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Am I missing something? The wiki says that the Rider in Red is a personification of Khorne. How are we supposed to capture that and why do people want to?

Some people think that. Said people are wrong.

We can bind them to get pocket knights to throw at enemies when we need a meat shield, a distraction, or some enemies to be in the receiving end of a cavalry charge.

Not to mention the possibility of making a fog bank spell they can manifest and jump around it to make lethal barriers on a battlefield or filling a fortress, horror movie style.
This is a good point. I'm not really sure what kind of non-battlemagic spells exist for goblins, but something like Itchy Nuisance could be extremely powerful for Mathilde.
None, I think?

Non-Battlemagic spells are all from the RP, and I don't think the Lores of the Big and Little Waaagh ever got RP spells.

(Because of the lack of playable Greenskin PCs)
How would dwarves react to seeing Mathilde summon something that looks like an orc and fights like an orc but isn't actually an orc?
A Short Draft on the Transport and Study of Impressionable Energies into a Null Environment
You couldn't get the energies in there without them being affected. It would need to be done outside of Mathilde's home entirely.
I know you meant this to be a final word on the subject of 'how do we study Elementalism in the Room of Utter Neutrality' but well...

A Short Draft on the Transport and Study of Impressionable Energies into a Null Environment
'Do we accuse the plumbers of having studied under the Elementalists in Nuln?'
  1. Two (2) Elementalists who are cooperative and capable of utilizing their Water magics.
    1. This is possibly the hardest element to procure, which you will deem quite impressive upon the conclusion of the list.
    2. Their lust for gold is only matched by their cravenness, truly.
  2. A Room of Utter Neutrality.
  3. A magically inert copper-in-stone piping system, filled with magcally inert water.
    1. This is intended to be the medium of transport for the EBM, such that it can avoid possible contamination from the Winds. This system is capped at each end by...
  4. Two (2) Runic Capstones, for the capture and transmission of Earthbound Magics / Elementalist Magics
  5. As we see in the below quote from Thorek, the Runic Capstones don't directly process absorbed magic into rune essence dwarf-bound magic Smelted Sevir. If they did, then there wouldn't be the issue of them turning into Dhar bombs. Thus, the capstones should be able to transmit the Elementalist Magic via a medium without converting it into anything else.
    1. "This was one of the first Runes I ever recovered," Thorek says, tapping on a stone cube bearing a Rune on its top that looks uncomfortably like the Star of Chaos, only with the arrows pointing inwards. "It's very simple in itself. The tricky part is that it just attracts and absorbs energies, it doesn't do anything with them. Before the Time of Woes we used to use this to seal away malign energies to be buried in exhausted mineshafts." He turns the cube over, revealing another Rune on the bottom, this one of a line that loops three times. "This one's only slightly trickier and most of it's the chiselwork, any Apprentice worth the title should be able to manage it by their third decade. It discharges the energies back out again."
  6. At least One (1) Magister with exceptionally good Windsight, who has evacuated their soul and body of their Wind as much as they can manage.
  7. Optional: four (4) Hammeres as an honor guard within the R.U.N., in the event the Elementalist has any clever ideas (or is secretly the Changeling). This has the side benefit of repelling any residual Winds from the magister inwards, instead of towards the EBM.
The components of the transport system are arranged as shown in the diagram below.

The elementalist on the right / outside portion of the system will flood the outer capstone with water-EBM until the [water in the] pipe is saturated. The inner capstone should then start pumping the water-EBM out of the pipe and into the room, for the left / inside Elementalist to demonstrate for us, in a clean environment.

What if the outside Elementalist is bad at their job and accidentally contaminates the entire system with Ghyran?
Well, that would suck but at least it's not Dhar.

What if the inside elementalist tries to assassinate us while we've stripped ourselves of Ulgu?
That's what the emergency Hammerers are for!

What if the EBM in the tube reaches sufficiently high concentration to flash convert into Ghyran?
We can get around this by asking the Elementalists how much they think they can pack in before this happens.

Why don't we just use a metal keg of water that doesn't have any Ghyran or Chamon in it? I guess that wouldn't work?
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None, I think?

Non-Battlemagic spells are all from the RP, and I don't think the Lores of the Big and Little Waaagh ever got RP spells.

(Because of the lack of playable Greenskin PCs)
I mean.. Knowing Boney it would be fairly in character for him to up and create a bunch of lesser spells for the Lores of the Big and Little Waagh if had reason to flesh them out.

Then again, greenskins spellcasters exclusively being battle wizards is extremely on brand for greenskins, so maybe not.

(Though when it comes to spells there's probably a bunch of homebrew spells he could steal ideas from to be found online, I'd genuinely be surprised if nobody has ever homebrewed greenskin spellcasters before for the RP.)
"It would take a full survey of the existing Waystone and tributary network to say for sure, but my best estimate right now would be about five Wizard-years of effort to really nail down the eastern edges of Central and Southern Stirland, and about the same to bolster the network throughout the rest of Stirland."

"Ten years, just to bolster the least part of a largely intact network in a single province?"

"Ten years for wholesome harvests and healthy children and restful corpses. Ten years to change the world that Stirlandians live in."

She smiles at that. "Very well. You have my authorisation."
I feel like this is the fulfillment of Abelhelm and Mathilde's dream of a better Stirland. Sure we aren't there yet but the Waystones are what's going to make it stick in the long term, 10 years for that to happen is well worth the wait and investment.

Meanwhile, you, Zlata, and Cadaeth have been busy surveying the Waystone network of the Stirland-Sylvanian border, finding it in about as good a condition as you could reasonably have hoped. It seems to serve as an eye-opening experience for the two, as Zlata had thought that the hard-worn stubbornness of a people who only know a life under siege only existed in Kislev, and Cadaeth had required several patient evenings explaining to her that no, there really are no other defences beyond the scant few that are plainly visible. She'd been rather taken aback when you told her that if something came from the east that those defences could not handle, then in all likelihood any of the local population that couldn't or wouldn't flee would die. She'd been significantly more taken aback when she heard the same from a local, who then told her that it had happened twice in the past century, but not to worry, if it happened again the restless dead wouldn't have long to chew on their bones before the Hunter's Daughter would bring the army down upon them.
Cadaeth's reaction makes a lot of sense since she hasn't really been exposed to the pure amount of bloodshed humanity experiences and then she's tossed into the Stirland. Zlata respects Stirland which will make things easier.

"The other forges in the city are retooling to pick up the slack, but they'll be worse guns for it. We haven't even got the foundations down here yet, we have to work around the excavations still underway, which can't be hurried because most of what we're looking for are books and documents. My grandchildren's grandchildren are going to be dealing with people trying to make claims about records lost down here. Thankfully we won't have lost any actual capabilities, everything we did in the Gunnery School, we had someone who knows how to do it over in Karak Eight Peaks."

"That rather neatly illustrates the purpose of a project I'm working on. I've been building a library in Karak Eight Peaks to preserve the sorts of records and knowledge that are too often lost in disasters like this, and the Universität District is one of the greatest centres of learning on the continent. I want your help in convincing the colleges and universities of Nuln of the wisdom of allowing my scribes access to their libraries. In exchange, I can offer you the resources and expertise of the Karaz-a-Karak Metalsmiths Guild in restoring the foundries of the Gunnery School - all to the latest human designs, and to the highest Dwarven standards."

He considers that. "You're phrasing this like you're doing these librarians a favour, but they'd squeal like stuck pigs if they were forced into that sort of deal, wouldn't they?"

"Many probably will, yes."

"You get me those Dwarves and Verena'll need earplugs, you have my word."
This dude is really cool, too bad we didn't choose to work for him, but saving the world takes priority. This whole thing also proved that the Karak Eight Peaks branch of the school was a great idea, and that our library is a good thing to have around.

Spoiler: Books acquired
This makes me so happy.

There is no moment of inspiration, nor any moment of great struggle. It is just day after day turning into week after week of grappling with your personal conception of Ulgu to try to warp it into something that there are words to describe. Several times you find yourself prodding at the Coin you wear around your neck, wondering if your prayer for assistance has gone unheard, or if some greatly distracting event you'll now never hear about has been diverted away from you. At long, long last you turn a small stack of drafts into a single scroll - tradition dictates that spells are always written on scrolls - and send it away to the Grey College for evaluation.

Instead of the expected response from the Library of the Grey College, the first response you get is sealed with a coat of arms you don't recognize, and find within a missive describing a battle in the Furdienst, a wetland of some sort just downstream of Altdorf, where an attempted colonization of it by Fimir was detected and destroyed by the Knights of Judgement with the assistance of a Grey Wizard attaché, without which it would have been impossible as the terrain there is apparently notoriously variable. The only time you've heard of such an order is in the context of the Night of a Thousand Arcane Duels, where it rode through the streets of Altdorf to assist the Grey Order. Learning that they still exist answers one question and raises many more, none of which are answered by the brief missive. Following soon after is a much more prosaic note from the Library confirming that the spell has been judged learnable and useful, and has been added to the corpus of the Grey Order's Battle Magic.

[Rite of Way codified, proved in battle, and adopted. +8 College Favour.]
Looks like the Grey College is getting some really good use out of this which is great.

Eike getting Rune of Ulgu right off the bat kind of shatters the usual difficulty curve of learning magic.
Yeah +1 Magic is always a nice thing to have but when you are starting out it becomes even more useful. Hope that Mathilde gets that as an Arcane Mark one day.
For the record, the idea as I understood it is an application of the existing apparition-spell framework, only with Orcish aesthetics on an originally humanoid Apparition.
Someone I know spoke about making Shadow Goblins...

The ultimate spook and infighting inciter? :^O


Summon shadow shapeshifters.

Can Mathilde steal the Changeling's gimmick? :^)
Some people think that. Said people are wrong.

We can bind them to get pocket knights to throw at enemies when we need a meat shield, a distraction, or some enemies to be in the receiving end of a cavalry charge.

Not to mention the possibility of making a fog bank spell they can manifest and jump around it to make lethal barriers on a battlefield or filling a fortress, horror movie style.
Also the inherent desire of every nerd to be able to summon the Ringwraiths.
The books seem to claim that Hashut was physically present within the mountains and the Dwarves dug to Him. In some places this was just from trying to dig their way to safety due to the Coming of Chaos making the outside world inhospitable, but in other parts the phrasing seem to imply that they were looking for Him. There's a oft-repeated title of 'Father of Darkness' that rings similarly to Morghur's once title of 'City-Father' and the Horned Rat's 'Under-Father'.
This might be getting into semantics, but question:
Doea the epithet "Father of Darkness" make a lingual distinction between "of" as meaning "the Father to darkness" and "the Father associated with/sourced from darkness"?

That is, do they hold him as being a source of darkness, or the Father that was found in the darkness?
Look, Mathilde said it herself—there's a conceptual space for the roles of "most cunning/most brutal champion of greenskinkind". It's literally free real estate, and who better to fill it than "Avatar of Mork" "Escalating Brutality" "Stabs You From Behind With A Cannonball Sword" Mathilde?

Everchosen Mathilde is old hat. The new hotness is Warboss Mathilde, leading Waaagh Mathilde on the best punch up in history.
Warboss Mathilde has been an option ever since Mathilde ended up interrupting the Only Gork ritual. We've put a lot less prep work into that contingency than we have for Nagash 2.0 Mathilde or Everchosen Mathilde, but that can change.
just for posterity sake could we make a spell that summons greenskins?


This might be getting into semantics, but question:
Doea the epithet "Father of Darkness" make a lingual distinction between "of" as meaning "the Father to darkness" and "the Father associated with/sourced from darkness"?

That is, do they hold him as being a source of darkness, or the Father that was found in the darkness?

It's ambiguous. The Khazalid element is 'a', which could mean 'of', 'with', 'within', or 'to'.
I just realized something, Mathilde would make such a good Gandalf, particularly Gandalf in Moria. I mean giant flaming daemon, closest in universe approximation is a Bloodthirster, no way we could fight one of those right? Well before the bridge scene Gandalf actually seals the door to the Hall of Records with a spell to give them all a chance to flee. Mathile would just stand in the door
  • 25 Martial base
  • +10 from guarding a door
  • +20 from Ranald's coin (She would have put it on the quest action)
  • The enemy does not get their martial bonus on the first strike
She is feeding that Bloodthirster its wings with anything approaching a decent roll :V
…This. This is my new head canon. I adore Yor Briar/Forger, and she really does fit Mathilde. Well, if Mathilde was just a touch more on the scatterbrained side that she kinda grew out of around the same time Abelhelm died.

The aesthetics and sheer unexpected lethality are perfect though.
Personally yor is much more unexpectedly lethal then Mathilde. Mathy gets her lethality from a honking big sword and her magic.

Yor just is good at throwing/ stabbing/slicing with whatever she has in hand.
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