[X] [Gylruv] Administrative reform (2x)
[X] [Gylruv] Education reform (0.8x)
[X] [Outside] Send diplomats to Tortun and Styrmyr groups to solidify a peaceful western land border (1x)
[X] [Outside] Collaborate with the Khemetri on mutually strengthening measures (1.5x)
[X] [Outside] Continue to assist the Black Sheep in having control over their internal and external policies (1.2x)
So what exactly happened, in more laymans terms? I'm finding it a bit impenetrable.
  • Diplomacy of Kielmyr and Black Sheep, preventing the Great Powers on the west and east of Ymaryn borders from attacking during the update
  • Kielmyr bribed with domination of Not!Baltic sea, forming the North-West anchor of Neo-Silk Road. This makes them super wealthy, and gives Ymaryn ship-worthy wood
  • Black Sheep made administrative more stable, forming the East-South anchor of Neo-Silk Road. This makes them less prone to civil wars, and makes Not!India less eager to submit to the Vortuga.
  • Not!Poland was attacked during while administratively rotten, and divided between 4 Powers — Gylruv/Ymaryn, Kielmyr, Not!Holy Roman Empire, and Not!Hungary
  • Kielmyr pirates disrupt Western and Southern Syffryn naval trade, forcing Not!Europe-Not!Asia trade to flow through Ymaryn-controlled Neo-Silk Road
  • Ymaryn is now in huge diplomatic alliance between Gylruv and Kielmyr
  • Ymaryn super wealthy from Neo-Silk Road trade
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Oh wow okay.

So, what happened:

Eastern Syffryn: First (and final here) Partition of Wyrmyn (Poland); between Gylruv, Kielmyr, Ymaryn and some scraps going to Tortun (Germans) and Styrmyr (Hungary)
Central Asia: Ymaryn and Black Sheep figure out proper coastal defenses and thus coastal bombardment by Vortuga no longer flies.
India: With Black Sheep getting tips on diplomancery and administration from Ymaryn, probably will align more with Sheep in the future.
Greater Khem: no news, presumably continued chattel slavery
New World: no news, presumably continued colonization.
Indochina & Indonesia & presumably, Australia: no news, presumably continued colonization & exploitation.
China: still old empire which throws out new ones when they presume too much
Japan: still colonizing east coast of USA like it's my EU4 campaign (edit: no, they are not, they are apparently sitting on their guns? I am not sure what are they up to)

Did I miss anything?

Okay, notes on Gylruv:
- As long as they are less good at cultural and educational matters than us, they are both going to be a tad backward and are going to be assimilating into Ymaryn culture;
- Administrative mess + rapid expansion is unsustainable: either they fall apart or will be hilariously inefficient with new lands
- without a good land management the rich farmland taken from Wyrmyn will be suboptimal
- they are socially backward, but see point 1 - this is somewhat useful to us, as it makes it easier to Ymarynize them...I think????
- financial reform is honestly something we all need....

Okay, with this in mind,notes on international stage:
- Eastern European border is uncertain, with Tortun and Styrmyr doubtful about the Gylruv expansion in their general direction; without our action, they will very likely unite forces against the unholy abomination that is Kielmyr-Gylruv-Ymaryn alliance;
- Greater Khem, Indochina, Indonesia, Australia and New World keep being eatern by Vortuga and Hex-whatever; without our poking, the southern Syffrynites are liable to get a serious foothold and powerbase in these regions - enough to be extremely hard to dislodge;
- Black Sheep are internally stabilizing (with our help, ironically enough, so peeps who wanted to eat them kinda made a mistake - they would've fallen apart on their own otherwise), but still shaky internally; helping them will secure Central Asia and India against Syffryn to a decent enough degree, while stabilizing Greater Silk Route;
- alternatively, reversing course and blowing them up will get us some rich clay, but leave us without a strong ally in the east and practically ensure Vortuga Raj and them getting fat as hell on exploitation of India
- New World is unclear and out of our ability to realistically affect; however, soon we will be able to affect Indochina and Indonesia regions

- we are currently getting mad dosh from Silk Road; this is likely to change later on with better global oceanic trade, so we...aha! we need financial reform done soon, because otherwise our overreliance on overland silk road will cause us problems!

With this in mind:
[X] [Gylruv] Administrative reform (2x)
[X] [Gylruv] Education reform (0.8x)
[X] [Gylruv] Financial reform (1x)
[X] [Gylruv] Mutual integration (1x)

[X] [Outside] Collaborate with the Khemetri on mutually strengthening measures (1.5x)
[X] [Outside] Send diplomats to Tortun and Styrmyr groups to solidify a peaceful western land border (1x)
[X] [Outside] Continue to assist the Black Sheep in having control over their internal and external policies (1.2x)

1. Start propping up our Greater Khem counterpart; also, ensures they will not take a bite out of our southern border if we are under a serious attack later on.
2. This one is basically mandatory as we do not want to get coalition'd by Central Europe - even if we win (we likely can, but...) it won't be a war on our terms and we won't gain terribly much.
3. This one is basically ensuring strong Mughals. Kinda likely to be some trouble later on as goodwill is fleeting in international relations, but other options are even more trouble, and we need them.

@Academia Nut , could you please clarify: what would Educational Reform (and Social one too) entail? Would it mean independent educational institutions by Gylruv or expansion of Ymaryn-cultured ones in their lands?
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Holy shit.

Hey guys I just realized something. Once the industrialization begins in full, the next BIG CROP is going to be cotton.

>Cotton, which will likely grow very well in Ymaryn Empire's warm and fertile lands.
>Cotton, which takes back-breaking labour to grow, harvest, and process.
>Cotton, which will produce plantations and entrenched pro-slavery groups all over the country.
>Cotton, which will fuel an industrial/plantation social divide and cause a USA-style Civil War.

We need to ban slavery NOW.

What options do we need to get rid of slavery?
[X] [Gylruv] Administrative reform (2x)
[X] [Outside] Subtly push the Black Sheep into splitting along an East-West fracture point so you candominate the Western break (0.9x)

People do realize the Gylruv have access to Hung directly right? And we can trade through the Monsoon seas to Kus semi-reliably by this point. BS is by no means the sole provider of eastern goods by this point.

The fact is, the lands outside Kus are likely as not dead weight for the BS, and either they adapt to a more compact kingdom in Kus and provide a decent counter to Not!European influence, or they collapse and the Kus kingdoms rush to carve them apart and don't feel pressured into the arms of Not!Europe by a threatening empire.
Wait, I must have missed this. When did Japan start colonizing the NA? And how?

and in the even more distant Nohon the emperor there had embraced firearms to the point that they might even have more than the People!

Okay, my bad, I jumped to conclusions. I was sure they are already on colonization train.
I mean. What they are doing then with all the firearms? Just sitting there?
Holy shit.

Hey guys I just realized something. Once the industrialization begins in full, the next BIG CROP is going to be cotton.

>Cotton, which will likely grow very well in Ymaryn Empire's warm and fertile lands.
>Cotton, which takes back-breaking labour to grow, harvest, and process.
>Cotton, which will produce plantations and entrenched pro-slavery groups all over the country.
>Cotton, which will fuel an industrial/plantation social divide and cause a USA-style Civil War.

We need to ban slavery NOW.

What options do we need to get rid of slavery?

Social and educational reforms.
Also, maybe financial ones aka "embrace capitalism".
Japan seems to currently be the most gunpowered state on non-earth. Hell they may have been the first people to have gunpowered considering we know it came from Asia.
This happened OTL as well. They promptly dropped guns the minute they were unified, because guns make it incredibly hard to build really stable ruling systems due to funny things like peasant rebellions suddenly becoming incredibly dangerous.

I haven't seen anything in text that mentions them colonizing the US, and I haven't even seen anything that mentions Nohon even interacting with outside powers.
Okay, my bad, I jumped to conclusions. I was sure they are already on colonization train.
I mean. What they are doing then with all the firearms? Just sitting there?
Nah, they used them to unite Japan. But as I said, it's hard to have a stable society when your lower classes can rebel and fight on par with your warrior and noble classes.
[X] [Gylruv] Administrative reform (2x)
[X] [Gylruv] Education reform (0.8x)

[X] [Outside] Collaborate with the Khemetri on mutually strengthening measures (1.5x)
[X] [Outside] Send diplomats to Tortun and Styrmyr groups to solidify a peaceful western land border (1x)
[X] [Gylruv] Social reform (1.5x)
[X] [Gylruv] Education reform (0.8x)

[X] [Outside] Send diplomats to Tortun and Styrmyr groups to solidify a peaceful western land border (1x)

I doubt this is the case: we had a long story of anti-slavery taboos of varying degree of stringency, and more recently embraced anti-slavery as a political tool against colonial empires. We are likely one of least slave-reliant empires in the world, I suspect.
That'll change once cotton becomes hot commodity and people realize they can make mountains of money with slavery. We need to ban that shit.
Another good way to reinforce our anti-slavery stance, would be to continue trying to advance our mechanization. If we can get to the point where non-slave based cotton can at least compete with slave-based cotton, then we not only don't have to rely on things like our traditions, but might also be better suited to encouraging our allies and trade partners to abandon slavery as well.
[X] [Outside] Subtly push the Black Sheep into splitting along an East-West fracture point so you candominate the Western break (0.9x)
That'll change once cotton becomes hot commodity. We need to ban that shit.

Well yes, this is what we need some combination of administrative, educational, social and financial reforms for.

Financial to, ugh, embrace industrial capitalism ASAP. It's more profitable than slavery, so while it does not solve the issue (case in point USA), it makes it somewhat less comparatively profitable. But that might be able to wait, industrialization is not yet here in full I think.
Eh. The Khemetri are really the ones likely to take to Cotton than we are, we're merely likely going to be the major processor of Not!Egyptian cotton.

Cotton is too harsh to resonate with Ymaryn farming techniques, Ymar is really not a heavily agrarian society anymore, and the primary purpose of the Lowlands is to sustain its own urban centers not for profit.

It would definitely turn Khemetri from the pity teammate into someone we can properly benefit from.
[X] [Gylruv] Education reform (0.8x)
[X] [Outside] Continue to assist the Black Sheep in having control over their internal and external policies (1.2x)
[X] [Gylruv] Administrative reform (2x)
[X] [Gylruv] Education reform (0.8x)

[X] [Outside] Collaborate with the Khemetri on mutually strengthening measures (1.5x)
[X] [Outside] Send diplomats to Tortun and Styrmyr groups to solidify a peaceful western land border (1x)
[X] [Outside] Continue to assist the Black Sheep in having control over their internal and external policies (1.2x)