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[X] [LIBRARY] Barak Varr booksellers: Druchii of Naggaroth, Ten Kingdoms of Ulthuan, Kingdom of Nehekhara
[X] [LIBRARY] Library of Mournings: Linguistics, Ladrielle
Strictly speaking, celibacy refers to the position of remaining unmarried, typically for religious reasons (though obviously it's gain the connotation of abstention from sex entirely), so Gretel could argue that she's not technically in violation of her vows as long as she's just having a string of one-night-stands. :V
The celibacy seems to be one of those rules you can break so long as you aren't too obvious about it;

Oh yes. Every now and then someone flaunts it obviously and unrepentantly enough that they get exiled from Altdorf, which probably indicates there's more than a few out there engaging with more discretion.

Gretel, being entirely outside the Empire (and probably loving the idea of being exiled from Altdorf) could likely flaunt it pretty freely if she wanted to.
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As was said a long time ago:
"what about you, Mathilde? You ever think of having kids one day?"

Now there was a line of thought you definitely weren't going to make public. "Maybe," is all you answer.

"So you can, then? I mean, I know the Brights and Jades do, and the Golds don't..."

You smile. "There's a joke in the Grey College: the ones that do probably shouldn't, and the ones that don't probably should."
Wilhelmina was wrong, of course - the Golds aren't required to be celibate. But it wouldn't be hard for her to get that impression, given how Gold Wizards can become cold and unemotional as they become more experienced in their Wind, and that's not usually conducive to starting families. (And I suppose that for Gilded members, there's also the 'Person of Gold, Partner of Kleenex' issue? Conceptual gold must make that... interesting.)

...Speaking of which, this update does show that Feldmann appears to have a relative that's a Gold Journeywoman. If she's his daughter, it may support Mathilde's earlier assumptions that he's not that far along in his Wind, because he's pretty charismatic and politically savvy.
Realms of Sorcery says that Amethyst and Light Colleges require celibacy, Gold and Celestial don't mandate it but due to the effects of their respective Winds it's all but unheard of for them to marry or have offspring, Bright and Jade allow it and their Winds encourage it, and nobody knows what rules Amber and Grey have about it.
[X] [LIBRARY] Barak Varr booksellers: Druchii of Naggaroth, Ten Kingdoms of Ulthuan, Kingdom of Nehekhara
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Can Mathilde learn the anti lightning spell? Or is it gold only?

She'll study the techniques if she ever expects to be facing Skaven in an open field battle, but it's expected that real-world application will reveal that some Winds find it easier than others.

@Boney If not-codified masteries and invented spells can only be passed to some apprentices/others with a similar mindset, and you can't develop new masteries for your own masteries of other spells/invented spells even after you codify them, does that also apply to apprentices/people with similar mindsets or can, for example, Eike develop her own mastery for the MAP or RoW?

Only sometimes, if they diverge enough from their Masters path later in life or never hewed to it that closely in the first place.

And if so, can those masteries be passed back to the inventor of the original spell

...Speaking of which, this update does show that Feldmann appears to have a relative that's a Gold Journeywoman. If she's his daughter, it may support Mathilde's earlier assumptions that he's not that far along in his Wind, because he's pretty charismatic and politically savvy.

Or Feldmann may be golden-tongued - he's got some unique insight into Chamon that helps him avoid the aloofness of other Golds.
To be honest, while the House Filuan and Gold College social actions were fun to read because Boney's an excellent writer, I didn't enjoy the subject matter as much as I did Gretel and elementalism. It felt like eating vegetables, something that isn't as inherently pleasant as other options but more beneficial, except here it wasn't beneficial and I don't want social votes to be about benefits anyway. I want to pick the funnest options.

I never want to check in with the salamanders if there's any other social option available, even in a hypothetical scenario where we'd get a bit of CF out of it. Wordcount is zero sum and the salamanders aren't worth it.
I kind of wonder when we are going to see some political/agenda plays from third parties, now that the waystone project is actually starting to do big projects with the provinces. not even talking about the magical groups. just people making themselves annoying because we have been dealing with far to many reasonable people for a semi-Dip job.

groups that have reasons to involve themselves, think that they have reasons or even don't have a reason, but think they can get something from involving themselves. (politics, isn't it swell?)

1: Like, the most obvious, the Witch hunters would be in the 'think they have reasons to involve themselves' from their point of view they would be wanting to have some sort of oversight role of the big magical project that affects the empire. and might push/pull to get such a role. also, I'm pretty sure they think their relationship with Mathy's way better than it is, countering how often she works with the Val hal's. (and the only anti-sigmar thing she has done could be seen as 'pro-Ranald' instead very easily.)

so i can see them coming to mathy about it and expecting a way easier in than what's on the table.

2: still shocked that we have heard next to nothing from the cult of Ulrc and Midland. there must be something they want from mathy, even if its just being next in line for the Tributaries or looking into the Wolf elves from different angle for them.

3: The cult of Taal has reasons to be very interested in the Tributary that they can make if they hear about it somehow: its a way they could expand/reinforce their roles in forest provinces... might be willing to offer a lot to... slow down... any other prototypes until they use as much of 'their type' as possible throughout the empire and beyond.

4: on the other side, the cult of the Earth mother might put some pressure to make the Earth mother version of tributary spell, considering that it might be proof of their god.

5: someone high in a cult wanting to try and Proselytes their own elves and wants into the city.

6: the Dark elves/ High Elves/Isolationist elves cornering Mathy at an event to sus her out. (we aren't the only ones that can be proactive)

basically, I'm trying to think of ways that groups/organisations that aren't part of making the waystones can stick their foot into things for their own interests.

the more annoying the better!
To be honest, while the House Filuan and Gold College social actions were fun to read because Boney's an excellent writer, I didn't enjoy the subject matter as much as I did Gretel and elementalism. It felt like eating vegetables, something that isn't as inherently pleasant as other options but more beneficial, except here it wasn't beneficial and I don't want social votes to be about benefits anyway. I want to pick the funnest options.

I never want to check in with the salamanders if there's any other social option available, even in a hypothetical scenario where we'd get a bit of CF out of it. Wordcount is zero sum and the salamanders aren't worth it.
Bold of you to assume Boney couldn't just break trends and treat us to the Zookeeper's POV, where he has to restrain himself from gushing all over the Salamanders and also from asking Mathilde where she has been all these years and if she got the milk and cigarettes she was looking for.
To be honest, while the House Filuan and Gold College social actions were fun to read because Boney's an excellent writer, I didn't enjoy the subject matter as much as I did Gretel and elementalism. It felt like eating vegetables, something that isn't as inherently pleasant as other options but more beneficial, except here it wasn't beneficial and I don't want social votes to be about benefits anyway. I want to pick the funnest options.

I never want to check in with the salamanders if there's any other social option available, even in a hypothetical scenario where we'd get a bit of CF out of it. Wordcount is zero sum and the salamanders aren't worth it.
If there was a social vote for Mathilde to eat vegetables, I'd vote for it.
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