Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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On Thread Etiquette:

I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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this always confused me since we know grimnir could make runes so he obviously has the gift which implies all those descended from him should have the potential to have the Gift as well.

The way I understand it is, if you're a direct descendant or a first-degree family member of Thungni, you can possibly have the gift.

Because canonically Grungni can definitely carve runes, and he's Thungni's father.

So, the Ancestors and descendants of Thungni.
The only rune we've seen Grimnir carve was his own though. I think it's possible due to their connection to the rune the ancestors can carve their own runes but not others.
The only rune we've seen Grimnir carve was his own though. I think it's possible due to their connection to the rune the ancestors can carve their own runes but not others.
Grugni did the rune of eternity. So he can do more than just his own. Though that might just be because he is Grugni and the king of all dawi.
I don't think Grimnir could make runes in canon.
True, however Grugni could and his descendents (apart from Thungni and his kids) cannot make runes.
Also Gazul cannot make runes. And yet that didn't stop him inventing the ancestor runes. Valaya did basically the same thing, for a rune that shields holds from chaos corruption.
canon is wonky. soulcake has normalised some of the ways in which its wonky, however internally consistent is not the same as makes sense. Its just consistently contradictory.
Clearly thugni went back in time and fathered the other Ancestor gods. Then created a rune that stopped his bloodline from continuing past them. This is the only possible solution. :V
Best explaination I've heard
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The only rune we've seen Grimnir carve was his own though. I think it's possible due to their connection to the rune the ancestors can carve their own runes but not others.
Grimnir carved his Master Rune, which isn't the same as his Ancestor Rune. They may or may not have the same sort of connection. We do know that Ancestor Master Runes aren't exceptions to the Rule of Form, like with Ancestor Runes.

Bit of both based on Snorri's research. Grungni and Valaya's Master Runes were Runes Thungni taught, but their effects don't exactly match the depth and breadth of their regular Runes. He isn't sure if the Runes were used to make the Master Runes, but signs point to a combo with them involved. Which would make sense.
There's also a possibility that raw craftsmanship can increase the tier of an object. Smednir might be just that good that he, say, imbued items he crafts with extra metaphysical significance so it can bear the 'weight' of a rune, for all we know.

Well, it is more likely than one would think.

If a "younger" Runelord needs pure gromril to create items of certain potency and a Burudin can match that potency by crafting an item merely out of wood and steel (as stated by Soulcake earlier on)...

Then raw craftsmanship really does have a certain kind of weight in-universe.
True, however Grugni could and his descendents (apart from Thungni and his kids) cannot make runes.
Also Gazul cannot make runes. And yet that didn't stop him inventing the ancestor runes. Valaya did basically the same thing, for a rune that shields holds from chaos corruption.
canon is wonky. soulcake has normalised some of the ways in which its wonky, however internally consistent is not the same as makes sense. Its just consistently contradictory.

I don't think canon actually says that Gazul cannot make runes. It says that Thungni only taught his father and his own descendants. Gazul could have invented the Ancestor Runes independently and simply not had any descendants to pass the ability on to, while Thungni did.

Canon also doesn't say, from when I looked, that Valaya invented runes that protected the holds. It says she taught wards, and the description makes them sound distinct from runes.

We could be looking at a timing issue. The ability to make runes could be a mutation that can either be acquired by Ancestor Gods or passed on to their children after acquiring it. If Thungni gained the ability first and took a while to pass it on to the other Ancestor Gods then they may have had their last children before they learned it, while Thungni was still having kids.
I still am annoyed about "Suddenly, the Elves are all bound to Slaanesh for Reasons."
Especially since GW has been going out of its way to gentrify Slaanesh as much as they could over the last decade since they can't get away with "BOOZE, DRUGS AND ROCK'N ROLL ARE THE COOLEST" anymore. Hell, didn't Slaanesh get turbofucked in a bad way by End Times ?
I don't think canon actually says that Gazul cannot make runes. It says that Thungni only taught his father and his own descendants. Gazul could have invented the Ancestor Runes independently and simply not had any descendants to pass the ability on to, while Thungni did.

Canon also doesn't say, from when I looked, that Valaya invented runes that protected the holds. It says she taught wards, and the description makes them sound distinct from runes.

We could be looking at a timing issue. The ability to make runes could be a mutation that can either be acquired by Ancestor Gods or passed on to their children after acquiring it. If Thungni gained the ability first and took a while to pass it on to the other Ancestor Gods then they may have had their last children before they learned it, while Thungni was still having kids.
Does that mean that Gazul discovered the Glittering Realm completely independently of Thungni?

Heres the citation for Valaya
When Grungni prophesied the coming of Chaos, Valaya devised a special rune to protect the Dwarfs and their underground shelters from the hostile magic inherent in the warp matter.[1a

How would a mutation pass upstream from child to parent or nephew to aunt/uncle and if it could do so why wouldn't it pass from uncle to nephew/niece or cousin to cousin?

Don't you think this all a big stretch compared to the widely accepted argument: "Warhammer cannon is quite inconsistent" *Cough* *Cough* Necromancer priests of Gazul*Cough* *Cough*
My assumption is that the gift is less than natural. And whatever Thungi did to induce it in himself and his decendants was also done to/by the other Ancestor gods to a more limited degree. It could simply be that the inheritable version used something that they only found one of, so the rest went with a lesser version that gives them the gift but without the ability to pass it on.
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Especially since GW has been going out of its way to gentrify Slaanesh as much as they could over the last decade since they can't get away with "BOOZE, DRUGS AND ROCK'N ROLL ARE THE COOLEST" anymore. Hell, didn't Slaanesh get turbofucked in a bad way by End Times ?
Ah, but that storyline is honestly developing very well in AoS. Don't want to spoil it, but the current storyline clinched it for me that the current outcome is the best overall with The Old World allowing WHFB armies to be released and even used in Age of Sigmar which has become really good and funded the Old World (the old CEO kinda fucked GW over, unfortunately he stayed just long enough to fuck up the End Times, which in fairness was needed as WHFB was bleeding money but should have been done better, I'm hoping for some retcons in the Old World to explain away the dumb stuff as the Empire receiving wrong news in the literal apocalypse).
Without spoiling too much, guess who just got an AoS model?
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age of sigmar is happening in, the warp of Warhammer fantasy. what is really terrifying is ,what is happening in the Warhammer 40k one .
Turn 38:
Winning Vote: said:
[X] [Chain]: Wait until Rhunkalbrogg. (Turn 41)
[X] [Masters]: Teach them the Rune of Forged Limb
- [X] Lax: Any Runesmith who has reached the rank of Master is worthy. All of the two dozen will be taught.

━<><><>< 283 A.P. ><><><>━​

"Rudil," you say, catching the lad's attention, "I'll need you to send some letters."

"To who Uncle?" he asks, confusion evident.

"The Masters who came knocking while I was busy lad, who else?"

"All of them?"

"Catch up beardling, yes all of them. I'll have the letters for them ready soon enough, just have some lads ready to deliver the damn things aye?"

"Understood Lord," he acknowledges with a nod.

You have been dancing around the issue for decades now, and now you must reap what your indecision has sown. Your niece was more willing to branch out and take decisive action than you were, and doesn't that send a current of shame running through you. Well no more. The time for delicate and precise movement has passed, and the world will not wait for you to find the perfect answer. Conflict of some sort would come, and now you'll simply have to decide what sort of conflict it'll be.

The House only cared, by your reckoning at least, about the autonomy of the Runesmiths. Any attempt, perceived or real, by some fool to sway the Runesmiths into subordinates unduly would be met with the full force of Thungni's eldest and angriest disciples. Fine, you would remove any possible evidence they could point out as you attempting just that.

No more fear about who ought to learn the Rune or not, no more nail-biting about choosing the right sort of Master Smith. Any Dwarf who went through the centuries of toil to become a recognized Master Runesmith was now worthy, and this would be your standard. Politics be damned, ideas and decisions be damned. If they only made the Rune once that was solely on them. Let the House rabble rouse about the audacity of your actions, not that you considered them such, better all of that than a schism or some conflict with another Cult or institution.

Give them the Rune, let any who wish to learn it does so. Bind them to no agreement nor choose among them for those who would use it the best.

You breathe through your nose, frustrations that have been brewing for a while finally being let out.

There would be no more hiding on your part over this issue. As an Elder you had many responsibilities, but one that should have stood out in your mind was the simple fact that, for good or ill, those who would come after would look to you and your decisions for guidance and precedent.

You'll be damned before you let Snerra take up the burden when she's barely over three centuries old.

By Grungni's Pick, you realize belatedly as the consequences of the decision sink in, you'll never be rid of the beardlings now.

Well at least all the Tiwaz would see some more traffic, maybe they could use the profit to get a more respectable selection of brews available. Bryggerroot classics were always welcome and good enough for your daily consumption, but sometimes a travelling Dwarfs just couldn't see common sense and enjoy the local ale. Though some specials like your casket of Trollbrew were well worth the cost.


(Roll, Karstah: 43 +15[Omake] =68)

She chews on her bread thoughtfully, reading through her notes and making minor corrections with her unoccupied hand every so often.

The rubies, once they're sold, will tide her over for a good long while, enough that she can focus on increasing her repertoire of Runes and build on her knowledge base.

Of course, she'll still need to take commissions every so often, but with a steadier source of income she could be more stringent in the clients she took on and more creative with the Runes she could use. Slowly, ever so slowly, she was making progress. One bad spell, just a few years, could send her crashing back down of course, but that simply meant she would need to secure her finances.

Ancestors she dreamed of the day that she wouldn't have to weigh the costs of research or fulfilling a commission to the best of her ability anymore. At the very least she didn't have to worry about food and water, every so often now a Winterhearth Caravan came by and always had good deals on troll meat and Kraka Drakk ale for her.


(Roll, Nain: 60)

He waves farewell to the Ironjaws who came to see him and his little wagon off. He continues to wave until they become no more than blips in the distance when he turns around.

Behind him, the Underway Terminal of Karak Eight Peaks grows smaller and smaller as he moves through the tunnels, while the tunnel ahead seems to go on endlessly. Around him, the Titanic statues of Dwarfs long dead, decked in gold and gems, seem to almost gaze judgingly down at him. The torches illuminate their stony visages in such a way that their countenance is especially grim and imposing.

He'll give the Stoneshaper responsible credit where it was due, they were very convincing.

Still, despite the ominous feeling of judgement he gets every time he passes under the gaze of a particularly grumpy statue Nain remains in high spirits.

The Iron Peak and his goal await.


The letter from Myrion proves to be surprisingly mundane. Simply an offer to exchange correspondences every now and again when time permits, curious but altogether not a terrible idea. The mage knew of things regarding Ulthuan and its habitants, and you suppose there will only be a growing amount of trade between you and the elves barring some turn of fortune. At the very least you can speak to a mage about things that don't confuse you overly much as magic does. Perhaps with time something more substantial may come of it, but for now you're content to leave it as nothing more than exchanges of cultural information either party has a particular interest in.

Of course, you realize that Myrion likely has an ulterior motive for her actions, but so long as you don't reveal Guild Secrets or make promises about it, you're simply offering a dwarfen insight into things, and it seems that is usually enough for the mage in question.

Besides, it's only fair given you're also benefiting from this exchange.


It feels like an age since you've been to one of these meetings. Even though it was literally only a decade hence.

"Five more Silver deposits and one Sapphire lode," the head of the Miners Guild reports, "With Lord Brokk's help we should have routes secured to get material moving between the Karak and the camps being set up."

"I'll see what can be done on our end to support the endeavour, we have a few patrol routes that won't be overly taxed if we shift their routes a bit," Prince Gloin says to the approving rumbling of many in the chamber.

The lad is doing well enough. Now that Otrek has been actually letting him participate, at least in the affairs he has authority over, it's let both council and prince acclimate to each other.

"The coming campaign is well ahead of schedule logistics wise," Moira says, "you'll be well supplied enough my king."

"Good," Otrek rumbles, "reports about another Greedy Troll band and several Warherds in the area. We'll need to clear them out, before the band grows and the Warherds merge. Gloin, you'll be taking the lead while I'm away," the King rumbles, glancing meaningfully at his son who nods in understanding.

"Is there anything else we ought to discuss?" Otrek murmurs, single eye crossing the room and gazing at each advisor curiously before it settles on Gormak.

"Petitions to buy the space necessary to expand the Pure Gromril Forge are being levied as always, we're fine as is, but if we keep getting more Dwarfs reaching Mastery at the current rate, we'll need something done in three decades. Would rather it be seen to now rather than later," he grumbles.

"I'll look it over. You've gone over this with the zoning board already I assume?"

"Bah, of course."

"Will the Guild need a commendation for a Runesmith to do the necessary work?" Otrek asks, nonplussed by Gormak's demeanour.

When you get that old only the Ancestors can make you act politely you see.

"Nai, one of my lads brought it up with Lady Stoneplate and she's agreed to take it on," Gormak explains.

Otrek only nods.

You glance at the empty seats around you. Only you and Lorna are the Runelords currently present at the meeting, Dwalin was in the depths of personal research after he sent off Dolgi's boy on his Trial you've been told. Brynna is currently down south at Zorn for whatever reason, and it seems Bara had taken on a commission.


At least they were doing something useful.


Pick 1, outside of plan votes:
[ ] [Letters]: Knowledge about Avelorn
[ ] [Letters]: Knowledge about Avelorn's Magical Traditions
[ ] [Letters]: Knowledge about Cothique
[ ] [Letters]: Knowledge about "current" Cothique Politics
[ ] [Letters]: Knowledge about Vaul

━<><><>< Grumblings and Goings ><><><>━

- Ogra Wardmaker, that most reclusive of recluses, has been roused from her research by the King of Ravnsvake to work on the gates that will divide the Varn Wyrren and Dumaraz. As a Runelord known for her skill in inscribing Runes in, on and around structures, she is sure to create a great work indeed. A formidable defence, and a sign of strength to native Dwarfs and foreign visitors alike, now that's efficiency!

- Many Holds are growing full to bursting it seems, and many a beardling are now itching to go out and find their fortune. Soon, many Longbeards grumble, a great many waves of bumbling youths and the few Elders who will go to make sure they dont kill themselves will leave the Karaks. Bah! No longer content with a life in the homes they have known all their lives, the Fullbeards grumble. This age of relative peace, though peace is debatable given the many foes who still prowl the land, has grabbed the spirits of many youngsters, and led them to grow greedy, lax! Hmph, some may complain, but these beardlings follow the tradition of their eldest Ancestors, those dwarfs who left the lands of old Zorn and founded the very holds whose denizens now grumble about their impetuousness. May they find Glory and Fortune.

- Lord Klausson, that most enigmatic of Runelords and Giver of Gifts, has opened the doors of his workshop to share the secrets of the Rune of Forged Limb! This miraculous Rune that allows those who suffered terrible, limb losing, injuries to regain that which they lost has, it seems, at last been deemed acceptable by that venerable old Runelord. Any Master Runesmith, claims the near millennia-old Living Ancestor, ought to be capable of learning this most useful Rune. The Elders grumble as always, and Kraka Drakk, ever a place chock full of Thungni's scions, will doubtlessly grow ever more inundated as the news spreads and more and more Masters flock to learn before the Oldest Runelord of the Far North. Many rightly wonder what the Cult of Valaya will do with this development, as the number of Runesmiths who knew of this Rune has spread beyond the Runelord and his immediate lineage. It is known that at least one of his apprentices, Snerra Magnasdottir, has followed in his footsteps in her dealings with the Cult. Time will tell what repercussions may come from this. As for Lord Klausson, none save the Runelord himself can say what runs through his mind, but to many it simply further cements the beliefs of his Great and Terrible Generosity.

- Otrek Ironarm, Adamant Wyrm and King of Kraka Drakk has been divesting more and more of his minor duties to his heir. Preparing for the day Prince Gloin takes up the royal arms and armour of the Dragon Hold. Still, the King leads his campaigns through the North with great wisdom and skill beardlings, just as he did through the Hold's earliest days and the dark years of the Siege! Harumph!

- A curiosity arrives at the docks of Ravnsvake. A heavily damaged Elgi ship laden with the corpses of five small "Merwyrms," aboard. Apparently, they're distantly related to Dragons in a similar vein to Shard Wyrms. Bah! A drak is a drak! Not even the seas are safe from their ilk it seems. As if we Dawi needed another reason to stay away from the water. Don't let the Elgi and those tossers in Dorden sway you, trust nothing so large and so mercurial as the ocean!

- We've received a few more books, some are promising and Thane Thamur claims they received one very expansive text on Alchemy from the elf merchant with contacts in that particular community. He's agreed to see if he can get in deeper. Now that the Stone Spines, Hidebound and Iron Quills know what we're on the lookout for they've let their Elven contacts know about their desire for the material in question as well.

End Report,

━<><><>< Gains/Stuff ><><><>━

- (Hidden) ??? Deed and Title, Chainwright: to your knowledge you are the first and only Dwarf to have found a way to make the manufacture of fine Gromril chain and chainmail accessible to the average Runesmith. Still a minuscule fragment of society, but compared to being limited to one individual, it's an improvement by several orders of magnitude.

You have (5 -1) =4 actions this turn, and (3 -1) =2 retainer actions.

[ ] Odd Places 9/10: [Cost: 1 action] Can be taken multiple times. Roll for usefulness. Look on Master Yorri's map and try and discover one of his marked locations. The locations will certainly be odd, but whether they'll be useful will remain to be seen.

[ ] Apprentice Hunt: [Cost: 1 action] Apprentice Vote after Turn Results.Go out and trawl through the local and regional populace to find a beardling or two worth your time. No stone unturned, no clan unchecked, no record unread, even the Foundling Wards!

[-] Recruitment Drive: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Locked due to Full Roster. Can be taken multiple times. Gain 1d5 +5 bonus dice per action to Recruitment Dice (1d10 +5). You have retainers, dwarfs who understand what it takes to become part of your Hearthguard, send them out to see if they can lend their expertise more and skill to improve the growth of your retinue.

[ ] Render Aid: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Can be taken multiple times. Roll for usefulness, additional actions apply bonus to roll. Gain reputation and +2 bonus per action to Recruitment Dice. You formed these Hearthguard to combat all the ills that befall the dwarfen people. Send them out, render aid, earn goodwill and spread the word of your retainers and their stated mission beyond the borders of Kraka Drakk.
- [ ] Deep Surveying: Gain 30 Favour +? With Kraka Drakk. The Deeps of Kraka Drakk have long been secured, but it's come to your attention that the grand array of natural cavern systems found after Haruzrildrakk's death still remain more mystery than a well-mapped path. Not through laxness of the Karak's rangers or miners of course, but by sheer virtue of how numerous the caverns below have become. King Otrek is well aware of the plight but has seen it fit to instead have Gloin oversee this particular issue. To train him for the, hopefully far off, day he puts the crown upon his head.
- [ ] Elderly Expertise: Gain 40 Favour +? With Stormpeak. The Brana are actively looking for aid in the construction of their new home. While the work of the Kings is certainly a great deal of aid, they are never ones to look away from any Dawi willing to lend hard-won experience and knowhow to be given the task of helping them design and build their next settlement.

[ ] Retainer Reconfiguring: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Can be taken once every variable number of turns. Change some aspect of your retainers. The Hearth Guard are a fine force of Dawi, but much like the defences of a Karak, there is potentially more to be done. It will take some time for these steadfast retainers of yours to adjust to whatever changes you make, but the length of it definitely correlates to the number of changes you want done.
- [ ] Change Appearance: [Cost: +1 turn until change] Simple cosmetic alterations to their symbol, their colour scheme and/or even appearance of their armour, depending on the scale and nature of the change it could be seamless or it could take a bit of work. While there's something to be said about aesthetic continuity, improving or updating their look to fit with deeds done will draw no raised brows. Completely changing it, however, will draw quite a few looks. If for no other reason than the material cost involved in doing so.
- [ ] Change Numbers: [Cost: +1 turn until change] +1/-1 retainer action per every 60 retainers added/removed. Increasing or decreasing the number of Retainers you wish to take on permanently. It signals that you either require more or less of their services. While you will not remove retainers currently services if you wish to downsize, it means you simply will not replace them in the event one of your loyal followers falls in the line of duty or simply to the vagaries of time.

[ ] Eltharin?: [Cost: 5 actions, 20 Favour from Kraka Ravnsvake] Journeyman of the Odd will proc. Gain chance at an Elf teacher and proficient understanding of Eltharin. Eltharin, the tongue of the Elgi, is supposedly a language full of lilting double meanings, metaphor, symbology and almost anathema to Khazalid in terms of structure, intonation, usage and purpose. It is the raw language of the textbooks whose translation you still find yourself reviewing. If you want as undiluted or marred perception of the original text as possible you must learn this odd tongue. Either from a Dwarf who took the time to learn, or from an Elgi willing to brave the cold to reach you. Valma was asked, she said she wasn't going through explaining that hell again. It's as ominous a sign as any.
- Looking for a Native: [Cost: 30 Favour from Kraka Ravnsvake] Gain Elf teacher and -fluent understanding of Eltharin. Find an elf willing to teach you, your work will require as best a possible understanding of the elven tongue.

[X] Hold Founding: [Cost: 1 action, 1 retainer action] Locked in until end of turn 40. The political and technical finagling required to get an expedition equipped to form a Hold is one that requires a good deal of attention to make sure things get done properly. For the survivors of Dum this is an even greater necessity, as they quite literally suffered a near-total collapse of their Guild and Clerical system after the betrayal. Apprentices will need proper Masters and the Dawi of Dum caught up to speed, and finding the right Dwarf for such a task is one of great effort indeed.

Denote which simple request will receive the apprentice action in your plan. Available Requests here or below.

[-] [Simple] Apprentice work: [Cost: 1 apprentice action] Locked due to no apprentices. Can be taken multiple times. Roll for usefulness. Your young charges are now of an age you feel it acceptable for them to do a bit of exploration. Send your apprentices out into the hold and pick up a few tasks from whoever offers it to them. Give them a bit of experience for their upcoming trial as journeymen and let them build a reputation in the hold. You'll of course critique their work and use it as a learning experience as any good master ought to.

[ ] [Simple] Once more with Smelting: [Cost: 4 actions, 1 Voidstone] Productivity like No Other will proc. Gain 1 Dragonblood Smelter. It has been around a century since you last made an Adamant Smelter. It's been enough time since that you feel safe about making another one without feeling like you're committing sacrilege.

(*New*)[-] [Simple] Chains for a Dragon: [Cost: 4 actions, 1 Magma Wyrm's Blood] Locked Until Turn 44 due to Rule of Pride. Productivity like No Other will proc. Gain 1 Gromril Chainforger +??? Favour with Kraka Drakk. A Chainforger is certainly quite the prestigious piece of equipment to possess. It would be.... acceptable to make one to hand over to the Hold to be used as King Otrek saw fit. The reality of what it can do is monumental, and a very significant gift to give.

[ ] [Simple] Armoured Maidens: [Cost: 12 actions] Due end of Turn 40. Productivity like No Other will proc. Gain 70 Favour and 1 Standing with the Cult of Valaya. The Clergy of Valaya are making plans to expand the Valkyrie Guard in preparation for what they believe is a coming wave of colonization across the Karaz Ankor in the future. Given your history with the Cult, they've come to you wondering if you had the inclination to create armour for some of the future Valkyrie Guard that will no doubt come from the endeavour. The number is not the sum total of suits, but ones specially made for their eldest and most veteran Matrons. The foundational core of the future Valkyrie Guard in these future-Holds. The Cult will hold the suits in their vaults until such a time they are needed.

(*New*)[ ] [Simple] Grave Wardens: [Cost: 12 actions] Due end of Turn 42. Productivity like No Other will proc. Gain 70 Favour and 1 Standing with the Cult of Gazul. Just as the Cult of Valaya has the inkling of a great colonization wave, the other Ancestor Cults have also taken notice. The local Cult of Gazul has come to you for the same reason the Cult of Valaya has, to arm their most senior members with the kind of equipment befitting their station, both current and for those future Dawi who may take up this most sacred of duties.

[ ] [Difficult] Write in, A Matron's Banner Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. Apply optional Rune Ingredients here. While recuperating from your latest visit to Moira the depth of how much trouble you've caused the elderly matron hit you, much like her pan did. But dammit your work is necessary! If you could make a powerful banner to aid one's healing and stamina which could be displayed in the Temple of Valaya or carried out with the army to bolster their healing and vitality you'd save a great many lives and ease her burdens.
- [ ] Choose: choose three runes you want on the weapon.
- [ ] Theme: write in a theme for the weapon. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] GM: Leave it to the GM. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] Function: Give a function or effect for the item in question and the type of equipment. (I will do my best to fulfill the desired effect, if impossible or requiring materials I will alert you. I will roll to see if you find a new combo)

[ ] [Difficult] Write in, The Valiant Ancestor Golem Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. Apply optional Rune Ingredients here. Since returning from the campaign you've been reflecting on Grimnir and how he fought, twin axes flashing. And now, He is gone. Grimnir's departure will be forever seared into the hearts and minds of the Karaz Ankor, of that you have no doubt. But what about His life? Unlike most, you are one of the honored few to have met Him in person, to have spoken with Him. You shall make a Gronti to remind the world and all future generations of His deeds, of His glorious life. The size of a Bloodthirster, a living altar of Pure Gromril clad in everlasting Adamant, eternally guarding the Everlasting Realm.
- [ ] Choose: choose three runes you want on the weapon.
- [ ] Theme: write in a theme for the weapon. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] GM: Leave it to the GM. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] Function: Give a function or effect for the item in question and the type of equipment. (I will do my best to fulfill the desired effect, if impossible or requiring materials I will alert you. I will roll to see if you find a new combo)

[ ] [Difficult] Write in, War Panoply of The Valiant. Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. Apply optional Rune Ingredients here. Choose 3.The Gronti is done, but your work isn't. While its skin is made in the image of His warplate, such an homage to Grimnir would never be complete without His characteristic mighty axes. Two to wield in melee, one on its back to reach foes beyond the earth, made of the purest Adamant.
- [ ] Choose: choose three runes you want on the weapon.
- [ ] Theme: write in a theme for the weapon. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] GM: Leave it to the GM. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] Function: Give a function or effect for the item in question and the type of equipment. (I will do my best to fulfill the desired effect, if impossible or requiring materials I will alert you. I will roll to see if you find a new combo)

[ ] [Difficult] Write in, Regalia of The Valiant. Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. Apply optional Rune Ingredients here. Choose 2. He is armed and armored, but more than a fighter, Grimnir was the finest general your people have ever, and will ever, have. A leader like no other, He strikes fear into the hearts of His foes, His brilliance unmatched, His presence unmistakable. A banner and a crown you shall create, at last, to tell of His deeds during the Coming of Chaos and remind stout dawi of who fights for them. What matters if the enemy is an army of Greater Daemons, a tide of corruption that blots out the skies and swallows the land? The Ancestors are on our side, and that's all we will ever need.
- [ ] Choose: choose three runes you want on the weapon.
- [ ] Theme: write in a theme for the weapon. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] GM: Leave it to the GM. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] Function: Give a function or effect for the item in question and the type of equipment. (I will do my best to fulfill the desired effect, if impossible or requiring materials I will alert you. I will roll to see if you find a new combo)

[ ] [Difficult] Write In Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. Apply optional Rune Ingredients here. You've had an idea! This is the template for write in item request! Please put down the name, description and type of equipment/item you want made. Pt 2 of the item will cost differently depending on the number of items and potentially the size of it as well. A base guideline for Pt. 2 costs will be at the bottom of the post.
- [ ] Choose: choose three runes you want on the weapon.
- [ ] Theme: write in a theme for the weapon. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] GM: Leave it to the GM. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] Function: Give a function or effect for the item in question and the type of equipment. (I will do my best to fulfill the desired effect, if impossible or requiring materials I will alert you. I will roll to see if you find a new combo)

How to vote on Multi-Piece Difficult Requests.
[Y] Difficult Request Pt. 1
- [Y] Choose/Theme/GM/Function: For Item 1
- [Y] Choose/Theme/GM/Function: For Item 2
- [Y] Choose/Theme/GM/Function: For Item 3

Write-in Equipment Action Costs:
1 Action - 1 standard piece of equipment.
2 Actions - Multiple pieces of equipment or Large individual items
3 Actions - Very Large individual items or a full/near full set of items.

Write-in Adamant Costs, General Guideline:
1 Piece of equipment or hypothetical Rune requiring Adamant - 1 bar
1 Suit of Armour for a Dwarf - 3 bars
1 Suit of Armour for a Human or Elf sized being - 4 bars
1 Piece of Ogre sized Gronti equipment - 2 bars
1 Suit of Ogre sized Gronti armour - 6 Bars
Anything larger just ask me, it will also appear in applicable actions or in the FAQ.

Crossbows use Weapon Runes. A Gronti sized Crossbow would use Engineering Runes. Weapons like Axes don't make this distinction. Shields use Armour Runes.

Available Requests:
(*New*)[ ] [Simple] Gnolbarag: [Cost: 5 actions] Due end of Turn 45. Productivity like No Other will proc. Reveal and gain 1 Standing and 70 Favour with the Cult of Morgrim. Snorri thinks another patron might be found by the end of turn 40. In celebration of Mogrim's work in the Far North, the local Engineers Guilds and Cult of Morgrim have come together and entered a contest against each other. The goal, to create the greatest Siege Engine possible in emulation and worship of their patron and Lord. Now, decades after Morgrim has left, the results of the contest have at least been revealed. Dorden, has unsurprisingly, revealed itself to be the winner with an absolutely titanic Bolt Hurler that was mounted atop a small mountain's summit.
- [ ] Accept

[ ] [Difficult] Skrundaz Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] Due end of Turn 45. Reveal and gain 1 Standing with the Cult of Grungni. If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. Apply optional reagent materials here. Snorri thinks another person might be found by the end of turn 43. A new High Priest of Grungni for Kraka Drakk is set to ascend in a few decades' time. Until then the current High Priest, Dwinbar Steelbreaker is training his appointed replacement and trusted second, Kadrin Palebeard in the duties and responsibilities expected of him when he ascends to the position. To commemorate the Cult's first transition of power in the Karak's history Dwinbar has asked if you would be willing to create a pickaxe for the occasion.
- [ ] Accept


So take, for instance, the "[Simple] Armoured Maidens:" request.

[Y] Plan Big Beard 2
- [Y] All other Plan stuff
- [Y] [Simple] Armoured Maidens:
-- [Y] Accept

[ ] Suneater's Brain: [Cost: 4 actions] Journeyman of the Odd will proc. What could you do with this cursed thing? While untainted, you can only shudder at the atrocities it has seen and ordered. Fitting then that it's ultimate will be aiding the very people he saw to destroy.

[ ] Chimaera Autopsy: [Cost: 4 actions] Journeyman of the Odd will proc. Damn things are odd monstrosities, three heads, two hearts, four brains. Neither one is entirely alike. A part of you wonders how much of this is usable and how much more is tainted krut. You'll have to wear some protective gear when dealing with these bodies that's for sure.

[ ] Lion Autopsy: [Cost: 3 actions] Journeyman of the Odd will proc. Even in death you must admit there is a fierce beauty to the animal. Several of its organs lie preserved in magically enchanted jars, put there by the Hunter who slew the massive feline and part of the order itself. Though without the use of Runes who's to say about their freshness. Regardless, it's still worth investigating.

[ ] Firebird's Feather [Cost: 2 actions] Journeyman of the Odd will proc. You've got a feather! Its an odd little piece of deep red flaming plumage that emanates a faint heat and sometimes combusts into flames that do no lasting damage to it. Transported at great expense, barely a dent in your coffers though, and with a few notes and tales about the animal in question that it came from. A simple enough task to figure out what this thing will do. There's a large body of work regarding the firebirds of the north already, and you can use that as a good starting point in your own research.

[-] Akazit: [Cost: 10 actions] Journeyman of the Odd will proc. Locked due to Lack of Knowledge about Alchemy. Manipulating the fundamental essence of a material is one not taken lightly. Runes will be necessary, but this was uncharted territory for you. It will be long, laborious and likely rife with dead-ends, but the results? Your mind sees great machines like your Adamant Smelter, churning out materials with desired esoteric qualities, and with a level of consistency among them matched only by the Runes used to make them. A lofty dream, one you may possibly dedicate your whole life to and still fall short of, but the rewards… Well, nothing worth doing is done quickly.

[ ] Wardstones: [Cost: 5 actions] Journeyman of the Odd will proc. These Wardstones, the last creations of the Runesmiths of Karag Dum before they were wiped out, are capable of concealing the presence of a Dawi from the scrying of enemy magic. From Valka's testimony it wasn't perfect, but it made survival possible instead of impossible. That, and given the state of their resources, is a testament to their skill and canniness. A bit too quick to put to use in any other circumstance, uncovering the secrets of this Rune shouldn't be too difficult.

[ ] The Secrets of Light Pt. 2: [Cost: (8 -3) =5 actions] Journeyman of the Odd will proc. The Rune of Refraction has proven you can at the very least manipulate the power of light. Versatility is no longer an issue, but power, useability and overall purpose remain unclear to you. One potential avenue of research you'll be looking into could be a means of restoring sight.

[ ] Diction Direction Pt. 2: [Cost: (8 -4) =4 actions] Journeyman of the Odd will proc. You have a few ideas about where to take this Rune. A universal translator for one, rather than just Khazalid. Not entirely sure how such a thing could be done, but it's definitely possible. Master Yorri's Rune of Sound gives you a few ideas at the very least. Recently you've gotten the hunch that you could perhaps return a proper sense of hearing given what you've learned from the Rune of Forged Limb.

[ ] The Movement of Things Pt. 4: [Cost: (10 -3) =7 actions] Journeyman of the Odd and Mind for Constructs will proc. With all of the extant examples of the Rune you now have thanks to your trade with Valma, you now have a deeper understanding of just what parts of it draws upon the Deep Magic. Improving the strength, efficiency and utility of the Rune of Waking can't be feasibly done through simple, relatively speaking, changes now. No, you can already tell that you'll have to manipulate the connection to the Deep Magic somehow.

[ ] The Mind of Things Pt. 3: [Cost: (10 -4) =6 actions] Journeyman of the Odd and Mind for Constructs will proc. The Rune of Forged Limb has made you curious. Due mostly to the fact that it shares a seemingly unnecessary connection to the Master Rune of Waking and a whole host of other Runes. What exactly lies behind such a concept? Understanding the connection between mind and body, and how Runes play into such a thing could prove valuable, perhaps even key, to not only for future prosthetics but maybe even more esoteric avenues of research. Bah, who's to say?

[ ] The Happening of Things: [Cost: 8 actions] Journeyman of the Odd will proc. The vision gnaws at you, a flame to the parchment of your mind. There is a theory, a hypothesis you wish to test and the faintest inklings of a Rune in your mind's eye. But there's a good deal of preparatory work to be done. One doesn't futz about with what you think you saw in that vision after all!

(*Updated*)[ ] The Rune Metal Pt. 5: [Cost: (12 -6) =6 actions] Journeyman of the Odd and Soul of the Earth will proc. You've done it. Adamant is now, slowly, being made from your forge! It is an achievement of your lifetime by the reckoning of most dwarfs, but yet the glittering white, purer than the freshest snow on the most isolated Mountaintop, stays in your mind. There is more still.
- [ ] Brotherhood Expertise: [Cost 10 Favour from Brotherhood of Dron] Gain 1d2 progress. Can be taken multiple times and without actions. Call upon the expertise of the Brotherhood to aid in your research.

(*New*)[ ] The Rune Metal Pt. 3b: [Cost: (18 -1) =17 actions] Journeyman of the Odd and Soul of the Earth will proc. There is more, one last step before you can say this mine is truly tapped out. The work needed to make the process accessible to the Metalsmiths Guild in a form that wouldn't beggar most of them would be long, arduous, but you refused to stop where you were. If it meant taking on the labour of reducing a Master Rune down to its constituent parts so be it! Your will would not be denied, your Runesmith's pride and personal satisfaction demand you do so! Bah!
- [ ] Brotherhood Expertise: [Cost 10 Favour from Brotherhood of Dron] Gain 1 progress. Can be taken multiple times and without actions. Call upon the expertise of the Brotherhood to aid in your research.

[ ] Understand Valaya's Runes: [Cost: (12 -6) =6 actions] Journeyman of the Odd will proc. On the basket that bears her Master Rune, Valaya or perhaps some other Runesmith put down two other Runes. You can make a guess as to their purpose, but aren't too sure. One bears a similarity to the Rune of Load-bearing, the other the Rune of Healing.

[ ] Understand a Master Rune: [Cost: Variable with a max of 16 actions] Journeyman of the Odd and/or Soul of the Earth may proc. The same idea as studying any rune in theory, in practice it takes a lot longer and there's often a large chance of explosions. The action cost is dependent on a variety of factors, but the amount of similar Master Runes you know, your specialties, and even if you made the Rune being worked on can reduce the cost.
From a Max. 16 actions you can theoretically reduce it
-6 (personally made or compressed from combo)
-3 (Savant Specialty)
-2 (Mastered Specialty)
-1 (Exceptional Specialty)
-1 (Runelord)
-1 (per every variant of the Rune made or known + original combo it was derived from) max. 6
-1 (per 4 similar Master Runes as decided by QM)
To a Min. 4 actions.

(*Updated*)[ ] Understand the Master Rune of Purification [Banner]: [Cost: 16 -11 =5 actions] Journeyman of the Odd will proc. The long journey to Mastery has begun. Your notes have been collected, waiting for you to get to work.

[ ] Compress a Combo: [Cost: Variable with a max of 10 actions] Journeyman of the Odd and/or Soul of the Earth may proc. A Master Rune is in essence a series of Runes condensed down into a greater, more powerful, and compact form. Having such an option is particularly valuable to many a Runesmith most obviously because it effectively opens up two new Runes to be used on an item. Master Rune will be for the equipment type of the Combo.

This Turn: Chance for orders to gain +1 on timer. x11 White Lion Corpses available, one corpse equals 1 order, Cost 5 Favour for Kingly Expedite and Authority purposes. x5 Merwyrm Corpses available, one corpses equal 1 order, Cost 10 Favour for King Expedite and Authority purposes.

You can only Order 1 new item a turn freely, but can have as many orders ongoing as you want.

[ ] ORDER: Write-in
- [ ] Kingly Expedite: [Cost: 5,10,15, Favour from one Hold, depending on tier] -1 turn taken on order, can be taken multiple times. You may petition King Otrek to flex his political muscle to expedite the process.

[ ] Kingly Authority: [Cost: 5,10,15, Favour from one Hold depending on tier] +1 Order. You may petition King Otrek to flex his political muscle to order something for your use.
- [ ] Kingly Expedite: [Cost: 5,10,15, Favour from one Hold, depending on tier] -1 turn taken on order, can be taken multiple times. You may petition King Otrek to flex his political muscle to expedite the process.

[ ] Princely Hunting: [Cost: 10 Favour from Kraka Drakk] Prince Gloin will go out and slay [Write-in] monster. Gain mats. It would be ridiculous for you to ask your King to go gallivanting around the North to find something for you to make a Rune out of, but a Prince or Princess? Well, that's just you helping them build their legend through the slaying of monsters and aiding their elders. The rarer the monster the greater the reward, but it may take longer to find. Monsters slain by Gloin provide more material by virtue of being the entire beast rather than just ordering a singular organ.

[ ] Dreng Them: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Can be taken multiple times. Additional actions add bonus modifier. The Hearth Guard will go out and slay [Write-in] monster. Gain mats, reputation and +2 bonus per action to Recruitment Dice. While your Hearth Guard were also meant to clear all the ills that assailed dwarfkind, you must admit there are many a mundane foe to slay. Send these brave dawi out on a quest to slay beasties on your behalf, earn glory and give you materials to make ever more wonders.
- [ ] Dumaraz: Gain Random Monster Mats, 10 Favour with Kraka Ravnsvake. In preparation for King Sindri's grand ambition, he has called for a great culling of the beasts that would lurk and prey on the work crews tasked with rendering the Dumaraz more easily navigable. The King has even offered any would-be hunters the chance to lay claim to the beasts killed in their work.

━<><><>< Khazalid Trivia ><><><>━

Gnolbarag - "Old/Reliable Warmachine"
Tiwaz - Rest; catching one's breath after hard labour; inn or boarding house.
Remember to vote by plan. There will be a two-hour moratorium for discussion.
AN: Doot doot, here's a turn. Thanks for waiting, please enjoy what little there is and don't forget to C&C. :^)
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Damn. Another Ancestor Cult project. Really wish we could at least reveal all seven Cult's Standing with us, but I think we'll have to wait on at least one of Grugni or Morgrim. Having said that, definitely want to grab a Merwyrm whilst we can.
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Can we make a Chainforger as a gift for Kraka Drakk and Kraka Grom?

I'm pretty sure three of the same Master Rune a decade is ok when its things like this.
Welp I'm fine with most anything as always though I would like to work on Firebirds Feather just to get it out of the way this turn given it's only 2 action points left.
There have been a couple of turn plans throw around at this point for what we should do from what I can tell the three major ones are all in on Valaya's Runes, all in on Wardstones or starting the cult of Valaya's commission and only doing Wardstones after we complete that commission so that we can be prepared for Yorri prods if he decides to show up.

Other than that I would prefer to accept the Skrundaz commission on turn 43 but I refuse to take the Gnolbarag commission we've spent a ton of actions on commissions recently so I don't feel like encouraging the thread to take more at the cost of more research.
[] Plan Elgi Language for Elgi Knowledge and Penpals

-[ ] Eltharin?: [Cost: 5 actions, 20 Favour from Kraka Ravnsvake] Journeyman of the Odd will proc. Gain chance at an Elf teacher and proficient understanding of Eltharin. Eltharin, the tongue of the Elgi, is supposedly a language full of lilting double meanings, metaphor, symbology and almost anathema to Khazalid in terms of structure, intonation, usage and purpose. It is the raw language of the textbooks whose translation you still find yourself reviewing. If you want as undiluted or marred perception of the original text as possible you must learn this odd tongue. Either from a Dwarf who took the time to learn, or from an Elgi willing to brave the cold to reach you. Valma was asked, she said she wasn't going through explaining that hell again. It's as ominous a sign as any.
--[] Looking for a Native: [Cost: 30 Favour from Kraka Ravnsvake] Gain Elf teacher and -fluent understanding of Eltharin. Find an elf willing to teach you, your work will require as best a possible understanding of the elven tongue. 3 Actions
-[ ] Render Aid: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Can be taken multiple times. Roll for usefulness, additional actions apply bonus to roll. Gain reputation and +2 bonus per action to Recruitment Dice. You formed these Hearthguard to combat all the ills that befall the dwarfen people. Send them out, render aid, earn goodwill and spread the word of your retainers and their stated mission beyond the borders of Kraka Drakk.
-[ ] Firebird's Feather [Cost: 2 actions] Journeyman of the Odd will proc. You've got a feather! Its an odd little piece of deep red flaming plumage that emanates a faint heat and sometimes combusts into flames that do no lasting damage to it. Transported at great expense, barely a dent in your coffers though, and with a few notes and tales about the animal in question that it came from. A simple enough task to figure out what this thing will do. There's a large body of work regarding the firebirds of the north already, and you can use that as a good starting point in your own research.
1 Action
-- [ ] Deep Surveying: Gain 30 Favour +? With Kraka Drakk. The Deeps of Kraka Drakk have long been secured, but it's come to your attention that the grand array of natural cavern systems found after Haruzrildrakk's death still remain more mystery than a well-mapped path. Not through laxness of the Karak's rangers or miners of course, but by sheer virtue of how numerous the caverns below have become. King Otrek is well aware of the plight but has seen it fit to instead have Gloin oversee this particular issue. To train him for the, hopefully far off, day he puts the crown upon his head. 1 Retainer action
-- [ ] Elderly Expertise: Gain 40 Favour +? With Stormpeak. The Brana are actively looking for aid in the construction of their new home. While the work of the Kings is certainly a great deal of aid, they are never ones to look away from any Dawi willing to lend hard-won experience and knowhow to be given the task of helping them design and build their next settlement. 1 Retainer action

Now that we have the aforementioned Penpal it seems to me that it would synchronize well to seemingly leap on learning Eltharin right after (for long lived species like Dwarves and Elves) we began correspondence with her.

I'm not married to whatever the last action goes to, but the Firebird is interesting and only costs two, so it could reveal enough to give the impetus to finish it soonish.