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As high elves revere the gods through acting according to their nature, people who get to murder happy are more aligned with Khaine, although still aligned with the other gods when they act according to those other gods' natures.

This guy seems literally unbalanced, having given to much weight over to Khaine.

Or it was a masterful act designed to intimidate a Dark Elf who comes from a society where there are many powerful people who align themselves too much with Khaine, by deliberately imitating their mannerisms and phraseology, and possibly by using a dialect more similar to that the Druichi speak amongst themselves.

Given this guy is thousands of years old, is an in-law and personally knows the original Bride of Khaine, and was deliberately messing with the Sorceress, I'm provisionally putting it down to the latter rather than the former, as he'd probably know exactly how to do so and has plenty of practice.
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Feel like noting that 6th edition Empire army book has a personal letter from him where he says he's returning to Ulthuan with the full intention of staying.
Interesting. Having tracked it down, it does say that his job in the Empire is done and that he misses the White Tower, but it doesn't explicitly say he doesn't intent to return, and it's a letter to his superior versus directly describing his intentions.

But at the end of the day, inconsistency, thy name is Games Workshop.

Yvresse, by process of elimination.

Magic Elves are Saphery, Conan Elves are Chrace, Batman Elves Nagarythe, Tokyo Drift Elves Tiranoc, Horse Elves Ellyrion, Dragon Elves Caledor and Capitalism Elves Eataine. The one I don't get is Cothique being Smug Elves, I don't recall them being described as being arrogant moreso than any Elf innately is. I would have characterized them as Ohio or English Elves (Cothique is such a bleak and desolate kingdom that Cothiquans have become the greatest sailors in the world to escape it).
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'Elven women, elven weather, elven ale- no wonder they've sailed so far!'

And that's how half of Sartosa burnt down in a single night.
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I'd have had Batman as Yvresse? Eltharion in TW is very much fitting that area. Though could well be Nagarythe. Smug elves. Well, you'd think that'd be Caledor but they're obviously dragons so.. eh.. who knows.
People who venerate Khaine in particular tend to not be some of the more well adjusted individuals. He uses murder instead of kill and explicitly mentions the fun factor when it comes to killing. He enjoys murder. I don't think I need to clarify more than that to give you the idea of why Marrisith, a political leader, wouldn't like that.
I don't see why using murder instead of kill would mean something worse.
I read it not as him enjoying murder in general, but enjoying specifically murdering the servants of the person who's responsible for the heavy trauma he suffered.
Don't come into this thread looking for a fight. If you can't engage civilly and in good faith, then please don't engage at all.

Please stop bringing up rape.

Hey I got a question. I remember at some point we heard that Eonir trade wasn't happening -despite interest on the both sides- because Eonir didn't want to put a road on that one swamp I can't pronounce the name of. If we were to solve that road issue would Eonir be interested in paying that back?

Like I am thinking that Rite of Way enchanted bridge across the swamp that Eonir can control from their end and in return -I don't know something like- they can send some magic researchers/Sarvoi to lecture and exchange ideas in the Collages for a couple years?

It would start the trade and and benefit everybody I am thinking.

That's a plausible way of solving the trade issue, and it's not unlikely they'd be willing to do something in exchange.

How long shall we mourn in the dark
The bliss and the beauty will not return
Say farewell to sadness and grief
Though long and hard the road may be


The words of a banished king
I swear revenge
Filled with anger, aflamed our hearts
Full of hate, full of pride
Oh we screamed for revenge

Quietly it crept in and changed us all
Quietly it crept in and changed us all
Immortal land lies down in agony

The song's talking about Feanor, but it could very easily be the ballad of Alith Anar.

Yvresse, by process of elimination.

Magic Elves are Saphery, Conan Elves are Chrace, Batman Elves Nagarythe, Tokyo Drift Elves Tiranoc, Horse Elves Ellyrion, Dragon Elves Caledor and Capitalism Elves Eataine. The one I don't get is Cothique being Smug Elves, I don't recall them being described as being arrogant moreso than any Elf innately is. I would have characterized them as Ohio or English Elves (Cothique is such a bleak and desolate kingdom that Cothiquans have become the greatest sailors in the world to escape it).

Eataine are the Smug Elves, Capitalism Elves are Cothique because they inherited all the malarkey of the Sea Elves. Yvresse being Batman Elves is something of a Total War meme. Nagarythe are the Nightfall.
I don't see why using murder instead of kill would mean something worse.
I read it not as him enjoying murder in general, but enjoying specifically murdering the servants of the person who's responsible for the heavy trauma he suffered.
Murder is a specific subset of killing:
The act of deliberate killing of a person or other being without moral justification, especially with malice aforethought.
That's a plausible way of solving the trade issue, and it's not unlikely they'd be willing to do something in exchange.
I imagine it will negotation then. What kind of action would this be? Personal? EIC? Should we write in or would you add an option next turn? I am interested in trying this and I am hopeful thread would be too.
That's a plausible way of solving the trade issue, and it's not unlikely they'd be willing to do something in exchange.

The Twin Towers? Two towers enchanted with a casting of Rite of Way that requires both ends to work together to cast it.

That way both Middenland and Eonir know that the other can't use it as a back door into their territory.

We also know, I think, that Tower scale enchantments can be of larger scale and are much easier to combine enchantments of multiple Winds or runecraft because there's enough space to physically segregate them. Having anchors on both ends might also be safer/more reliable.

We might also be able to include enchantments so that merchants without the right permissions can't remember the details.

Another viable option would be for the Eonir to control both ends, and for the Eonir to control the transport. That would avoid having human merchants within Laurelorn, which would be much more secure for them. It's less secure for Middenland, but has the advantage for them of putting an Eonir garrison on the Great North Road, reducing the cost of securing it.

This may be particularly attractive if two towers, one on each end is insufficient. If multiple towers are required for the enchantment; then it's likely to need more help building and maintaining the towers which I think the Eonir would need to do,

Thinking some more about what would be required for this proposal. I suspect we'd need to codify/optimise Rite of Way so that we could share it with the Eonir, as I doubt they'd be keen on a massive piece of magical infrastructure that cast a spell they couldn't cast leading into their kingdom in case of 'undocumented features' that the Empire could later exploit.

If we were doing this for their benefit I think we could sell the Eonir, or at least magical Houses if not a Grey Lord, on collaborating with Mathilde in the codification process, or potentially sharing books on Ulgu theory to make it easier to describe in a way that they can more readily understand.

They may also be willing to collaborate on the enchantment process, sharing some of their knowledge on the subject, ensuring the enchantments themselves aren't compromised.

Generally; although expensive in AP, I think this is a really good idea to cement ties between the Eonir and the Empire. Both from the process of building the infrastructure and the results.

I also think it could relate to the Waystone project itself. This is the kind of magical infrastructure that may be much easier to build on top of a Leyline, or if each tower is built around a Waystone.
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I imagine it will negotation then. What kind of action would this be? Personal? EIC? Should we write in or would you add an option next turn? I am interested in trying this and I am hopeful thread would be too.
I'm very interested in this - at a moment's thought, there's two ways to go about this.

1. Mathilde sets up a deal with the Colleges to get nice magic teachings for this and tries to enchant a tower in the city with a low-end battle magic spell. Probably gets CF for getting them these nice magic teachings.
Easier because it's a tower, but still greater than anything she has tried before.

2. Mathilde tries to codify RoW first, and (assuming success) gets the CF for the spell, and then tries to set up the deal as above, but it's a more skilled enchanter that makes the tower in the city.

I vastly prefer option 2. Possibly with coin on the codify.
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Point of note, this would be a very Marienburg-based opinion. From Empire's point of view, the original agreement was unlawful and thus there's nothing to renege upon.

That is correct, the original agreement was made by Dieter IV, the catastrophic Emperor of the Empire after accepting a massive bribe from them to grant independence, which in turn led to the final straw that led to him being disposed as according to the post below from Boney.

In 2429, Dieter IV was deposed after accepting a massive bribe to grant Marienburg independence. Emperor Wilhelm III, also known as Wilhelm the Wise (more out of contrast than anything) and the current Emperor's grandfather, got off to a bad start when some circus illusionists made off with a significant chunk of his treasury and he tried to hold a mass trial for wizardry in general on charges of 'witchcraft and consorting with Chaos'. The Colleges were into year fourteen of their 'siege' at this point, so funnily enough none of them arrived to defend themselves. The trial was postponed for Wilhelm III to go reconquer Marienburg, but they were allied with Ulthuan and things went devastatingly bad for the forces of the Empire. Wilhelm went 'wow okay point fucking made holy shit' and reopened the Colleges in 2430.
I don't see why using murder instead of kill would mean something worse.
I read it not as him enjoying murder in general, but enjoying specifically murdering the servants of the person who's responsible for the heavy trauma he suffered.

It also helps that the DE associate murder with Khaine, one fo the very few entities they hold in fear, reverence and awe. Killing is something they do as matter-of-course, but murder is a slightly sacred, and so more meaningful to them.
Point of note, this would be a very Marienburg-based opinion. From Empire's point of view, the original agreement was unlawful and thus there's nothing to renege upon.

The Emperor entered an agreement to release one of the Emperor's vassals. Arguing that it's unlawful is in very shaky ground. This isn't a unilateral secession; this was a negotiated departure with a province paying their sovereign compensation in return for their freedom.

Trying to claim that it's not legal runs into all sorts of problems relating to what Emperors can do. It also runs into serious issues that if Emperors can't surrender claims over provinces, that means the Emperor is claiming that Kislev, the Border Princes, and The Duchy of Montfort are still Imperial provinces that are either in rebellion, abandoned by the Imperial government in breach of its obligations as the sovereign to its vassals; or occupied by a foreign power.

The Emperor isn't a constitutional monarchy. The whole concept that the Emperor is bound by law when it comes to imperial issues is probably deeply contested or completely rejected by the imperial authorities. The concept that the sovereign is bound by law is a very late one.

That is correct, the original agreement was made by Dieter IV, the catastrophic Emperor of the Empire after accepting a massive bribe from them to grant independence, which in turn led to the final straw that led to him being disposed as according to the post below from Boney.

The fact that the Empire reneged on the agreement doesn't mean that the Emperor didn't have the legal power to do this. It just means the next Emperor thought that Marienberg wasn't able to enforce the agreement. And that just means that the Empire is an unreliable negotiating partner.
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Eataine are the Smug Elves, Capitalism Elves are Cothique because they inherited all the malarkey of the Sea Elves. Yvresse being Batman Elves is something of a Total War meme. Nagarythe are the Nightfall.
Not how I would have seen it, but fair enough.

Was Kislev ever ruled by the Empire?
Ostland and Ostermark used to hold large chunks of the lands that comprise modern-day Kislev before being pushed south by the Gospodar migration.
Was Kislev ever ruled by the Empire?
Sigismund the Conqueror earned his title by expanding the Empire's borders to the largest they ever were, during which point they included Parravon, Montfort. Marienburg (and the Westerlands around it), Sylvania, the land of Border Princes all the way to the banks of the Howling River in the south and the Bay of Wrecks to the west, and practically all of Kislev's Southern Oblast.

To my knowledge, these borders remained largely in place until the devastation wrought by the Black Death and subsequent Skaven invasion.
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Sigismund the Conqueror earned his title by expanding the Empire's borders to the largest they ever were, during which point they included Parravon, Montfort. Marienburg (and the Westerlands around it), Sylvania, the land of Border Princes all the way to the banks of the Howling River in the south and the Bay of Wrecks to the west, and practically all of Kislev's Southern Oblast.

To my knowledge, these borders remained largely in place until the devastation wrought by the Black Death and subsequent Skaven invasion.
It's not really possible for Parravon and Montfort to have remained in Imperial hands for that long, because that'd mean that the Empire owned them during the time of Gilles.
It's not really possible for Parravon and Montfort to have remained in Imperial hands for that long, because that'd mean that the Empire owned them during the time of Gilles.

It depends if the Bretonni horse tribes were sedentary or nomadic at that point. If they didn't have fixed territories, the Dukes of Parravon and Montfort may simply have roamed over the lowlands of what became Bretonnia, rather than the mountainous terrain their descendants now settle and rule.

They could have been Imperial ruled until the aftermath of the Black Plague and were taken and settled by migrating Bretonnians then.
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@Boney IIRC the only other discipline that was taught in the Colleges of Magic (besides the ones that we had already unlocked at the time) that MAY expand the applications of the Aetheric VItae was the creation of artificial familiars... Now that we know that AV is useless for enchanting, can we discard forever the "creation of Artificial Familiars" line of research?
There's a fun question; how would history be different if Gilles was a contemporary of Sigmar.

Barring any misunderstandings or Chaos shenanigans, they'd probably be close allies, maybe even as close as the Dwarves. That would drastically reduce conflicts between Bretonnia and the Empire.

More canon related question; when did Damsels become a thing?
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