as I said, technicaly
do we want multiple sayakas running around?
hey do you think that older veteran magical girls in madokas universe ever refer to themselves as witches and homura has a breakdown?
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Adhoc vote count started by Firnagzen on May 9, 2019 at 5:36 AM, finished with 152780 posts and 8 votes.

  • [x] Discuss Tokyo politics with your cabinet
    -[x] Try to nail down your own position. Goals are something like "Improve QoL by increasing stability by obviating resource contention", yes? Even taking uncertainty into account, what potential obstacles will you want to have an answer for?
    -[x] Is the preservation of the current Tokyo political situation a goal or a non-goal? Do they think it'd be safe to try to recruit from Tokyo for Walpy?
    -[x] What information should you focus on obtaining to guide future efforts? Toschimichi's power is obvious, but who should you try to talk to and what scuttlebutt should you go digging for? What would tell you the most about the obstacles and how to sidestep or address them?
    -[x] Check email. Set up new-mail notifications, just in case.
    -[x] Check back in with #nyantokanyaru.
    --[x] Their reaction to you was a bit worrying. Is there someone other than Rionna going around ganking grief controllers or do grief controllers tend to be super territorial or something?
    --[x] Ask about their local politics. With a grief controller acting as a force multiplier for a Clear Seed, you might want to get one to them sooner rather than later so they can share it around.
    --[x] Also, Mitakihara has infinite cleansing and can accept refugees.
    --[x] Talk Walpy. You are assembling an army. Even if they don't want to fight, it'd be great to have a grief controller with a clear seed to staff the trauma ward.
    --[x] Ask if they know anything about the Iowa group. You're pretty sure they'll be gunning for you and you intend to do unto them before they do unto you.
    -[x] #milesgloriosus and other channels as time and attention permit. Standard routine:
    --[x] Introduce self, you're sending out feelers internationally and getting to know people, you have true cleansing, you want to help, share contact info, etc.
    --[x] Mitakihara can accept refugees. You can refresh grief seeds if anyone is in urgent need.
    --[x] Clear Seeds: Following what you told Nadia, inform if the group seems stable and helpful.
    --[x] Gather information about Iowa and other threats, recruit for Walpy if reasonable.
    ---[x] Can segue from the Mitakihara refugee invite - "We can more or less guarantee safety, support, and peace, but we are expecting some inclement weather..."
    [X] Check our email
    [X] Check in with IRCs #milesglorious and #nyantokanyaru
    -[X] Give #milesglorious our email when we check in with them
    [x] Discuss Tokyo politics with your cabinet
    -[x] Try to nail down your own position so you can engage with them on your terms. Goals are something like "hire for the 30th," "Improve QoL by increasing stability by obviating resource contention", yes?
    -[x] In particular, is the continued existence of the Tokyo political situation a goal or a non-goal?
    -[x] What information should you focus on obtaining to guide future efforts? Toschimichi's power is obvious, but who should you try to talk to and what scuttlebutt should you go digging for?
    -[x] Observation: The meguca rotation might be so Toshimichi can have time to work on people in isolation.
    [x] Realize that as a magical girl on the internet, there's a software installation joke in here somewhere:
    -[x] Check your emails
    -[x] #nyantokanyaru: You're like to get a better picture of the channel, and you'd also like to talk a bit more on serious business, if they're amenable.
    --[x] Chat:
    ---[x] Get an idea of how many people are on the channel, and their characters.
    ---[x] Note that Mitakihara is has a pretty high carrying capacity these days. We should be able to accommodate them if they want to visit.
    ---[x] Clear seeds: standard talk, but add in your experiences and notes from others so far on value and defense: Aim to give them what they need to make an informed decision.
    ----[x] Even if clear seeds don't work out, you're highly interested in sharing your capabilities with someone like Hatsumi, be it via clear seeds, enchantment you've yet to devise, or something else entirely. You don't want to be the only person who can do this.
    ---[x] Recruitment for Walpurgisnacht. Approach: Our friends have heard of Kagoshima by reputation. Acknowledge the danger, but we could use the all the help we can get. They can ask their price and have time to think it over: nothing else we speak of is contingent on this.
    ---[x] Last time on the channel is not the first time people have been terrifyingly deferential towards you and its becoming a pattern. At this point you need to ask if there are grief controllers you should be worried about.
    [x] Discuss the politics of Tokyo!
    -[x] Hitomi and Madoka's thoughts on the matter. Focus on how any possibilities will influence your first meetings relative to your goals of future such as clear seed distribution. If you have too many ideas focus on Most likely case, Worst Case and Most Dangerous Cause.
    - [X] Also Specifically figure out what you know, and what you DON'T know and what you wish you knew and what you NEED to know. This makes questions to answer that can shape our approach to negotiations and what to look for longer term. The questions you NEED to answer become priority.
    [x] Dinner!
    [x] What do you do afterwards?
    - [x] Check email, anything important/urgent should break to a vote, otherwise set reminders to follow up on anything in our phone.
    - [x] Check out the IRCs again
    - [x] With #nyantokanyaru you want to see how they are doing, disposition in terms of diplomacy (friendly, isolationist/paranoid etc) and ask what they know and think about Tokyo using the discussion from earlier as a guide for what to ask.
    - [x] Once Tokyo is covered bring up that, given they have a grief manipulator, you are looking to see if we can give them a clear seed sooner rather than later. Also Walpy is coming so see if Homura wants to try to recruit any of them . Mention though, if you try to recruit, that any sort of assistance would be welcome - even just a grief manipulator in the back likes with a clear seed helping with medical support.... also we're accepting refugees now since well infinite cleansing. In short, we have a lot we could discuss and would like to work out a face to face meeting.
    - [x] If we have time check on #milesgloriosus and see if we can talk to any of the other girls on the server we have yet to meet. General introductions for them, nice, friendly, and honest. Get an idea on how the group as a whole is in terms of situation and disposition (fractured, unified, aggressive, passive etc) We can also see what we can find on the Iowa group to help inform identifying gaps in knowledge on the Iowa group and narrow down on the questions we need to answer.
Last edited:
PROTIP: At the bottom left portion of your posts, there is a button that says "Edit" (For reference, this will be in a group with three others: Vote tally, Report, and Bookmark). It is considered proper form to use this button to add to your latest post when yours is the last in the thread and was posted recently, rather than creating an entirely new post. That said, such edits will not send notifications to newly tagged and/or quoted users. As such, if you have need for them to know about whatever was added, this is likely to be accepted by most users as a perfectly valid reason, though there is also the option of sending the relevant person(s) a PM.

Edit: Additionally, it is common to note additions as having been edited in, as seen here, so as to make such changes clearer.
ah thank you, I'll keep that in mind
How long has it been since we went on a witch hunt? We shouldn't let them build up just because we don't need the seeds.
I think the last one was our duo hunt with Sayaka. I think that was yesterday IC. Either that or we hunted with Kyouko earlier.

Yesterday? Ok I guess we could probably afford to sit this one out if we have better things to do.

I think we should aim for witch hunting every other night as a minimum though, at least until Walpurgisnacht comes due to the higher witch concentration that comes before it.
Hunh... I think I have another question to ask Sayaka when the time for the angel/metaknowledge conversation comes, taking from the concept movie.

Ask her if she can read the writing on her ring. It's simple enough that she may not have even thought to mention it after all.
Another way to test if she's actually an angel: Surprise!

"So I've noticed you're shipping MadoHomu. I commend your taste; I have it on good authority that they are both gayer than a renaissance fair with an unlimited supply of laughing gas and that if it wasn't for the legendary trauma and catastrophic self-worth issues they'd be all over each other like a tankful of amorous octopi."

Angel and Non-Angel Sayakas will be immediately distinguishable because Non-Angel Sayaka will have no idea how to respond while Angel Sayaka will be either laughing too hard to process follow-up questions or gleefully patting herself on the back for a job well done and recognized.
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The feeling I'm getting, almost to an overwhelming degree, is that Enchanting has a large serving of Topology as it's basis. As in we are weaving and knotting Magic in a manner analogous to rope or splines in order to assign effects to it.

It says interesting things about what a copy is, and what that means to us, if true.
"Ito Yuri is a rather unfortunate name," Hitomi observes, nosedown in her copy of the paper. "Given what seems to be..."
Okay firn, what's the Ito Yuri pun?
Flipping Japanese humor keganai youni *grumble grumble*
Yuri is lesbians, Ito Yuri has a boyfriend.

@AuraTwilight May correct me ( or not, it's funnier this way ), but if you ignore spelling, written kanji and common sense, you could translate Ito Yuri as something like "a young lesbian girl".

Now that is all. :V
I have it on good authority that they are both gayer than a renaissance fair with an unlimited supply of laughing gas and that if it wasn't for the legendary trauma and catastrophic self-worth issues they'd be all over each other like a tankful of amorous octopi.

Sayaka: ..... That is ... descriptive.
[x] Discuss the politics of Tokyo!
- [] Do you have any specific ideas?
Okay, some of what we know about Tokyo:
27 recognized groups, forming a council.
Lead by Akane Toshimichi.
Borders do not change.
Magical girls can move between groups.
Decisions made by majority vote.
Chiyoda doesn't vote, but has a veto.
Groups exchange members with Chiyoda for hunting on a rotating basis.
Uses Whatsapp as a means of communication that doesn't require the council to meet.
Many groups apparently would like to bring Toshimichi down if given the chance.
-This is mainly from personal grievances.
-Meiji is extremely belligerent for unknown reasons.
No police force or military.
Groups are held in check by the threat of collective action.

Thoughts: since borders don't change, this would have the effect of disincentivizing them from expanding. Individual groups would not gain any territory from annexing more land, and if they wanted a new place for their magical girls to move to in order to reduce population the magical girls could just leave and go to surrounding territories anyway, without bothering to make them part of the council. Furthermore, more groups/territories means that existing groups' votes would have less of an impact, making them less powerful politically.

Group members switching with group members from Chiyoda is weird.
Possible reasons for it:
It's a political carrot/stick? If the hunters get to keep the grief seeds they find, putting someone into the rotation ahead of others would be a good bribe for groups that Chiyoda wants to curry favor with. If they don't, getting pushed back on the list could be a bribe, or being pushed forward could be a punishment, since the magical girls would be doing work for no gain.
If lets Chiyoda girls mingle amongst other groups to create relationships with them and find out how they are doing? This could be another source of news for Chiyoda that doesn't have to filter through the representative sent to the council meetings, supplementing any news they get from Whatsapp.
Perhaps Chiyoda has either a territory too small to support their population (necessitating that they send girls elsewhere to hunt), or a territory that is too large for their group to hunt efficiently (requiring girls to be brought in to help hunt). This doesn't explain why migration hasn't solved that problem, but perhaps migration into/out of Chiyoda is restricted?

"So why the current gridlock?" you ask slowly. "You seem to have a perfectly workable system in place. And I mean... haven't you ever heard of taking turns?"

"Who's to be first?" Kurenai asks. "Whoever is first would have an immeasurable advantage."
Does anyone know what she meant by advantage? All I can think of is that the team to have a clear seed first would be able to just keep it, and possibly attack other groups using the extra magic.

There's more we know, but I'm hungry, so this is what I'm posting.
Also, if you don't think Homura's hoovering up spare Witches, well... think again?
Speaking of this, let's encourage Homura to ask her friends for help with this stuff. Not us, she knows how busy we are and probably doesn't want to add routine witch cleanup to our plate, but Mami and Sayaka.

"Hey Homura, I know you probably don't want to bother me about little stuff like this, but feel free to borrow Mami as long as you bring her back before we notice she's gone."

We can never take too many opportunities to have Mami and Homura hang out with people that aren't just us (or a group that happens to include us).
Another way to test if she's actually an angel: Surprise!

"So I've noticed you're shipping MadoHomu. I commend your taste; I have it on good authority that they are both gayer than a renaissance fair with an unlimited supply of laughing gas and that if it wasn't for the legendary trauma and catastrophic self-worth issues they'd be all over each other like a tankful of amorous octopi."

Angel and Non-Angel Sayakas will be immediately distinguishable because Non-Angel Sayaka will have no idea how to respond while Angel Sayaka will be either laughing too hard to process follow-up questions or gleefully patting herself on the back for a job well done and recognized.

That's way more effort than we need to do.

"Hey Sayaka. Sup."
"Not much, you?"
"Alright, fine, you got me. So here's the deal on Feathers--"