On rubber production, i think setting up tree plantation in new world colonies in lustria would be a viable way of gaining a source of rubber, the only problem would be that ot wouldn't be under Ostlands direct control but it's better than nothing
I figured they'd be experts, of course, and even some magic/divine talent going on wouldn't have been a surprise, but I also figured giving the designs would help the process be more efficient if nothing else.
Don't mind me, I'm just going to go crawl into a hole and die from the shame if it all.
As for the booze tour, I asked myself what I'd do in a cosmopolitan city with a lot of cultures. The answer is booze tour. And it sounded like something Freddy would do.![]()
On a totally unrelated side note while trying to figure out what the hell bloodsteel actually is I accidentally found out the Ind people actually DO seem to have one supreme deity based on a wooden statue mentioned in the Ogre Kingdom 6th edition:
"Nevertheless, at least one of the thousand Indish gods, known as Brahmir and depicted with four arms, holds a particular horror for the worshippers of the Dark Gods."
Brahmir was obviously based on Brahma the Supreme Hindu creator deity who created all the other Hindu deities. So either he's a supreme deity in Ind or just a really powerful law god equivalent.
So, Deva. Essentially warp entities who are worshipped. Not, themselves indiviually, on the level of Sigmar and thus like capital G Gods, but they are powerful entities. Akin to the daemonic patrons that Norscan villages can find, in certain cases I suppose. They can similar to Greater Daemons/Daemon Princes, but more focused beings not inherently connected to the Dark Gods. Ind is called 'The Land of a Thousand Gods' for a reason, yeah? The Deva are these gods. Dynasties, geographical areas, certain animals, etc. can be connected to some Deva or another. Four-armed Brahmir is said to be particularly horrifying...for those who worship Chaos. They fear and hate that Deva, and rightly so. But there are lesser Deva too, you know, the weevil god or mouse god and so on. Depending on the Deva, you've got basically just a spirit, or something which can warp the landscape around it and slam into a Greater Daemon and have a fair chance, because they, themselves, could be considered such by certain perspectives. Other times you'll have a Deva who is the equivalent of a particularly strong bloodletter or the like, and calls itself by its own individual name. Other Deva could draw upon their own armies of spirits/etc.
I recall once hearing about the blood of some Deva or another causing horrible acidic burning to the very essence of the daemonic.
The most powerful Deva hold these tournaments to find their most worthy, to empower them. They do this openly, because, well, it's tradition and they've been doing it for a hell of a long time. Two thousand years of worship and acknowledgement - not just by their specific devotees but by everyone else in Ind - means a certain...solidity...to the Deva. A man or woman from Ind could go their entire lives without seeing one manifest directly, but would attribute a million and one things in their lives to them. That's how ever-present the Deva are in the thoughts of the Kingdoms of Ind.
The religious systems of Ind are on an entirely different paradigm than the Old World.
6. Okay, so this is where what GW has done and RL stuff starts breaking down when translated. As mentioned previously in-thread, there is an Indi God known as Brahmir. He's got 4 arms, and horrifies the worshippers of Chaos. That's all we got on him. Now, is he strictly meant to be relating to Brahma? Is his divine portfolio someone closer to Brahman? Or is he something entirely separate, just thrown in because the writers at the time looked up common words in relation to Hinduism and then altered it a bit? Who knows. Now, personally, my interpretation for Indi priests and their Gods, and this might not be seen great, go in a DnD cleric situation. Same general set of Lore/Lores depending on how the Deva [the word I'm using to differentiate the Indi Gods vs. Dark Gods or the Gods of Order/Law blah blah blah], leans, but with different priests. Because I simply cannot do literally 1000 different lores of magic. So you'll probably have lores relating to Deva of war, Deva of healing/kindness or whatever, Deva of fire, etc. Sort of how like in DnD clerics have the 'Cleric Spell List', but the flavor of them can change depending on what god they worship. Because the nature of Gods in Warhammer has to be considered too, how they can be shaped by those who worship/acknowledge them. As mentioned earlier a few posts ago, I have it such that being Warp Entities, they have actually lost Deva before. As in, killed/destroyed, the motes of their being consumed by others to strengthen themselves. So there are Deva which are ancient, and Deva which are new, and so on and so forth. Major Deva can be patrons of cities, or of specific powerful families who rule over a city or area. But again, you gotta remember the name warping, by the nature of things. So...probably no Deva known as Indra of Thunder and Lightning, but you might have an Indrus, a Deva known for thunder and lightning, and a Yema, the major greater Deva of Death, which fulfills the same function of Morr in the Old World, etc.
If you're asking about what miracles Gods perform, all I can say is look into Warhammer lore itself, and see how common it is (it isn't very common at all, whatsoever)
guess it mainly comes down to 2 things I think
But why not take the chance of buying some of the interesting still like coffe or rubber?[X] Plan: We are done, time to go home
Yeah I'm cool with going home immediately now. We got our dose of interesting and awesome sightseeing so I'm cool with all of it.
Besides, I do want Frederick to go home and check up on what Magnus and the lads are doing right now. They might need some help.
Those won't grow in Ostland. Or at least won't grow in enough quantities to be actually useful. We'd be better off just importing the stuff if we really want it.But why not take the chance of buying some of the interesting still like coffe or rubber?
I really am sorry if I have negatively affected you by writing it like I did.
My dude? That guy has already come up in thread before.
My sleep was wretched, so further apologies for slowness today. Plus, not really looking forward to tomorrow.
But I'm still wavering a bit on the whole 'design' conversation thing, which, as stated by someone else in the thread, it's not like there's necessarily blue prints as we would know them. I can revise the front part of the update if that is desired by a sufficient number of people, I just didn't really see it as 'insulting' or a 'jab' as it were at the time. Really, though, I'm starting to wonder if something is just...genuinely off, lately. This is the second time in recent memory that I've written something that ya'll've found just...bad, I guess, with the writing, and I'm starting to wonder if I'm reaching just, I don't know, the point of some kind of old jalopy car that's just starting to mess up more and more after so many years? Or maybe it's just involving Manann stuff? Like, I didn't see any issue with the vote, I was just writing and then thinking to myself, well, how would this possibly come across delivered by the character in the state he's in to the Matriarch, and instead of wounded/concussed/blood-loss/drunk talking to concerned ally, I have people saying he came across as retarded. So that's not great. Miracles and powers of the divinities and their servants are just...they're a thing, and I didn't really see that as that unrealistic, and I honestly figured that the Manannites would just talk to the people in Salkalten that they took the ships from, without the people in Salkalten needing to explicitly be told to do so, like...it felt like they would just naturally do that? And I only really seized on that when I was writing the update. I'll admit it, I was a bit distracted IRL and wasn't really super closely watching the voting until it was done, because this was meant to be a general excursion exploration thing, not some dire conversation set of things that could end up in super terrible consequences like, say, telling a pissed of Mage-Queen Ariel that you are staying and she's going to have to deal with that - which could have ended fatally - and just...talking to Maghda. And that, if in Marienburg, there is literally a pool of sacred healing Shallyan waters with crutches strung in the rafters as evidence for all the cripples that have been healed by it (not all, but some, and on a regular basis too) that being able to do other divine stuff...I don't know. It's not stuff that can be easily triggered or done, as evidenced in things like the Blood Fane, but if it's on a sacred ship given over to the Cult and sanctified by Manann and they have the ability to just talk to the people on the docks who helped build the things why wouldn't they, you know? Without needing prompting on either side? And I didn't really figure that until I was writing already. I don't...really pre-write the updates for interludes during the voting periods like I sometimes do for main turns, because in those, I can see the options that seem consistent across the various plans, and roll and write for some of them. I didn't really do that for this update until both the voting was closed and I posted on, like, Sunday that I was really going to actually start writing - and even then didn't really start until Monday either.
Ugh. Rambling. Apologies.
I won't be able online much today. Sorry to the unsatisfied readers, I'll try to do better or fix it or whatever, I guess.
But why not take the chance of buying some of the interesting still like coffe or rubber?
And we are still weeks away from Ostland, another day is basically nothing
@torroar nothing was wrong with the update, some vocal people just don't like being told they're wrong or mistaken. That's not on you.But I'm still wavering a bit on the whole 'design' conversation thing, which, as stated by someone else in the thread, it's not like there's necessarily blue prints as we would know them. I can revise the front part of the update if that is desired by a sufficient number of people, I just didn't really see it as 'insulting' or a 'jab' as it were at the time. Really, though, I'm starting to wonder if something is just...genuinely off, lately. This is the second time in recent memory that I've written something that ya'll've found just...bad, I guess, with the writing, and I'm starting to wonder if I'm reaching just, I don't know, the point of some kind of old jalopy car that's just starting to mess up more and more after so many years? Or maybe it's just involving Manann stuff? Like, I didn't see any issue with the vote, I was just writing and then thinking to myself, well, how would this possibly come across delivered by the character in the state he's in to the Matriarch, and instead of wounded/concussed/blood-loss/drunk talking to concerned ally, I have people saying he came across as retarded. So that's not great. Miracles and powers of the divinities and their servants are just...they're a thing, and I didn't really see that as that unrealistic, and I honestly figured that the Manannites would just talk to the people in Salkalten that they took the ships from, without the people in Salkalten needing to explicitly be told to do so, like...it felt like they would just naturally do that? And I only really seized on that when I was writing the update. I'll admit it, I was a bit distracted IRL and wasn't really super closely watching the voting until it was done, because this was meant to be a general excursion exploration thing, not some dire conversation set of things that could end up in super terrible consequences like, say, telling a pissed of Mage-Queen Ariel that you are staying and she's going to have to deal with that - which could have ended fatally - and just...talking to Maghda. And that, if in Marienburg, there is literally a pool of sacred healing Shallyan waters with crutches strung in the rafters as evidence for all the cripples that have been healed by it (not all, but some, and on a regular basis too) that being able to do other divine stuff...I don't know. It's not stuff that can be easily triggered or done, as evidenced in things like the Blood Fane, but if it's on a sacred ship given over to the Cult and sanctified by Manann and they have the ability to just talk to the people on the docks who helped build the things why wouldn't they, you know? Without needing prompting on either side? And I didn't really figure that until I was writing already. I don't...really pre-write the updates for interludes during the voting periods like I sometimes do for main turns, because in those, I can see the options that seem consistent across the various plans, and roll and write for some of them. I didn't really do that for this update until both the voting was closed and I posted on, like, Sunday that I was really going to actually start writing - and even then didn't really start until Monday either.
Ugh. Rambling. Apologies.
I won't be able online much today. Sorry to the unsatisfied readers, I'll try to do better or fix it or whatever, I guess.
But that is the kind of thing that we should try to make a deal here...Those won't grow in Ostland. Or at least won't grow in enough quantities to be actually useful. We'd be better off just importing the stuff if we really want it.
That is a bogus argument, if torroar would not want to write anything about Marienburg anymore he would have stated it.We had our fat and juicy dose of 24k update with the latest one so I'm not keen on swamping the QM with more exploration and whatnot.
And we have to think about Torroar in this one because he must have been quite tired with bringing out that fat load of an update. Like hot damn was I satisfied with reading it!
He deserves at least an ease up after that humongous chapter, so it might be best if we let him rest for at least a couple of days or so. Maybe even a whole week.
For Torroar's sake, maybe bold the word "the" there.Torroar, this whole story is the shit, some of the best storytelling i've ever read