Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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On Thread Etiquette:

I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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I actually disagree with this, as I feel their stated and expressed opinions are going to be known given the status that Master Runesmiths have in society, so in that regard it'll be wasting effort trying to change someones views that are centuries old.

It's likely going to be the ones that aren't so hidebound that are pressured and torn between what to do.
The biggest risk in my view is that someone - and it only takes one - tries to change their views anyway, and the fallout from that.

That said, a Runesmith making Forged Limbs and then deciding to stop could also cause Problems.
I feel like people are forgetting that this is the golden age. If the rune of forged limb is spread far and wide that that means less bending of the rule of pride. There are many runesmiths and most dwarfs are never going to need a forged limb. If every runesmith knows it there is a good chance that they can actually meet demand.

[X] [Masters]: Teach them the Rune of Forged Limb
- [X] Lax: Any Runesmith who has reached the rank of Master is worthy. All of the two dozen will be taught.
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*massages temples* I really wish people would stop using stuff that hasn't happened yet in the quest as justification for their arguments. I'm seriously close to just unwatching the thread and just subscribing to Soulcake instead so I don't have to deal with the headache of lore fanboys screaming at each other about how they're right. At this point it's very obvious that everyone is in an entrenched position mentally, so all the bickering is pointless aggravation.
[x] [Chain]: Wait until Rhunkalbrogg. (Turn 41)
[x] [Masters]: Teach them the Rune of Forged Limb
- [x] Middling: Teach those you consider reasonably sure to use and spread the rune as you do. 18 Of the two dozen will be taught.
[X] [Masters]: Teach them the Rune of Forged Limb
- [X] Lax: Any Runesmith who has reached the rank of Master is worthy. All of the two dozen will be taught.

[X] [Chain]: Wait until Rhunkalbrogg. (Turn 41)

Soulcake has outright stated that none of the options he has given is going to suddenly lead to a Bad End. So might as well go for the apolitical and more in-character approach of trying to help the Dawi as much as he possibly can. Plus, its the risk of making it look like we are trying to form a faction around ourselves that Strident option would cause, which is in issue raised in discussion between other Dwarves.
[X] [Chain]: Wait until Rhunkalbrogg. (Turn 41)

[X] [Masters]: Teach them the Rune of Forged Limb
- [X] Lax: Any Runesmith who has reached the rank of Master is worthy. All of the two dozen will be taught.
[X] [Masters]: Teach them the Rune of Forged Limb
- [X] Lax: Any Runesmith who has reached the rank of Master is worthy. All of the two dozen will be taught.
Yes, but that's not actually a real thing.

What that vote actually means is decide for us Soulcake.
No, it means to bypass the issue of tension. We can still argue one way or another, but presenting it at the Rhunkalbrogg causes the fewest issues longterm. Disregarding a good player AND story option because 'muh choices' is asinine. This IS a choice, and it's a good one.
[X] [Chain]: Wait until Rhunkalbrogg. (Turn 41)

I'm switching over to abstaining from the rune limb vote for now until I have more time to think it over the current debate I'm in hasn't allowed me sufficient time to consider my vote for that option yet.
[X] [Chain]: Wait until Rhunkalbrogg. (Turn 41)

[X] [Masters]: Teach them the Rune of Forged Limb
- [X] Lax: Any Runesmith who has reached the rank of Master is worthy. All of the two dozen will be taught.
[X] [Masters]: Teach them the Rune of Forged Limb
- [X] Lax: Any Runesmith who has reached the rank of Master is worthy. All of the two dozen will be taught.

[X] [Chain]: Wait until Rhunkalbrogg. (Turn 41)

Lax feels more utilitarian, more Snorri, while also probably having the best optics. Thinking back on the time we put forward our Master Runesmith candidates and got to see how Snorri was viewed by others, it really feels like it would be staying within that depiction (which was received fairly well iirc).
[x] [Chain]: Wait until Rhunkalbrogg. (Turn 41)
[x] [Masters]: Teach them the Rune of Forged Limb
- [x] Lax: Any Runesmith who has reached the rank of Master is worthy. All of the two dozen will be taught.
@soulcake Building off of the current vote, I think some clarity regarding previous actions might be of help to the discussion. When we took "Arm them, Literally" was the build up for that just regarding the system we made for ourselves and our line specifically? Did it account for others to do the same, or no?

As well, I am incredibly confused how Lax is even an option considering the comments we made to Snerra:
"Hmph," you say with a snort, "While I can respect the intent. I imagine becoming what is effectively a wandering hermit may be a step too far, especially that last point. Simply associating with just your lineage or being more selective with who you share the Rune with would mollify the moderates and mostly de-fang the conservatives. At the very least you realize the gravity of the situation and what it could cause," you begin to explain, pausing to take another drink.

From the sounds of things, in character we never considered just handing out the rune as a freebie as is described in Lax, since we knew how bad the situation could get.

(Not sure why this is telling me to submit my vote and reply, I did that above...)

EDIT: And as always, a nice thank you to Soulcake for running such a wonderful quest. 10/10, love lurking and reading.
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[X] [Masters]: Teach them the Rune of Forged Limb
- [X] Lax: Any Runesmith who has reached the rank of Master is worthy. All of the two dozen will be taught.

Here's a rune. It's good. Use it.
This or not teaching to avoid this endless headache.

[X] [Chain]: Wait until Rhunkalbrogg. (Turn 41)

Do we have a reason to reveal it now, aside from potential trouble with the Limb Rune?
From the sounds of things, in character we never considered just handing out the rune as a freebie as is described in Lax, since we knew how bad the situation could get.
The issue is then we are playing politics on a massive scale in a way that is... very threatening to conservatives. Unlike her we have massive political power, even if we have no intent of ever using it. So the conservatives would react poorly to us trying to make our own radical group. And that's what stringent does.
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and to be CLEAR. The methodology is solely in how Snorri IC is treating the Rune. That being, teach apprentices, use liberally. That's it. Thats all he can reliably ascertain.
>_> I won't lie to you guys, I'm seriously considering whether these votes are good for the long term health of the thread and whether I just let Snorri take over these decisions. Ach, a problem of my own doing.
Given the amount of ankle biting and tail pulling that is going on for this vote I'd say just let Snorri take over.

[X] [Chain]: Wait until Rhunkalbrogg. (Turn 41)
Gain: Greater impact when you do reveal it, what with the work. ??? Deed and Title, Chainwright.

[X] [Masters]: Teach them the Rune of Forged Limb
- [X] Middling: Teach those you consider reasonably sure to use and spread the rune as you do. 18 Of the two dozen will be taught.

I just don't want to deal with the S*** show in thread or in character.
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[X] [Masters]: Teach them the Rune of Forged Limb
- [X] Lax: Any Runesmith who has reached the rank of Master is worthy. All of the two dozen will be taught.

[X] [Chain]: Wait until Rhunkalbrogg. (Turn 41)

Voting for lax on the basis that I feel like it means that Snorri believes that Forged Limb is akin to the Rune of Stone - it ought to be a fundamental aspect of the craft rather than a deeper mystery to be guarded jealously.
[X] [Chain]: Wait until Rhunkalbrogg. (Turn 41)
[X] [Masters]: Teach them the Rune of Forged Limb
- [X] Lax: Any Runesmith who has reached the rank of Master is worthy. All of the two dozen will be taught.
Uh, no he directly wasn't called out as having gone mad until he spent a century straight applying the same master rune twelve times in a row. And my argument was never that Snorri couldn't do it but rather than just throwing the rule of pride out the window doesn't now mean that everyone now gets to wear armor with master runes on it for a variety of reasons previously listed of which the most prominent was that spamming master runes ain't great for your mental health meaning that the rule of pride as a tradition probably has some merit.

Or it just means that people can bend the rule of pride to varrying degrees before seeing the problem because not everyone is the same mentally that still doesn't mean that Snorri wouldn't go mad if he spent all his time forging the same master rune again and again and again and again.

Plus it's not like runesmiths aren't noted as often spending vast periods of time isolated from other Dwarfs same with other Dwarf professions so it seems highly unlikely that it was the time he spent in his workshop which drove him mad.

Most Dwarfs seem to think it was the forging of the runefangs which drove him mad rather than anything else.

[X] [Chain]: Wait until Rhunkalbrogg. (Turn 41)

[X] [Masters]: Teach them the Rune of Forged Limb
- [X] Stringent: Teach those most alike with your own methodology in how to use and spread this Rune. 8 Of the two dozen will be taught.
Where is your source that it was the forging of the runefangs which drove him mad? The only things I've ever seen for why he was mad were that he was helping the humans with stuff early on, before the runefangs commission, or because he couldn't find anything to put his ultimate rune on, and he spent a long ass time trying different things, including dragonscale/bones and gromril and nothing worked until in his madness he found some warpstone and carved it into that, and it twisted his rune into a perverted evil version and he tried to hide it away forever. It became like the crown of domination or the nemesis crown or something like that, there was a whole scenario based on it awhile back.
[X] [Chain]: Wait until Rhunkalbrogg. (Turn 41)

[X] [Masters]: Teach them the Rune of Forged Limb
- [X] Stringent: Teach those most alike with your own methodology in how to use and spread this Rune. 8 Of the two dozen will be taught.
Where is your source that it was the forging of the runefangs which drove him mad? The only things I've ever seen for why he was mad were that he was helping the humans with stuff early on, before the runefangs commission, or because he couldn't find anything to put his ultimate rune on, and he spent a long ass time trying different things, including dragonscale/bones and gromril and nothing worked until in his madness he found some warpstone and carved it into that, and it twisted his rune into a perverted evil version and he tried to hide it away forever. It became like the crown of domination or the nemesis crown or something like that, there was a whole scenario based on it awhile back.
Here it's the only information we have for what the Dwarfs think drove him to madness as he was said to have been driven to paranoia and obsession after their forging and it was his obsession with finding a material that can hold the rune of ages that earned him the title of mad.

Edit: And it was the shame of breaking the rule of pride which caused him to go mad he had an outlet in the form of the slayer's oath and it wasn't the century of isolation either we've seen Dwarfs be isolated for longer with no adverse effects.
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[X] [Chain]: Wait until Rhunkalbrogg. (Turn 41)
[X] [Masters]: Teach them the Rune of Forged Limb
- [X] Lax: Any Runesmith who has reached the rank of Master is worthy. All of the two dozen will be taught.
An endless line stretching from the mother of their race, Isha, all the way to the current Everqueen, Yvrainne daughter of Aenerion.
Remove the second n in Yvrainne

"Clan Stone Spine is one of the most comprehensive purveyors of texts in all of Ravnsvake, Elder.
This probably isn't a typo, but I can't remember seeing a Dwarf Clan name with two words before.

His fellow Hearthwarden, to his credit,
Isn't it Hearthguard?

The particular chunk of Okrinaduraz the statue was carved from was dark enough to look purple in the right light
Okrinaduraz is not in the Khazalid defintion sheet

The rubies glint in the open air, a multifaceted outcropping with branches of multiple hues of red that only enhances the beauty of the whole formation. Making her way over, she unholsters her mattock and begins the painstaking process of figuring out just how large the crystal actually is before she even dares to think of freeing it from its rocky prison.
Weren't we supposed to learn what Karstah rolled this turn? Was there supposed to be something after this? Why did you keep her roll concealed on Turn 37? It doesn't look like anything particularly good or bad happened to her.

Then you realize it's because the Rune in question is a Rune you had uncovered by accident several centuries ago as a young lad of only three centuries, experimenting with your first forays into the realm of true Runecraft.
For the sake of my timeline, is that three centuries exactly or approximately?

Especially considering that Myrion seemed to hint that House Dawnseeker were doing everything in their power to obfuscate your location to other merchants while improving their relationships among your people so that they'd remain the premier choice over any other merchants who may try their luck and navigate their way here independently.

A bit queer to realize access to your folk was being jealously guarded like a prospector defends a newly discovered gold vein but you'll take the compliment.
I just find this amusing. I certainly think it is hilarious that Myrion would tell us that.