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I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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I don't see a reason not to go through with the trade. On the topic of where to be, I say the front. One of the big reasons the better troops are kept back is so that they don't get tired before the enemy plays any trump cards, but with our armor, we don't get tired, when the enemy reveals their hand we will be just as ready as when the battle started.
Conjecture- Rune Smiths or dwarves with the talent are comparatively vulnerable to chaos. The rule of Pride and strictures of the Guild are designs to mitigate this as much is possible.

To limit effectiveness and spread of any chaos infiltration the Guild is far more decentralised meaning one dwarf is likely to go rather than the entire group being corrupted. Projects are limited to single creations meaning tainted items are given out one at a time rather than mass produced. Individual dwarves are corrupted rather than armies of them. One or two corrupted dwarves in a hold is noticeable and stoppable. A full corrupted hold is much harder. .

Lack of accessible pre-existing material means every possible method of reaching a known goal is investigated. Any traps in research or deployment of a rune item are therefore worked around claiming only a few dwarves while the rest of the dwarves prosper.

TLDR Runesmiths are nerfed because they are more vulnerable to chaos than other dwarves. The rule of pride is there to help mitigate the damage.

This is incorrect. They're actually more resistant to magic and chaos corruption than regular dwarves, due to being older, more stubborn, and their whole deal with stilling the winds which is their anti-magic field.
I would like to dust off my preferred method of having Snorri engage the enemy.

[ ] Position: The Back
The supplies, well-protected aye and easily capable of being enveloped by the throng should worst come to worst, but it relies on the enemy not collapsing on them immediately. The Siege engines, many of the engineers, and a great deal of food and munitions are back here. Not all, because any sensible dwarf knew to spread their investments, but enough to hurt if they were lost.

Load his ass into a Grudge Thrower and hurl him screaming deep into the enemy rear and be a one dwarf flanking attack.

i guess the question is do we want to smack things with our hammer or be on anti-magic duty?

the front for smacking and middle for a-m.

im leaning middle. let the gronti go in the front.
I'm pretty sure we can do both at the same time.(?)

Snorri just being on the field severely weakens enemy magic and if he wanted to specifically nullify one guy in particular I don't think there's much your common moo could do to stop him.
Edit2: may auto correct die in a hole cold and alone.
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Those books sound like a lead on Durin's Consternation. For that reason alone, I would take it even if she could give us zero runes of any worth. If it turns out she doesn't we still get the knowledge in the books and it says right there that she probably knows more about Gronti than Snorri does so that's a nice cherry on top.
Shes got a microscope of sorts

At worst she can make use of Prosthesis and Light runes in exchange for the Elgi knowledge
"Hmm, curious. The average Dwarf is like Granite. The winds touch them, but unlike other beings, they suffuse them slowly and with great difficulty. The Runesmiths...your kind are Quartz, metal, and stone in equal measure. It is-" here Blizzardwing looks up sharply with a squawk.

I wonder how different different Runesmiths look. Having the Brana keep an eye out for promising young dwarves could be a useful way to spot apprentices. Find a diamond in the rough.
This is incorrect. They're actually more resistant to magic and chaos corruption than regular dwarves, due to being older, more stubborn, and their whole deal with stilling the winds which is their anti-magic field.

Accepted. I will happily grant magic resistance. Older dwarves are more stubborn, that's willpower to resist not a temptation thing.

Manipulation by Chaos by being able to perceive what other dwarves cannot seems to me to be the chink that the Rule of pride was intended up to defeat by compartmentalising any corruption to a single or a few dwarves.

That said I started with Stop me if I am wrong so thankyou.

Back to the drawing board then.
There's not much of a reason to not trade with Valma, so that one is an easy pick, and as for where to fight...let's be honest, we came here to show off a little, and there is no where better to do that than the front. Show those Beardlings how to stand tall and strong as a mountain in the face of all the world's evils.
Accepted. I will happily grant magic resistance. Older dwarves are more stubborn, that's willpower to resist not a temptation thing.

Manipulation by Chaos by being able to perceive what other dwarves cannot seems to me to be the chink that the Rule of pride was intended up to defeat by compartmentalising any corruption to a single or a few dwarves.

That said I started with Stop me if I am wrong so thankyou.

Back to the drawing board then.
They aren't any more perceptive of the Winds than regular Dwarves are.

Snorri just has weirdass visions that we have no idea whatsoever as to where they come from.
In all seriousness I genuinely think the Grudge Thrower insertion idea is a good one as it allows us to do a three things.

1. It allows Snorri to go wherever he needs to in our frontline that will need him most very quickly instead of actually having to run there

2. Launch him into the enemy's rear line. Snorri is explicitly a Gronti level threat to an enemy army. From Barak Azamars describtion, "At this point, it's more accurate to treat the combatant like a Gronti than a regular Dwarf, an unbreakable bulwark that must be answered lest it wreak havoc amongst the enemy or a powerful entity capable of facing the strongest foes the enemy can bring to bear."

That kind of threat suddenly and without warning landing in your rear lines is a devastating blow, I don't care who you are. And by doing this we, partially, at least, also cut off the enemies line of retreat.

3. If our rear is suddenly ambushed Snorri is already there to deal with the attack.
I open the vote.

Since its only two votes, you don't have to do a plan and approval voting is also allowed as per usual with these kinds of votes.
[X] Position: The Front
The axe's edge, the hammer's face and the shield's surface. Igna has decided that the fighting tip of the Throng will march here, young warriors and quarrellers yet to prove themselves and a smattering of Longbeards to make sure things don't fall apart. You know for certain Gimli will be among here rather than with his fellow nobles.

[X] Valma: Accept
[X] Position: The Front
The axe's edge, the hammer's face and the shield's surface. Igna has decided that the fighting tip of the Throng will march here, young warriors and quarrellers yet to prove themselves and a smattering of Longbeards to make sure things don't fall apart. You know for certain Gimli will be among here rather than with his fellow nobles.

[X] Valma: Accept

[x] Valma: Accept

I accept this more for the upgrade to prosthesis, but also because I wonder if sharing hints of our method will make grontis last longer than canon.

Also that book about Elgi magic is tempting af, since it could prepare us against elgi shenanigans.

[x] Position: The Back

If this gets threatened, then it means things have gone badly. I want our first use of the new gear to be sufficiently dramatic.
[X] Position: The Front
The axe's edge, the hammer's face and the shield's surface. Igna has decided that the fighting tip of the Throng will march here, young warriors and quarrellers yet to prove themselves and a smattering of Longbeards to make sure things don't fall apart. You know for certain Gimli will be among here rather than with his fellow nobles.

[X] Valma: Accept
[X] Position: The Front
The axe's edge, the hammer's face and the shield's surface. Igna has decided that the fighting tip of the Throng will march here, young warriors and quarrellers yet to prove themselves and a smattering of Longbeards to make sure things don't fall apart. You know for certain Gimli will be among here rather than with his fellow nobles.

[X] Valma: Accept
[X] Valma: Accept

[X] Position: The Back

Plenty of powerful warriors for glory in the front but there's no glory in protecting the supplies at back.
Voting is open