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On Thread Etiquette:

I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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[X] Plan Chain for Runesmiths

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[X] Plan Don't Ignore the Grave
You know who is also super busy with founding a hold right now? Igna Metalheart. I literally just had a whole conversation as to why she can't do the commission with Lagg.
She would still be a better choice than Snorri, being an armour savant.
What is on her agenda is not our concern, and neither is the debt she probably feels towards the cult of Gazul.
Another 12 actions making armor, right after an identical commission is like a lot.

24 actions on simple commissions and there's a bandwagon, but we just can't seem to scrounge up 4 to finish studying our own rune?

Well, on the bright side, the turns when Snorri is cloistered making armor will probably shift the focus to the other goings on in the North.

Maybe we can see what Snerra and Fjolla are up to.
And Vragni. Last time we saw him, we were making Barak Azamar, best armour.
This time we'd be making MOAR armour.

But, I'd actually like to speak to the guy. Karstah has a long way to go before challenging us. Vragni not so much.
Hell, he and Snorri would probably get along if they compared work ethics.
[x] Plan Chain for Runesmiths
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It's almost like theres multiple reasons to want to do something, and an argument intended to tear down one motivation only winds up buttressing another

An unintended consequence, one might say
It's a valid reading and a consequence of trying to be impartial. A wordsmith i am not,but it's no fun seeing your words twisted against you.

I can see there is no swaying the bandwagon anyway. But i refuse to jump on it
It's a valid reading and a consequence of trying to be impartial. A wordsmith i am not,but it's no fun seeing your words twisted against you.

I can see there is no swaying the bandwagon anyway. But i refuse to jump on it
I think he's angry because you people (I realize it's multiple people my apologies for targeting you directly with that statement) keep going on about how someone who can't do the commission would be so much better than Snorri at the commission if they just had the time to do it.
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It's a valid reading and a consequence of trying to be impartial. A wordsmith i am not,but it's no fun seeing your words twisted against you.
I think trying to cloak yourself in the self-appointed mantle of impartiality is a bit more egregious than any accusation you can make of me appropriating your arguments to support my own position.

It's not as if I misrepresented your intent by aligning your rationale with my own, I simply pointed out that the two were not in conflict in the way you had doubtless intended when you put out that argument in the first place. That has as little to do with being a wordsmith as playing the contrarian does with being free of bias.

I can see there is no swaying the bandwagon anyway. But i refuse to jump on it
and you're welcome not to, but do keep in mind that if your arguments for doing so were so ironclad, this conversation would have gone significantly differently.

I think he's angry because you keep going on about how someone who can't do the commission would be so much better than Snorri at the commission if they just had the time to do it.
Not quite angry, but yeah I'm not a fan of folks playing contrarian with specious reasoning. It's one thing to play Devils advocate for the sake of keeping our decision making abilities sharp, and quite another to toss arguments at a wall ad hoc to see what sticks.
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[X] Plan Don't Ignore the Grave

With regard to the Gazul commission y'all do realise that Igna almost certainly has already been offered her own part of the commission right? Whether she accepts and does her part is entirely independent of whether we do our part. This isn't a minor thing this is a cult wide thing has been offered to multiple runesmiths. If we don't do it it most likely will go to a runesmith we've never heard of in another part of the Karaz Ankor. Relevant WoS's:
Whole cult, but going through local channels to ask you. Because Moira brought you up when they were figuring out who to commission, and then the Gazulites went and asked you for similar enough reasons through similar means.

To be clear for both requests, you're only making some of the Armour needed, and only for the oldest of the old Valkyrie Guard, Watchers and Guardians. Which, while numerous, is still comfortably in your means. Normally this many Dawi would be out of your price range to do all at once, but they're paying you both monetarily and materially so it's doable.
to be clear Moira only dealt with the Valayans.
Your help with Karag Dum is what drew the Gazullites, and theres a strong likelihood that the other Runelords who came with also received offers.
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I think trying to cloak yourself in the self-appointed mantle of impartiality is a bit more egregious than any accusation you can make of me appropriating your arguments to support my own position.
I claimed impartiality because i refused to use an argument like "Snorri should feel guilty that he stole the chance for Igna to work off her debt to Gazul". Her debt, like her agenda is not something i think we should concern ourself with. Assuming she is too busy
I am definitely against taking the commission, so i am not impartial. But i was trying to be, i wasn't "cloaking myself in impartiality" trying to seek moral high ground. I have also, in fact conceded, multiple times, that the commission is likely to go through because there is a significant portion of the thread that prioritizes mass production higher than i do.

Perhaps "neutral language" would have been clearer. I used neutral Language that didn't lean one way or another (or that i think didn't lean) and got my words interpreted because they were open to interpretation.
I claimed impartiality because i refused to use an argument like "Snorri should feel guilty that he stole the chance for Igna to work off her debt to Gazul"
Then that means you dont really know how to use the term correctly, I'm guessing?

Not a crime, but I advise against doing so in the future as it's a declaration that you're free of bias, rather than simply disagreeing with someone else's.

What you're arguing here is very far indeed from impartiality. Rather, it is engaging neck deep in its very opposite. Same with neutrality.
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[X] [Talk]: Knowledge about the Everqueen
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Are we really not going to be doing the gate? It's a prestigue project for the north, which is right up our alley.
The argument against it is that it's too hard to fit in with our plans and that another runesmith could do it better. That said there did seem to be quite a bit of support for it so I'm surprised no-one has made a plan including it.
[X] [Talk]: Knowledge about Avelorn
[X] [Talk]: Knowledge about the Everqueen
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[X] Plan Chain for Runesmiths
[X] [Talk]: Knowledge about Avelorn
[X] [Talk]: Knowledge about the Everqueen
[X] [Talk]: Knowledge about Elf History
[X] Plan Don't Ignore the Grave
Then that means you dont really know how to use the term correctly, I'm guessing?

Not a crime, but I advise against doing so in the future as it's a declaration that you're free of bias, rather than simply disagreeing with someone else's.
I misused a word, and proposed a more accurate alternative.
Also note i said try to be impartial in my original post, i didn't claim i succeeded.
But anyway, I'm done with this discussion.
Let's talk about dumping on Vragni with the obscene amount of armour we're going to be making.
(Vragni has a Specialty in Armour runes...)
I misused a word, and proposed a more accurate alternative.
Also note i said try to be impartial in my original post, i didn't claim i succeeded.

Then just disagree normally in the future.

Let's talk about dumping on Vragni with the obscene amount of armour we're going to be making.
(Vragni has a Specialty in Armour runes...)
Alas, how tragic

I cant wait for him to reveal that he discovered making Adamant before taking a good look at Smorris own creations
[X] [Talk]: Knowledge about the Everqueen
[X] [Talk]: Knowledge about House Dawnseeker
[X] [Talk]: Knowledge about Elf History
[X] Plan Don't Ignore the Grave
[ ] [Difficult] Skrundaz Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] Due end of Turn 45. Reveal and gain 1 Standing with the Cult of Grungni. If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. Apply optional reagent materials here. Snorri thinks another person might be found by the end of turn 43. A new High Priest of Grungni for Kraka Drakk is set to ascend in a few decades' time. Until then the current High Priest, Dwinbar Steelbreaker is training his appointed replacement and trusted second, Kadrin Palebeard in the duties and responsibilities expected of him when he ascends to the position. To commemorate the Cult's first transition of power in the Karak's history Dwinbar has asked if you would be willing to create a pickaxe for the occasion.

So what exactly would the Pickaxe be used for? What is it purpose?