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[X] Plan Metal and Secret Brotherhoods. V2

I for one would love to see Dolgi become the most renowned griffon weapon maker and armor crafter. Poor lad deserves a break that doesn't constitute his legs.
I'm not really seeing a way to continue the meteor theme directly ala fire and burning with the armor's given what I want them to do, but we can build a very sturdy armor that acts like a foundation or center for the meteor via making him even more unstoppable and relentless, like the theme behind what's going on his cloak.

Half the power of a meteor impact is that the ground acts as an anvil that the poor fucker is standing upon when the space rock crushes him.


Oh thats cheating.

The strike of the meteor into the earth reveals new wealth and secrets in the wake of its arrival

Let's prep it to synergize with a Master Rune of Kingship

I'm curious TehChron. Care to explain?
Its Optics. Armoring a powerful new ally to cement a lasting friendship between two peoples will definitely appeal to the Radical Smiths, maybe the Conservatives if its powerful enough.

Asking for ingredients to further Snorris craft even further tho just amps that perception and thus potential rep game up further, along with potentially unlocking Griffin Standing too.

Its Trollslayer all over again in terms of potential plusses, basically.
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Half the power of a meteor impact is that the ground acts as an anvil that the poor fucker is standing upon when the space rock crushes him.


Oh thats cheating.

The strike of the meteor into the earth reveals new wealth and secrets in the wake of its arrival

Let's prep it to synergize with a Master Rune of Kingship
I'm not sure that theme works with Kingship, at least not without a stretch...maybe with a Rune of Luck? Plus we don't even know that Master Rune.
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I'm not sure that theme works with Kingship, at least not without a stretch...maybe with a Rune of Fortune? Plus we don't even know that Master Rune.
Thats fine, the armor combo just needs to represent the Earth-Gromril connection and synergize with Meteorfall.

A crown with the Rune of Kingship can fulfill the role of "New Wealth and Reveal Wisdom" to synergize with the King Rune down the line, which should result in some kind of synergistic effect where a Kraka Drakk King in Battle is a Gromril Meteor landing on every level including metaphysical.

Not just the crude metaphor of the moment of impact or the conflagration, but the prosperity and opportunity presented by ones arrival as well.

I dunno how thatd translate mechanically, but that kinda shits powerful when the metaphor is as complete as all that.
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Hmm, I do enjoy the idea of making ourselves even more killy. Also separates us somewhat from the usual dwarf design/strategy so that's always fun.

I'm trying to envision what a hypothetical Norscan Dwarf army list would look during canon times and how it would compare to the rest of the Karaz Ankor.
Thats fine, the armor combo just needs to represent the Earth-Gromril connection and synergize with Meteorfall.

A crown with the Rune of Kingship can fulfill the role of "New Wealth and Reveal Wisdom" to synergize with the King Rune down the line, which should result in some kind of synergistic effect where a Kraka Drakk King in Battle is a Gromril Meteor landing on every level including metaphysical.

Not just the crude metaphor of the moment of impact or the conflagration, but the prosperity and opportunity presented by ones arrival as well.

I dunno how thatd translate mechanically, but that kinda shits powerful when the metaphor is as complete as all that.

Master Rune of Gromril + Rune of Preservation + Rune of Luck

Where the meteor strikes, all is destroyed save itself, a bringer of fortune to one who finds it.

The Pyrestrike combo could serve as the passage of the meteor through the void and skies, and anything unfortunate enough to get in its path before impact.
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You dont know this Rune.
Never mind than.

On the one yes, if they are then this is really good. If they are though one thing which could be done is Modifed for Armor Master Rune of Currents, Rune of Fortitude, Rune of Healing and that would enhance them even further.

We know it exists because it appeared on our cask of dragonblood back in the first few turns.

I'm not really seeing a way to continue the meteor theme directly ala fire and burning with the armor's given what I want them to do, but we can build a very sturdy armor that acts like a foundation or center for the meteor via making him even more unstoppable and relentless, like the theme behind what's going on his cloak. A talisman with Master Rune of Passage, Rune of Impact and Rune of Fire/Burning would be a big synergy with the King's Cloak and Trollslayer, if this talisman set up is a combo.
Pyrestrike can serve as it's passage, through the sky, when it ignites in the atmosphere.

When it hits, all that is left is Gromril, perfectly preserved That's Master Rune of Gromril and Rune of Preservation, not sure about the third. Rune of Valaya = all that is left is the Gromril, perfectly preserved as an ember of hope and happiness?
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When it hits, all that is left is Gromril, perfectly preserved That's Master Rune of Gromril and Rune of Preservation, not sure about the third. Rune of Valaya = all that is left is the Gromril, perfectly preserved as an ember of hope and happiness?
Rune of Impact, I think would be best.

The earth strikes back against the Meteor, their thundrous clash purifying stone and metal both in the conflagration

...ooooh Master Rune of Kingship, Rune of Valaya (Accessory Version), Rune of Faaaattttee

The aftermath of the Meteors Fall brings forth threefold bounties to the Hold: Strength to Protect, Wealth for the Forge, and Boundless Opportunity, waiting to be grasped by its King.
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Never mind than.

Pyrestrike can serve as it's passage, through the sky, when it ignites in the atmosphere.

When it hits, all that is left is Gromril, perfectly preserved That's Master Rune of Gromril and Rune of Preservation, not sure about the third. Rune of Valaya = all that is left is the Gromril, perfectly preserved as an ember of hope and happiness?
So one thing we need to consider is that we have this armor, and then a Talisman to do as well. The Pyrestrike does not make him faster, it is an explosion, the explosion as the meteor hits. Trollslayer is the sheer destructive impact of the meteor idea, the focus point of the impact. A Talisman with Master Rune of Passage, Rune of Impact and Rune of Fire is his actual passage because of how it radically increases his momentum and makes it impossible to impede Otrek while making his passage firey. Mix that with the aura of Pyrestrike and there's obvious synergy. E: What this leaves however is a gap in the meteor man's defenses versus magic, which was my point for bringing this up so I feel Valaya or Sanctuary are really necessary.

The armor then is the gromril that is left behind as you say, but I wanted to point out how I thought Pyrestrike was not the passage. I'll make a third variation of the plan basically swapping Otrek and Gloin's options, and sticking two runes of Sanctuary should stack on Gloin anyway.

[X] Plan Metal and Secret Brotherhoods. V3
-[X] Odd Places 4/10: Look on Master Yorri's map and try and discover one of his marked locations. The locations will certainly be odd, but whether they'll be useful will remain to be seen. [Cost: 1 action] Roll for usefulness. 1 action
-[X] Trial of the Brotherhood: [Cost: 1 Bar of Adamant for 1 turn]
-[X] [Difficult] A Royal Panoply Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. 1 Action.
-[X] Choose 1: The King's Armor will have Master Rune of Gromril, Rune of Preservation, Rune of Valaya. Forge the Armor from Adamant.
-[X] Choose 2: The Heir's Armor will have Master Rune of Gromril, Rune of Preservation, Rune of Sanctuary. Forge the Armor from Adamant.
-[X] The Rune Metal Pt. 4: [Cost: (8 -3) =5 actions] Student of the Odd and Mind for Metal will proc. 3 Actions.
-[X] Kingly Authority: You may petition King Otrek to flex his political muscle to expedite the process. [Cost: 5,10,15, Favour from King Otrek, depending on tier] -1 turn taken on order. Expedite the Dragonhide.
-[X] Dragon Hide [Cost: 2 Turns]
-[X] Obsidian [Cost: 1 Turn]

And while this isn't as directly home and hearth related, Valaya's domain still contain's sanctuary so this set up for Gloin still produces a "preserving the guardian of the sanctuary/home" idea. This is the last adjustment I feel like doing though tonight because I need to go sleep so toodles.

[X] Plan Metal and Secret Brotherhoods. V2
-[X] Odd Places 4/10: Look on Master Yorri's map and try and discover one of his marked locations. The locations will certainly be odd, but whether they'll be useful will remain to be seen. [Cost: 1 action] Roll for usefulness. 1 action
-[X] Trial of the Brotherhood: [Cost: 1 Bar of Adamant for 1 turn]
-[X] [Difficult] A Royal Panoply Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. 1 Action.
-[X] Choose 1: The King's Armor will have Master Rune of Gromril, Rune of Preservation, Rune of Sanctuary. Forge the Armor from Adamant.
-[X] Choose 2: The Heir's Armor will have Master Rune of Gromril, Rune of Preservation, Rune of Valaya. Forge the Armor from Adamant.
-[X] The Rune Metal Pt. 4: [Cost: (8 -3) =5 actions] Student of the Odd and Mind for Metal will proc. 3 Actions.
-[X] Kingly Authority: You may petition King Otrek to flex his political muscle to expedite the process. [Cost: 5,10,15, Favour from King Otrek, depending on tier] -1 turn taken on order. Expedite the Dragonhide.
-[X] Dragon Hide [Cost: 2 Turns]
-[X] Obsidian [Cost: 1 Turn]
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And while this isn't as directly home and hearth related, Valaya's domain still contain's sanctuary so this set up for Gloin still produces a "preserving the guardian of the sanctuary/home" idea.
Thoughts on my proposal to use the Valaya Rune on the accessory instead?

Rather than a literal impact of a meteor, an extended metaphor of what a meteor actually does as it falls
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Thoughts on my proposal to use the Valaya Rune on the accessory instead?
Not very interested, then there would be no passage and you could tarpit Otrek in difficult terrain. Plus it's getting too far from the meteor itself in my mind.

E: To also sort of explain, I kind of expect these to Combo, but if they don't that isn't catastrophic because with Trollslayer and Pyrestrike Cloak Otrek has two items which should combo with each other. So we only need the Talisman I described to really get a set going.
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With a Rune of Impact on the Armor?

That seems unlikely.
See my stipulation about Rune of Sanctuary or Rune of Valaya. Without magical defenses beyond what is natively provided by Adamant, I have concerns our meteor man would be stopped cold by magic or chaotic trickery versus daemons.

Plus, Master Rune of Gromril, Rune of Preservation have similar effects, but the Rune of Impact is about increasing your momentum which has nothing to do in even a disharmonious manner with the other two. I wouldn't expect a combo out of that and if we have no combo, the armor won't contribute to any set bonus.

[Armor] War Plate. Forged in joy, tempered in grief, worn in battle. [Master Rune of Gromril, Rune of Fortitude, Rune of Impact.]
This is what is on Snorri's warplate. The Master Rune and the Rune of Fortitude have synergy/harmony, but impact does not.
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This is what is on Snorri's warplate. The Master Rune and the Rune of Fortitude have synergy/harmony, but impact does not.
That's because I was framing it towards a set bonus of a more complete Meteor metaphor rather than tripling down on the literal moment of impact.

A synergy might exist yeah, but monofocusing on it means that the King becomes a meteor strike rather than a meteor themselves which I think is a wasted opportunity that won't present itself again.

Valaya can be used on the Accessory, and we can upgrade that once Snorri learns the Master Rune of Kingship.

Plus, Kingship and Valaya have a natural synergy to represent the King as Protector of the Hold.

There wont be a chance to revisit the Armor down the line. This is it.
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That's because I was framing it towards a set bonus of a more complete Meteor metaphor rather than tripling down on the literal moment of impact.

A synergy might exist yeah, but monofocusing on it means that the King becomes a meteor strike rather than a meteor themselves which I think is a wasted opportunity that won't present itself again.
Trying to create a more expansive Meteor metaphor with Master Rune of Gromril, Rune of Preservation, Rune of Impact very likely won't go anywhere because the Rune of Impact's purpose is too divorced from the Rune of Gromril and Rune of Preservation to properly synergize. It's not even disharmonious, it's just orthogonal. So it very likely won't produce a Combo on the armor at all, at which point it won't interact much at all with the set bonus produced by Otrek's weapon, cloak, and likely talisman (If we stick Master Rune of Passage, Rune of Fire, Rune of Impact on the accessory).

Master Rune of Gromril + Preservation + Valaya or Sanctuary should have a decent chance of evoking the purity and inviolability of Gromril or as the thing Eva mentioned. It also neatly closes a gap in his defenses so that even if it fails to Combo we have basically no reason whatsoever to worry about Otrek vs spellcasters because it should synergize extremely well with the Adamant in his armor. (He'd have adamant in an accessory probably, but as I described I consider that basically taken by a Combo to make sure he can't be stopped)

And to make sure I'm on the same page as you for what you want to do from what I can gather you want to:

Make his armor Gromril + Preservation + Impact to evoke a meteor revealing a purified gift/gromril. Make a crown with Kingship, Rune of Valaya, Rune of Fate (Which we may not have, same as Luck) to represent the wealth it provides.

And then the Trollslayer and Pyrestrike combo.

And so my issue with that Tl;Dr is that the armor thing is not very harmonious, and so likely won't be included in the set bonus because it won't make a Combo.
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