[X] [War] Offered support to the Hespranxer Republicans (no major allies, UPM currently making supportive noises but has no capacity to interfere) (0.1x)
[X] [Rounds] Begin Industrial Age play
[X] [War] Offered support to the Hespranxer Republicans (no major allies, UPM currently making supportive noises but has no capacity to interfere) (0.1x)

It's not going to win, but screw it. VIVA!
[X] [War] Joined in on the Alliance to Restore the Monarchy (major participants: Vortuga, Sketch, Tortun, Etal, Halvyni) (1x)
[X] [Rounds] Keep going
[X] [War] Stayed neutral (2x)
[X] [Rounds] Begin Industrial Age play

This situation is going to require more precise steering. The revolutionary age is beginning and we've just conducted a merger with a larger country.
Mmm. This is...problematic too, as ascribing losses of war to the ideology of movement would mean that all the blood of 30 years war (aka "some regions of Germany lost 75% of population" just to have a taste of the horrors of World War 0) is on hands of Protestants.

I mean, "Martin Luther and Jan Hus are guilty of genocide of millions Europeans in decades of war" is an interesting hot take, but it has some problems.

Well, if I just use the official number published in Russia, than there are some 13000000 confirmed deaths through death sentences and deaths in various gulags between 1918 and 1952.
These numbers cannot be argued with, and are, still, astronomic.
[X] [War] Offered support to the Hespranxer Republicans (no major allies, UPM currently making supportive noises but has no capacity to interfere) (0.1x)
[X] [Rounds] Begin Industrial Age play

The Republicans would be super confused at this
Well, if I just use the official number published in Russia, than there are some 13000000 confirmed deaths through death sentences and deaths in various gulags between 1918 and 1952.
These numbers cannot be argued with, and are, still, astronomic.

As I've said, the numbers as is are pretty high as is, no need to use something too high for upper bound and/or intellectual tool which would mean that Jesus is genocidal mass murderer because of Crusades and religious wars.
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The republicans as an ideology, not the fighters themselves.

Eventually, sure. That's why I'd like to very gradually walk back our support of monarchy, especially absolutist monarchy. But doing it at this moment could cost us everything. What would happen to our state if Khem and Black Sheep decided they wanted nothing to do with us at the same moment that a pan-European coalition saw us supporting their enemies?
What about estimates of not our generals though?
Our generals thought this way (actually thought we were superior) in Khan era, and look what happened.
What happened was GM-fiat.

Because primitive hand grenades don't blow up concrete walls. Because knights in steel plate with thoroughbred horses should slaughter nomad cavalry. Because fighting a guerilla war against people who live there, especially people who are better in literally all ways and have built the terrain, is an impossible proposition.

It was ridiculous, nonsensical, and you are making the barest of analogies here anyway.
Damn, really hate weighted voting when it's as major a difference as this. It only takes a small number of voters to make a choice impossible.

...is this what the peasantry feels about the nobility?

Am I a peasant now?

Viva la revolucion?
This quest now really reminds me of abstract mathematics:
-We have all those countries, with their own specific names, which only somewhat relate to their real-world equivalents. So fully abstract entities.
-All of them are connected to one another through simpler, but plentiful interactions.
So it's like A attacks B, C is under rule of A, C is revolting against A, B is supporting efforts of C against A, and so on. All that for, like 10 different players.
This, combined with the fact that there are simply not many analysis posts, makes it hard to understand.
Could use some basic accounting and analysis here, is what I am saying.

Recap of this update:
Ymaryn united with Gylruv (Russia)
Tortun (Germany)
went up in flames of revolution.
Kielmyr (Scandinavia) and Sketch (Britain) pirated a lot, with help from Ymaryn.
Hespranxer (France) conquered Tortun (Germany) and other neighbours (Europe).
Other neighbors are angry revolutionaries.
Hespranxer (France) has bad economic system, which got hit by trade disruption.
United Provinces (US) became fully independent.
Sketch (Britain) took many trade ports from Vortuga (Portugal+Spain).
Hespranxer (France)
now torn apart by anti-royal revolution.

Analysis of options:
What did the Gylruv-Ymaryn do?
[] [War] Offered support to the Hespranxer Republicans (no major allies, UPM (US) currently making supportive noises but has no capacity to interfere) (0.1x)
Better chances for the revolution to survive.
May start destabilizing other Monarchies, including ours.
Will cause a major diplomatic malus against the members of Alliance to Restore Monarchy. Highly likely to cause conflicts with them.
We become the only de facto allies of Republicans, better standing with UPM.
[] [War] Stayed neutral (2x)
No diplomatic changes.
Republicans most likely fail.
Can influence the aftermath of either side winning.
[] [War] Joined in on the Alliance to Restore the Monarchy (major participants: Vortuga (Portugal+Spain), Sketch (Britain), Tortun (Germany), Etal (Italy), Halvyni (Dutch)) (1x)
The revolt is certainly stopped.
Small loss of reputation for UPM?
We are invited to the peace talks (Hespranxer is too big to not be carved up, after all). Possibility of a Congress of Vienna kind of deal, so it would be quite important
What happened was GM-fiat.

Because primitive hand grenades don't blow up concrete walls. Because knights in steel plate with thoroughbred horses should slaughter nomad cavalry. Because fighting a guerilla war against people who live there, especially people who are better in literally all ways and have built the terrain, is an impossible proposition.

It was ridiculous, nonsensical, and you are making the barest of analogies here anyway.

Look up IRL Mongols. They did all of it and more.

Knights did not do shit against nomads when they met in Europe either. Like, mongolian avanguard trounced the flowers of Hungarian nobility when they met, without, uh, actually truly bullshit-tier parts of mongolian doctrine.
The one and only reason Europe survived was internal squabble within Horde. That's it.

Later on the Europe developed countermeasures (forts and stuff), but Mongols breaching big walls and sacking cities before cities even knew they are going to be attacked is...pretty much historical account of Mongolian conquest of China or Khwarezmia or Iran.

There is a reason for why Chenghiz's army brought down China, Rus, entirety of Central Asia and plenty of others.
Eventually, sure. That's why I'd like to very gradually walk back our support of monarchy, especially absolutist monarchy. But doing it at this moment could cost us everything. What would happen to our state if Khem and Black Sheep decided they wanted nothing to do with us at the same moment that a pan-European coalition saw us supporting their enemies?

Absolutism isn't going to win out, especially since we are already beginning the industrial era.
If they have enough time to call up the entire able-bodied population in a Levee en Masse, the monarchists are going to be fucked, yes.

France is going to be a huge mess even if they win. Now if they win, they must figure out how to govern. Also, a huge mess is the monarchists' armies who all got crushed and has nothing to show for it.

Damn, really hate weighted voting when it's as major a difference as this. It only takes a small number of voters to make a choice impossible.

...is this what the peasantry feels about the nobility?

Am I a peasant now?

Viva la revolucion?

I considered supporting the republicans and making everyone hates us, dumb moves.
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Staying neutral isn't the worst option. It's just not the best one, IMO.

Remember supporting the slaves over Trelli? We had an iron-clad, multi-polity alliance in the making, and that vote out it all to lose.

Supporting the monarchy has a slew of benefits.
Look up IRL Mongols. They did all of it and more.
Sure, just after I look up IRL Ymaryn.
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[X] [War] Offered support to the Hespranxer Republicans (no major allies, UPM currently making supportive noises but has no capacity to interfere) (0.1x)

[X] [Rounds] Begin Industrial Age play
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@Academia Nut What's the rough population of Gylruv-Ymaryn?

Hmmmm... looking at end of century Russian census we get a number of roughly 150 million people. That's decades in the future, your eastern holdings are more significant, but you also have the super developed Ymaryn core and all of the Not!Black Sea, better hygiene, and go to war for fewer stupid reasons. So somewhere in the ballpark of 100 +/- 20 million sounds about right, but if someone has a better understanding of early 19th century demographics let me know.
Hungarian terrain heavily favoured the Mongol. The light cavalry and horse archers are good in plains.

They were stopped in Austria, croatia and Bohemia. Terrain is important shit apparently.

Central Europe also had more fortification and Heavy cavalry. Light cavalry can't face heavily armoured cavalry in a straight out melee. If pinned down they are going to get utterly wrecked.
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@Academia Nut
If supporting the republicans gets the most votes but another option wins because of the multipliers, does this mean there will be a significant amount of support for the republicans among our population?

Also, how are the Black Sheep currently doing? Same as the last time we heard about them?