[x] Discuss the politics of Tokyo!
- [] Do you have any specific ideas?
Okay, some of what we know about Tokyo:
27 recognized groups, forming a council.
Lead by Akane Toshimichi.
Borders do not change.
Magical girls can move between groups.
Decisions made by majority vote.
Chiyoda doesn't vote, but has a veto.
Groups exchange members with Chiyoda for hunting on a rotating basis.
Uses Whatsapp as a means of communication that doesn't require the council to meet.
Many groups apparently would like to bring Toshimichi down if given the chance.
-This is mainly from personal grievances.
-Meiji is extremely belligerent for unknown reasons.
No police force or military.
Groups are held in check by the threat of collective action.
Thoughts: since borders don't change, this would have the effect of disincentivizing them from expanding. Individual groups would not gain any territory from annexing more land, and if they wanted a new place for their magical girls to move to in order to reduce population the magical girls could just leave and go to surrounding territories anyway, without bothering to make them part of the council. Furthermore, more groups/territories means that existing groups' votes would have less of an impact, making them less powerful politically.
Group members switching with group members from Chiyoda is weird.
Possible reasons for it:
It's a political carrot/stick? If the hunters get to keep the grief seeds they find, putting someone into the rotation ahead of others would be a good bribe for groups that Chiyoda wants to curry favor with. If they don't, getting pushed back on the list could be a bribe, or being pushed forward could be a punishment, since the magical girls would be doing work for no gain.
If lets Chiyoda girls mingle amongst other groups to create relationships with them and find out how they are doing? This could be another source of news for Chiyoda that doesn't have to filter through the representative sent to the council meetings, supplementing any news they get from Whatsapp.
Perhaps Chiyoda has either a territory too small to support their population (necessitating that they send girls elsewhere to hunt), or a territory that is too large for their group to hunt efficiently (requiring girls to be brought in to help hunt). This doesn't explain why migration hasn't solved that problem, but perhaps migration into/out of Chiyoda is restricted?
"So why the current gridlock?" you ask slowly. "You seem to have a perfectly workable system in place. And I mean... haven't you ever heard of taking turns?"
"Who's to be first?" Kurenai asks. "Whoever is first would have an immeasurable advantage."
Does anyone know what she meant by advantage? All I can think of is that the team to have a clear seed first would be able to just keep it, and possibly attack other groups using the extra magic.
There's more we know, but I'm hungry, so this is what I'm posting.