On the other hand, if we do this, our plan for this update definitely shouldn't be to just casually enter timestop like complete carebears.
Oooh, Care Bears! That's exactly what the PMMMverse needs!
On the other hand, if we do this, our plan for this update definitely shouldn't be to just casually enter timestop like complete carebears.
I consider it a case of "consent while drunk is not consent". A wish made while falling out of a plane is likely to get you something useless like "no fall damage" instead of munchkin planning. Like flight, Tron Lines, teleportation, etc.I do disagree with this though, a wish grants you your wish. Sometimes that wish is really dumb or otherwise not what you actually want. That's not really a surprise considering how Kyubey operates.
Riona definitely attacked us, but since she appeared to disengage when she noted her attack was ineffective it's your own call to consider if we're currently in combat.
If you aren't justifying your votes you arenPeople don't have to justify their votes to you, but I will since I feel like it.
If the intent is attacking Riona, then timestopping now is the best chance: she's at the weakest here without access to her shades and apparently believes she's trapped. The only reason not to attack her is the possible collateral damage, and not to give the police clues towards us.Ah true... I've not voted for it. I was tempted to since it lets us back off but Onmur's vote does that as well. You do make solid arguments for why we should press on up to, and including, getting in a fight. I though am wary of starting the fight against a soul magic wielder with very little prep.
If by "we" you meant Sabrina, she should regret killing/gemming anyone, even someone like Riona.She seems like a character who we should regret killing or gemming, even though that is likely to be necessary in order to deal with her in an acceptable manner.
*facepalm*Eh. I said morally grey because I was hedging my words - I didn't want to come out and say it because I expected people to read between the lines there. That's my particular style of GMing and writing - I leave strong hints and implications in the text for people to examine... and in this case, I'm breaking that particular style. And sure, she's talking about her sister, in the context of someone she Wished to raise from the dead for the crime of killing said sister. By implication, because even Rionna isn't going to say it in as many words, she made that Wish to exact vengeance -torture- on that person. If you consider raising someone from the dead to torture them, continuously, not particularly monstrous, I don't know what to say.
Does the result change anything? Riona acted with malice to torture the killer's soulI notice you don't say whether or not she's been successful in that desire to torture said killer? (I.e. is the killer now a shade and are they actually insensate, or did she lie outright about that?) Or whether said killer has, in fact, been the subject of True Resurrection, and she is being tortured horribly, and possibly a research subject regarding True Resurrection, but that's wholly separate from the business with how the Shades work?
Please don't use invisitext, and specially not here when we are discussing. That's just discussing in bad faith.Hmm pretty convincing. Well it doesn't really change what I want to do which is stop time, prepare for battle and then ask the team what they want to do (which is probably battle).
(I mean there's still questions of how much of this is a just a tough front, how much is it her self-medicating, and other similar things but ultimately those don't really absolve her of what she's doing so while they're relevant they don't really change how we should act.)
I'm personally inclined to try and talk things out a bit more if only so we can truly know that we tried everything we could to reach her, but ultimately I feel pretty sure things are going to end up in a fight. When that fight happens I definitely want to be holding all the cards whether the fight happens immediately or tomorrow.
There's no relevant intelligence to be gained, though. After all, the great disadvantage you mentioned (the Shades) are currently inaccessible thus irrelevant.To offer a counterpoint: Tactically, the point of backing off would be to gather actionable intelligence. One of the greatest disadvantages we face is not being able to detect Rionna's shades. I wouldn't be surprised, however, if we were capable of doing it somehow, between all the powers our group has available. I think that's worth looking into.
Well they certainly feel unnecessary
-[X] Priority: Arrange a new meeting before she leaves, with plenty of time to spare.
-[X] Explain everything. Avoid social bombs. Don't take sides, be impartial
I don't think this will escalate unlesd we make it escalate.Well they certainly feel unnecessary.
Still I'm curious as to why you decide to wait until after the meeting to call for the timestop. Riona just attempted to perform a mindwhammy, Mami is in the line of fire and we're seriously thinking about just ganking her right now. Best to get our defenses up just in case things begin to escalate and if do decide to attack we'll have an advantage.
I'd... be more concerned that she's not close... physically?Can we bring in Tsuruya Yuki for advice?
She may not be as close to our inner circle but she does have a lot more experience interacting with Magical girls than Mami as a mercenary. She would know how to handle her type.
I would say Sabrina can get more guts, but then why would we want to waifu Riohanahana?Obviously not. Oriko waifu'd her monster. Or her monster waifu'd her?
In any case, Sabrina wouldn't have guts to waifu Rionnna, even if she and Mami weren't dating.
*nods nods*
Please don't compare Homumom and Oriko to this... trash.
Lord, I feel like a broken record, but I'm still hoping to get information out of Riohabanana.I'm not entirely sure this bit needs such a high priority if we're going to gank her at some point. The only gain we get from it is knowing that Rionna will be at a certain place at a certain time, so we can prepare in advance, but we could also use the airport for that. It would be good, yes, but I don't think it's as important as making sure she doesn't kill anybody. Also, Rionna would know we would be there as well, I while I don't really think she'd start a fight I doubt she'd trust us to stay peaceful. If arrange a meeting, she may very well set it up as her personal battleground, which isn't good for us.
I'm testing you.@Onmur , why do you change your vote while I'm changing it? Oh, you cause me such pain...![]()
There's no relevant intelligence to be gained, though. After all, the great disadvantage you mentioned (the Shades) are currently inaccessible thus irrelevant.
@Muramasa, you have made four posts since the previous threadmark.
@kinigget, you have made four posts since the previous threadmark.
@Briefvoice, you have made seven posts since the previous threadmark.
@Nele, you have made one post since the previous threadmark, consisting of the an X and the name "Muramasa".
@drake_azathoth, you have made five posts since the previous threadmark. At least one of them was... interesting.
@PlanckConstant, you have made one post since the previous threadmark, consisting of the an X and the name "Muramasa."
@Nachtigall, you have made one post since the previous threadmark. It consisted of more than just an X and the name "Muramasa."
@Romka, you have made one post since the previous threadmark, consisting of the an X and the name "Muramasa."
@moonstne, you have made one post since the previous threadmark, consisting of the an X and the name "Muramasa."
I will hold each and every one of you personally responsible if your vote leads us to Resonance Cascade.
[X] Leave. Get distance but stay within your sensing range. Be inconspicuous. Then:
-[X] Timestop meeting. Include Sayaka.
Your argument clumbles at "Homura touches a Shade". (EDIT: Homura touching a Shadow if we attack later is no less likely than Homura touching a Shadow if we attack now)What would your preferred plan of attack be? Either we involve Homura in it, in which case her touching a shade is a danger irrespective of the privacy barrier (unless you think it won't work because of the barrier? That sounds too optimistic to me). Or we don't, and actually intend for this to be a fair fight. Can't say the latter prospect fills me with confidence. Sabrina is notably bad at close quarters combat, despite her ridiculous power, and Rionna has a lot of experience on her. Furthermore, while Rionna is clearly unnerved by the privacy barrier, she's not scared. The end of this recent chapter points this out explicitly. She still thinks she can take us, even after the failure of her Jedi mind trick.
Ultimately though, it's a question of what gives us a bigger advantage: privacy sphere blocking shades, or superior preparation. With the absolutely insane array of bullshit powers our group has at their disposal, I'll almost always pick preparation.
Also, "privacy sphere blocking shades" isn't the biggest adventage of attacking now, it's "surprise when she doesn't expect an attack" because if the conversation were over Riona would be on guard expecting to be attacked no matter what Sabrina may say. Attacing now gives us all of this and preparation in timestop.
Uh... If we did that, there'd be quite some time during which Riona's not being watched?@Onmur I'm willing to support your vote if you make one part just a bit more paranoid for me:
Instead, put our team in the Mobile Oppression Fortress, fly out of Mitakihara at high speed, enter a privacy bubble, and then have a timestop meeting.
Just in case. It's a high priority for us to keep Rionna from even suspecting what Homura's power does.
Alternatively, if any of us can actually sense the shades, that would solve some of the problem as well.
Uh... If we did that, there'd be quite some time during which Riona's not being watched?
Unless we did something silly like having Mami tag Homu with an invisible Ribbon, leave Homu watching Riona, fly out, have Homu activate timestop...
... Then bungee pulling Homu all the way to us.![]()
Because it's irrelevant: Homura touching a Shade in a timestop later is no less likely than Homura touching a Shade in a timestop now. In fact, it's more likely: Riona would gather them closer around her for protection.Can you explain how you expect this to go? Homura can absolutely touch a shade by accident if she can't sense them, and we have no clue how many of them Rionna brought along, or how they're positioned.
Riona has seen Sabrina's soul, seeing she doesn't have the intention to attack her.Wait, you actually don't think she expects an attack? It's pretty clear to me that's what she's been expecting since near the start of this conversation.
Um, you had good points about Sayaka and potentially very bad consequences of "good people doing nothing/not my problem" apathy, and I understand that you might be quite emotionally invested in the quest (which is fine; so have I, for some quests) but... could you please not do this? Alerting specific posters that you think need to hear your concerns the most, and maybe consider their votes more, is fine, but going full private detective over how many times they all have posted and then finishing it with a threat of personal condemnation and grudge... it's neither cool nor being kind.
Like, if I had been one of those poster, I might have felt legitimately disturbed. I don't participate in quests to fall under investigation or become disliked, and I don't think neither do any of them.
I'm gonna direct you to the public apology I already made for that post.
I'm going to unequivocally agree here, but could you clarify as to whether you had intended that from the very beginning? As other posts have pointed out, you'd originally presented her a more morally grey character, and your post just recently clarified you were hedging your words there. The only problem I have is that you'd made a post during the morality debate shitstorm when Rionna told us she was stealing souls which gave me the impression that you were flanderizing her character from grey to black to quell said shitstorm. Which is why...You know, I keep coming back to this. So I'm going to... break character a bit, as it were, and give a peek behind the GM screen. Rionna is, design-wise, a two-part character. . . . Rionna is meant to be morally black. I should have foreshadowed this a lot better, with Nadia in particular.
...This kind of confuses me. The impression Nadia gave us was that she was, at worst, an antisocial antihero, if not a belligerent drunk, and what we got was just a couple steps short of a cackling supervillain. Despite that, about half the thread was willing to compromise if we could find literally any common ground at all, and she could in any sense stop being completely awful, and that's the one thing she's been singularly unwilling to do. She's been escalating since then, with both her and you practically screaming at us "RIONNA IS A TERRIBLE HUMAN BEING", and there's still a good quarter-to-third that would still like to find any good within her at all as a basis to do anything other than kill or gem her. It's Rionna who doesn't want to lend her power to Sabrina, or to be redeemed at all, and once cooperating was put firmly off the table, there was nothing left for the thread to do but fight over her morality.She's got useful powers that you can't replicate. What is Sabrina willing or not willing to tolerate in the name of getting that power? The answer, it seems, is: Not this. And that's good. Sabrina isn't that kind of character.