[X] Plan Chain for Runesmiths
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Talk]: Knowledge about the Everqueen
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Talk]: Knowledge about House Dawnseeker
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Talk]: Knowledge about Elf History
You know who is better than Snorri at armour? Igna Metalheart.
Who also happens to realise the vital importance of the cult of Gazul
Yeah, this. No offense meant to anyone, but a lot of the arguments in favor of taking that commission sound kinda like Protagonist Syndrome to me. That sense of "nothing can happen correctly without our personal involvement." Snorri's greatest area of unique capability IMO is his skill at discovering new ideas or possibilities, and his ability to leverage that to make truly legendary items. I wish we'd focus more on that.
12 actions is also a huge commitment; there's such a thing as opportunity costs, y'know? It's not just a question of "could Snorri potentially have a positive impact by doing this" it's a question of "could Snorri have a BIGGER positive impact by doing this than by doing 12 actions worth of work on something else." And on that I'm dubious. Here's just one example lineup. For 12 actions we could:
Complete Diction Direction Pt. 2, potentially unlocking a universal translator just as the dwarves start dealing with elves more AND potentially adding deafness to the list of conditions we can fix with our runic prosthetics. (4 actions remaining)
Complete Understand Valaya's Runes, letting us understand two new runes given to us by literally an Ancestor God herself. (6 actions remaining)
Complete the Firebird's Feather research, which has a less clear payoff but based on prior precedent will quite possibly give us free progress towards other research besides whatever valuable information we gain on the feathers themselves. (2 actions remaining)
And those are all things that, so far as we know, basically NOBODY else is working on.
I didn't even list Rune Metal 2b because I know people are already dead set on it, but for those same 12 actions we could also:
Complete Rune Metal 2b as planned. (7 actions remaining)
Complete Wardstones, which shield dwarves from magic scrying. You know who's alive in the world right now, IIRC? Malekith. Just for one example of somebody it might be nice to not have spying on dwarves. You know who knows how to make more of those Wardstones? Nobody. The Dum runesmiths who came up with them died without being able to pass their knowledge on. (5 actions)
And we could add something else in this list because Rune Metal 2b has both Journeyman of the Odd and Soul of the Earth proccing so it'll get done even faster, but I'm too tired to do math right now.
I'm just saying, guys. That's all.