Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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Found this video to go along with my previous one, which while probably not entirely accurate for this quest there is likely still a lot that is close enough to be relevant
Exactly. These guys are quite competent at their jobs and Mathilde didn't use much in the way of magic when finding the temple, only when it came to the actual kill.

Its all conventional stealth.

You know what you're doing here right? You're taking a single counter factual and then treating it like it will be the case for everything, it's pretty hard to argue against because I don't really know where to start pointing out it's not actually reasonable to do that. You're basically hoping that every major plot in K8P has a convenient hidden tunnel right beside it for the Rangers to use to learn about it. As otherwise generally the first they'll hear about it is when things are in the winding down conclusion.

It also leads to obvious questions like "Why didn't the rangers know about the ritual?" The rangers are competent they're not super naturally competent.
We're not voting for dropping by and saying hi.
We're having actual in depth dialogue, finding out how things went with them, letting them know about recent events in Eight Peaks before the news hits general circulation(and useful for both of their current jobs).

We could have the EIC with a finger in Eight Peaks before other trading concerns even got their pants on.
We can fill them in enough to give the EIC a head start in an hour or two. You are voting for much more but that vote is explicitly the sound out moving to Stirland option just like the hang out in Altdorf is explicitly the sound out Electors' council jobs option. We aren't intending to do either of those things. As much as Mathilde might enjoy more than a flying visit to both of those, without the underlying purpose they just aren't that important. Not when we don't know what threats are building by our new home nor the timescales they're operating on. Once we've done the scouting we'll have a better idea of when we can afford to take a long trip.
Exactly. These guys are quite competent at their jobs and Mathilde didn't use much in the way of magic when finding the temple, only when it came to the actual kill.

Its all conventional stealth.
And when conventional stealth doesn't cut it anymore Mathilde uses magic to go where she otherwise couldn't go.

Like using Sleep in Karag Nar:
The final discovery you make is at the very top of the staircase, where the broad stairway narrows to a single double-doorway. Two heavily armoured Black Orcs stand guard, but one is currently snoring and a careful prod from Sleep has the other follow suit.
Or using Skywalk to infiltrate Karag Lhune:
It was only because of the extra help Skywalk provides that you even contemplated taking this path in the first place, but as you clamber along the unworked stone of the mountain's exterior, you quickly realize you don't need them. You're light, you're in shape, and you've had a fair bit of practice being light on your feet, so the mountain presents no challenge to you.

That is what you were thinking to yourself as your foot hit a loose patch of rock near the summit of the landing pad.

There's a few seconds at the start of an avalanche when it seems like maybe it won't be an avalanche, right before momentum kicks in and the world becomes noise. Ulgu leaps to obey as you abandon your grip on the side of the mountain, half jumping, half falling to the relatively safe footing of the invisible and arguably imaginary surface you've conjured. This buys you just enough time to find a rockface that isn't obeying the call of gravity, and from there you have a solid foothold from which to reach up and grip the approaching watchgoblin by the ankle. His scream, and his body, are swept away by falling rocks.
Or using Shadowcloak in Karah Lhune:
You take a moment to shroud yourself in Ulgu and then begin your approach, more cautious as you enter into the more populated tunnels. The stone underfoot becomes soft, near completely covered with vast growths of greenskin lichen, apparently deliberately cultivated as the Goblin equivalent of roads, and with your footsteps muffled slipping past the few Goblins lounging about the halls as 'guards' is trivial, and you slip through a side door and quickly clamber up some nearby scaffolding to find both shadow to conceal you from the vast bonfires that illuminate the hall, and a vantage point to survey the enormous cavern you now find yourself in, occasionally ducking out of sight as one of the thousands of Night Goblins present gets too close.

Thanks to her magic Mathilde can infiltrate farther than Rangers can.

And we shouldn't forget exfiltrating out of Karag Lhune with Doppelgänger.
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Last thing I'll say about Kroak. He has S4 T5. As a corpse. A corpse is as strong and tougher than us.

Kroak is a goddamn monster who was killed by a gang of Greater Deamons but did not let it stop him from wiping out entire demon horde by his mind bullets.
And then he willed himself back to life when the End Times came, without any bothering with "resurrection" or other pansy weakling tools.

Like, we should not compare ourselves to him. Nobody on the planet can realistically measure up.
Do we want to get some instruction on dwarwen architecture? A bit of that information may make us amazing at sabotage.
For me, the deciding factor is order.

Talking to our friends is much less urgent than helping the rangers confirm that we are/aren't about to get blindsided by enemy shenanigans - we can put it off for 2 months and we'd at most lose a bit of expediency with the EITC.

On the other hand, if we put off helping scout for two months, that's two more months for our enemies to work with.
Slowly catching up.

Those dumb Grey Wizards would probably screw everything up if we told them anything! Only we can be trusted to act in the best interests of the Empire.
I mean they did get enough of their order infiltrated to allow Vampires to direct wizards to spy on Elector Counts on pain of death. The Patriarch of the Grey didn't appear to solve that. Abelheim was the one who actually solved that.

Just saying.
Mathilde: "I think you'll find that being richer than most Kings* has many direct and practical uses for my duties. Such as not wasting years of time fighting against bloody wizard chic."

*The border princes really drives the average down.
[X] Remain in Karak Eight Peaks, either in the employ of Belegar or pursuing your research.

[X] Give them away...
- [X] To the Amber College

[x] All this time away has made you miss your friends, and you'll be practically next door in Altdorf. Visit Anton and Wilhelmina.
[X] King Belegar is allowing you to use the King's Armoury. Recover your extant study materials from Stirland and tuck them away safely in there.
[X] Claim the site where Ranald mugged Mork and build a shrine to Ranald there.
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Exactly. These guys are quite competent at their jobs and Mathilde didn't use much in the way of magic when finding the temple, only when it came to the actual kill.

Its all conventional stealth.

Going back to this for a moment, the biggest difference between Mathilde and the rangers is that it'd be suicide for the Rangers to use these tunnels most of the time. As they're usually going to be guarded which we saw in our usage of it, where as Mathilde can use magic to infiltrate through them or exfiltrate. So on deeper thought it's actually counter factual to your argument any way as the Rangers couldn't have used that to find out about the ritual.

For me, the deciding factor is order.

Talking to our friends is much less urgent than helping the rangers confirm that we are/aren't about to get blindsided by enemy shenanigans - we can put it off for 2 months and we'd at most lose a bit of expediency with the EITC.

On the other hand, if we put off helping scout for two months, that's two more months for our enemies to work with.

There's this as well, giving two months for them to do what ever it is they're planning is a really bad idea.

For those of you voting for visiting the friends AND scouting K8P those two votes are directly in contention with each other right now, if we do one we don't do the other. so if you value scouting over visiting their friends I suggest you change your vote. The same is true for the opposite.
Adhoc vote count started by Sinsystems on Oct 1, 2019 at 8:38 AM, finished with 798 posts and 192 votes.
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[X] Remain in Karak Eight Peaks, either in the employ of Belegar or pursuing your research.
[X] Give them away...
- [X] To the Amber College
[X] Speak with King Belegar and King Kazador about the relationships and apparent rifts between Dwarfholds.
[X] Scout the rest of the Eight Peaks, to find out what other horrors are waiting out there.
[X] Claim the site where Ranald mugged Mork and build a shrine to Ranald there.
Regarding the Stewardship vs Learning advisor debate.

Two points to make:
Point 1) This is to some extent a choice between being a spymaster or a master spy.
Taking the Stewardship job would immediately put us at the top of a massive organisation with a fair number of broad duties. Most of Mathilde's time will be spent sitting in an office reading reports (both stewardship and intrigue based) and writing orders for other people to go deal with the problem. Most of her personal intervention will be spying on her own lieutenants to ensure the embezzling (there will be embezzling) is at acceptable levels.
Taking the Learning job means Mathilde would be very much the point wizard for most of her work. She would need to build a web of informants out of her own resources (which are substantial) and act on the info sent to her personally.

For myself I prefer the PC to be out doing.

Point 2) Mathilde already has much of what Stewardship would give, just on a smaller scale. As a boss of the EIC she already has an easy in for making a web of informants. Being stinking rich means setting up an adventurer guild and or dedicated spy ring can be done without the support of a larger organisation. Her reputation alone gives here substantial influence and either advisor position would grant authority.

While neither position gives Mathilde options she couldn't access some other way Stewardship costs a lot more attention for the benefits it provides than Learning.
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It's not that the rangers can't do their job. They're probably mapping every inch of the surface right now. But when they discover a secret entrance or a dense enemy stronghold or whatever, they can send Mathilde in to extend the knowledge of who and what's where even further than they could themselves. Mathilde is a deep penetration expert. She can't map an entire peak by herself but she can go inside and find the important rooms and secret enemy activities.
[X] Remain in Karak Eight Peaks, either in the employ of Belegar or pursuing your research.
[X] Give them away...
-[X] To the Amber College
[X] Claim the site where Ranald mugged Mork and build a shrine to Ranald there.
[X] All this time away has made you miss your friends, and you'll be practically next door in Altdorf. Visit Anton and Wilhelmina.
@BoneyM - I was thinking about the Dwarf Favour question and whether you'd missed anything, and thought about our Seed of Regrowth? I imagine that being able to revive recently dead dwarves and make whole those that have been crippled should be worth a couple favor points at least given it's literally saving dwarven lives. Particularly favor from the ones that would have died/or been crippled.

With us likely to be moving the mirror box into the Vault, it'd be fascinating to see an omake from dwarves going into the Vault and seeing it and wondering just what it is given it's constantly producing liquid. Also while I imagine Kragg wouldn't approve of experimenting with it, from what we've seen of Thorek it seems like he'd be a great help given both his skill level and desires given it'd potentially unlock more runes or enable him to make stronger versions of existent runes.
[X] Remain in Karak Eight Peaks, either in the employ of Belegar or pursuing your research.

[X] Give them away...
- [X] To the Amber College

[X] Claim the site where Ranald mugged Mork and build a shrine to Ranald there.
[X] All this time away has made you miss your friends, and you'll be practically next door in Altdorf. Visit Anton and Wilhelmina.
[X] King Belegar is allowing you to use the King's Armoury. Recover your extant study materials from Stirland and tuck them away safely in there.
Kroak is a goddamn monster who was killed by a gang of Greater Deamons but did not let it stop him from wiping out entire demon horde by his mind bullets.
And then he willed himself back to life when the End Times came, without any bothering with "resurrection" or other pansy weakling tools.

Like, we should not compare ourselves to him. Nobody on the planet can realistically measure up.
Isn ´t Lord Kroak so powerful his spells are described as "encroaching upon the domain reserved for gods?". The guy is a meme at this point.
Found this video to go along with my previous one, which while probably not entirely accurate for this quest there is likely still a lot that is close enough to be relevant

Can you link to the first one? I did not notice it and I don't know how long it would take to trawl through the thread for it.
[x] Remain in Karak Eight Peaks, either in the employ of Belegar or pursuing your research.
[x] Give them away...
- [x] To the Amber College

[x] Scout the rest of the Eight Peaks, to find out what other horrors are waiting out there.
[x] Try to follow Johann, to see what he's getting up to.
[x] Claim the site where Ranald mugged Mork and build a shrine to Ranald there.
[x] Though your future relationship with the spiders is still unknown, they do appear to be a new species and you do have a number of corpses available. Have Esbern and Seija help you autopsy the creatures for a paper.
[x] King Belegar is allowing you to use the King's Armoury. Recover your extant study materials from Stirland and tuck them away safely in there.
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