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I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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That's really not a long time, is there anything we really want to get done before then? I'd say Chain to the point we can display it, Valaya's basket and ideally Alchemy to a decent point. I think I'd be ok putting the rune of fate off until after they leave. It would be nice to get the Grimnir Gronti done before then too. Gah! There just isn't enough time.

I'd say we want Alchemy, Wardstones, and the main branch of Rune Metal done, given the potential importance of all three of them. Perhaps Happening of Things, given that working on that might make future interactions with the Ancestors more interesting.

I'd like to know, for example, if the Wardstones' anti-scrying effect blocks the Ancestor's perception, and whether whatever we do to change how things happen interacts with the Ancestor's own interference. They may be unlikely to tell us before they leave, but they're very, very unlikely to tell us afterwards.

T5 Runemetal is just because I want to know if Thungni and/or Smednir got there first, or if it's genuinely novel.
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I'd like to know, for example, if the Wardstones' anti-scrying effect blocks the Ancestor's perception, and whether whatever we do to change how things happen interacts with the Ancestor's own interference. They may be unlikely to tell us before they leave, but they're very, very unlikely to tell us afterwards.
I don't think so, that would be like hiding under someone's cloak and expecting them not to see you.
Warding is something I'd like to do before Fate. Just in case, with the plotter of the four.
Stick a thumb in his eye before starting to muck about with fate.

T5 Runemetal is just because I want to know if Thungni and/or Smednir got there first, or if it's genuinely novel.
That depends on if the visions Snorri has come from them or from something else, innate to the nature of dwarfs.
Okay, I have been convinced.

[X] Plan Chain for Runesmiths
[X] [Talk]: Knowledge about Avelorn
[X] [Talk]: Knowledge about the Everqueen
[X] [Talk]: Knowledge about House Dawnseeker
I don't think so, that would be like hiding under someone's cloak and expecting them not to see you.
Warding is something I'd like to do before Fate. Just in case, with the plotter of the four.
Stick a thumb in his eye before starting to muck about with fate.

That depends on if the visions Snorri has come from them or from something else, innate to the nature of dwarfs.

I have sympathy with the ordering point, that Wardstones should perhaps come before Happening of Things. This may apply more broadly. If we do ever want to develop any nasty surprises for Chaos, making sure they aren't looking over our shoulders as we do so seems important.
I have sympathy with the ordering point, that Wardstones should perhaps come before Happening of Things. This may apply more broadly. If we do ever want to develop any nasty surprises for Chaos, making sure they aren't looking over our shoulders as we do so seems important.
Yes, the importance of averting a repeat of Urrek the Unbelievably badass' fate
[X] Plan Don't Ignore the Grave

Yes, the importance of averting a repeat of Urrek the Unbelievably badass' fate

Generally, this is why I'd like to take the Wardstones action before the Gazul one, as denying Hashut's cultists intelligence on the activities of the people hunting them down is something that Snorri seems uniquely capable of performing. We're making general equipment for them, which could include banners or talismans if the Wardstones use those runes.

If we don't research Wardstones and take the Cult of Gazul's commission, this is an opportunity lost, as all those of His priests that accompany the colonization wave will be denied that advantage, and it probably becomes much more likely that Hashut cultists will be able to infiltrate and take over minor settlements when they're small and relatively easy to penetrate.

This is a time limited opportunity for both the Cult of Hashut to take advantage of the colonisation wave, and for the Cult of Gazul to stop them doing so. That's why I think taking the commission and researching the Wardstones could make a real difference in the way that the Valayan runes for the Armoured Maidens commission doesn't, because the Valayans aren't opposed by an intelligent enemy with their own, in some ways almost out of context abilities for dwarves.

This isn't protagonist syndrome. This is genuinely a difference that only Snorri can make, and it needs to be done now otherwise it will soon be too late, as the colonization wave will be happening.
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Basically. This is the list.

Chain -> Will be done this turn
Alchemy Theory -> Will be done this turn
Elvish -> Needs 5 actions, either one pre-Grom turn and a bit or a post-Grom turn.
Alchemy Practice -> Will need 2 turns.
Valaya -> Needs 1 turn.
Gronti -> We're waiting for Adamant for 5 turns anyway. Finishing Movement of Things first would be nice and takes 1 turn. As would the brain research and Mind of Things. We could build the thing quickly or wait around a bit for upgrades.
Rune Metal -> Next step takes 1 turn.

So we have atleast 5 turns worth of stuff here (Elvish, AP, Valaya, Rune Metal step). The Gronti is pretty flexible and depends on what we want to do with it and how much we want to upgrade it. We can take our time on its weapons and armor.
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Gronti -> We're waiting for Adamant for 5 turns anyway. Finishing Movement of Things first would be nice and takes 1 turn. As would the brain research and Mind of Things. We could build the thing quickly or wait around a bit for upgrades.
Hmm, I'd like to Understand MWaking before we build the Grimnir Gronti. It might be best to Understand MWaking after we do the Deep Magic research.

[Cost: (16 -1(Runelord) -1(Weapon) -1(Armor) -1(Talismanic) -1(Engineering) = 11 actions]

Our specialty in Odd might also add to it, which would bring it down to 10 actions. Assuming that both Mind for Constructs and Journeyman of the Odd proc for this, I would recommend spreading it over 2 turns with three actions applied each turn. Though it is possible that Mind for Constructs won't proc for Understand a Master Rune. That would give us twelve progress. In the case it doesn't I would recommend spreading it over three turns with the first two turns getting 3 actions put into it and the last one getting one action.
Wait, I just saw the Gronti vote mark. Why is it saying it'd be made out of Gromril? Also what's this GAte thing people are talking about? I can't find it.
Wait, I just saw the Gronti vote mark. Why is it saying it'd be made out of Gromril? Also what's this GAte thing people are talking about? I can't find it.
The gate is this request:
[ ] [Simple] Gate to the Sea: [Cost: 5 actions] Due end of Turn 38. Productivity like No Other will proc. Gain 1 Standing with Kraka Ravsnvake. Snorri thinks another patron might be found by the end of turn 37. Knowing of your predilection and obsessive meticulous mind for incredibly robust and powerful defensive structures, King Villi has asked if you would be willing to lend your expertise and Runic knowledge for when his Hold builds the great gates that will lie between the Varn Wyrren and the Canal from the Dumaraz.
- [ ] Accept

The gronti vote mark says gromril because at some point it got added to the update and has just kinda been hanging around there for ages, I'm not really sure how Soulcake decides what goes there but it's not actually binding, afaik we can just vote for a gronti to the specifications we decide on when were ready.
Wait, I just saw the Gronti vote mark. Why is it saying it'd be made out of Gromril? Also what's this GAte thing people are talking about? I can't find it.
I don't think there are voters wanting to make a gronti this turn? Unless it is @Shaper47 who I really must request that he format his vote into one vote instead of what it is because it clogs up the tally. Infact, I've posted the plan below in the spoiler if you need help formatting it correctly. Just put an X where all the spaces between the [ ] are.

Anyways the gate is referring to this.

[ ] [Simple] Gate to the Sea: [Cost: 5 actions] Due end of Turn 38. Productivity like No Other will proc. Gain 1 Standing with Kraka Ravsnvake. Snorri thinks another patron might be found by the end of turn 37. Knowing of your predilection and obsessive meticulous mind for incredibly robust and powerful defensive structures, King Villi has asked if you would be willing to lend your expertise and Runic knowledge for when his Hold builds the great gates that will lie between the Varn Wyrren and the Canal from the Dumaraz.
- [ ] Accept
It's a Kraka Ravsnvake thing that does stuff. And that actually reminds me @soulcake what about Ladra's crossbow?

[ ] Plan: Defense in Depth Beardlings
-[ ] Render Aid
--[ ] Lost and Found: Gain 50 Favour +? With the Cult of Gazul. 1 retainer action
--[ ] Elderly Expertise: Gain 40 Favour +? With Stormpeak. 1 retainer action
-[ ] [Simple] Gate to the Sea: [Cost: 5 actions] Due end of Turn 38. Productivity like No Other will proc. Gain 1 Standing with Kraka Ravsnvake. Snorri thinks another patron might be found by the end of turn 37. Knowing of your predilection and obsessive meticulous mind for incredibly robust and powerful defensive structures, King Villi has asked if you would be willing to lend your expertise and Runic knowledge for when his Hold builds the great gates that will lie between the Varn Wyrren and the Canal from the Dumaraz. 3 actions
--[ ] Accept
-[ ] The Rune Metal Pt. 2b: [Cost: (14 -7) =7 actions] Journeyman of the Odd and Soul of the Earth will proc. 1 action
-[ ] ORDER: Tier 4 Troll Heart
We should definitely get at least a bar of the t5 rune metal before the Ancestors leave to verify if it's actual a novel improvement over anything they've made.

Gronti research is basically just waiting for Yorri to show up because we have like 4 prods plus the prod for prod action and can probably wipe out 3-4 parts in mind or movement in a turn. Basically that, understand MWaking which is 2 turns max, and Kholek's heart because due diligence. I think it'd be neat if we used the first bar of the t5 rune metal to make a literal heart for the Gronti that took the MWaking but that's feature creep. If it's available I'd go for it but not worth waiting for.

Diction direction and the next tier of secrets of light are also like 3 action projects that we could do for easy gains.
The gate is this request:

The gronti vote mark says gromril because at some point it got added to the update and has just kinda been hanging around there for ages, I'm not really sure how Soulcake decides what goes there but it's not actually binding, afaik we can just vote for a gronti to the specifications we decide on when were ready.
We've changed out the materials used on difficult requests after part 1's been done before so yeah that won't be a problem.
Hi everyone,

I've not read all replies in the thread, but I've read a bit of it, and I noticed some rumbling about the Ancestors leaving. This has come up in the past a few times as well.
So the way I understand it, is that in canon, the Ancestors left about 400 years After Pillars, which is in quest in about 13 turns.
And that's certainly something.

However, I think we should not be thinking about that at all. It's incredibly meta. It might be the most meta thing I've ever seen in a quest. It seems very very out of character to let such a thing influence us. We represent (in our voting) Runelord Snorri the Giftgiver. As far as I've read (and I've been reading this quest for a while now) there has been 0 mention of the Ancestors leaving in quest, with one very notable exception, but we interacted with that set of events and it was great.

So I won't mention anything or anyone specific, but I've seen people advocating to impress the Ancestors or help the Ancestors before it's 'too late'. This is silly and meta, but in addition, there is an observation I'd like to share. Imagine Snorri noticed the Ancestors had left, permanently. Would that change the way he treats the cults or the holds? I'd certainly imagine it wouldn't.

Thanks for reading, leave a reply if you have notable thoughts about this, please like the comment if you agree, it's hard to tell in-thread because not nearly everyone ever posts in-thread (myself included). I hope you all have a lovely day.
[X] [Talk]: Knowledge about the Everqueen
[X] [Talk]: Knowledge about Elf History
[X] [Talk]: Knowledge about House Dawnseeker

[X] Plan Don't Ignore the Grave
However, I think we should not be thinking about that at all. It's incredibly meta. It might be the most meta thing I've ever seen in a quest. It seems very very out of character to let such a thing influence us. We represent (in our voting) Runelord Snorri the Giftgiver. As far as I've read (and I've been reading this quest for a while now) there has been 0 mention of the Ancestors leaving in quest, with one very notable exception, but we interacted with that set of events and it was great.

So I won't mention anything or anyone specific, but I've seen people advocating to impress the Ancestors or help the Ancestors before it's 'too late'. This is silly and meta, but in addition, there is an observation I'd like to share. Imagine Snorri noticed the Ancestors had left, permanently. Would that change the way he treats the cults or the holds? I'd certainly imagine it wouldn't.
Of course metagaming should be avoided, however, I don't think that going for gromril chain, Valaya's Runes, and Tier 5 gromril is really OOC. They are shinies and Snorri Runelords Dwarfs love shinies.

I would like Akazit started fairly soon, within the next century, but that is more because I want to see Yorri react to it. It's similar to the reason why I want to learn Eltharin.
Hi everyone,

I've not read all replies in the thread, but I've read a bit of it, and I noticed some rumbling about the Ancestors leaving. This has come up in the past a few times as well.
So the way I understand it, is that in canon, the Ancestors left about 400 years After Pillars, which is in quest in about 13 turns.
And that's certainly something.

However, I think we should not be thinking about that at all. It's incredibly meta. It might be the most meta thing I've ever seen in a quest. It seems very very out of character to let such a thing influence us. We represent (in our voting) Runelord Snorri the Giftgiver. As far as I've read (and I've been reading this quest for a while now) there has been 0 mention of the Ancestors leaving in quest, with one very notable exception, but we interacted with that set of events and it was great.

So I won't mention anything or anyone specific, but I've seen people advocating to impress the Ancestors or help the Ancestors before it's 'too late'. This is silly and meta, but in addition, there is an observation I'd like to share. Imagine Snorri noticed the Ancestors had left, permanently. Would that change the way he treats the cults or the holds? I'd certainly imagine it wouldn't.

Thanks for reading, leave a reply if you have notable thoughts about this, please like the comment if you agree, it's hard to tell in-thread because not nearly everyone ever posts in-thread (myself included). I hope you all have a lovely day.
I don't think it's that incredibly meta, in any quest set in a known canon people make decisions based on that. You can look at a quest the way you do as us playing a role and voting how the character we are controlling would act but I think it's equally valid to think in terms of the story you want to read and vote based on that. With the ancestors leaving I think it's entirely reasonable for questors to consider stories they want to read involving the ancestors and make plans and vote to try to see those happen before it is too late and that becomes impossible even if it's not a perfect representation what they think Snorri would decide based on the information available to him.
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