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On Thread Etiquette:

I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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soulcake mentioned that it was theoretically possible put it would require an Absolute understanding of the Master Rune, theoretically. So we would probably have to develop the Master Rune along each line. It would probably take 30 progress to get it all done, including the Rune of Purification. Unless a specialty in Alchemy does something with it.
As I've said, turning a Master Rune and breaking it down into a Regular Rune requires an absolute understanding of its intricacies.

You know, turning MPurification into a regular rune would be really, really worthwhile - even if just for one reason:

Voidstone requires the true death of a greater demon. It may just be the least accessible reagent of any dwarven Rune. The only reason we have as much as we do is from the blind luck of rolling a natural 100 while shopping.
[X][Elgi]: A figure in a fine dress that smells of high summer.
[X][Purification]: Banner
You know, turning MPurification into a regular rune would be really, really worthwhile - even if just for one reason:
To be clear, just like with the alternate forms, you don't have control over what gets kept and what get removed except even more so for a Regular Rune. It'll be similar enough to tell that they're the "same" Rune or in this case, derived from the other, but yeah.
Wouldn't that just be the hat that animated Frosty the Snowman?
Clearly, we need this. We need this very badly indeed.

To be clear, just like with the alternate forms, you don't have control over what gets kept and what get removed except even more so for a Regular Rune. It'll be similar enough to tell that they're the "same" Rune or in this case, derived from the other, but yeah.
So... we definitely can't take a master rune, learn all its intricacies via doing understand a master rune for every version of it, and figure out how to make it a regular rune while still keeping all of its power then? It just seemed like the kind of thing that'd be needed to get the really crazy strong rune-combos. Well that or just doing a god-awful number of condense a rune-combo actions.
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Two thoughts:

1) OK, now I really want to make a rune staff equivalent for Blizzardwing. She's been extremely useful in helping Snorri figure out the winds.

2) Don't discount MPurification Armor. Enemy repellant is both practical (because it helps keep hero units from being bogged down by fodder) and intriguing (because how. Why. So many questions).
[X][Elgi]: A figure in a mix of scale and plate mail that smells of fire and soot.
[X][Purification]: Weapon

We can see what we'd do with a MPurification on a weapon - try to develop a daemon killing weapon. We already have an anti-daemon banner combo we know, so a MPurificarion banner seems redundant with that.

A weapon MPurificarion could also be very useful on something that can serve double duty as a tool, like Makerstrike. A banner is very unlikely to. This could be particularly important when it comes to alchemy.

As I suspect that if we take this route we'll never research any other variants, I'd really prefer to focus on the options that we know we have multiple uses for than a crapshoot.
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If the MPurification Banner does win, I propose we use it to make a Banner for our Retainers. I think I remember something about us being able to do so, right?
[X][Elgi]: A figure in a mix of scale and plate mail that smells of fire and soot.

[X][Purification]: Weapon
Do we know of Hashut? Either as Snorri or as a species. If we do, do we have a Grudge pointed his way?

I know he's like, no joke powerful, but aim for the stars and all that.

[X][Purification]: Weapon

Because, as said earlier, fuck chaos.
maybe rune of purification will let us create purification pillars that purifies the polar winds of magic and keep it normal like before the gate broke?

install a bunch where grimnir is.
[X][Elgi]: A figure in a fine dress that smells of high summer.
[X][Purification]: Banner
[X][Elgi]: A figure in a mix of scale and plate mail that smells of fire and soot.

[X][Elgi]: A figure in gilded finery that smells of the sea.

I wanna meet an explorer. A traveler. The kind of elf that likely goes places everywhere. Really, what else is there to say? Wanting to meet up with somebody who goes all over the world; it's a good contact to make!

Or, alternatively, I wanna meet somebody who has a completely diametrically different experience with Dragons than Kraka Drakk does. A Caledorian Dragon Prince, the most arrogant of elves! Surely this won't go wrong. Also, that fire and metal stuff. Want to talk fire and metal.
Morgrim's books, the centuries of experience after working on Kraka Drakk's various defensive works, alongside your continuous work to improve the workshop and now the town around it have honed your mind into a deadly thing indeed. , The old classics like the lava spout, rotating blade hallway, pitfall trap and ceiling hammer always have a place in any torture ch- defensive layout, but you've finagled quite a few more terrifying alternatives. Like traps that force you into innocuous side rooms that themselves are trapped. Purposefully slow boulder traps that lull your foe into a sense of ease, leaving them unaware of the second boulder trap and rockfall that trigger behind and atop them. OH, and one you've particularly come to enjoy, the false tile puzzle. Creating an intricate puzzle that shows a path through a maze of trap triggering tiles, when it actuality, taking that path simply activates every trap in the entire room when they reach the end.
"And let's not forget the fun ones too -- like the Bear Trap which summons actual bears to attack you." Bear Gronti. My god.

The hanging comma there is a typo or something.
gambit by the lord of Khazid Angazhar to entice settlers and young craftsmen hoping to set up a more permanent residence and then hopefully work the ore being dug out of the local Iron deposits.
Shouldn't be capitalized, I think.
She realized the amount of money Master Snorri spent on her learning eclipsed the sum total she had even earned doing commissions for the past few decades.
Should that be "ever"?
Both Tullek and Mikken had caving skills and a rangers sense for the kind of darkness that lies beneath your homes.
"A lack of opportunity," Blizzardwing replies, flicking a wing at the crowd for emphasis," Though I have managed to secure a meeting with the windspeaker among them by the name of Lavanial Stormsong."
Quote mark misplaced. Also should probably be:
for emphasis. "Though I have
I think.

And that explanation of Hysh from the Brana... That was helpful.

You get an idea of how something could be about both eternity and enlightenment. Because people will always be growing, learning, and realizing. And, furthermore, so long as new life comes to be... it'll always be happening.


The wind of wholesomeness.

That's what it is. :V :)