[] Vortuga are distracted, blow up their Monsoon Sea trade posts (0.9x)
[] Halvyni are distracted, knock over their Undikus colonies (0.7x)
This turna from cultural/economic warfare to a shooting war. You only want this to fuck over the colonial powers, because nobody, including the colonies, will thank you.
[] Fan the flames, turn this colonial war into a Syffryn continental war! (1x)
Great War button. Considering how much trade we're doing this will hurt our wallets BAD.
I'm not sure anyone realizes how big a clusterfuck this can boil into, though first strike hurts like a bitch against a colonial power that has 50% of its military quelling rebellious colonies months of sail away.
[] Offer cheap credit to the Sketch and Kielmyr to cause more trouble (1.2x)
Annexation attempts as low nobility discover that they can make money by simply owing Ymaryn money.
Their high nobility would be pissed off as hell
[] Enemies are distracted, take the time to finish unification with the Gylruv (1.2x)
Consolidate our gains while nobody's watching. Risk mitigation.
[] Tortun is distracted, the Gylruv and Styrmyr could bite off eastern provinces! (1x)
Throw a landgrab into the chaos, but would also lead to adding local chaos as reforms and local rebellions blend.
[] Whole lot of angry sailors there, they could make great privateers if hired by the right person (1.2x)
Fuck Everything.
Unleash pirates to put everyone under economic stress and hope for a collapse.
[] You know who could use a whole bunch of angry philosophers taking about the obligations of the ruled and their rulers? The patchwork nightmare of provinces that is the Tortun (1.1x)
Push abolitionism and the rights of man. However it turns out, it will strain their society and politics due to slavekeeping and colonialism.
Probably won't kill them unless another actor decides to do opportunism.
[] Halvyni are distracted, knock over their Undikus colonies (0.7x)
This turna from cultural/economic warfare to a shooting war. You only want this to fuck over the colonial powers, because nobody, including the colonies, will thank you.
[] Fan the flames, turn this colonial war into a Syffryn continental war! (1x)
Great War button. Considering how much trade we're doing this will hurt our wallets BAD.
I'm not sure anyone realizes how big a clusterfuck this can boil into, though first strike hurts like a bitch against a colonial power that has 50% of its military quelling rebellious colonies months of sail away.
[] Offer cheap credit to the Sketch and Kielmyr to cause more trouble (1.2x)
Annexation attempts as low nobility discover that they can make money by simply owing Ymaryn money.
Their high nobility would be pissed off as hell
[] Enemies are distracted, take the time to finish unification with the Gylruv (1.2x)
Consolidate our gains while nobody's watching. Risk mitigation.
[] Tortun is distracted, the Gylruv and Styrmyr could bite off eastern provinces! (1x)
Throw a landgrab into the chaos, but would also lead to adding local chaos as reforms and local rebellions blend.
[] Whole lot of angry sailors there, they could make great privateers if hired by the right person (1.2x)
Fuck Everything.
Unleash pirates to put everyone under economic stress and hope for a collapse.
[] You know who could use a whole bunch of angry philosophers taking about the obligations of the ruled and their rulers? The patchwork nightmare of provinces that is the Tortun (1.1x)
Push abolitionism and the rights of man. However it turns out, it will strain their society and politics due to slavekeeping and colonialism.
Probably won't kill them unless another actor decides to do opportunism.