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Quests Archive

This is a quiet place.


Fate: The Emiya Family Quest You are Kiritsugu Emiya, and it is the end of the Fourth Grail...
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A Nanoha, Symphogear, and Madoka crossover quest. It is the year 2043, and you are just transferring into Lydian Private Music Academy, and find yourself caught up in the interplay of numerous different factions of what are ultimately magical girls.
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A piece of malware in the systems running reality gains sapience. A quest about personal growth, discovering oneself and what it means to be human, and the obligatory action packed anime fights.
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An A-rank aerial mage on patrol gets dropped into the world of Fate after a faulty Dimensional Transfer. It could be a while until she gets to go home.
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Alternative title: How to overthrow corrupt capitalist corporations for the good of society and simple sanity Decades after the Faunus Rights Revolution, saying that you're a Faunus on Remnant is still an admission to being a second-class citizen. Blake Belladonna would like to change that even if the White Fang's recent pivot toward violence may yet make it far more difficult than it needs to be. Those in power are not in her favor, the general public doesn't yet care enough to exert...
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“When Taylor gained bug powers, a god died. When Taylor became a magical girl, the world braced...
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Be the planeswalking magical girl! Explore new worlds! Practice healthy self-immolation! Learn all the magic! Deal with the irritating crises before you! (slowly deal with your issues)
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After the 4th War for the Holy Grail ended in disaster, Kiritsugu tries to settle down in Fuyuki for working retirement... He's on a clock to live, but hopefully he can set Shirou on the right path, destroy the Holy Grail, and save Illya before he dies, right? Right?!
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What happens when you smudge the differences between Pink and Red? In which a magical girl is a magical girl, enjoys fighting, weapons, and magical powers.
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Runessa Quest (aka MGLN: Sea of StarS) is a quest styled as a Point of Divergence Alternate History with additional worldbuilding. In addition, this does take some inspiration from Ace Combat (as does the main work anyways), and incorporates elements of Triangle Heart's (the show's precursor visual novels) more...worldbuilding elements. Specifically, you SV, will be taking control as voices inside of an ancient artifact...or rather a Lost Logia created shortly after the point of divergence...
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After a weird dream, Marie awakens. On her journey, she found a ferret unconscious in the middle of the path, injured from a fight to protect the innocent. Join her as she treks across the region to find Jewel Seeds, befriend her enemies through combat, and collect gym badges to eventually challenge the Elite Four!
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Destiny begins anew, but trials and tribulations await the Sailor Senshi and their true companions. As disparate fates are brought together will hope triumph over despair or will it be crushed under the gravity of the situation?
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A Sailor's Quest A Sailor Senshi serves as the guardian of her planet protecting it from the...
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Make your name go down in history, or die trying.
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Life isn’t fair, you think to yourself. It had been three weeks since your mother died...
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You have decided to start a school on Earth! It will be a magic school, designed to make people...
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You walk with a spring in your step, idly humming an old tune. A wide smile greeted anyone who...
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As the young man slumbered, memories flew through his mind in a dreamy haze. A happy, carefree...
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This is being added from Spacebattles so the first several posts will go up all at once. I will...
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A/N: My muse has been screaming at me to write something, anything. I came up with this. You...
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You woke up as you always did; a sudden jolt to alertness, with tears streaming down your face...
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Brave Duel. That was the name of the game that has been sweeping the nation. Just a few months...
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Full Contact Magic Unison 1.1 It turned out, Taylor thought, getting shot hurt. She didn't...
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You awake to the beeping of your alarm clock, and after a few seconds, turn it off. Shuffling...
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The world was always full of mysteries, you knew that. Hell, you thrived in it. For as long as...
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You groan as you lift your self out of bed. The sun is shining and- Holy shit where the hell...
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Uminari City! A seaside city on the coast of Tokyo, many a legends have sprung up about this...
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You are Ibaraki Kasen, and you have just returned home from killing a failure. When you had...
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