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I imagine a lot of it is that, for whatever power the Elementalists can offer, the prosperity and future of Nuln rests entirely on it's foundries. Weapon exports are Nuln's entire reason for existing at this point.
He literally said he would sell them out for a spiked culvert ( Literally a small, useless made cannon (spiking a gun is hammering a spike into the fuse hole making it useless for the battle and it is quite annoying to remove.))
He literally said he would sell them out for a spiked culvert ( Literally a small, useless made cannon (spiking a gun is hammering a spike into the fuse hole making it useless for the battle and it is quite annoying to remove.))
I believe culverins are actually fairly large cannons.

I think 'I'd sell you out for a useless gun' was more rhetoric than intent.
The Room of Calamity needs to cool down from being visited by an evil Birb, but we've been seeing some support of trying out 'make a liminal realm' next turn, since Boney confirmed early on that trying to do it in the middle of nowhere should be safe-ish - even in the worst case scenario of a demon popping out, it'd be like a shark in a desert - dangerous but you can run away with little concern. I'm down for doing it with The Gambler.

The big problem that I see there is that that it would be in competition with Apparitions, since I'm pretty sure they'd also very much benefit from the Gambler. (Of course, you could make an argument that since we're dealing with Aethyric entities and our soul, we could really use the Room of Calamity being available for the binding process, but I'm pretty sure that if you suggest delaying Apparitions again until after we've finished the Orbs, there would be a riot. And likewise for suggesting we hold off on Orbs until we've done Apparitions.)
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I wonder if we could set up the Ranald reward system set it to buy non imperial Ulgu books. Feels like it's one of the few ways to get Ulgu above +5.
[X] House Filuan
[X] Sofia
[X] Gretel
[X] Okri
[X] Wissenland
[X] Druchii Diplomats
I get that this is the result of a roll, but do we have any idea why Roswita chose this option over Mathilde's other suggestions from an IC perspective?

Especially given that

the Council of Manhorak has to be at least tangentially involved anyway.

It wasn't the result of a roll. She wants the Jades because they're a known quantity, she's had a lot of time to get used to a bunch of Wizards running around doing Wizard things.

Why Kislev? Is it easier than bringing language books across the border? Or is it about working with plentiful spirits that Niedzwenka is most familiar with?

They didn't learn Scythian from books, they learned it from people that spoke Scythian, which are all in Kislev.

And does this mean that Max speaks Scythian too now or was he doing something else up there?

No. Max was helping teach the ritual.

Eike at the very least visited Hargendorf and Erengrad on her own, without apparently borrowing the Gyrocopter. And then turned up in Tor Lithanel, again on her own. How long did all that take her, roughly speaking and how did she manage? Not to mention weeks faster than expected. I could imagine a whole WHFRP campaign being just this.

It took however long it took. You can get the maps and measure the distances and multiply them by the travel times chart if it's important to you. It wasn't weeks faster than Mathilde expected it to take Eike, it saved Mathilde weeks because it meant she didn't have to go out and sort out the entire trade route herself.

Are all the foreign books translated by the way?


Edit: Aren't they an originally Tilean tradition? They definitely should have books in either Tilean, Classical or both regarding their most central subjects. Or was it only the Humorism that they were inspired by that comes from there? In which case they should have foreign books on at least that subject.

Having a bunch of foreign books around the place would get in the way of creating their own take on humorism that they can gatekeep.

Does that mean that while she knows the spellbook version for comparison, she can't actually cast it? Or is it just that it's technically possible, but since even if she does she can't pick up a different spin on it without a massive shift of personal perspective (before you ever get to the part where Mastery isn't guaranteed, much less a Mastery she'd consider "better" than something that's already extremely useful), she has no reason to ever use a strictly worse version?

She never learned the spellbook version.

Relatedly, can we choose not to teach our Masteries, or are they so integrated into our understanding of the spell that if she's learning them from us, they're going to get passed on? I don't see it being a problem for any of the ones we're likely to teach her any time soon (unless we can't turn off Blessed Hands, maybe but I'm reasonably sure we can, and the cases where that might cause problems are fairly rare), but it seems worth checking before we get to the less broadly applicable ones.

If Mathilde teaches a spell she has a Mastery for, it may or may not get passed on. I'm not going to give the option of deliberately not doing so because it would be a subvote for a chance of passing on something that would prevent a chance of getting something else that has a chance of being better, so the actual matter that would be debated would have a chance of a chance of a chance of actually happening.

@Boney with the books on Elementalism and thus more knowledge of Earthbound Magic... do we know what would happen if you introduced Aetheric Vitae to some Earthbound Magic?

Would Aether Vitae divide into the Winds of Magic? Would the Earthbound Magic differentiate into Winds, too? Or would AV turn into Earthbound magic, adding to the Earthbound magic? Or the opposite, with the Earthbound Magic becoming AV?

The AV would either become Winds, become Earthbound Magic, or do nothing.
I'm actually more surprised they had straight forward books on the Winds of such quality.

As for books that are potentially missing, I feel like I don't know enough about what their "typical" work they do for nobles looks like. Maybe something on Nuln/Wissenland history, if that's a thing? Though if they are an official part of the Universität then there's no reason to have such in house.

Edit: Aren't they an originally Tilean tradition? They definitely should have books in either Tilean, Classical or both regarding their most central subjects. Or was it only the Humorism that they were inspired by that comes from there? In which case they should have foreign books on at least that subject.
IIRC, the Elementalists grew out of a tradition of Alchemists. (Checking, the Wiki says its founder came up with the tenets of Elementalism at around the years 1260- 1280 after befriending an alchemist Berthold Fessbinder, so I'm slightly off in that) There's a chance the Elementalists have a lot in common with the alchemical traditions that eventually gave rise to the Gold Order. Notably, the Gold Order has a lot of the Magnum Opus (via their Perfection of Gold) and chemistry stuff, but whether the Elementalists also do really depends on how related those traditions were after their founding and when any split between them might have happened. Which could be anywhere from "Over a thousand years ago" to "Not long before Teclis" given how little we know.

Wouldn't necessarily call it obvious or even likely, but it's an angle to examine things from.
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Regimand to come help teach if he's in the area. He schooled Mathilde when they had that wee competition last time they hung out, after all.

And it'd be a really cute scene.

He styled on us, we styled on the college examiners- Eike is heir to a legacy here.

And yes cute.

On an entirely separate topic:

So what do we think is Mathilde's problem child title among the Grey Lord Magisters?

Remember, it has to be things that we are actually known for, so no mentioning the Liber Mortis.

Ms Her Own Personal Foreign Policy?

Ms The Best Kind of Good News?

Don't Ever Make Her Choose Between Us And The Karaz Ankor Because We Won't Like The Answer,

Lol yes this.

Whatever losers. I'll just be over here with my massive perpetually financed library in the center of a Dwarven Karak gathering a continuous stream of books from across the four corners of the continent with a revolutionary system for indexing and storage.

My bet is that in a turn or two when they properly appreciate the scale, ambition, and momentum our library has, there's going to be more than a few factions reaching out to us. It sounds like each library answers only to itself, more or less, so there's got to be some library heads who loved seeing Nuln's noses tweaked.

They'll come to us.

And there are basic Asur books on Elementalism? What?!

Crack theory time.

- belief over time causes things to resonate with the warp.

- four elements theory has been how most people have understood the composition world for some time.


- there's discrete aytheric entitites that now exist for each of the four elements.

- these are not gods (gods maybe formed in the same way?) because the elements are believed to have natures, not personalities.

- they aren't winds because they don't come from the flow of aether into the world, but from belief emanating out.


The elements are artificial wind equivalents, and are drawn on in a manner more like divine casting than wind casting: energy originated from the warp pulled through the soul and out, vs winds pulled into soul and sent back out.
It wasn't the result of a roll. She wants the Jades because they're a known quantity, she's had a lot of time to get used to a bunch of Wizards running around doing Wizard things.
Oh the irony. :V

I mean, I've long since gotten over the way she first treated Mathilde, but it still makes me smile a little to see Roswita being so familiar with Wizards that she prefers then over other options.
The big problem that I see there is that that it would be in competition with Apparitions, since I'm pretty sure they'd also very much benefit from the Gambler. (Of course, you could make an argument that since we're dealing with Aethyric entities and our soul, we could really use the Room of Calamity being available for the binding process, but I'm pretty sure that if you suggest delaying Apparitions again until after we've finished the Orbs, there would be a riot. And likewise for suggesting we hold off on Orbs until we've done Apparitions.)
My logic is thus:

Capturing an Apparition is step 1 of the process, before actually examining the thing, considering some options for how to empower it, and then binding it to us. We can have Johann come along to capture whichever we choose, and he has been confirmed to be capable of punching them in general because of his gilding.

However, for the liminal realm, we can't take anyone along. The decision was made long ago not to involve Johann and Max in the matters of AV and Boney even said at one point that introducing them to actual experiments regarding it at this stage would require them first getting familiarized with it, so they wouldn't really help out. And when last we tried this, an evil birb popped up and scared the collective shit out of us. People were straight-up panicking. So I would rather have some backing on this one. And since we can't bring along WEB-MAT, we should bring our oldest and most annoying friend.
You know, if you consider how many titles Morghur went through with his series of wounds as he was reduced to that state, but flip it around to an accretion of titles adding to someone as they keep one jump ahead of the headsman, and you really do get something looking an awful lot like Ranald.

EDIT: This pairs exceptionally interestingly with the myths that have Ranald as something of a deserter from the initial war against Chaos among the gods.
You know, this sounds like a fun Divine research track. Assuming The Father is not Ranald's newest title but one of His eldest... (given only to those the trusted) It could be an angle to investigate the coin's fifth face.

Not only for finding how Ranald got where he is but also how one becomes a daughter of... what I guess could be called the Old Fathers?

Or, from a wider angle, look up all the Fathers among the gods and tracing how they got where they are.

Given the existence of, say, Grandfather Nurgle, (who's thing is Stagnant Decay when many of the Dawi's old keepers are implied to be the brittle and unchanging Gods of Law) it might also imply why Ranald would have first run off to Maybe-Nehekara off and later possibly deliberately reinvented himself. If Nurgle had a hold on those Old Fathers who later fell to become lesser Chaos Gods it might imply that a line from Grandfather to Father somehow played into their fall.
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"I have a memory of Boney saying that a RoW enchantment in a building that allows for easy traversal through the forest would have to made by the Eonir so they have a full understanding of and can control the spell, but I am unwilling to bother searching for that post, my brain is a fuck."

It was probably this.

Hey I got a question. I remember at some point we heard that Eonir trade wasn't happening -despite interest on the both sides- because Eonir didn't want to put a road on that one swamp I can't pronounce the name of. If we were to solve that road issue would Eonir be interested in paying that back?

Like I am thinking that Rite of Way enchanted bridge across the swamp that Eonir can control from their end and in return -I don't know something like- they can send some magic researchers/Sarvoi to lecture and exchange ideas in the Collages for a couple years?

It would start the trade and and benefit everybody I am thinking.
That's a plausible way of solving the trade issue, and it's not unlikely they'd be willing to do something in exchange.
So question to all of you: Kislev tend to kill all their men who display aptitude for arcane magic to avoid the vague prophecy...
Is there any way the empire could swing a treaty to make Kislev give those men to the colleges of magic ?
It would augment the number of available mages for the empire.
I find it a little amusing that we've now twice gave out notices to the Jades that there's good, easy work in Stirland. First for our fief, and now sidejobs while doing rituals.
So question to all of you: Kislev tend to kill all their men who display aptitude for arcane magic to avoid the vague prophecy...
Is there any way the empire could swing a treaty to make Kislev give those men to the colleges of magic ?
It would augment the number of available mages for the empire.
Most of them are already heading south (or getting send South) if it's found out iirc. It's just reaching the empire that takes time and luck.
So question to all of you: Kislev tend to kill all their men who display aptitude for arcane magic to avoid the vague prophecy...
Is there any way the empire could swing a treaty to make Kislev give those men to the colleges of magic ?
It would augment the number of available mages for the empire.

That already happens, and the Ice Court has beef with the Colleges because of it.
I find it a little amusing that we've now twice gave out notices to the Jades that there's good, easy work in Stirland. First for our fief, and now sidejobs while doing rituals.
It is actually fair easy to find good easy work for Jade wizards when the majority of everyone are farmers. The only things getting in the way is anti magic prejudice. If it weren't for that we would never be able get any Jades to work for us because we would be constantly outbid.
So question to all of you: Kislev tend to kill all their men who display aptitude for arcane magic to avoid the vague prophecy...
Is there any way the empire could swing a treaty to make Kislev give those men to the colleges of magic ?
It would augment the number of available mages for the empire.

There's no formal process, but its kinda a wink-wink-nudge-nudge thing where no one looks too hard if there's a lot of dudes with strong Kislev accents in the colleges.
Edit: Ah the colleges don't mind that much, the Ice Witches kinda do? We know at least they were cool with Johann who is very obviously visibly claimed by Chamon and can't really touch the Ice Magic. Or at least can't do so in a way that his Grey Magister colleague wouldn't cull him for.
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Little Orphan Eikeie
Running away and joining the circus theatre - Grey Wizard Edition
Little Orphan Eikeie

The matron of the theatre looked down on the nervous thing in front of her. Wearing only a grey cloak she stared back with a wide-eyed look of terror.

"So let me get things right. You are the bastard daughter of a rich merchant's negligent son, taken in by them as their direct heir, bypassing your father in line for both the inheritance and leadership of the merchant's network. Once taken in you were tutored and held to high, nearly impossible, standards. Terrified, you ran away and were taken in by a mysterious woman who saved your life, leaving you in her debt. Now, she has sent you here to work for me to test both your dedication to her craft and drive you to grow out of your...this."

"Excuse me, but you just gestured to all of me."


The girl's lips pursed but she refused to say anything more, despite her obvious displeasure.

"So...I take you won't have me?"

The matron smiled. "Oh dear little girl, I'm not just going to let you join the troupe, I think I'm looking at the star of my next play! Now, we'll have to fudge some of the names so we don't make it obvious who we're trying to offend, but that doesn't mean we can't make it blatant, now from the beginning, what was your father's name?"

Unbeknownst to both the girl and the matron as they talked, a woman in a witch hunter's hat and her shadow could only bury her head in her hands.
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