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On Thread Etiquette:

I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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[X] Write in:
-[X] They have not harmed any dwarf even before we could communicate.
-[X] They have fought our common foes.
-[X] Most importantly, they have saved dwarf lives without any obligation, particularly that of my apprentice on his Journey.
-[X] They need time to be tested yet, but they have thus far, been honorable and good neighbors.
[X] Plan Adamant Smelter and Underway
-[X] Helter Smelter: You're sure there's a way to more efficiently produce more Adamant, but as it is you can create at least one more smelter to increase your overall throughput. Having one work while the other recharges for instance. You can at least make one or two more before you start feeling as if you're running afoul of the Rule of Pride. [Cost: 3 actions, 1 Voidstone] Productivity Like No Other will proc. +1 Bar of Adamant every Turn instead of every other Turn. (Will count the turn it was done on) Overflow will only add progress to the next smelter and cost another Voidstone.
--[X] 4 Actions (+2 Overflow)
-[X] [Simple] The Underway: Otrek is in less of a rush to complete this. The Holds of the North are not waylaid by enemies and are aware that with the way the weather's been, an Underway route is the only reliable way for them to stay connected. [Cost: variable normal and apprentice actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc. 2 Progress per action, 1 progress per apprentice action. 21 out of 30 Progress. 7 progress a turn regardless of input.
--[X] 1 Action

[X] Plan: The Productive Gift Giver

I'd much prefer to get the adamantium smelter production up and running while we can given the associated properties it has. This set of actions gets us an additional two smelters which seems to be the Rule of Pride limit, and gives us a production of three adamant every two turns. Outside of the benefits this has on our own creations, I can easily see this approach leading to a new legend (particularly as it ties into the creation of the communal Gromril smelter) given it's a constant production of a tier 4 good and the sheer cultural value such a good would have for the Dwarves given the prime users of it are the Ancestor God's and their children.

It wouldn't surprise me if this led to reputation benefit improvements in general due to the production of such a critical resource, particularly for Runesmiths and the Brotherhood given the way Adamant improves runecraft efficiency, as well as potentially an upgrade to our Mind of Metal trait. It's also a further advertisement of Snorri and his Runecrafting abilities given it involves a rune he independently created which is wonderful.

I honestly wouldn't mind this leading to an enhancement or development of the trade and relationship/favor mechanics as right now they're pretty bare bones and basic, as we'd have a "renewable" resource we could trade with other Runesmiths. This can provide Snorri with key ingredients he needs to create specific runes and combo's, while allowing other Runesmiths to create more powerful goods with Adamant. Snorri benefits by creating better items, other runesmiths benefit by creating better items, and it's a way to boost your relationship with others.

The final action is spent on the Underway, thus ensuring that it's complete this turn which has obvious benefits.
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[X] Plan: The Gift Giver

[X] Write in: They have not killed or harmed any dwarves, and they saved the life of my apprentice. They need more time and testing, but what has been revealed so far shows they have enough reliability to not bungle using my craft too much. They hunt trolls and other dark things, which is a mark of good sense.
[X] Plan: The Gift Giver

[X] Write in: They have not killed or harmed any dwarves, and they saved the life of my apprentice. They need more time and testing, but what has been revealed so far shows they have enough reliability to not bungle using my craft too much. They hunt trolls and other dark things, which is a mark of good sense.
@soulcake Is there a sort of fan work point system where things like omakes and fan art could be used for some bonuses? Asking since we have had our apprentices suffer some serious bad luck and was wondering if we can put some points in reducing the damage they would potentially suffer in bad rolls.
[X] Plan: The Gift Giver

[X] Write in: They have not killed or harmed any dwarves, and they saved the life of my apprentice. They need more time and testing, but what has been revealed so far shows they have enough reliability to not bungle using my craft too much. They hunt trolls and other dark things, which is a mark of good sense.
[X] Plan: The Gift Giver
[X] Write in: They have not killed or harmed any dwarves, and they saved the life of my apprentice. They need more time and testing, but what has been revealed so far shows they have enough reliability to not bungle using my craft too much. They hunt trolls and other dark things, which is a mark of good sense.
@soulcake Is there a sort of fan work point system where things like omakes and fan art could be used for some bonuses? Asking since we have had our apprentices suffer some serious bad luck and was wondering if we can put some points in reducing the damage they would potentially suffer in bad rolls.
Thats something Ive been meaning to do. Ive sorta ended up putting it off until some nebulous omake threshold was reached but that may have been putting the wagon in front of the horse.
[X] Plan: The Gift Giver

[X] Write in:
-[X] They have not harmed any dwarf even before we could communicate.
-[X] They have fought our common foes.
-[X] Most importantly, they have saved dwarf lives without any obligation, particularly that of my apprentice on his Journey.
-[X] They need time to be tested yet for any flaws, but they have thus far, been honorable and good neighbors. Good metal, but we know not if its iron or gromril.
[X] Plan Adamant Smelter and Underway
[X] Plan: The Productive Gift Giver

[X] Write in: They have not killed or harmed any dwarves, and they saved the life of my apprentice. They need more time and testing, but what has been revealed so far shows they have enough reliability to not bungle using my craft too much. They hunt trolls and other dark things, which is a mark of good sense.
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Given our Productivity perks, when it comes to Simple or Difficult projects, there is only 1 truly inefficient AP investment level.
The progression goes like this:
0 AP = 0
1 AP = 1 (+1)
2 AP = 3 (+2)
3 AP = 5 (+2)
4 AP = 6 (+1)
5 AP = 8 (+2)

Ranking them by efficiency from most efficient to least looks like this:
3 AP
5 AP
2 AP tied with 4 AP
1 AP

Of note is that it is equally efficient to do a single 5 AP action as it is to do a 3 AP and a 2 AP action. In fact, these two options are the most efficient options possible.

The least efficient thing we could do is five 1 AP actions.
The second least efficient thing is three 1 AP actions and a 2 AP action.

Seeing this vote hurts my soul in the math.

It can be improved like this:

[X] Plan: The Productive Gift Giver
-[X] Helter Smelter: You're sure there's a way to more efficiently produce more Adamant, but as it is you can create at least one more smelter to increase your overall throughput. Having one work while the other recharges for instance. You can at least make one or two more before you start feeling as if you're running afoul of the Rule of Pride. [Cost: 3 actions, 1 Voidstone] Productivity Like No Other will proc. +1 Bar of Adamant every Turn instead of every other Turn. (Will count the turn it was done on) Overflow will only add progress to the next smelter and cost another Voidstone. 2 Actions
-[X] [Difficult] A Higher Standard Pt. 1: You've gazed upon the face of the Ancestors a lot in the past few years, especially when you were making your alchemical flame spitters, and it's inspired you. A banner to rally behind, something that dwarfs will look to and fight all the harder with it at their back. A banner worthy of the hold of Kraka Drakk to be held aloft with pride by an equally worthy standard bearer. [Cost: 1 action] If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. 2 Actions
-[X] Master Rune of Grungni, Rune of Valaya, Rune of Spellbreaking
-[X] [Simple] The Underway: Otrek is in less of a rush to complete this. The Holds of the North are not waylaid by enemies and are aware that with the way the weather's been, an Underway route is the only reliable way for them to stay connected. [Cost: variable normal and apprentice actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc. 2 Progress per action, 1 progress per apprentice action. 21 out of 30 Progress. 7 progress a turn regardless of input. 1 Action

This way, the Action we would have spent on the Banner next turn can be spent on the Dowry instead.
If that change is from 3 to 4 then it's a neutral shift.
If it's from 2 to 3 or from 4 to 5 we actually get an extra action's worth out of it.

Either way, this way the banner completes this turn with + 1 overflow it wouldn't have otherwise gotten.
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[X] Plan: The Gift Giver

[X] Write in:
-[X] They have not harmed any dwarf even before we could communicate.
-[X] They have fought our common foes.
-[X] Most importantly, they have saved dwarf lives without any obligation, particularly that of my apprentice on his Journey.
-[X] They need time to be tested yet for any flaws, but they have thus far, been honorable and good neighbors. Good metal, but we know not if its iron or gromril.
[X] Plan: Finish Underway, Dowry Pt. 2 and Helter Smelter
-[X] Helter Smelter: You're sure there's a way to more efficiently produce more Adamant, but as it is you can create at least one more smelter to increase your overall throughput. Having one work while the other recharges for instance. You can at least make one or two more before you start feeling as if you're running afoul of the Rule of Pride. [Cost: 3 actions, 1 Voidstone] Productivity Like No Other will proc. +1 Bar of Adamant every Turn instead of every other Turn. (Will count the turn it was done on) Overflow will only add progress to the next smelter and cost another Voidstone. 2 Actions
-[X] [Difficult] Dowry Pt. 2: Two cloaks and an amulet to be ready for the wedding of Prince Durabarr Stonehammer and Princess Orra Ironarm. All that needs to be done nowA multiwork project. [Cost: 3 actions] Due in 2 Turns. 2 Action
-[X] [Simple] The Underway: Otrek is in less of a rush to complete this. The Holds of the North are not waylaid by enemies and are aware that with the way the weather's been, an Underway route is the only reliable way for them to stay connected. [Cost: variable normal and apprentice actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc. 2 Progress per action, 1 progress per apprentice action. 21 out of 30 Progress. 7 progress a turn regardless of input. 1 action
[T2] Giant Spider's Venom

[X] Write in:
-[X] Having them as friends has already saved Dwaf lives, like one of my beardling apprentices
-[X] We work together with goats fine might as well try and make things work with griffons, at least the griffons are better conversationalists then goats
[X] Plan: The Gift Giver
[X] Write in: They have not killed or harmed any dwarves, and they saved the life of my apprentice. They need more time and testing, but what has been revealed so far shows they have enough reliability to not bungle using my craft too much. They hunt trolls and other dark things, which is a mark of good sense
[X] Plan: The Gift Giver

[X] Write in: They have not killed or harmed any dwarves, and they saved the life of my apprentice. They need more time and testing, but what has been revealed so far shows they have enough reliability to not bungle using my craft too much. They hunt trolls and other dark things, which is a mark of good sense.
[X] Plan: The Gift Giver

[X] Write in: They have not killed or harmed any dwarves, and they saved the life of my apprentice. They need more time and testing, but what has been revealed so far shows they have enough reliability to not bungle using my craft too much. They hunt trolls and other dark things, which is a mark of good sense.
I wonder how valuable the Greeds heart would be to the griffons.

I think that we should strive to always be teaching an apprentice, for the good of our hold and dwarfkind. Except for times of emergency when we can't spare the time on longer term investments, like right now.

One action to Underway to finish it next turn seems wise.
This last update was rather illuminating.

"Mountainborn son, I greet you. The Ebonbeak has spoken to me of your coming, though I sensed it long before. A fragment of the earth's Will does not move without my notice after all. You seek proof then, of my sincerity and truth?" the massive creature asks, crackling eyes gazing down at the Prince.

So, Snorri Whitebeard has a metaphysical weight to him, and a significant one, if he is referred to as the fragment of something as primordial and potent as earth's will.

Sky King noticing this conceptual imprint, and having ability to keep track of such individuals, gives us a valuable insight into its nature.

This might, after all, not be only a particularly powerful specimen of intelligent beasts as I previously thought, but something else entirely.

It takes a moment or two, the King of the Skies showing not even a hint of discomfort as it tears out its still-beating heart, lightning crackling along its surface, with its talon and offers it to the Whitebeard.

Well, that's one creature I would not be eager to fight unless I had multiple Lord-tier dwarfs at my back.

"You don't seem all that affected right now Griffon," the Prince says, unphased at the sight of the Griffon's chest reknitting itself over his newly regrown heart.

"Return it to the King of All Mountains, he will know my

Sky King being aware of the existence and significance of Grungni, and being confident that his message will be properly understood by an Ancestor God (when even Grungni's son is mystified) reinforces the hypothesis that Sky King isn't really a griffon any longer, but some proto-demigod.

"And if it's a trap?"

"I have too much pride to bring my death upon me in such a way. My death will come on my own terms, glorious and for the sake of my flock," the creature replies calmly.

Interesting. He outright admits, despite being a very proud creature, that he would be destroyed by Dwarf Ancestors, or at least Dwarfs in general, in case of treachery.

To conclude, seems that Sky King has both a healthy dose of respect for Dwarfs and is quite interested into forging an alliance with them.
Oh, and he's most likely an outright demi-god or something similar.
So, Snorri Whitebeard has a metaphysical weight to him, and a significant one, if he is referred to as the fragment of something as primordial and potent as earth's will.

Sky King noticing this conceptual imprint, and having ability to keep track of such individuals, gives us a valuable insight into its nature.

This might, after all, not be only a particularly powerful specimen of intelligent beasts as I previously thought, but something else entirely.

Yes, agreed. We now pretty much know that it's something like a demigod.

I wonder if its heart (or another iteration of its heart) could be used as part of forging its armour. I think that now we know that adamant reinforces the strength of runes, that we'll want to use at least some adamant for its armour, even if it's composite construction. If we're going for this, we can also consider whether we want to use something other than gromril for the rest of the armour, something more flexible and suited for a flying creature. We know that it takes a while to order T4 material, but we probably have a while until we have time to make the armour. I'd like to try to order a T4 Storm Dragon's hide, as it's lightning aspected similar to the King of the Skies, and use that for the rest of the armour.

A friendly demigod could be a very useful colaborator for a Runelord, and so this makes me even more keen to make it at least partially adamant armour using a T5 ingredient.

Interesting. He outright admits, despite being a very proud creature, that he would be destroyed by Dwarf Ancestors, or at least Dwarfs in general, in case of treachery.

Or he knows that they could use their heart to track/kill him.
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[X] Plan: The Gift Giver
[X] Plan: The Gift GiVALAYAer
[X] Plan: Finish Underway, Dowry Pt. 2 and Helter Smelter

@soulcake Now that we have a standing of 5 with the Radicals, how can we start trading Master Runes with them? I assume it would be 1 AP per Trade? Also, are Combo's on the table for trade as well?
Yes, agreed. We now pretty much know that it's something like a demigod.

I wonder if its heart (or another iteration of its heart) could be used as part of forging its armour. I think that now we know that adamant reinforces the strength of runes, that we'll want to use at least some adamant for its armour, even if it's composite construction. If we're going for this, we can also consider whether we want to use something other than gromril for the rest of the armour, something more flexible and suited for a flying creature. We know that it takes a while to order T4 material, but we probably have a while until we have time to make the armour. I'd like to try to order a T4 Storm Dragon's hide, as it's lightning aspected similar to the King of the Skies, and use that for the rest of the armour.

A friendly demigod could be a very useful colaborator for a Runelord, and so this makes me even more keen to make it at least partially adamant armour using a T5 ingredient.

Or he knows that they could use their heart to track/kill him.

I am still not keen on using adamantine for Sky King's armor, other than potentially reinforcing griffon weak spots with a couple of adamantine bars' worth of material.
Or using adamantine as the ingredient for runes, if neccessary.
The cost is simply too ruinous. The amount of adamantine it would require would take us centuries to gather.

That being said, I am still definitely of the opinion that crafting the armour must be a part of a fair transaction, and not be a result of Snorri doing it for free, or by hoping that Sky King will feel indebted and try to repay us in the future.

What that recompense will exactly be, depends on the precise potency and amount of materials we use.