Let's make a GeNPC, with a considerable amount of fudging to make them live a bit beyond the initial section into 'full' flesh.
- Live Or Die: 1d2 = 2. Lives. [If it had been a one, then that would be it. Literally, that would be it.]
- Bone Concept: Indi Princess. Live Or Die = 1d2 = 1. Lives. [I occasionally vary which rolls mean which. For this one, 1 = life, 2 = death, unlike Step 1]
- Bare Fleshing: Arranged marriage with other powerful family, doesn't want the marriage. LoD: 2, Lives.
- More Fleshing: IP's family is weakened after recent fighting amongst the Tigermen and other rival families, losing the patronage of their Deva. The other family is far richer, has the patronage of another Deva, but is also brutal, cruel, and greedy. But they are powerful with great measure, and IP's father is willing to deal with them. LoD = 1d4 For Dies/Fails Immediately/Lives But Struggles/Greatly Successful.
- Further Fleshing: IP Gets A Name. Generate name. Roll 1d2 for Living or Dying. 1 For Living.
- Continued Fleshing: Ananya Ahuja is an Indi Princess of the Ahuja Dynasty, once one of the greatest dynasties of Ind, with hands in the ivory and spice trade, as well as a proud martial tradition. They had the patronage of the warlike Deva Ishveratar, a powerful being who blessed a chosen member of the family every generation with power, vitality, etc. But in recent times, the family has been plagued with failure. The Tigers of the forests and jungles have struck out at their merchant caravans, raided the farmlands under their Dynasty's protection, and warfare against the Balakrishnan family - a rival Dynasty of another Indi city-state - has not been going well. Their latest Champion, Ananya's brother, died to ambush and poison. This angered Ishveratar, who has ceased their patronage to the Dynasty. But there is a chance, if the Ahuja can marry with the Dārayavahush, they may still survive until the next generation. But Ananya wants nothing to do with these brutal warmongers, for she is a believer in peace. It was her own family's aggression which brought their ruin, and frankly she never held much love in her heart for the fickle Ishveratar. She wishes to escape her marriage, even if it means fleeing elsewhere, perhaps across the seas.
- Does she run away, or does she stay, roll for that. Why does she, roll for that. If she does run away, how much can she take with her, how far does she go, etc. roll for that stuff as well. So on and so forth. What makes her succeed, grit, or an ally? Patronage of another Deva, long forgotten and barely returned? Tigermen, factor in or factor out? Friendship, emnity, extermination, apology, work together, slaughtered and eaten by? Roll, roll, roll, etc.
Let's skip ahead here a few steps, to reach 'end point' at which section I generally throw them properly into the world and adjust the framework to accommodate. This is when the players would get a Rumor Mill post, or more likely would have gotten others previously, as the NPC makes their way across, but not necessarily. She could die in the interim, die so far away and in such a manner that no one in the Old World would remark on it, etc.
25. Ananya, through trial and pain, has gained the patronage of the Deva Suryana, and through her marriage to Arjun Dārayavahush has managed to bring peace and prosperity to the area. Her diplomatic endeavors with the Tigermen have succeeded, and some of those strange beastly bipeds now even work as guards upon their trade caravans. With the assassination and usurpation of the Dārayavahush family, and seed of kindness that Ananya planted into Arjun's heart, the future of southeastern Ind is bright and hopeful. But it is a brightness that is backed up by many a blade, trained elephant squadrons, and terrifying power. For the Deva Suryana has chosen Ananya as her champion, illuminating her flesh and soul with strength and will, while a bargain and mutual connection has been established with the Deva of the Dārayavahush dynasty. Of Ananya's former family, her mother and younger sister are allowed to live within her new palace, but her father, who beat and choked her, who forced her into marriage, whose warring and arrogance nearly saw to the ruin of three city-states in their entirety? No. Once, a foolish girl with thoughts of pacifism, of a place in the world without conflict, that she might live in peace, now Ananya is both Princess and ruler, of her own city, her own land, her own life. She will never let another control her in such a manner again. Her children will marry as they choose, without the strangling chains of tradition and caste holding them down. Even as she counsels her husband, she yet holds a special place deep in her heart for the commoner Aditya who had so been a joyous friend, companion, and almost lover through her journey to get here. He died that she may live, and she will never disgrace his memory.
But now, other city-states looks towards this powerful alliance with envy, fear, and anger. Deva are not happy with the return of Suryana, banished as that elder Deva was long ago. But in that time, other Deva have died, been born, or changed entirely in essence. Now begins a time of great potential for Ind, but only those willing to fight will succeed there. So begins the New Age of the Dārayavahush. It remains to be seen how long it will last.
[Ivory Trade Restored, Spice Trade Improved. Elephants being bred for Ivory, Selective Breeding. Trade income increase? Caravans through Silk Road, naval trade. Rumor likely for Dwarf Silk Road, Tilea, possibly Estalia, definitely Araby. News described as 'warlord' or something similar, depending on who is talking. Dwarfs more accurate, Arabians less so, Tileans add in wacky other non-true things, or described in a manner as such to sound preposterous. Warp reverberations as Deva scattered into component parts, devoured. Newborn Deva as foe later? 1d50, 5 categories, varying strengths for the 5 categories depending on roll. But first, 1d2 = 2. No, Ishveratar fully discorporated, fragments devoured. Good for Suryana, it seems.]
And that would be that.
Roland, for instance would have been - and this is summary, I don't keep the notes like this once they get far enough. I just have, you know, the character sheet and deeds and some pertinent notes and what not.
Live -> Mousillon Noble -> Questing Knight, trying to redeem Mousillon's name -> Questing Knight, trying to redeem Mousillon's name because related to Last Duke of Mousillon, tried to stop, but failed, saved by Fay Enchantress. -> Etc. Etc. Etc. -> Fighting Sand Daemon of the Wastes, or whatever, rolling for
that fight, succeed with Lady's Blessing, etc. etc.
And so on and so forth, until we reach a point where I don't need to do that anymore. Like with Roland in Karak Ungor, he was just...part of the quest, then, fitted into the framework fully.