[x] Offer cleansing.
[x] I hate what you've done. But I'm banking on you not having to do it anymore once I've helped you.
[x] And I could really use your help with figuring out how to reverse witching.
Random thought: What if... Riona confirmed this?!

"First thing you need to know about my origins," Sabrina sighs, "is that I am not a Witch."

"F'cking of course you're not," Riona takes a swing.


"... Go on?"

"Did you-" Sabrina blinks in bewilderment, "did your powers tell you that?"

The irish girl rolls her eyes. "It's obvious you're not a Witch, but something way weirder."



"... Sorry, I'm just, wow, trying to get over it," Sabrina stares at her own hands as she murmurs, feeling like she was seeing them for the first time. "Must be the first non-biased person to believe me that I'm not a Witch, and with magical confirmation, too... do you mind meeting a few people I know?"

"Are you gonna explain what the hell you are?"



"I need time to process this, let's talk again tomorrow, just don't leave this room, and if you attack anyone, you'll pay for it surely and immediately."

"... You don't believe you're lying."

The privacy sphere fizzles out.

A whole microsecond later, Sabrina barely manages to expertly (and with aid of magic) balance herself on the ball of her foot so that when Mami crashes into her at Sufficient (hugging) Velocity, most of her momentum is transformed into circular motion-

A dizzy Sabrina slowly comes to a stop from somewhere in between twenty and thirty thousand full revolutions -she wasn't sure exactly how many, she lost count- of spinning hugs... only for Mami to notice the odd lack of a megawatt smile on the white haired girl's face.

"Is... something wrong?" the blonde's voice shows no trace of the anxiety that eats at her from within, for it wouldn't do to display such in the rude foreigner's presence.

"Mami, I..." Sabrina's blue eyes lock with honey-gold ones, her tone dubious yet final, as if about to share the fact she was ill of a sickness without cure, or that she was turning her back on her life goals to spend the rest of her life as an university teacher, or something else horrifying lke that.

"... I am not a witch."

"I..." Mami blinks repeatedly, "... know? OK?"

Sabrina shakes her head. "No, I mean, I am not a Witch, confirmed. Like, wow."

Something seems to click behind Mami's eyes. "Wow..."

The two girls spend a few moments just holding each other, starting at each other, nodding in awe and wonder.

"Get the fuck out of my room," snaps Riona.

Mami and Sabrina roll their eyes in unison, but comply before the irish girl can curse up too much of a storm about overly affectionate magical girls.

No that they minded too much.

They needed to break the news to everyone.

"I... am not a Witch, confirmed by Soul magic powers!"

Homura stares, impassive.

And stares.

And stares.

... Sabrina shifts in place, drawing comfort from Mami's half embrace at her side.

"Thank god," murmurs Homura suddenly, "that means I haven't been hugging Walpurgisnacht."

A shiver runs through the girl's entire body.

But then she shakes herself, puts her eye back to her scope, asks Sabrina and a confused Mami ('Homura and Sabrina shared hugs? Homura is capable of hugs?") to leave her to watch over their 'guest' in peace, and lies down to do just that.

Her whole body seems less tense from then on, as if a huge weight was taken off her shoulders.

"I... am not a Witch!"

Sayaka leans back, lips parting slightly as she takes in the news.

"Damn!" she palms her own face. "I just lost a bet with Kyouko..."

Sabrina stares.

Mami stares.

"Glad to have your vote of confidence," scoffs the white haired girl.

"Hey, I don't discriminate," Sayaka shrugs, "you're a good senpai, Witch or not... it's just that you not being a Witch means I'm down some yen."


"I... am not a Witch, and this is fact, confirmed by a Magical Girl with Soul Manipulation powers!"

"I don't believe you," instantly answers one Tachibana Sakura.

"... Fuck you."
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"I... am not a Witch, and this is fact, confirmed by a Magical Girl with Soul Manipulation powers!"

"I don't believe you," instantly answers one Tachibana Sakura.

"... Fuck you."

Who can blame you, Sakura? Certainly, not me.

We totally are a Witch. Specifically, the Witch of Despair Hope Grief Hugs.

The most terrifying Witch of them all.
[X] Join our De-witching / cleansing research. Proof exists.
[X] Keep going past objections if required
-[X] Rionna isn't worse than a witch? We will help her. Sabrina helps everyone, even witches. We don't send them to Kyuubey already.
-[X] Sabrina hates her past actions. But we're banking on Rionna not having to do it anymore once we've helped.
-[X] Shades can't help her. Rionna tried.
--[X] Happy enchantment needed.
-[X] What Rionna needs is someone to cast the magic along with her, isn't it?
[X] Who else has helped with her problem?
[X] The only way to move forward after exhausting possibilities is to do things differently than ever before.
[X] People don't do horrible things without reason. Force is almost always less effective than addressing the underlying problem, answering the reason..
-[X] Anri is our example of morality, tell the story

Tally failed to pick up, again.

Original at Puella Magi Adfligo Systema | Page 5742

The main intent is to break Rionna's certainty. It would be nice to have a rational conversation, but that isn't what we are having, is it? Not expecting conversation to flow normally. Therefore, goal is to unilaterally insert evidence to give her pause. That loss of certainty might remain with her, and keep working.
[x] Aranfan

Hopefully when Firn takes two sentances (cleansing shouldn't need to be in a vote, its so ultra-automatic for Sabrina) and makes an update out of it, "mentioning her usefulness to de-witching" somehow actually involves showing our own progress. Quiescent clear seed and a mention of hope infusions, that is (maaaybe not the bit about giving it a malleable grief shell xD? That feels like "custom made witch via rehatching" and kinda WMDish, to the wrong paranoid listener)
On the nature of Grief accumulation pt. 2
Alright, so. I'm probably not updating more than once this week, hopefully tonight, if not, then tomorrow. It's been a hectic week for me, and I haven't had much writing time, and my weekend is going to be fairly busy as well with events. Hopefully, I'll be back to a normal schedule next week.

Now, unrelated... @Godwinson asked me in Discord:
@Firnagzen In light of your clarification on the capacity of soul gems, does that at all impact your description of accumulation rates?
Day to day living - A fraction to a marble-ish.
Power use - Anywhere from three or four to double digits.
Emotional trauma - Lots.
Disassemble a Witch - All da marbles
None of these change except for the day to day living and power use - I'll peg the former at solidly a marble or so and the latter at anywhere from virtually nothing to triple digits. Keep in mind the caveat that power use covers a very large range of effects from party tricks to suicide attacks, hence the large range.
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Who can blame you, Sakura? Certainly, not me.

We totally are a Witch. Specifically, the Witch of Despair Hope Grief Hugs.

The most terrifying Witch of them all.
"OK, we're in complete privacy."

"Are... are you sure?"

"Yes, don't worry. What did you need to talk about?"

"If you're sure... We need to talk about something, Sabrina."

"Wha- Madoka?!"

Madokami smiles.

"This is very important, Sabrina, so I need you to listen carefully."

Sabrina nods.

"The truth is you are not a Witch, Sabrina. Wanting to share hugs with many people is not such an eldritch, strange thing as to make you a Witch."

"I don't follow."

"You... are just a nice girl who likes hugs, and making people feel better."

"... As a way to manipulate their feelings-"

"I know you don't believe that. Making people feel better is simply a nice thing to do!"

"But I do this so people will like me better! And to feel good myself!"

"That's just nice, there's nothing wrong or Witch-like in it."

"So I'm..."

"Just a nice, dorky, maybe overly affectionate girl."


"I'm glad we had this talk, but I need to go now..."

In an instant, Sabrina's grabbed Madokami in a bear hug. The normal girl turned goddess laughs, returns the hug, and pats Sabrina's head as they let go.

Sabrina remains... pensive.

"Goodbye, Sabrina. Take care..."


"Ah, is it safe to exit the... bubble?"


" Do I just walk out...?"

"... Wow."

"Are you OK?"

"Yeah, yeah, just a lot to take in... Yeah, you can walk out, actually, allow me."

The Privacy Sphere fizzles out.

"Well, see you later!"

"See you... Wow. Obsessively hugging people doesn't make me a Witch... it just makes me someone who obsessively likes hugging people. Wow."


"... I got to tell Mami."
Adhoc vote count started by Firnagzen on Aug 17, 2018 at 8:36 AM, finished with 143597 posts and 36 votes.

  • [X] If you have to roll over her to get all of this on the table, do it.
    [X] Dig.
    -[X] We hate what she's done, but we're figuring on her not having to do it anymore afterwards.
    -[X] What is she doing, anyway, that she can be so sure you wouldn't help with it?
    --[X] She's trying to work out "renewable" cleansing with all the dead grief controllers' powers, obviously. She said as much.
    --[X] You figure she's working on dewitching in some capacity. If not, she's at least dabbled in it.
    ---[X] Both of those are fairly high on your priority list, and she's blatantly shooting herself in the foot by working alone.
    [X] Offer a cleanse.
    [x] Offer cleansing.
    [x] I hate what you've done. But I'm banking on you not having to do it anymore once I've helped you.
    [x] And I could really use your help with figuring out how to reverse witching.
    [x] Yes, her power freaks us out. That doesn't mean we won't help her. We've seen girls do a lot of terrible things to survive, and we didn't turn our backs on them either.
    [x] Try to address whatever concerns she puts forth:
    -[x] If she doesn't believe that we'd help her because of our judgmental attitude, explain that we want to help everyone, even girls who've had to make hard choices to survive. Even witches.
    -[x] If she doesn't believe that we'd help her out of the goodness of our heart, offer an exchange, because we want her help, too. Ever since Nadia told us there was a girl with soul powers, we've been hoping to meet her.
    -[x] If she seem reluctant to share her secret with us, offer her a secret of ours as a show of good faith.
    -[x] If she doubts our ability to help, say that it's far from the most ambitious challenge we're tackling.
    [x] Use whichever response as a segue to bring dewitching and/or our desire to replicate and distribute our powers to provide universal cleansing. Gauge her interest in each and go into detail as appropriate:
    -[x] If dewitching: show her the Clear Seed. Explain it in detail: the sheer quantity of grief removed, the quiescent nature of the witch inside, the feeding of hope-flavored magic.
    -[x] If universal cleansing, show her the Clear Seed and explain its capacity, but that it's only a temporary measure (since eventually we want to turn them back into people). Explain that we want to create a renewable alternative for Grief Seeds that we can distribute to every girl on Earth, but we're still a novice at enchanting.
    [x] We think she can help us and we can help her. Please. Let us help her.
    -[X] Yes I do, but Meguca are for saving and that means that I'm willing to put aside my own feelings on the matter if it means being able to help.
    [X] Bring up your de-Witching efforts/progress
    [X] Bring up de-Witching
    [X] Null
    [X] If you have to roll over her to get all of this on the table, do it.
    [X] Dig.
    -[X] We hate what she's done, but we're figuring on her not having to do it anymore afterwards.
    -[X] What is she doing, anyway, that she can be so sure you wouldn't help with it?
    --[X] She's trying to work out "renewable" cleansing with all the dead grief controllers' powers, obviously. She said as much.
    --[X] You figure she's working on dewitching in some capacity. If not, she's at least dabbled in it.
    ---[X] Both of those are fairly high on your priority list, and she's blatantly shooting herself in the foot by working alone.
    [X] Offer a cleanse.
    -[X] But talk like Boomhauer.
    --[X] In Japanese.
    [X] Ask her what she's talking about.
    [X] Join our De-witching / cleansing research. Proof exists.
    [X] Keep going past objections if required
    -[X] Rionna isn't worse than a witch? We will help her. Sabrina helps everyone, even witches. We don't send them to Kyuubey already.
    -[X] Sabrina hates her past actions. But we're banking on Rionna not having to do it anymore once we've helped.
    -[X] Shades can't help her. Rionna tried.
    --[X] Happy enchantment needed.
    -[X] What Rionna needs is someone to cast the magic along with her, isn't it?
    [X] Who else has helped with her problem?
    [X] The only way to move forward after exhausting possibilities is to do things differently than ever before.
    [X] People don't do horrible things without reason. Force is almost always less effective than addressing the underlying problem, answering the reason..
    -[X] Anri is our example of morality, tell the story
Last edited:
"OK, we're in complete privacy."

"Are... are you sure?"

"Yes, don't worry. What did you need to talk about?"

"If you're sure... We need to talk about something, Sabrina."

"Wha- Madoka?!"

Madokami smiles.

"This is very important, Sabrina, so I need you to listen carefully."

Sabrina nods.

"The truth is you are not a Witch, Sabrina. Wanting to share hugs with many people is not such an eldritch, strange thing as to make you a Witch."

"I don't follow."

"You... are just a nice girl who likes hugs, and making people feel better."

"... As a way to manipulate their feelings-"

"I know you don't believe that. Making people feel better is simply a nice thing to do!"

"But I do this so people will like me better! And to feel good myself!"

"That's just nice, there's nothing wrong or Witch-like in it."

"So I'm..."

"Just a nice, dorkly, maybe overly affectionate girl."


"I'm glad we had this talk, but I need to go now..."

In an instant, Sabrina's grabbed Madokami in a bear hug. The normal girl turned goddess laughs, returns the hug, and pats Sabrina's head as they let go.

Sabrina remains... pensive.

"Goodbye, Sabrina. Take care..."


"Ah, is it safe to exit the... bubble?"


" Do I just walk out...?"

"... Wow."

"Are you OK?"

"Yeah, yeah, just a lot to take in... Yeah, you can walk out, actually, allow me."

The Privacy Sphere fizzles out.

"Well, see you later!"

"See you... Wow. Obsessively hugging people doesn't make me a Witch... it just makes me someone who obsessively likes hugging people. Wow."


"... I got to tell Mami."

... You do realize Madokami just lied to make Sabrina feel better, right? o_O


Somewhere in the Shaft Studio, a ridiculously over-the-top laughter resounded through the building and the souls of its employees. It was that moment, when Akiyuki Shinbo realized: they done fucked up.

"MUAHAHAHAHA! Pain, suffering, despair! Bittersweet ending! And now, on to my greatest creation of all! A symphony of madness! An aria of endless ruined childhoods!" The man paused, a sinister smile over his lips. "The Witch of... Hugs!"

Wait, what.

"...What the fuck are you talking about, Urobuchi?" Shinbo pinched his nose in exasperation. A raving lunatic. A talented lunatic, he had to admit, but still.

Deconstructing the Magical Girl genre? Sure. Deconstructions are all the rage now.
Magical zombie girls? Creepy, but why not?
Time travel? He'd come to accept it. Actually, it was nicely done, all in all. Adds "depth" to the final product, and all that.
However. A Witch of Hugs? The line had to be drawn somewhere, and better it be done on the Witch of freaking Hugs than something even more ridiculous, like Homura deciding she didn't like the ending and gaining power to retcon it out of existence.

He drew a breath, and said:



"No, Urobuchi! How many times do I have to tell you, we will not portray human contact as something eldritch and arcane! It really is not."

"Tell that to Anno!" In his agitation, Urobuchi stood up and started pacing his room. "Have you ever watched the End of Evangelion? I haven't looked at hugs with the same eyes since then..."

He trailed off, shuddering.

Akiyuki shuddered in sympathy. Yes, he has watched Evangelion. May Kami have mercy on him...

"Even more so," Akiyuki nodded with conviction. "We will not traumatize our audience..." Urobuchi looked at him, unimpressed.

"More than necessary for good sales." He amended.

Urobuchi opened his mouth, – to agree or continue marshaling his arguments, we will never know –, but the sound never came. An unfortunate mishap, too quick a turn in the narrow confines of his room, a broken window handle: the circumstances arranged themselves incomprehensibly, almost as if by divine mandate. Everything for the wind to take the pages of the blasted script away on its merciful wings.

Akiyuki found that he could say only one thing. All in all, he felt it was... appropriate.

"Thank Madokami."

Somewhere in Mitakihara.

"Everything is going according to the Scenario." She smiled, savoring the words. Once again, her eyes fell on the script, and her smile grew wider. "I shall call you... Sabrina!"

"What was that, Oriko-chan?" A voice came from the kitchen.

"Nothing, dear."
... You do realize Madokami just lied to make Sabrina feel better, right? o_O


Somewhere in the Shaft Studio, a ridiculously over-the-top laughter resounded through the building and the souls of its employees. It was that moment, when Akiyuki Shinbo realized: they done fucked up.

"MUAHAHAHAHA! Pain, suffering, despair! Bittersweet ending! And now, on to my greatest creation of all! A symphony of madness! An aria of endless ruined childhoods!" The man paused, a sinister smile over his lips. "The Witch of... Hugs!"

Wait, what.

"...What the fuck are you talking about, Urobuchi?" Shinbo pinched his nose in exasperation. A raving lunatic. A talented lunatic, he had to admit, but still.

Deconstructing the Magical Girl genre? Sure. Deconstructions are all the rage now.
Magical zombie girls? Creepy, but why not?
Time travel? He'd come to accept it. Actually, it was nicely done, all in all. Adds "depth" to the final product, and all that.
However. A Witch of Hugs? The line had to be drawn somewhere, and better it be done on the Witch of freaking Hugs than something even more ridiculous, like Homura deciding she didn't like the ending and gaining power to retcon it out of existence.

He drew a breath, and said:



"No, Urobuchi! How many times do I have to tell you, we will not portray human contact as something eldritch and arcane! It really is not."

"Tell that to Anno!" In his agitation, Urobuchi stood up and started pacing his room. "Have you ever watched the End of Evangelion? I haven't looked at hugs with the same eyes since then..."

He trailed off, shuddering.

Akiyuki shuddered in sympathy. Yes, he has watched Evangelion. May Kami have mercy on him...

"Even more so," Akiyuki nodded with conviction. "We will not traumatize our audience..." Urobuchi looked at him, unimpressed.

"More than necessary for good sales." He amended.

Urobuchi opened his mouth, – to agree or continue marshaling his arguments, we will never know –, but the sound never came. An unfortunate mishap, too quick a turn in the narrow confines of his room, a broken window handle: the circumstances arranged themselves incomprehensibly, almost as if by divine mandate. Everything for the wind to take the pages of the blasted script away on its merciful wings.

Akiyuki found that he could say only one thing. All in all, he felt it was... appropriate.

"Thank Madokami."

Somewhere in Mitakihara.

"Everything is going according to the Scenario." She smiled, savoring the words. Once again, her eyes fell on the script, and her smile grew wider. "I shall call you... Sabrina!"

"What was that, Oriko-chan?" A voice came from the kitchen.

"Nothing, dear."
"It's not true!"

"Try to deny it all you want, Akemi Homura, it won't erase the truth."

"You're lying. This is impossible!"

"Search your feelings, Akemi, you know it to be true."

"You're evil. A murderer. You killed Madoka!"

"Perhaps that's my reason."


"Perhaps that's why... I created Sabrina, why I gave her knowledge of your past; why I made her sympathetic; why I gave her that damnable obsession with physical affection; why I set her up to be found hurt as she was, so as to garner sympathy; why I then set myself as your enemy, so you might trust her out of need; why I harried you and made you doubt yourself, so you may be open and vulnerable, so she could swoop in and aid you; why I hurt you all so you might come together against me... why I wear this hat."

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"It's a nice hat."

"It looks dumb."

"... Insult my hat all you want, it doesn't change the fact it was I, Kure Oriko, who brought salvation to you, Akemi Homura."

Homura falls to her knees.

"You can't stand it, can you? That I, your worst enemy, the one who once snatched victory away from you, am the one responsible for this grand, glorious golden ending."


"That if it wasn't for my actions, you would still be trapped in your own self-made hell, that you wouldn't have such a close relation with the girl you cherish!"

"... You're right. I can't stand it. It's wrong, it's wrong, it's wrong... but if it's for Madoka's sake, I will accept it, I will take all you have given me, even if the mere notion of accepting aid from you makes me want to throw myself headfirst into Walpurgisnacht's flames."

Oriko smirks a very, very smug, very self satisfied smirk.

"What I don't understand is why. Why would you do this, why would you help me, when you knew I despise you! Does it bring you so much joy to hold this over my head? Is that why you did this? Tell me why, Oriko!"

"... It's because you insulted my hat."


"And yes, I'm gonna hold this over your head for the rest of your life. I'm gonna remind you every day, how much you owe to me, I'm gonna be there in your special days, your birthdays and even your wedding, and you will be in mine. Everybody will know, that you, Akemi Homura, owe all your happiness, ultimately, to me. And you will hate every single moment of it."

"Wait, when did I insult your hat?"

"Just a minute ago."

"That doesn't-"



Oriko smugly exits stage left.

"... Damn you, Mikuni..."
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founds a warrior nation only to be brought low by new canon
But everything changed when the Raiseth nation attacked.
Adhoc vote count started by Madou Sutegobana on Aug 16, 2018 at 5:45 PM, finished with 143597 posts and 36 votes.

  • [X] If you have to roll over her to get all of this on the table, do it.
    [X] Dig.
    -[X] We hate what she's done, but we're figuring on her not having to do it anymore afterwards.
    -[X] What is she doing, anyway, that she can be so sure you wouldn't help with it?
    --[X] She's trying to work out "renewable" cleansing with all the dead grief controllers' powers, obviously. She said as much.
    --[X] You figure she's working on dewitching in some capacity. If not, she's at least dabbled in it.
    ---[X] Both of those are fairly high on your priority list, and she's blatantly shooting herself in the foot by working alone.
    [X] Offer a cleanse.
    [x] Offer cleansing.
    [x] I hate what you've done. But I'm banking on you not having to do it anymore once I've helped you.
    [x] And I could really use your help with figuring out how to reverse witching.
    [x] Yes, her power freaks us out. That doesn't mean we won't help her. We've seen girls do a lot of terrible things to survive, and we didn't turn our backs on them either.
    [x] Try to address whatever concerns she puts forth:
    -[x] If she doesn't believe that we'd help her because of our judgmental attitude, explain that we want to help everyone, even girls who've had to make hard choices to survive. Even witches.
    -[x] If she doesn't believe that we'd help her out of the goodness of our heart, offer an exchange, because we want her help, too. Ever since Nadia told us there was a girl with soul powers, we've been hoping to meet her.
    -[x] If she seem reluctant to share her secret with us, offer her a secret of ours as a show of good faith.
    -[x] If she doubts our ability to help, say that it's far from the most ambitious challenge we're tackling.
    [x] Use whichever response as a segue to bring dewitching and/or our desire to replicate and distribute our powers to provide universal cleansing. Gauge her interest in each and go into detail as appropriate:
    -[x] If dewitching: show her the Clear Seed. Explain it in detail: the sheer quantity of grief removed, the quiescent nature of the witch inside, the feeding of hope-flavored magic.
    -[x] If universal cleansing, show her the Clear Seed and explain its capacity, but that it's only a temporary measure (since eventually we want to turn them back into people). Explain that we want to create a renewable alternative for Grief Seeds that we can distribute to every girl on Earth, but we're still a novice at enchanting.
    [x] We think she can help us and we can help her. Please. Let us help her.
    -[X] Yes I do, but Meguca are for saving and that means that I'm willing to put aside my own feelings on the matter if it means being able to help.
    [X] Bring up your de-Witching efforts/progress
    [X] Bring up de-Witching
    [X] Null
    [X] If you have to roll over her to get all of this on the table, do it.
    [X] Dig.
    -[X] We hate what she's done, but we're figuring on her not having to do it anymore afterwards.
    -[X] What is she doing, anyway, that she can be so sure you wouldn't help with it?
    --[X] She's trying to work out "renewable" cleansing with all the dead grief controllers' powers, obviously. She said as much.
    --[X] You figure she's working on dewitching in some capacity. If not, she's at least dabbled in it.
    ---[X] Both of those are fairly high on your priority list, and she's blatantly shooting herself in the foot by working alone.
    [X] Offer a cleanse.
    -[X] But talk like Boomhauer.
    --[X] In Japanese.
    [X] Ask her what she's talking about.
    [X] Join our De-witching / cleansing research. Proof exists.
    [X] Keep going past objections if required
    -[X] Rionna isn't worse than a witch? We will help her. Sabrina helps everyone, even witches. We don't send them to Kyuubey already.
    -[X] Sabrina hates her past actions. But we're banking on Rionna not having to do it anymore once we've helped.
    -[X] Shades can't help her. Rionna tried.
    --[X] Happy enchantment needed.
    -[X] What Rionna needs is someone to cast the magic along with her, isn't it?
    [X] Who else has helped with her problem?
    [X] The only way to move forward after exhausting possibilities is to do things differently than ever before.
    [X] People don't do horrible things without reason. Force is almost always less effective than addressing the underlying problem, answering the reason..
    -[X] Anri is our example of morality, tell the story
Ok, wow. Votes have changed considerably since I was last here. I still prefer redshirt's original plan over aranfan's or kaizuki's.

Honestly though, I'm pretty indifferent about what wins. At this point nobody is trying to kill anybody or provoke a fight or insulting her to her face in a hypocritical claim to the moral high ground.

We're all pretty much on the same page here, with different opinions about how to succeed in our shared goal. That's fine. It's all valid.
Last edited:
Ok, wow. Votes have changed considerably since I was last here. I still prefer redshirt's original plan over aranfan's or kaizuki's.

Honestly though, I'm pretty indifferent about what wins. At this point nobody is trying to kill anybody or provoke a fight or insulting her to her face in a hypocritical claim to the moral high ground.

We're all pretty much on the same page here, with different opinions about how to succeed in our shared goal. That's fine. It's all valid.

[Q] Bean Riona with a chair

I'm a rebel.