[X] Nonetheless, you'll meet with her - more to establish a precedent for prisoner's rights than for her own sake.
    -[X] Take precautions - create a grief body to pilot for the conversation, leave your soul gem out of Parro's vicinity.
    [X] During the talk:
    -[X] You're trying to set things up to a point where a semi-functioning legal system can exist.
    --[X] Once it does, her and her colleagues will go through it. You're aiming for rehabilitative justice.
    -[X] We are hearing her out as a courtesy, and she should not waste our time.
    --[X] Anything she wants to say to us any time soon, should be said now, because she likely won't get another chance before her trial. You are busy.
    [X] Don't leave without talking to Yuki about setting up the Warehouse-kun science lab and stopping by to talk to Anri.
    -[X] Subjects for Anri: De-witching progress, Yuuri's Grief Seed, Body Manufacture, Evil Nuts Asunaro Almonds.
    [x] gib dino
    -[x] Keep a weather eye out for giant spiders and even more giant half dragons
    [X] gib dino to Parró
    [x] take dino
    [X] Redshirt Army

@Nerevar small correction: it's naivete, not naivite
Last edited:
@StellarMonarch, thanks for the warning. I somehow dropped the most important part from my vote during the edits.

[x] gib dino

[X] Parro is almost certainly doing this meeting in bad faith, aiming to exploit your "naivete". It seems very unlikely that she's had any kind of genuine change of heart so quickly.
-[X] Nonetheless, you'll meet with her - more to establish a precedent for prisoner's rights than for her own sake.
-[X] Take precautions - create a grief body to pilot for the conversation, leave your soul gem out of Parro's vicinity.

[X] During the talk:
-[X] You're trying to set things up to a point where a semi-functioning legal system can exist.
--[X] Once it does, her and her colleagues will go through it. You're aiming for rehabilitative justice.
-[X] We are hearing her out as a courtesy, and she should not waste our time.
--[X] Anything she wants to say to us any time soon, should be said now, because she likely won't get another chance before her trial. You are busy.

[X] Don't leave without talking to Yuki about setting up the Warehouse-kun science lab and stopping by to talk to Anri.
-[X] Subjects for Anri: De-witching progress, Yuuri's Grief Seed, Body Manufacture, Evil Nuts Asunaro Almonds.
Last edited: