Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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On Thread Etiquette:

I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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Always remember that neccessity is the mother of invention. The last works of the Karag Dum runesmithes was the ward stones to protect againsr hashut.

I garuntee those ward stones are going to be damn impressive and valuable.
He specifies armor specifically as what's being commissioned in the Valaya cult commission but he specifies equipment in the Grave Warden commission.
Equipment does not mean banners. The only thing the commission has confirmed would be

I doubt that the Cult of Gazul would commission us to do all of it, rather than just one aspect. They probably have more senior members than the Valkyrie Guard because, well, 3:1 gender ratio and all. Also you can marry and still be apart of the Cult of Gazul, unlike the Valkyrie Guard. I cannot recall anyone ever commissioning us for more than one type of equipment at a time. It just makes more sense that they reached out to us over the armor and poked other Runesmiths for talismans/armor/weapons and the like.

I am aware that Prepare for Yorriing doesn't lock in our research, I have even voted for it. I am arguing against the Wardstone getting researched sooner than a gift from an Ancestor.
Adhoc vote count started by Andmeuths on Feb 2, 2021 at 10:10 AM, finished with 264 posts and 104 votes.

  • [X] Plan Basket
    -[X] Render Aid: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Can be taken multiple times. Roll for usefulness, additional actions apply bonus to roll. Gain reputation and +2 bonus per action to Recruitment Dice. You formed these Hearthguard to combat all the ills that befall the dwarfen people. Send them out, render aid, earn goodwill and spread the word of your retainers and their stated mission beyond the borders of Kraka Drakk. 2 Retainer Actions.
    --[X] Deep Surveying: Gain 30 Favour +? With Kraka Drakk.
    --[X] Elderly Expertise: Gain 40 Favour +? With Stormpeak.
    -[X] Understand Valaya's Runes: [Cost: (12 -6) =6 actions] Journeyman of the Odd will proc. On the basket that bears her Master Rune, Valaya or perhaps some other Runesmith put down two other Runes. You can make a guess as to their purpose, but aren't too sure. One bears a similarity to the Rune of Load-bearing, the other the Rune of Healing. 4 Actions.
    -[X] ORDER: Merwyrm Corpse
    [X] [Letters]: Knowledge about Vaul
    [X] Plan Prepare for a Yorriing
    -[X] Render Aid: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Can be taken multiple times. Roll for usefulness, additional actions apply bonus to roll. Gain reputation and +2 bonus per action to Recruitment Dice. You formed these Hearthguard to combat all the ills that befall the dwarfen people. Send them out, render aid, earn goodwill and spread the word of your retainers and their stated mission beyond the borders of Kraka Drakk. 2 Retainer Actions.
    --[X] Deep Surveying: Gain 30 Favour +? With Kraka Drakk.
    --[X] Elderly Expertise: Gain 40 Favour +? With Stormpeak.
    -[X] [Simple] Armoured Maidens: [Cost: 12 actions] Due end of Turn 40. Productivity like No Other will proc. Gain 70 Favour and 1 Standing with the Cult of Valaya. The Clergy of Valaya are making plans to expand the Valkyrie Guard in preparation for what they believe is a coming wave of colonization across the Karaz Ankor in the future. Given your history with the Cult, they've come to you wondering if you had the inclination to create armour for some of the future Valkyrie Guard that will no doubt come from the endeavour. The number is not the sum total of suits, but ones specially made for their eldest and most veteran Matrons. The foundational core of the future Valkyrie Guard in these future-Holds. The Cult will hold the suits in their vaults until such a time they are needed. 4 Actions.
    -[X] ORDER: Merwyrm Corpse
    [X] [Letters]: Knowledge about Avelorn's Magical Traditions
    [X] Plan Some Flexibility, Firebird Feathers
    -[X] Render Aid: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Can be taken multiple times. Roll for usefulness, additional actions apply bonus to roll. Gain reputation and +2 bonus per action to Recruitment Dice. You formed these Hearthguard to combat all the ills that befall the dwarfen people. Send them out, render aid, earn goodwill and spread the word of your retainers and their stated mission beyond the borders of Kraka Drakk. 2 Retainer Actions.
    --[X] Deep Surveying: Gain 30 Favour +? With Kraka Drakk.
    --[X] Elderly Expertise: Gain 40 Favour +? With Stormpeak.
    -[X] Firebird's Feather [Cost: 2 actions] Journeyman of the Odd will proc. You've got a feather! Its an odd little piece of deep red flaming plumage that emanates a faint heat and sometimes combusts into flames that do no lasting damage to it. Transported at great expense, barely a dent in your coffers though, and with a few notes and tales about the animal in question that it came from. A simple enough task to figure out what this thing will do. There's a large body of work regarding the firebirds of the north already, and you can use that as a good starting point in your own research. 2 Actions.
    -[X] [Simple] Armoured Maidens: [Cost: 12 actions] Due end of Turn 40. Productivity like No Other will proc. Gain 70 Favour and 1 Standing with the Cult of Valaya. The Clergy of Valaya are making plans to expand the Valkyrie Guard in preparation for what they believe is a coming wave of colonization across the Karaz Ankor in the future. Given your history with the Cult, they've come to you wondering if you had the inclination to create armour for some of the future Valkyrie Guard that will no doubt come from the endeavour. The number is not the sum total of suits, but ones specially made for their eldest and most veteran Matrons. The foundational core of the future Valkyrie Guard in these future-Holds. The Cult will hold the suits in their vaults until such a time they are needed. 2 Actions.
    -[X] ORDER: Merwyrm Corpse
    [X] Plan Master Runes, Wardstones and a Banner Reagent
    -[X] Render Aid: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Can be taken multiple times. Roll for usefulness, additional actions apply bonus to roll. Gain reputation and +2 bonus per action to Recruitment Dice. You formed these Hearthguard to combat all the ills that befall the dwarfen people. Send them out, render aid, earn goodwill and spread the word of your retainers and their stated mission beyond the borders of Kraka Drakk. 2 Retainer Actions.
    --[X] Deep Surveying: Gain 30 Favour +? With Kraka Drakk.
    --[X] Elderly Expertise: Gain 40 Favour +? With Stormpeak.
    -[X] Understand the Master Rune of Purification [Banner]: [Cost: 16 -11 =5 actions] Journeyman of the Odd will proc. The long journey to Mastery has begun. Your notes have been collected, waiting for you to get to work. 1 Action.
    -[X] Wardstones: [Cost: 5 actions] Journeyman of the Odd will proc. These Wardstones, the last creations of the Runesmiths of Karag Dum before they were wiped out, are capable of concealing the presence of a Dawi from the scrying of enemy magic. From Valka's testimony it wasn't perfect, but it made survival possible instead of impossible. That, and given the state of their resources, is a testament to their skill and canniness. A bit too quick to put to use in any other circumstance, uncovering the secrets of this Rune shouldn't be too difficult. 3 Actions.
    -[X] ORDER: A T4 Pegasus Heart
    [X] Plan Odd Places and even Odder Friends
    -[X] Eltharin?: [Cost: 5 actions, 20 Favour from Kraka Ravnsvake] Journeyman of the Odd will proc. Gain chance at an Elf teacher and proficient understanding of Eltharin. Eltharin, the tongue of the Elgi, is supposedly a language full of lilting double meanings, metaphor, symbology and almost anathema to Khazalid in terms of structure, intonation, usage and purpose. It is the raw language of the textbooks whose translation you still find yourself reviewing. If you want as undiluted or marred perception of the original text as possible you must learn this odd tongue. Either from a Dwarf who took the time to learn, or from an Elgi willing to brave the cold to reach you. Valma was asked, she said she wasn't going through explaining that hell again. It's as ominous a sign as any.
    --[X] Looking for a Native: [Cost: 30 Favour from Kraka Ravnsvake] Gain Elf teacher and -fluent understanding of Eltharin. Find an elf willing to teach you, your work will require as best a possible understanding of the elven tongue. 3 Actions
    -[X] Render Aid: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Can be taken multiple times. Roll for usefulness, additional actions apply bonus to roll. Gain reputation and +2 bonus per action to Recruitment Dice. You formed these Hearthguard to combat all the ills that befall the dwarfen people. Send them out, render aid, earn goodwill and spread the word of your retainers and their stated mission beyond the borders of Kraka Drakk.
    -[X] Odd Places 9/10: [Cost: 1 action] Can be taken multiple times. Roll for usefulness. Look on Master Yorri's map and try and discover one of his marked locations. The locations will certainly be odd, but whether they'll be useful will remain to be seen. 1 Action
    --[X] Deep Surveying: Gain 30 Favour +? With Kraka Drakk. The Deeps of Kraka Drakk have long been secured, but it's come to your attention that the grand array of natural cavern systems found after Haruzrildrakk's death still remain more mystery than a well-mapped path. Not through laxness of the Karak's rangers or miners of course, but by sheer virtue of how numerous the caverns below have become. King Otrek is well aware of the plight but has seen it fit to instead have Gloin oversee this particular issue. To train him for the, hopefully far off, day he puts the crown upon his head. 1 Retainer action
    --[X] Elderly Expertise: Gain 40 Favour +? With Stormpeak. The Brana are actively looking for aid in the construction of their new home. While the work of the Kings is certainly a great deal of aid, they are never ones to look away from any Dawi willing to lend hard-won experience and knowhow to be given the task of helping them design and build their next settlement. 1 Retainer action
    [X] Plan Master Runes and Wardstones
    -[X] Render Aid: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Can be taken multiple times. Roll for usefulness, additional actions apply bonus to roll. Gain reputation and +2 bonus per action to Recruitment Dice. You formed these Hearthguard to combat all the ills that befall the dwarfen people. Send them out, render aid, earn goodwill and spread the word of your retainers and their stated mission beyond the borders of Kraka Drakk. 2 Retainer Actions.
    --[X] Deep Surveying: Gain 30 Favour +? With Kraka Drakk.
    --[X] Elderly Expertise: Gain 40 Favour +? With Stormpeak.
    -[X] Understand the Master Rune of Purification [Banner]: [Cost: 16 -11 =5 actions] Journeyman of the Odd will proc. The long journey to Mastery has begun. Your notes have been collected, waiting for you to get to work. 1 Action.
    -[X] Wardstones: [Cost: 5 actions] Journeyman of the Odd will proc. These Wardstones, the last creations of the Runesmiths of Karag Dum before they were wiped out, are capable of concealing the presence of a Dawi from the scrying of enemy magic. From Valka's testimony it wasn't perfect, but it made survival possible instead of impossible. That, and given the state of their resources, is a testament to their skill and canniness. A bit too quick to put to use in any other circumstance, uncovering the secrets of this Rune shouldn't be too difficult. 3 Actions.
    -[X] ORDER: Merwyrm Corpse
    [X] Plan: Elvish Correspondence Course
    -[X] Render Aid: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Can be taken multiple times. Roll for usefulness, additional actions apply bonus to roll. Gain reputation and +2 bonus per action to Recruitment Dice.
    --[X] Deep Surveying: Gain 30 Favour +? With Kraka Drakk.
    --[X] Elderly Expertise: Gain 40 Favour +? With Stormpeak.
    -[X] [Simple] Armoured Maidens: [Cost: 12 actions] Due end of Turn 40. Productivity like No Other will proc. Gain 70 Favour and 1 Standing with the Cult of Valaya. 3 Actions (+2 free)
    -[X] Eltharin?: [Cost: 5 actions, 20 Favour from Kraka Ravnsvake] Journeyman of the Odd will proc. Gain chance at an Elf teacher and proficient understanding of Eltharin. 1 Action
    --[X] Looking for a Native: [Cost: 30 Favour from Kraka Ravnsvake] Gain Elf teacher and -fluent understanding of Eltharin.
    [X] Plan Elgi Language for Elgi Knowledge and Penpals
    [X] ORDER: Merwyrm Corpse
    - [x] Auto accepted

It's very Close..... 56 (Basket) v 54 ( Yorriing )
Always remember that neccessity is the mother of invention. The last works of the Karag Dum runesmithes was the ward stones to protect againsr hashut.

I garuntee those ward stones are going to be damn impressive and valuable.
Yes, they are useful gainst Chaos that isn't going to appear in the near future, Dawi Zharr, who have to lick their wounds for the next few decades, if not centuries, Dark Elves, that don't exist and High Elves.

It's a good preventive measure for sure, but is it truly needed? I don't think so. The priests of Gazul are basically an inquisition unit that knows the behavior, thoughts, actions and goals of their targets.

A few will always slip through, but now that they lost their main power bases, they have no choice but to fall back.

Karak Dum was a wake up call for us and a warning for them. They will certainly try to infiltrate at some point. But I doubt that it will be soon. This makes the stones a nice addition, but not a necessity.
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[X] Plan Prepare for a Yorriing
[X] [Letters]: Knowledge about Avelorn's Magical Traditions

While I do want to do the basket, I feel like having multiple turns in a row with zero slack is a recipe for much grief if a unique opportunity or any other kind of limited event shows up.
Equipment does not mean banners. The only thing the commission has confirmed would be

I doubt that the Cult of Gazul would commission us to do all of it, rather than just one aspect. They probably have more senior members than the Valkyrie Guard because, well, 3:1 gender ratio and all. Also you can marry and still be apart of the Cult of Gazul, unlike the Valkyrie Guard. I cannot recall anyone ever commissioning us for more than one type of equipment at a time. It just makes more sense that they reached out to us over the armor and poked other Runesmiths for talismans/armor/weapons and the like.
First, off we're making personal equipment so it's unlikely to be anything that isn't a weapon, armor, or talisman of some sort. And secondly, if we were just making armor it would have said that as it did with the Valaya commission it specified equipment in the Grave Warden option, not armor so it follows we probably aren't making just armor.
Yes, they are useful gainst Chaos that isn't going to appear in the near future, Dawi Zharr, who have to lick their wounds for the next few decades, if not centuries, Dark Elves, that don't exist and High Elves.

It's a good preventive measure for sure, but is it truly needed? I don't think so. The priests of Gazul are basically an inquisition unit that knows the behavior, thoughts, actions and goals of their targets.

A few will always slip through, but now that they lost their main power bases, they have no choice but to fall back.

Karak Dum was a wake up call for us and a warning for them. They will certainly try to infiltrate at some point. But I doubt that it will be soon. This makes the stones a nice addition, but not a necessity.

But then how will the Gazulite Inquisition be able to say "No one ever expects the Gazulite Inquisition"?
I don't have time to look at replies, but we also have to think about the precedent in relation to Wardstones.

If Snorri the Gift Giver, most senior Runelord of the Far North and hero of the cleansing of Karag Dum thinks it's important that the Cult of Gazul's equipment wards them against scrying, that will be noticed. Both by the Cult of Gazul, by other Runesmiths who they commission equipment from, but also by other important dwarves. They'll draw conclusions from that.

If, on the other hand; we don't include anti-scrying protection, that also sends a message that we don't consider it a priority for their equipment.

After all, one of Thungni's commandments is to always do a good job, and that means that what we consider a good job has implications.

So, when people say it's only the fifty or so clerics we equip that this will effect, I disagree. The knock-ins from this choice may effect many more people's equipment (not to mention that having fifty senior clerics protected from scrying is itself important), and not just the Cult of Gazul's.
I don't have time to look at replies, but we also have to think about the precedent in relation to Wardstones.

If Snorri the Gift Giver, most senior Runelord of the Far North and hero of the cleansing of Karag Dum thinks it's important that the Cult of Gazul's equipment wards them against scrying, that will be noticed. Both by the Cult of Gazul, by other Runesmiths who they commission equipment from, but also by other important dwarves. They'll draw conclusions from that.

If, on the other hand; we don't include anti-scrying protection, that also sends a message that we don't consider it a priority for their equipment.

After all, one of Thungni's commandments is to always do a good job, and that means that what we consider a good job has implications.

So, when people say it's only the fifty or so clerics we equip that this will effect, I disagree. The knock-ins from this choice may effect many more people's equipment (not to mention that having fifty senior clerics protected from scrying is itself important), and not just the Cult of Gazul's.
You are reading too much into this, by the same logic if we don't research the basket then we are sending a message that the gifts of the ancestors aren't worthwhile and should be ignored. Or you could just as easily argue that Gazul hasn't commissioned wardstones so Gazul is saying they aren't worthwhile so by making them we are saying we consider ourself more knowledgeable than Gazul. You can't extrapolate out grand statements from everything single thing we do especially when it comes down to simple prioritisation.
First, off we're making personal equipment so it's unlikely to be anything that isn't a weapon, armor, or talisman of some sort. And secondly, if we were just making armor it would have said that as it did with the Valaya commission it specified equipment in the Grave Warden option, not armor so it follows we probably aren't making just armor.
Not really. That could easily have been soulcake not wanting to use the same wording as with Armoured Maidens.
Yorriing means that we put off the decision over what we want to spend four actions researching off until Turn 39 or 40. I personally want to Understand Valaya's Runes because there is a slim chance that we'll see her or another Ancestor at wherever the Conclave is being held.

More that I want them done at a similar time as Grungni's challenge.

We never did do the rune Gazul showed us either did we? Though I suppose that's not quite in the same vein as Valaya and is less likely to be widely applicable as the wardstones.
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Not really. That could easily have been soulcake not wanting to use the same wording as with Armoured Maidens.
Or it's not just the exact same as the other action like we've had other actions like this before which don't specify an exact type of equipment such as the Underway action that lead to us not creating one exact type of equipment but instead multiple.
Or it's not just the exact same as the other action like we've had other actions like this before which don't specify an exact type of equipment such as the Underway action that lead to us not creating one exact type of equipment but instead multiple.
You have forgotten details about the Underway action. It did not mention the creation of anything. Now it was certainly expected, but a fair amount of what Snorri did was help make the Runesmiths more efficient. Snorri also only made tools (and a Gronti).

[ ] [Simple] The Underway: King Otrek does not mince words, he wants the connection to the Underway ready as soon as possible. The number of monsters that are appearing have not only forced the throng into ever increasing levels of conflict, but slowed overland travel and trade to a near standstill. The north is effectively being cut off from the rest of the Karaz Ankor inch by inch. He is calling any aid a dwarf can provide in excavating the connection south. [Cost: variable normal and apprentice actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc. 2 Progress per action, 1 progress per apprentice action. 17 out of (25+ 15[Delayed South]) =40 Progress. 5 progress a turn regardless of input.