That absolutely is the action of upper crust politicking and jockeying for better position against their rival. Like, again. this is like dealing with with polity equivalent of a Province. Or if you want more directly comparable example, Bretonnian Dukedom. Bretonnia has absolutist ruler who is technically in charge of everyone, but Pavarron still started like 4 wars, one of them even without King's say so.
We are dealing with representatives of three of those. Hag Graef, Clar Karond and Ghrond.
Like ultimately, i don't think we should align ourselves to goddamn slavers. But i am sure we can come up with some shallow deals that benefit us greatly. Being able to better secure our coastline, or rattle sabers at Marienburg (i don't think Druuchi would actually commit to cooperation of that level for something we are willing to give, but just the idea of the possibility!) would be great. Ultimately the idea is that we force Asur to contest the political goals of Druuchi here more, giving us an in with them.
But we aren't dealing with the equivalent of a Bretonnian Dukedom, that's my point. Myrielh doesn't even have the backing of Morathi (the actual ruler of Ghrond!). This is a delegation of three people in roughly equivalent status and we know that one of them doesn't actually represent the City State she is from, they are just implying that they have more power and influence than they actually possess because the isolated Eonir and the dumb human won't know better.