The Phoenixian
The Glacier Witch
- Location
- My own little world
I really don't see what's so out of character for a witch to attempt that. Especially if the witch is after something that can't be given by her barrier.I'm not sure I buy it. This is a REALLY hopeful mindset for a witch, which...doesn't work.
Witches also can't self-terminate. Not even Homulilly, technically.
Madoka's witch tries to create heaven after all. She pulls everyone and everything into that false heaven by force and makes that idea into a curse upon the world, but she is trying to make everything better.
Homulilly tries to save Madoka. The only time we see her she does it by attempting suicide, but her goal in it all is to save the person she cares about.
Oktavia is trying to hear Kyousuke play one last time. To do it she locks herself in a box with a soul destroying orchestra, but even she has something she's hoping for.
Walpurgisnacht here is trying to orchestrate her salvation, but she'll also be a calamity upon humanity to do it. Reading her poem --- linked for new folks --- she ignores the suffering of others by saying its all a play and overrides their wills by saying its all part of a script and that the story must not change.
Everything else? If Rebellion and the concept movie are her plans too? That all comes only after she herself has been saved. And those too both require enormous suffering in order to proceed where another way forward might not.
Walpurgisnacht is also the strongest witch, and a union of many witches all over the world, who have joined forces and come together as a single being. For such a thing to happen would require a singularly strong purpose that would resonate with many different witches and I think dewitching, orchestrating their own salvation, provides the strongest and most resonant possible reason for that to happen. Something that could well resonate with any witch, regardless of background.
As to "cannot self terminate" I think the hypothesis works without that --- certainly it's a point of evidence, but it's a thing that follows from the idea, rather than underlying it --- but weren't you the one who noted that at the end of one of the games Homura witches out after she wins and, rather than hatching, her grief seed just crushes itself?
Honestly, I don't believe it will be enough on it's own.The progress we've made with imparting positive emotions into Clear Seeds should be sufficient to convince Airi that there is a future path to dewitching, and that Sabrina is dedicated to that goal.
More importantly, we've already left Airi to stew for longer than I'd consider optimal - continuing to put the conversation off isn't going to do her mental state any favours.
I can see her response being:
"Okay, that's a neat parlor trick but what are you even trying to pull here? Can I talk with her? Can I see her again? Without those things, this is just jewelry."
Which is why I wanted to aim for something more concrete tonight.
I think just honestly talking with her and sketching out plans will help, but any good it will do will happen regardless of the progress we've made so far.